Local News, 16 Apr 1910, p. 3

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, c 4 0 . G. . . . ." , •1' .. F . . S . . .4 0 of 0• -- --U,.- - -oR .-- , , :, . . j- - S %%F 4,. : _: .Ieej' •1 ,.'. _S_S, .,. S. S • The DevilStick •Tb ma.i d e a___ "AROtND ' % 'bi [• I w A BIG STATE B,!i.f CktJoe of ILLINOIS NEW8 q., -.' j4. 4, 1' , •h . II -- DZYS LS SIX COUWTt. -., ",. __T"J. • . _,- . c.--' . a ChAPTER XIX---tContlnu.d,) 'And what did you do7 akd J.n. much Int.r.t.d In thia •trng. hi. I 017. 'i went In later on, .nd found th't my mother had goi to b.4. I .*iI flothing .1 th. time, ii i wal etrIi of L*$e At1.rwrds. whs MRI4FIVe WI. killed, and you iehl that th• d.v11 stick bad kIII.4 III, I went to Dkt4) end iccuid her of the crlm•. WI. terfnI)y .ngry, end wirned me that It I said . word jibout th. th.fr of th. d.vlI-ittck. I would b. in dane ger of hnng%ni my own mother. AINII leet •uch .n accuutlon should kill my mother, whn I. not etlong, I sAid noth Ing to her. or nded to mien.. I told a II. to you to av• my mother; whRt else euId I do? Hut now I t#tI you the truth, end I wih you to proteict U. t#oth aiIn.t th. •vII of Dido •nd Dr. gtwiild" t*lIeve that Dr. 1twatd killed $aurlc. 7' "t PIPI Pure of it. Vti•n t b.'em' In through tti• terror of the •.cr.'t whlc'h I po.iriie'd. Pld' prpmred that poleon under Ui. pretcnra of curln me', bUt I now know that .he did eo to re-fill the (t,VltItlCk. Hue then sint It to Piwald, end he klIk'd )faurlc',. 5Al.c h. stole the body with the i. .letance of fllclo." Major Jim moved a ateip towards ttie door of the .ummer.houeei. All at oncte hei puuecd and looke'd hack. ••on. moment. Miii t)ellai' ha sail, quickly. "I)o*a t)svhI knoW ahout th.i theft of the devil-stick? That I., h. ithied, morei preiIseiIy "duuti he know that your mother •tnlei Ii?" •'l cannot be quite eeirtnln If he do..' Uld lsatelIa. after a piiuaei. 'hut I fancy he ha. some Ide'ih of It. Whrn ha has m. of htei Pe ha. eaIw,y. b*ej so flrrVOhIs nnl sIlent. At uIr list meietlni. iilo. he' to)') Ifle that we we're to tear nothitir" ••ll'm'" IIl(1 JPn, reflctiVei1Y. '('ndoiihtedly oii .rn rliht. Miss Dn)liis. 7)ivld must have lparn.'l the truth In •om way; hut I ci'nflot lrnriIne huw. well, (O(Ity, g()o(t-hy. I shiilI Ce" IOU later on. when we have tNIs scout- drJ undOr lock and key." On consIderatIon, 3cm thouiht 't would bi best to my nothing deflnltn I. David about h discovery. If the Young a, tram a feeling of honor sa u?lap)V k.pt .l)..it, the major wac the last p.reon In t. world to tempt him to break :t. 3•i decided to m.r.Iy hint to lvtd that h• kn.w the truth. and to l.'t the strait of l!twald tell It. own tale, and u.esI the tad's lip. hy showing that Mi-s. Dallas was Innocent. As len came to thu conclu.)on. he entered his own gates, and rather to his surpri.. ,1. meet flavid, consideratily attated. •dvanclni 10 ITWPI him. "lnepcctor Arkd and flr. Etwald are waiting for you In the library," said •rhy, rapidly. •1 know it. I •e'nt for th.m. I wish the flr.t to arrest the .coii4.' Arrest Lii. )twnId! On what grounds 7 "On the rnunds of having murdercd Maurice," said 3cm, coldly. 'Ye'., ti may look a.tonl.hcd. ttvId. but it ii th. truth. Without your neiIstnce I hay. dIsr(,vered that Etwald I. guilty. Also" ,I(l(led the Mnjor, In , ktndiy tone, "I know the rcson of 'our ii- I. n cc." . . - --- .:L__ -_-J II, bôt et Us. "'V st I Ut. ______ girt ti• lav•d. AttFsr4 ,p.u ••le Usa body of tIti mm IN Id. jh.lp.4 you to do .0 And # MI rvant, Ja#,.rd, wIlh It,. *Pi rn. of the d.vtIst1ok Ieoel, Iii iN )at the then might b. carrl.4 atit PIth I. tety. "It would em tt Dido ham I i 'at _________________________ deal to do wIth th• mattersa ld Etwald, I.oklng up to the root. She has .v.rythlnl to do with I Pm lb. will b's brought .tnat ya I a witnee.' "lnde.d. Theit It appiaN that I am to be arrested." •1 can aniw.r that," broki Iii A I'd. amased at the •eIt-poes.iatos oC the man. i hav• hire a warrant 10 ai •it you for •t.aIIng the body ot Mal ne'.' Ày tm.r.' __________________ How can you prove that I did he demanded. "fly the •videno. of the tramp at m*n and a woman--but flstt•r. cane t•rsee." net give m. their nsme." flatt.re.a?" repeated the doetOV, Iit6 '1 can. however,' Id len, grimly. for the first time he (rwned. "ni give you the names Iat.r on Mr. 1... He saw you place the bd In Inspector. In the meantime, be gool the brougham. with the •..Iataa. or eul6ugh to oonclud. your report of flat- flido. H. followed you to D'aRt In- terib.. conte.•Ion. It Interests me st.r, and eaw take the bo4 flu 4..piy." your house." II! thought (touM," tipiled Arkel, "lilt, lT.n" said 1IWId, tUMISS TO- with a look of satisfactIon. 'VeIi, the ward. len. 'I am not to be accuN of man an) the woman put the budy Into the murder." the carriage--a doctor's brougham. 'lAter Of. my friend Cain," eald the When the body was placed In the car. Major, grimly, 'You will hav• ilage and the door closed, the woman enough to do to save your neck t D,n went away. The man mounted thei the halter." carriage-bot and drove ot?. It appear. '1 am afraid so, iride.d, Ma r; that th'r. was no coachman." therefore, I must have ats ce. "I don't wonder at that," rejoined the' There I. nothing like belni prt led Major. 'This precious pair were afr'Itl In time with counsel for the d.fan.; to trust their secret to a third party. therefore, I must ask Mr. David by No doubt, the horse, being qul.t, was to defend me from the.. abird left to stand In the deep shadow of charir.." corpse, However, E understand. Th pile cheeks. "I 'defend youl" the lane while the robbers itoh the "I" cried David, starting up IUt woman went away, the man mounted 'Ae•uredly," r..plled Etwald. the box and I suppose drove off with a pIetuIng glance on the young 9in. the corps.""Do you retuser' "Also with Tiatterspi" added Arkel "Of course he does," cried with a etgntflcant smile. 'It seems wraathtully. that the tramp wished to see th. end 1)1vid reused hi. head and looked)ebt of this sIngular adventure, or, no doubt, the Major, at the doctor. at h. hi- he wished to make money out of It. spector. --. wplI, ale was driven with the carnal. "NO," said he, In a Itrm voice totaIi to E)eanmlnste'r." thie, "I accept. I shall defend I ii ':QuIte so, and Into that ioomy )'tv'Ald," \ courtyard which surrounds the house (To o. continued.) or I)r. Ptwa)d," added Major Jcn, with -- ft sattifled smile. 'Ilattersea saw th LUNCHES AT OWE CIJIT ZA , doctor take the 1)0(17 out of the car- nag. and carry It Into the htui.. Then, They Ar Y.4 t. half-Ted Cl 1- on his return--PtwaIiI'i, I mean--h. '• Who W.aId Vb*r*4 unharncssed the horse and put It Into A heaping portion of Indian puld ,g the stable; .l. the carriage Into th., wicLa milk and two crackers WM be C0(h-hOUs. Is that not so, Mr. Ar- fl)OUU for thelcent lunch served at he kel" Winthrop Sohool yesterday and a. 'JIatt.rse'a told you so." .tammer,'l Ions a. tile aervice proves ii sUoce 1* Arkel. atflaget at his Insliht. tul as It ha.. In the past th• 3usd ci •'I assure. 'ou he tote) me nothIng. wila bc continued at 10:30 .acb mo . hut I iin as clever at IIttersea, and van put two agid two toge'ther. Neat hff so that none of the little childi in eI.e' lIatterica wi'it to ItwaI(I, etleI he WhO cool. to School with apptI v(tI and tried to lleicktiiaIl him. but hnlfstIsftd np.d go home famlab 4. this cl.'ver doctor compelled him to Tb. high cost of IIvtni which )a ke'e'p silent? I know a great many shaved down the brcak(a.t,i at hot things, Mr. Ln.pector. For instance, I aluost to a minimum operatic to d know thtet the woman who assIsted children to school with utah Pt. Ktwald to steal tile body Ii flIdo clint nourlslunent to do jusuc Ia also that I)r. Etweld Ii a mUrderer bS well as a thIef." themieiivrs in their work, t.b 'it 1 had only known that. I would j'ost I7I. have had the warrant altered." At hi WISthFO 1c it 'What!" ei.4 S,a, wIth • .xpr.e. tided that say pIus that ..med o hi. don of r.roclou. joy lighting up hi. elude charity would prove a ta'ir", face, "you have a warrant for the ar children are the quickest persons iJ rest of twatd?" form class harriers and look dowu 'Ye., hut on the charge of stealing 15e1r playmate. who may not bq the body only. I took It mit after hear- to hive food enough at home. Ing the evidence of the tmP hatterM 13. Kmmeltn. F, Torr.y, teach r sea," "Very good. Then you ran take out ° dumeetlc clence, believe. that a warrant for his arrest as a murderer, liii solved the problem in the lc t after hearing my •%Idenrs. I swear on Iunch aerved each morning. If 41 my sacred honor, that Maurice Aylmer of preparation and service wer a4 1 was killed by Ms Etwaid" tt would be lmpo.atble to make I At this moment the door of the II- meal otherwise than charitable, nary opened slowly, and Dr. twai'l. %I.a Torrey ha. a clues of •igbtdn cairn and composed, appeared on tti,' threshold. flchtnd him, over hi. shout- ranging in age from 10 to I, d.'r, peered the pale countenance of prepare the dishes and serve th i. I)flVid. From the Ironical look on th'e Thus the cent that the children p doctors taco it would appear that he COVet'$ the entire coet. hail overheard the accusation of the The CUI) of pudding and eracke i, Major, and was prepared to treat It toiether with the milk, which aa eivlth contempt. That such was th.. rved yei.terdav to each hunpgrv ease appeared by the flrwt word. whlrh Pit hat enough nutrlmenl in It lu lasurl from his mouth as he faced his ual nearly three lane slIc d hret, accuser. with butler. The quality, Mhea Toti"T 'I hear the nam• of Max Etwal4 ld was welt suited for the iieieiuli of coupled with the crime of' murder. a the children. this the way )OU treat your 5uesls, Major?" All the teachers In the school Pay 'You are not my guest," retortd that the tentative working of the plas Jcn. furiously, thus far has been to provide mucb "No; nither your victim, seeing th.tt more wideawake children after the you have lured me into a trip. It 1 lunch hour and to do away with the not to see Jaggard that you asked me gerness to have school dismiseed, here; tut rather to force me--if you can Into confessing that I am guilty of WOR the Victoria ('re a triple crime." Roberts noted that a sowar of he 'You mak. one mistake, sir," said sqilarilon with which he rod• waa In .lpn, coldly. '1 accused you of two ireat danker frwn a .epoy with a crimes. not of three." "Ah. you ire lenient." replied twa14. flxed bayonet. The cont.t of sword a shade of eurprie. passing over his against t*yqp.t would have ended 41*. features. a surprise which was rerleet- a.tr4uii); fiad not Robert. Intervened .4 In the agitated face of Dêvid Bar- and li.po.ed ol the bayonet. That by. "Well. sir, let me h.ar of what I was barely done when h. noticed In am iccu.ed." the distance two sepoy. fleeing with a With the utmoet coolness, h. enter- standard. He gatlopd after the . ed the room and sat down In a chair and overtook them, and thenC he near Ark.). The inspector, with his had a do.. flihi tor the poeaewlon hand In his breast-pocket, flngered th. warrint, but 414 not deem It wise to 01 the standard. H. cut down 11* execute It until he had heard what chief hearer. White wa-inching tha proof the Major poasau.d against t- staff from the man's grasp with both wild for the murder of Maurice AyI of his handa the other s.poy turned m.'r. D*vI(I sat down near the door, hIi musket on him and ftr.d. Tha end followed every moviment of the was within a few Inch of seen. which ensued with keen eyes Ro.rts' pr.on, and there would oar' Thus, three of the ocrup.nta of the apartment were •.ated--arby, Arkel, taty have been in end of him had and !twal4. Only on. man stood up-- not the musket refused to go oft. As Major Jen--and he stood as the accus. It WRI, he rod., away unhurt with lb. er. standard, and tar thou two counag. •J:r. hItwald,M said the Major, with otis and gallant acts In oto.a .ucoa' grt calmness and deliberation, "yu don Roberts got the Victoria cream.-- are a cI.ver and ambitious man, who '•j• Roberts." wish to maul hi. way in the worl4, ___________________ but has hitherto tailed to do so tnt flesible Ilalleflea. lack of money. To precur money for your •zperlm.nt. In ch.mlstry, you "What (ho.. statistics of it,srs would do anythIn--.vu marry a rich ttid to prove?" womint" 01 don't know," answered the rsathe "or murder lb. man formerly eu maticel p.rt. I'm Just piling n SMed to ber' retorted Ptw-a)& with a the Igurea for this man. 1 don't law pals .mllë. "Go on, Wijor I.n, E cc. which ild. of th• argum.nt he lubads the mRr you are aIming ut, t.tz tor."--Wub1tn Star. "You found thu rich match b.re,H retamed Ian, without not1*i Ut. hi. * .a..e.4 o..I. eøuptlon. In the p.rean of Kiss Dat- "wiat baa become of your N•w IlL already .ng•d to the 1,1. r. resotutloer Ahner. You loved bet', and waatd w.u, havli held out long .ne your rival out of the was'. To do so ..t1*ty all requirements of brevq yes ha4 the d.vfl-.tleb stolen." "140, hal and b7 whom?" d bOflOT, It capitulated Iit $Ibe $ra. ehIaa stole the 4•vIl-.tiob, tar humanity's ciba' ul4RVeIt toDld•, who, bY yourdl. r.lI1ou, iliad It with treeb poles. pti helped .u to de cib aDd dzues.d _____ of death 1* l fb'*Aà DOCTOR IULLJD IT X1 AUTO. U'.,. Other. Iajur.d Whes Cer Turas T.,lle at II..ht.rd. Dr. Penn W. Ransom was killed and four cospnioiis Injured when a tour- lug cr In which they were en route to ltocktord from Ransom's sanitarium In the suburbs turned turtle, crushing Dr. Ransom, who was at the wheel, beneath it. In turning to avoid an up- praiching macbin., Dr. Ransom turned toe' sharp, throwing the car completely over. Those who suffered Injuries were:-- W. H. Resting; Rnrtord right arm and ankle sprained, cuts and bruises: J. w. Neptune, Thorntown, Irni., left arm sprained and badly bruised. George Ostrom, Poplar Grove. cuts about head; Merton Morgan, KI gin, cuts and bruises. YouJa SKZLL GElS ESTATR V..irt Orders Admialsirster Go T.rs Oer VCRd5 to Will flreak.r Ill the PeWIII county court Judge 11111 appointed Richard Sneiul admtti istrator of the estate of his million- air. father, Cot. BnelI, and called on I_, II. Whedon, of Bloomington, form •r ly administrator, to turn over all property to hi. mucceasor. Young Knell's bond was flied at $130,000. The persona) property is estimated at S65.000, and the realty at $2,000,000. one or the flrst claims to b. flied 'a lii be that of the lawyers engagel by theexecutor In his vain effort to defrfl1 th• will. Their bill ii said to b $30000. There may be a disposl Hon to contest this claim aa ezc.aalve. 30131zT TIZD UP IT BIG aTRIXE. Pullee slop Fight Two La- bor l..d.r. a, W..lIn Failure of Joliet contractors to sign the new wage scale .ubmltte'd by the Lathers' Union wai followed by a gem eral walkout. The strlki'i'* met In the Central Tradea and labor lull to di. (,UU the situation. Argumnt between the leadcrs resulted in a fight between John Johnson and Anthony Reirholzer. The arrival of the police eitoppcd hoe tilitles. Johnson and Ilelrho)aer we're n)t arreited, and the meeting was ad Journid. Huilding operations are lied up by the strike, In which the ho4tar. run, , br1!7eTs and their b.Ipera hai'• jota.d. WIIJLJARROW DIIZUPTS TOWX El.ah Caelt, *mgrp fl..e.. Ld.r SoIl. rvI., Slay I.or. Vole. Ilec:itjs• R. L. Molt, vt)Isr president. insist. on pushing a plebeian wheel barrow along the new granitold sId walks, a factional fight has developed Ira EIsa.h that threatens to disrupt all political traditions. l'reisldent Mott vetoed an ordinance forbidding wheel- burrows on sidewalks and, to show ht% eorn of such legislation, appeared on the main street with a dilapidated "barrow" and defied any person to tim- lest him. A spe(lal meeting of the' Council was called to pasi the ordi anc. over Motti veto. IWDIAWA AW YZLLZD. Slr..k 0. hood with Cleol far I. Vlmh( vIth fluMe.'. In a bloody flght on the site of tlic new addition to the Avery Company" pl*nt in l'roria )"orrn)nn W. W. Snutttt of the I'm-American Kteel Corn- pony of Newcastle. tttd, which con cern ii erecting the structural (rant.', was rendered unconscious from a ')low on the head front a eteel bar. A wo:kzun, R. II. Weakrnan, was shot through the leit leg and a riot c,tli took the patrol wagon with a hilt dozen officers to the S('CflQ, two i'ut• nIbs were arrested. Twenty hurt in a race riot, Fifteen persons were hurt, several of them seriously, in a race riot at Herrin. The majority of the injured are Syrians. Twenty of the combat into are under arrest. (garden utensils, hatchets and dirks were used during the riot, and the officials wore powerless to Interfere. I -- IIsijl. leads Ar. P.e...d. B11s It'1iion of Judge Harris in Bloomington biri the famous Bpring Lake drainage ea, the commission •rs. who seek to drain the fishing and bunting reaort, are sustained, and the widely known precerve. will be event salty converted into farming land. Oa. Killed, Orne Ua.l a Yards. As the result of a wreck in the yards it O.leaburg John firodine, Indiana Harbor, lad., Is dead, and hi. compan Ion. named Loth, severely Injured. They wars heating their way. 0...r K111e4 a flsht. In a du.l In the .tr..ta In Herrin Ipeclal Ocer Robert Hilton wua killed by Otis IC.arn.y, who died later. Kur n.y and a trt.nd had beei arrested and a. trl.nd C•lebrst• O.ides W,ddlag. Ut. end Mrs. John H. Clalland, of Rock Island, celebrated their golden eedd In g. _______ I*rg. Ieereaa t.1 Elk.. A .cent campaign to ooet t• edge of-Sib. at Itreater has lscrciat4 Its U,, xaw PAZOLJ lAW D1J20T. $a.rk..l .t Wk.le Ar( lilated a V•srt'e Delsl•e. The Supreme Court has decided to rehear the Joyce case and set it down for oral argument at the June term, uni... the parties thereto agre upon an earlier presentation, which Is not likely. This is the case In which the court at the February ter,u-leclared the parole law invalid because the act creating the board of pardon. also car- ned an appropriation for the payment ot the rii#mberw of till ir&1t *n rig on the petition for a rehearing the court offered a suggestion which leads to the suspicion that It may knock out the parole law entirely on the ground that It confers judicial powers on the Htate board of pardons. Hut the friends of the parole law claim that thi. Identical question was passed Ott b the court in 1897, and that it warn held at that time that judicial powers were not conferred by the act. COUPLR THRICE ARRIZD. DI ered, Hewed, 8.41., mc soay Illogel, have Itmot Netl•d. Charles 8, Ferguson. aged 49. and Clara M. Miller, aged 32, both of Keys port, were married the other day by Rev. I. R. Campbell, This was their third marriage. Two years ago they ecured a divorce and in a few days were remarried. Rcentiy they were told that the Illinois law required d1 vorcees to remain single (or one year and that their remarriage was Illegal. Accordingly they IeiCUIe'(I another mar. riage license and were married again. LEONG OUR XZ!GTtBORL Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1)avis of For- rest re('ently celebrated their fifty-see- ond wedding anniversary. Fire destroyed the Bartlett milli an I two warehourt's In Mound City with a lost of more than $60,000. 8ome of the reslde,nts of Ransom have the PInk PVC. a disease now go- Ing the rounds In that section. 'indals arc at work In La Balle kIIgig tree. by boring holes in them and filling with acid, and the trees are just blnn1ng to dl.,. Purlia & Orendorif Company baa announced a a general Increase of from 5 to 10 per ceut in all the deparLment. o( its p1w factory In Canton. Alexander Ludeman of Peoria has sold a tract of lend near Eureka to Peter Scherts of Metamora. fo1%225 per acre, amounting to $75,927. The little daughter at William Cot- tori of Peoria. who was recently bitt'n by a dog, has been taken to the Pteur Institute at Chicago fo J,at merit. - A farmer living between Forrest and Chatsworth recently found some of the plunder taken train the Herr bank at Chatsworth when It was robbed. Ia. B. Hurst of DeT..and has piirchased 160 acres of land between lie mnent and Monti(ello of lawrence E. iexton of New York, paying $24,000 for the same. Oti account of the contlnue(I high price of meats a( Monmouth people are enting less meat, and In con.equenc five market. have closed within the last few days. The $10,000 chapel at the Old Folks' home in Mattoon will be the first buitiling ever erected exclusively by the hte'bekahi of the Btate. and the cornerstone will be laid April 21. Hector McAllister of Htre.tor left for Cherry, where he will take charge' of the removal of sixty bodies from the third level of the St. 'Paul mm.. All the water has been pumped out of the mine. While they were away on a visit a iricak thief entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Btobler of Ikileville and stole seventy-five dollars' worth of jewelry and money. Mr. and Mrs. Btobier forgot to lock the doors. Frank hiatten, a graduate of the Delavan high school, sailed recently for Colon, Panama. where he will b, employed by the government In super- intending the operation of the electric motors used in digging the canal. Alt of the buildings on the farm of Everett Angeil, ten miles northwest of Btreator, in the town of Farm Ridge, were destroyed by tire. The fire Is suppoied to have been itaNed by light ning. in addition to the buildings three horses, fourtn heed of cattle, trcm ten to fttteen tons of hay, about 700 bushels of corn, wagon, buggy. mower, and other farm Implementa w.re burned. The body of CulmIr Ambroet, 19 years old, who was entombed for four- teen months In an airtight cavity in a mine in Weal P'ranktort, had bgun to petrify when It warn taken out the o4her day. A Belleville nudertaker, who will receive lb. body when It ar rivea in Bli.vllle, say he has bean noua.d that Ambiw('s haads sad (,ct already have (tamed to sloe.. Am. broil was working In th. mine when an explosion wrcked it In February no,. H. with three other miners wu eutembed. Ttro and flood followed and the entries wire so IiI.d that Am. broil's body warn sot touad until civ' Oral days ago. wet. 0.4. uIr.1s Is S*, While fler. Vusr Thr. 'weeping victories of the WW' Li Illinois cities and tl1agee Tuesday will enable the sabooni ent.r iii. countin which have bean hitherto ei tirely "dry." Three new countla, how- ever, have been added to the "dry" 11t. This leaves thirty-two "dry" countlie Instead of thirty-eight. The aaIos of three counties gave the antl4aloOi i.'nders a little cinfort, but wu nof SU1IWISTIt tO 0YIffl)1Ihd dISippotdT. ment at the lose of Rock.tord, D.catnr, De K.lb, Dixon, Mattoon, BdvIdere, Pontiac and other citie whoes con' quest two years ago was one of lb. greatest achievement.. ever recorded for the "dry" movement. Th• 'drys" bad hoped to add ten or more rountlie to the Hat of those without saloona, bringing the total up to fifty, It posel" bit'. To have the number drop nearly : twenty below this mark caused the spirits of the leaders to droop conild erabty. The nine countlee lopped off the dry" list Tuesday were Boone, Cham palgn, Cole., Dewitt, Greene, Macoft, Mercer. White and Winnebago. Ii Tloone County Blvidere went "wit," Id Champaign Tolono succumbed to the attacks of the "wets," in Cole. County Mattoon wet "wet," In Dewitt County Clinton reversed the decision of twi' year. ego, in Greene the town o Bluft dale, 'hich include. the village or E1drcd tired of the "dry" regime, in Macon County Decatur went "wet," in Mercer County Kelthsburg went "wet," In White County GrayvIIle voted "wet," while In Winnebago County It we. the downfall of the "dry." In Rock(ord which turned the trick. The three counties which were made entdrely "dry" for the first time are Warren. Pike and BehuyIer. In Warren County Monmouth went "dry," In Pike County N('W Canton, Pearl and Harry ousted the saloons. while Ita Bchuyler County HushvtIIe Township voted "dry." Th 'dry" counties In Illinois as a result or Phi. latest change in the map are as follows: Brown Me'nard Clark M&SUC ('lay Moul?rI• Crawford Morin ('umbertend Ptatt 1uibs ' Pth.', . ' .. E4r Pnii. . R. Edwards Itichiand (icliatin $a)ine hamilton lchuyIer Hat-din Htott Jasper t'nion J.I7ersnn Wabash Johnson Wayne Knox Warren Lawrence Vllltamson The final returns showed that out of a total of 251 citIes, villages anti towns voting 142 voted "wet," while 119 toted "dry." Of this number about fifty wer• "dry" and went 'wet," with. about twenty-ftve were "wet" and went 'dry." FATHZR STOPS WZDD!NG. l).eld.s 'Voulh .s.g.4 Five Ti InSIled tar lii. I)i.b(,'r, Plus W, Fahrner, druggist of Joliet,, who Is only 22 years old. has beeri en- gaged no leua, than five time.. Three of the euagqments were terminateL 1)y the young women themselves. Fahrnor did not, as it first reported, for sake Catherine O'I..eary, the Jollet girl of 21 whoni he wa.s to have led to the altar the other day. It was her tether, John O'leary, he fled from. Mr. O'leary hearing whIspers of Fahrn"" former tussles with Cupid, wn a-sleqthlng, and as a result of his ek covertea decided to stop the marrt*eT,' Aocoding)y he served notIce on t.' groom irosP.ctlve that the weddI'. bella would be as silent as th• prov' - blat "dumb" waiter. Fahrner left Jot let suddenly and has not returned. TZOLLZY-STZAX AORZmXT. Vlr.t TraM. C.pee$ of 1(1.1 ii- pered D.tw.ea lllie.i. LI.... The first truMc agreement in the. country between in Interurban sys tern and a steam road Is expected to be eRected, when General TraMc Manager (eorge Quarkenbush. of the Illinois traction system will meet peasenger oMelet. of the Alton, headed by Fiel Elder of $prtngfield. A rate warP baa been on between the electric line and competing steam roads throughout reD- tn) Illisois. with the result that bust- ness ha. becotne demoralized. Sunday ezeursions may be Included In th. agreement. ________ OT2LI IX YIIZ PAWIC. S.v.rel tr Wialews mad Other. Iai,red I. iupI•a. A dozen girls were injured, pc '.' eel seriously, In a ifre ii ha Celetr*I Steam Laundr7 Ia Chiee4e. bv.tui girls jumped from windows and i'r were injured Ii an •zplostoi. Your are In a serious coditioe at a io# pital. Thi paste was csid b the buretlag of a steam pip. Is the manila room on ib. siesed dear.- Whee 41* - cloud. of steam burg tta lb. ron. seven girls jumped trod' th• wtni,$s More than 200 g11e.e warhing an ___ th• esoond end third loots ..b-- 4. .. p.,,.. w.w i*ea.4. . . Work him b.gi ci avtn( thi I restei Ii Ut. vll)aa at Hacier. 'Who--who tohi )OU ?" stammered the young man, is pile as death. "Miss Dailies." "hsgl,eulee ! " Devil 1o)ked terrifle'd. CJIAPTF:R XX. Before len head lime to lnuiqrei the meaning of flevtds strange exciametlion. the young man had turned on his heel erl(l wees walking rapIdly back lo the house. nurprised by this behavior, and snsl)Icious of its reason. the Mn. 3cr ('SuCh out to him to stop; t,tat, without taking any notice, th.' young man increased hi. PRCe. and was soon lost to sight. Jen wetit alter him, and on entering the tihrary found that only ArkeI was present. 'Where Ii Dr. Ptwaldl' demanded the Major, anxiously. '11. went UP stairs a few minute. ago to see your servant," replied the Inspector, rising. "Mr. flart)y was with him." len started. lvidently David hid returned before him In order to see Etwuld, arid, to gain private speech with the doctor. had conducted him to Jagiard'. sick-room. For ft. moment J'.n--.ttlI susple'Ioui of Rarby's b.h.. $or'--ha1 It In his mind to follow; but a few minutes of reflection con- Inc.d him that this was unnecessary. David did not know all the conver.nlion which had taken place b.twn himself and Isabella, therefore he could inform twatd of nothing new. )ul, indeed, The Major pondered why t*vld wished to speak privately with the doctor. It looked, to his mind, as though the two men were In l..gu.. "Well, n.vr mind Dr. Etwald just flow," he saiJ, aloud. "He bad his du. tie. to perform, and I have mine. lit (own, Mr. Arkel. I suppoe you won. let why I haY. sent for you" 'WelL no, Major. I presume it Is In ionn.ctlon with the case." 'iou are rigid. I wish to know it 'mi have discovered anythlhg n.w." •1'.. Tour messenger, flattersea, was wandering about your ground. em alit nigbt." "Batterseal" cried len, thunder- itreek. "Did he i.e the body carried ii?" '14. 4)4 not see It taken out of the houa9." •ipIain Arkel, v.t.fllng to sqme note whph he held In his hand, 'list h.ci. I(put into lb. esrrleg., wh).b whi'waitliiS Wi the winding )u• it the feet of pour groueds. ?wo ,o. :. canted e r betw tham--. 'c p 1 I 1 I L H. who wreetles with us I o;r aerva and Or4n*plstiIi on C 1,,, • I-Lr-' ... .: ,, _-_F:-----'-'-w . . . .4, 'S. ,,'-..,* 1• I --.-- . I . 4 .1 . __E. . p. S 'S. '4 5. ••4"

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