iigPSw ";iv:,;w?;.r. mm mm TkE LAKE SHORE NEWS, All Motor BUsaes operating on Davis Street stop at Rosenberg's Store upon request of passengers. Remember, just say to the man 'Rosenberg's please* ffl^EHE^TORE^FHAT-S^i^lVEIOPrHING The Same Care Should Be Taken Byi Those! Wh# Collect lidding StampsSAt^hoiip^fflB#«W«fe Selecting a Depository !£Ir Money '^■^S&gil Rosen berg's Stamps havean actual merchandise ralue^enjoyed bjpro^ other^taTnTJSTT^fiiH^boot 0 *ii ?|3ct>ntains 1,000 and may be exchangld for $1.50 0 10 I I i^RcSANMSE' except Groceries, Meats and Drugs ^./■-•"■weaasS WM m^^^y^^'rrV- H new styiesj^n extensive assortment embracii^$inultitude of newest maten ^ , ^ at'll^lleclded ^avihgr^^Fne values are so e^iiorcKnajfityVinusual they will create the liveliest selling tnrpugnout the sections Wvoted to women's and childrerf s Keady-I6 - wear Garments; 20.00 Tailored Suits 12,50 JKomen'g and Misses', in fine all-wool serges and fancy mix- tures,many handsome model?, . in all sizes. 10 Ef A This sale........X^*DU 25.00 TailoredSuits 15.98 Women's and Misses' Fine Tailored Suits, in wool serges 1 and whipcords, etc., all new colors, coals silk lined, plain and fancy !l C Oft models .,. ......XvtyO 15.00 ^Women^ CoaLs 9.98 M3oats^ farlcy: jni:&£ures,3f ulli TcngF and semi-fitting, alldsizea^^.,^^^ 25.00 Long Coat>s 16.98 Fine Tailored Coats* in OT- ^ ^ "wool serges^ whi Commencing Mondayj May 6th and continuing throughout - >-<' the week WEEK Come and see the ^ew-^ddelsin~th^ f world's best Corsets." =mout^ ^Q o rs e t Departrj^ent^ 6.00 (& 8.00 Skirts 4.98 Women's and^Ksses^Bress^ Skirts in all-wool materials, all new models; colors, black, blue and mixtures. j| flQ Special at......«.. .;Tt.yO: 15.00 Silk Dresses 10.50 r Women's and Misses'Dresses, in serges, foulards, messalines, etc., all prettily T/\ C/V^" rz=E=trimmed... .T-rvrrjLvryJV ---- Children's 5.00 White Dresses 3^8 Children's Dresses^ in fine lawn and Hngerie^e^autiflilly trimmed in fine lace, insertion ^ndemb^oideryr low neck and -<0fr- it sleeves, sizes 4 to 14 years........ mixtures, in tany greyr^bluer ||||| and black; sizes for women ^5 and misses, - ■.■■■.-?• £L Afi at.... v. xU«VO ;.S <tti'ritniin""TT.........•*•*•'!......VT'ii'•"••........■ I CVI51T-OUR-a3R5Er>DEPT Let us show you severalimprove^ ments madeinthi mpstperfect corset Children's 2.00 Dresses 1.39 Children's Dresses, in percales _^ jmd ginghams, in light and o^ llart^fiftternsr^fnll pleated > skirts, square--neck and Ji:..^% sleeves, trimmed with braid and piping, sizes 2 to 14 years-----... * :S^:.r WeAraMaking a Special Displayjf Hats XHarming modelsahatare-most^becoming to the younger girjs^ ln-thi$^Kovnng we have embraced-many new tdeas^ which conform with the prevailing styles yet are1no6trfred~ih such ¥w^^ type. 1 ncluded are small, large andSmedium shi]>es in fine and heavy braid straws/vOf course the color eamhitiatilns oii~m^^ exaggerated "than those tor olde£persorisr-fWe want to parl^uiarlycafi your attentr i/ume many prexiy iiais uiiiiuieu wimuuwcip wu iiuuwijj. j-"~ r | * ~T every respect equally as attractive as the hats themselves. Special valued at ■1,95-05 1; 'iy^^Si^lX^n^l^i^^^ .gif: -j^r: l^^-^^^^^ *m