Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Dec 1914, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER M, 1014. " ' I 'I, nil ', sss-r THIS OCCUR IN WILMBTTB? m sac 5--= ...........MM......IM The Paper Will Henceforth Be Known as The: Ev- H Edited by Women WUl Disband. Tlie Evanston Index, tbe oldest and trobably the beat known weekly newtstgtr published on the north , tore, announced In tta Issue of last ^turdsy that it had merited with The Kvanston Dally News, and would titreafter ho known as The Bvanstba News-inae*. f • ' >lr. James R. Paul, for many years .4ttor of The Indet, hah become a stockholder and dlroetor of The Bow- it.ah Publishing company, publisher of be Rvanstoo Daily News, and will he ^associate editor of tbe News-Index, .f which Mr. Albert H. Bowman win Ve.Um-editor-in-chief. - - • The paper wggp founded nearly forty ibreo years ago, and has born© a very important. part in the upbuilding of this community-. It was started June i\ 4191, hy Alfred X. Sewell and was. tn the beginning, a sniuii sheet. ,li ty 8 inches, four pages, three col- uujha to the page, its site reflecting In some degree the site of- Bvanstou *-MFgifiF'-"' '<.:• V\ k'.'sL^ The, editorial announcement said that it wiM. a weekly newspaper, issssa Saturiij- s^raoon for ta* - convenience of the citizens of Evans- re|aij;iO|^J^/d^i;e>«a;'.ln Mm ftinalt and modest ne^paper, wtf* somewhat larger than most .papers stable to command nojy: They igot 73 cents a half inch for the first- in- sertion, with SO cents a half, UHdC fat the«eontiauatlon of tbt» advertisement without change.'and a three line small adcostowctfctS; ■■<• -a"'1' ■*' -'♦**( •^.^:\^'«^^-e^(^,Hsre.*' **" ~] it i« interesting- to note that there am la' business in fivanston today, home gentlemen who advertised it ^^n^mmmWmfim .John culver. i u the real. estate business then and now. t Mr.' William T. Sbcpard. uou re Doing inWiratka The Misses Olllespte will epead Christmas at Winona, ill. « On January 2 a choir party will he •riven at Community houBe 5 ' Mrs. W. D. McKenil* Is spending, the week in Aon Arbor. Mich. ~~'< . The Hoy Scouts' annual dinner will bo eaten New tear** ere at com- inanity house. ■. H •■ < i. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Matt hate opened their house at Hubbard Wools i for the holidays. ' ■ Rev. and Mrs. J. W. P. Daviea will he at home informally on New Year*a < day from four to six. *" Miaa Eleanore llynoh. who has been \ . HweudioK the teat two months la Hills MAY bora; Wis.; will return Saturday. j The Scandinavian Sunday school | will have Its Christmas entertainment | Saturday evening at the church. Mr. Louis B. Kuppemheiruer has Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spratt......... ...Jane Kuppenbelmer. M. Matter Bobby Shefto..........Jane Whitman Oanees. Dolly's Clothes............ Dorothy Reach, Henry ScholU Tho Butterfly ... Phyaa* Carpenter Fairyland......................... . .Anae Mitchell. Elisabeth Durham Tn Tao...................... .....Marlon Eekhart. George Btma Minuet......................... ......Mary Macklln. Robert Angel 1 Pupils of Carpenter School Gave Splendid Enter- tainment Last Friday. Shine Out. O Star. i ......Betty Knode, Carol Whitman ; The party was such a decided sac cent that Miss Pratt, who was in J charge of the entertainment, baa been requested to hare the children repeat It at the WUmette Woman's club for tho benefit or the Red Cross society, ! but aa yet nothing definite has | decided upon. REPEAT HERE been elected a member of the Park , hoard to succeed Mr. K. n. Do Oroot, the junior members of the congro- gattaaal church will giro their annual dinner at Community house Tuesday evening lighted hy Are sjlowed betide which program, rled out, was Merry Xmas Time...... Mr. Squirrel... . Ilumpty Dumpty. T|nt TIPS....... I Was la a Stable. Xmas Dance...... psaer.' A year ago the newspaper was aoM.'.'to; 'th> • James It: Paul I PuMfeher Incorporation, and moved « bock to lis' o^ location in the Bowman company ! Rumor of another change in north ] ehor* neffapapeVdonif uns' recently be< n ' heard, fhe Chicago papers heralded Half Million Dollars Worth oi Property and ;tO0 1 the fact last Saturday that the North a dealer in objects of art, at that t!nv. ! Shore Review, a weekly paper SttV lt.p:f^'i^XTir-~iracr n»£-A^i-J r^mttmaank.^ii^^* l»t*** 1 a~. advertised a greenhouse. Another oiillshed In Bvauston. claiming to be Jbe; htHWSUm LU€ Saving Station, About To Clo$€ tor rhe advertisers was Joseph Hobb*.; only newspaper In existence manned M|Pf|^{li whose busi-'exclusively by women, Js about 'Mtot\ ■ la. 6tiU being conducted by 'hi.-1 tiro from the field. It Is said that Mr.' Mr. T. C. Hoag, wlto Rtarted ! John C. Shaffer, rounder and owner of [»- Mr. John L. King of Peace Dale. it. t.. la spending the holidays with hla lather and mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. III. King. .•••.' 'v • \ Miss Ruth Mober left town Tuesday ! to apend the holidays with Miss Sated- ley In Mt. Vernon and Miss Seeklrk la iJoaMoinc*. Miaa Elizabeth Gate has beca ap- Opening Song.i pointed aa the librarian for the Mary silent Night Williams Tyrrell library at Com- munity aeuea. Mcnday afternoon the older meat* bora of the Congregational Sunday : rtchool gave a Christmas party in Com- munity house gymnasium. The neat meeting of the Home Mis- sionary society will he held the sec- ond Wednesday la January at the homo of Mrs. «. S. Suell. oti Sunday afternoon Mr. John T. McCutcbeon will speak on Mlmpres- I >.lon* aad Experiences of the War" at j tho Congregational church. • .0a Tuesday evening a nurty or boys under the escort of Mr. J. W. P. Davius attended the hoys' Christmas party; st Chicago C Mr. and Mrs. Eugeue Kultchur bavi a^s^Afita-ijl M,' w: and wAl ' id several weeks with Mrs. M. ft. lew and7l«lBat«uth Kultchar. *t f¥. Herman B. Bdtler win hold a family' house warming over Chrlstnms In the l*rospe«t uvenoo home, for Mr. Francis P. Butler and , Mrs. Claude reck and thoir chlldiTu. ^ C^Hstavis.,waek ir»U b« » "w^ uf . nruyer at' Uie ' Scaudiuuviuu church. MoeUnga will bo held every night at i o>!*»oV with the> exception of Mon- day and Saturday nights. AU-.'ls at home for tho holidays with hlB parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge E. Economic Epicam. To apeak truthfully, to work faith- -,^ n a • i m i-i. fully, steadily and conscienttoualy. us Have Been Asked To Give = deal miriy. to took upoa others* rait. togs compassionately--these giro more lasting rewards than poUtlcal or social prominence, or financial galas through lying, shirking, cheat* lag aad dafaaHag. Same Here for Benefit of Red Cross. The pupils of the Carpenter school' of Wtlmetto gave a Christmas party ■ last Friday morning at the Wtnnetka Woman's dub.: The assembly room decorated and was candles. A Mg in the fireplace tho Xmas tree. The; splendidly ear Wanted to Knew. -Before I say yes, Headeraon," said the fair maiden, "let me ask you*-- whea we are married are we to have a motor car or a horse?" "What's that got to do with It?" he demanded "Why. I want t© know another 1 am marrying for whee! or wboo." replied the fair maiden. noes tbe State bank, then conductedla gro jthe Rctlow. has Issued orders to sua very and advertised, school books for; peud publication. Carroll Sbaffer. son. «^.|a wetl. One of *he meroaant« ^ the owganr » quoted as aaylht: \CAPT.3[£%$$N Months: ^«a*fe-U^*iaL,!'*v;?: v.'». waslm V. Wightman. toe father or Mr. Charles A. Wigbtmaa. sad Dr. rharteS A. P. Qa>nser waa a dentist tbot had now. K, p. Igiehan. father of. Nicholas G.. advertised real estate and J.. J. Foster that he would move houses, the same as hie son te doing now. Powers' livery waa estabUabCil ibeg ,io tld Sherman avenue barn, now occupied by Charlie Terry. (feorie Ir^aalc advertised his• furui- tare etora, and the Webster of Ooehe) «.-., Webster advertising then was Mr. Towner K. Webster. ^'-\ "r , a In 1875 tpa paper was sold to Datid Cuvan and John A. Childs. lta Mn v. as increased to aoroethin# like «»».- swadara, and from that time to, the ! reacnt .day it became, an esthbtlshed iu^tftutlon in the life, of the: north fhore. **'(•• i'f-'J .;' ' '■>.-•' .".." mfc ' January 1*. ltt8. Mr. cavan retired ;iud Mr. Jobn A. Cbllde acqulml the «He Interest and Wag officially known us editor and publisher. October 26, 1878, they moved from "Powers' stone f«isj$? ita^'VRfr -the- peatofies, Oavte street," according to the official an- ' ot. The postofBco then stood the new' Iloyhnrn bulhUttg is "Nothing definite has been decided, but I think that the fate of the Review Willi be known within a week. There will; be a conference on tho situation. That. Is all 1 can hay." L The women who have directed the Review arc: Lillian Hartman John- son, managing editor; Gladys Shackel- ford, city editor, and Mabel Mason, business manager '*.' V Now that tho opeu season on the havo takes is about over. Captain Peter years would means Jetucn and his men at the fcraaaton of UVel|h^>d.r|fe wild that otjly 10 Wttsaviag, statfaa are expecting no per cent of the men who wUisted In tlce every day to disband for .the win- the navy ever re-onllsted, on account The loises on the lake In the vlclnfutur.. us, a rule held no encourage- Tbe women all' disclaim knowledge •,ty P *-tw»ston for the pest year, have f meat to thevg of an impending disbandment, al- ffHE-^^^W*?:^ **• N»*° «^<«J Du Brock. Mr. Du Brock is doing well with a GOO-acro farm In Daphao. 2 t The Christmaa tree* of the primary Class was on view Saturday in the gymnasium at Community house. Thero were songs and big round halt* of;po>corn and o-veryono had n good ' ......Miss Pratt . r:77rr. .tChorus ..... Chorus ........... Chorus^ .Joyce Whitmanf . Ho>t Steele ...Leila Withers ..:.......Chorus ............. All Tableau. Little Ja< Homer......Lloyd Lourle Ba Da b: ■ k Sheep. •..... ------ -- P. Spiegel. B. Barrett Little Miss Mttffet......Jane Roberts Jack Be Nimble.........wiwam siaw Croaked Maa..... BUly Ileimsheimer ollday biscuit; and cakes wonden U If yout^Tcqt hasn't Occident Flour, he will --pit if for you from ait wholesale disributors-EDINGER & SPEIDEL Phone tvtnstort »»35 or Vtimctte 642 .........■'■■ lego of mylting guc^s ;%«?^,}«wt S& they admit that the rumor has W■&*§£/* **°■*?* ***% *•*» *fm Have Twe Plans. bJrcurrent tegdi? weeks* past."" te»^^?i4±i^!S^! ufSFZ Sa^it^aa^aa^ Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Barroll and illy will spend Christmas with Dr. ■roll's father. Dr. WJlllam R. l^ird ef Adburh/N. f Dr. Leh-d sad Dr. Bsrroll will attend the meeting of the American Association for the Ad vamoment • of Science at Philadelphla Mr, and Mrs. W. Di MeKontle Ibe. Misses Williams of Blm street, at tol. FIRKIN^ TWO AUTOS of the men. pcrhap* several lives t^f^fM'iirM^te^^^ wved and much Suable property;un*^ the. Jurisdiction of tbe War de - of MJts Olive Psyne of Western Jastiary a. 18*7. The index company *30-organlxed with John A. Cbllds as ireshlent. and tbe business wan cotr rfecus4iThe: crew has oided'in *acei- j Hrtp*^ »**<»«-«#•?*;**U*i Is 8e^ dents during the-«m summer, where tetaryj)aniela' plan. Is to make the about a' hundn.d Uvea, were involved chaio of stations a branch of the nary. and about a half mil Ion dollars north J J*» *W> ™»W* -Smmfrnm would ot property. .Added to this, numeroua'■»«■* "ometbtng forward to the men falao alarms were answered, and on« i «*-s««4 -h the n*ry; that Is. that they whole night u-as spent In combing the i wouW »n,n ^« chance of getUng sta- lake In search of a reported burning! «0o«d w»*h one of tho IKe-saring Vessel. ■.»; ~| srwifs. after tbelr term of enlistment Hold Unique Petition. •• ■ U\?** •^r« '. »-Sdld^|wfc. IM»':wwaH Tho Kvansttn crew holds a unique i ?lto .*»• * considerable Klnforcement :"" v.'"..', . poslUon among the llf^aring crsws M» tho jtutyy,raa tbera are at present The Glencoe Arc . department ItM*** SfS\ ^ "^^^J^g"^^»#^rMfc^«*»*H called out to 0&Jk*tt&*i^WQ th^ entltwJ?twi»^osnV *£|«fc^JgS^M™* of James Simpson. vlc«-preeldent offosed of «J«dcnu* in |be untv>rs1<y. ManhaFfletd a Co.. *m*m8WM\3m flfft cre*v ^tt rormedmahowt Disastrous «-ge Fire in G*» Heavy dieted under that #^%H&!?;\, l#W,th«namherof road, on last Sain rday. but they were At-that time there was no sla- most peedod. unable to check the for ' many 'gave the interior of *..-,.: u- jj-j.«. *j % mm_ f^'j^^-jtliaii^^teaa^a^ «reV wastherew^pf;!^" V.ost of thor V* y;«M *** front py remforcemeprs are ndges »*asrIncreased to eight, six cot- of 'gasoline" and"destroyed two^'auto^ ■ n9D,° assistance given by tho students came hero ho.'haa" 'tmns instead of seven, .'add tho coi- 'nnn length a HtUe shorter. Advertis- lag, which aad bean rah on both Bides *>? the ftrst page, was afterwards lim- ited to one side, a special charge been about twenty thousand dollars, made for it and seme years later no advertising ^was permitted on the first ' latt teachers at at the Horace Mann school. •' fWllmette ond Wlhnetka W. <J. will hold Its December meeting with Mra. William Elsongart. til5 Ash street.. ■ Tuesday aRernbon. at .*«iJu, Mrs. Alice B. Vlter. county superln- tbndent of bothers* V meetings, will "']♦*".•#•pddrasa.: Mrs. Gertrude Thttft in 15V Slnoohe , a course which Is so mobiles valued at nine thousand dol- <» ^»« university sod Oarrett Iftblfcafjip the Evanstoa „ lars. The residence, which is quite a' IneUtute5 In helping in tho rescue of: close to the Mfe-saving station that it distance from the garage, w*« not danv i ^# P^ssap^r* fwai the Lady Klgir. :,j!c' &,t interfere: whh his regubr aged. The total loss is said td havel*!^ «* ^*« ^°^ ^ jW^tj^^^ Park during the early sixties, rgfh*! have liked nothing better than to eou- ■-■■+■ ' Lad/ Wa. aa excursion boat, was otr ttho©'MS stuiles la'tie university. MA«*^u.\* :LZ***:m^ '•'r'Mlil^t'*^inm.i^WS.*"10 ^Ifeo* tho ddties at tho-station would -«^*aibW6,llf03itl»^^ -------- Why - wfr a»raa#ig4jlewf, i r^mrnrs r^n'«SFsitti' a. H. Bowman appeared as editor ami h" ^san appointed an latpsctor under Thsre has been much agitation fe. F^of« [W^ Publisher below that of Mr. Cbllds as *»«. 'Wart Diseases of Potatoe. Or- ^ntiy orer the questton of a peoriopj < ***** f »•« f^f"y circulated president, and an announcement that',*er- »•• °,ner appointments are. fer tne veteran tUosavcrs. There i#j* P<?Uthm h» beaaif of the nrui*os«d ihe entire management of tbe affaire «*>«-°»«h !»"«« «hlef. Are brigade cap- ;at aresent a.attJ before . coagrcsy, • W•»«** W«. "Th© paopH of Brans- "f Tbe Index company and the news- mper had been placed In the hands of Mr. Bowman, who had been editor of the paper since May of thst year, aad ChBde rstbtmishsd the sctrre t inont. Soon after that time i ntlre p)aat and some time later Mr. < -bllds withdrew and started another. newspaper plant in the old Jredale. taiu. inspector of food and trotewu. exploelves. meat. , ^ tteag »,^,ra^bssi> , years of service at tbree*quar [**P aa^rWihBcttev^haj... taloly eee the oooess|ty of the J. Dunham, t-rank ten. Loreoto M. i soo, Aegustos S. Peabody. John 8oo« and Addison Stlllwell. ; ,T»e president and .the manager ot the Wlnnetka Boys' Huh submit ted Ibe list published la the talk of cos- tumes worn at tbe dsnee given at the Woman's club Saturday evening. Do her It. the names of tho prise loners Were correct.'but the remain- of the list was a' muddle. As unmasked a) |e o'clock it Is to see why there should have msasures. shop act. mildew in goose • ters 'paV^ Perhaps qoqe other of the fa* %.»•*» ** «tf f|gaa|urea wbieh government employes ere as, poorly ! berries, fabrics (misdeaeriptrou) act. government employes are as ^^ptmm^^X^^m^M a a«*at common lodging boasas. aheepatpplog pgjtf „ the Ufaesvsrs.. in fact, veryihtnopaf of the leodlag profeastooai ordty. sad eatW JUwaaeh. add aesttl i!,,^^^!^ ^ egmriaat aahyy ut-i|ed, busiaess men of Evaastoa aad ant rellerlng o«cer.-Tlt-pu.. enable %htta u> pyt ««de * coat for, «he^ the north shora Sfgarat of the a ------------,---------------- their out age. and at the anaye ^|1efdteijll|ij.iuj et UtrAt) -»ret* let- Trrt TfiliMiji ; *»*p ars tda^ecta suck sa ctoie Wf'w^.g^Mft** *m**m m .±m&*imSmYSm m new i duty tl>attl»ay:luvenaoi>pm £ ^srehouse In the rsar of the City Ma, housemaid more than a week. tOth*r," i ^ »»y other work. . ~^^£SS ^ ^ tf^haak. , :., eaM the spiteful neighbor. '--lawSata.^ «» hf i«?^>*#*,* 22?^^^ H-wat in 1S94 tbepaper arst bogaa lUhot." rtplisd the otter spRefal one.! tlve of. The Laka Shore News yes •ojisjimjfWa*^ pag,«. and slowly- me she came from a aigWy-rsapeet. there would bare to be sottMUdag ccuoWmeetinga.(abls family; aad l undsrttand.ahe'f -dono-to tsaj- In the,aervtee,f frarf tn tW^t^xaeds"aWfcrti fsf'jyn".....- '■ »»d the most logical course was to recti, tobafuhmrt, P"^r»"w^wl ■"■•"^-^■O' *^w ■» ^»*«r» ••«'«^ Christmas party Friday afternoon in the assembly room of Communrty' &. Thoeatartalnment began with, Osv"**!tai Christmas Tree" "was' "tatd • by CaWstlge HeUrtev a 8anu Ctsus rapped • en tho window - end wan wel- eosned hy-ninety snott. voices, and a photbgraph was- taken of; Santa wftb h|s hfg sack ailed with gifts <u- ba*j gi\e»- to rbfUlren la- Chicago, surr roanded by the Utile givers It was a. tm'^inp": ■ V:, «:^:-. . ,;.., ■■■}

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