Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 May 1912, 2, p. 6

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J') . ■ ■ '<> ..... ■ ■ ■ v . . . ........... '.*■'■■• ■ ■■ f HE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WEDNBSPAY, MAY 8 ,1912. Wmt m&mm T r'*«: pTliat Pdp>le Afe Doing in kvanston *♦♦♦♦ |Mfrs. Kate Harding has moved from 1928 .Sherman avenue to 1910 Sherman •areraie"........-■'••......^^^^^^^^-~^^^^^^=- -. ; Rev; and Mrs. E. C. E. Dorion of 807 Go]fax street, have moved to Bos- ton, Mass. : Mrs. C. Bonn of Glenview spent zz3mhrMm^Gr^m&&r^2027 Jjiuazlaat.Frida Pratt court ■ Mrs. J. Origan of Gross Point vis- ited Mrs. Tom" Moore, 2027 Pratt court, Sunday.. '.'•.' . ":"..' :.'./. >■'■-'..-1- •>;>' Mr. Robert Clark Laing of Detroit, Mich., was the guest of Willard^ Da- vis last Sunday.__ .____ ._i Mrs. Fowler and daughter, Miss Bertha, have moved from Chicago to 1420 Maple avenue. Fred Swaka, formerly with Rosen- berg's, has accepted a position in the Geo. Taylor grocery. |!|&.^ugeneJ^ijJojaghby-ajid.iamlly. ♦IM Dr. Sharp of 1012 Lake Shore drive has gone to New York. Miss Dorothy Horning, 628 Library street, left Monday for a month's trip through Iowa. Mr. Irving Crocker, 1139 Elmwood avenue, moved to 1616 Chicago ave» m?= m formerly of 1745 Wesley avenue,_have moved to 1018 Lee street. h^. Herman Walters, for a long time with Muno's bakery, left Saturday for his home at Algonia, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Alister of the Greenwood inn left Monday to spend a month at Oconomowbc, Mich. - g^issr^e1m^X3^c^na^~l2WiTudso^ avenue, will leave Friday for New York pity, where she will remain sev- t eral weeks. •.;■.■• ; Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Holtz, 1513 As- ^bury avenue, are traveling in the east. They will visit Baltimore, Boston. New York and Providence, R I. Mrs. Kester, 806 Grove street, was entertained Sunday to a dinner given in her honor at the home of Mrs. ililoyd Jones, -earnei-4lidge=avenue and • Foster street. '.'■*'}..' Mr. Charles Lechner- of Eugene, Ore,, arrived last Wednesday after- noon for a month's visit to his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John JJWchner, 1716 ?Ashland^avenue. J. E. Davis and family, 510 Kedzie street, moved last week to 723 Cen- tral avenue, Wilmette. •'.' G ,C. Beardslee and family, 2314 Harrison street, have moved to Ridge boulevard, Rogers Park/ Mrs. M. B. Horning and family moved last Thursday from the New- stead to 628 Library street. Mrs. Clay Baird, 1102 .Dempster street, left Monday for a ten days' visit to her^brother's home, in Wis- consin. . Mr^ John E.3Iunt and daughter, Miss Margaret Blunt, 1560 Asbury avenue, have gone on a short visit to Dalton, Ga______ _ :__„_^ Mrs. E. P. Hart has moved to 2019 Orrington avenue. Mrs. G. Beck, 71G Mdin street, has moved to ChJcago.v^^.^.^^4::,i\-'- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greer have moved from Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Griggs are go- ing to Glen Bllyn to reside. Mrs. C. S. Quinlan, who has beeir seriously ill, is convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. James Lyman have gone to Atlantic City, N; J. Mrs. Jennie L. Simonson, who has been sick, is much improved. Mrs. J. B. Whitney is spending the" summer in Greenfield, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Olp have moved tp their hew^home on Park place. * Miss Josephine Jerome "of Redfleld, S. D,, spent the week-end as the guest of Miss Dorothy Horning, 628 Library street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simmons of Leadville, Col., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker, 2411 Park place, i----------------;_------------- Mrs. E. McKay,_2355 Prairie ave- Mrs. D. D. Thonjjwpn^ ^ the Hinman. .::M&.^i2MMMMpM£?m Mrs. Minnie B. Horning and daugh- ter have moved to 628 Library street John D. Cove of 2119 Sherman, ave- nue has moved to 1147 Elmwood ave- nue. Mr. E. Orris Hart moved from 1205 Elmwood avenue to 1014 Forest ave- nue. -- -■■ ---- - ... ^..,...'rs::.-r Mrs. L. E. Raymond, 715 Sheridan road, has returned from a visit to St. Louis. Mr. F. S.'Detbler and family have 7*~ : - Miss Nora Butter'.of this city will gfeong °{- the bridesmaids at the wed- i ding of^Miss- Adelaide* Chatfield Tay ^lor and Mr. Stanley Keith, which7 will ^^!^jfe!eLJ«h* 8, inJSt James' Epis- copal church, Chicago. «• Mrs, R. P. Lamont, 1722 Judsnn avenue, is one of the box holders of J^the entertainment to be given by the -^Blackfriars of Chicago university for "the benefit of the Boys' Shelter of Al- lendale farm Saturday evening at the -^Mnois theater.-- =^=^ .^-^r^- The regular monthly meeting of the ^Woman's Home and Foreign Mission- ary societies of Emmanuel church will i_J51tet_JLQnwi^awJu_at-^^ Mrs. Westland, nee Vera Carter, of Hoopeston, 111., is here on account of the illness of her sister. Miss Lysle Carter of the Rood building. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Haulenbeek, nee Cora Beasley, moved last week from 419 Keeney street to the Elm- wood, corner Elmwood avenue and Main street. Mr. and Mtb. Horace M. Ford, 614 Clark street, will be the guests of honor at a dinner^ which Mrs. Will Ham Griinshaw, of Glen "Bllyn, will give Saturday evening at her home. Mrs. F. E. Ward, 1960 Sheridan road, who returned a week ago last Monday from Hot Springsr VslT re-" turned there Friday^ She and Mr. Ward will remain for an indefinite period. ;_____J; Mrs. F. A. Lord and Mrs, Howard WHeojt leave today to ~ attend-ahouse party givcnHby Mrs. Wiedeman at her home in Terre Haute, Ind. Mrs. Wte- deman was Miss Mabel Webner, for- merly of Evanston. Mrs. Frederick O. Peterson, 1620 Central street, gave a birthday sur- prise party Monday in honor of Mrs E. P. Laughlin of Ravenswood to Chi- cago friends of Mrs. Laughlin. Covers were laid for twelve. The decorations were in yellow and white. ________ nue, gave a party Friday afternoon in honor of her son, Harvey, who cele- bratedihis seventh birthday. ; Mr. and Mrs. James Hall have bought the house of Mrs. J- Scott Clark, 2114 Sheridan" road: They have moved into it. Mrs. C. H. Stanger and Miss Rich- mond of Boone, Iowa, who were the guests of Mrs. Charles F. Champlin, 814 Colfax street, returned home Sat- urday. Mrs. Ralph Sherry of Buffalo, N. Y., who was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Forbes, 1812 Chi- cago avenue, during the past month, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilbur, 715 Hin- man avenue^jadKL-jcelebrated their golden wedding anniversary Monday night, are the parents of Mr. J. Ralph Wilder, 1235--Maple avenue, "End the grandparents of two little children, Virginia and Janet Wilbur. Mr. J. Ralph Wilbur married Miss Gertrude Bradley, daughter of the late Dr. Bradley ^>f this city a number of years SLgQl TOfflfronp humTrl^lifn^e^^ ~pr~nr in the home of Mrs. F. X. Llewellyn at 1246 Ridge avenue. Mrs. Wm. Boyd The annual meeting of the Evans- ton and North Shore Pharmaceutical society will be held in the rooms <>i the Commercial association at 8:30 o'clock, Friday evening. Sergeant James G. Field, of the United States navy, will deliver the principal ad- will be the speaker ■ Dr. Wm. T. McElveen was appointed one of the members of a committee yesterday at a.-meeting of the Chicago up the subject and urge upon the "el- .'Plovers of large concerns the adoption of a half-holiday system. A number of people who attend St. John's Evangelical church and who do not understand the German lah- dress. Miss Miriam Hillman, 1734 Ridge avenue, entertained Monday after- noon at bridge; In connecfibn~wIth the card party a kitchen shower was given in honor of BNss Cornelia Woman's club who^^^ up^the subiect ar,^ „r^ »«^ >^ ^ t^m^^mT^L^nderson- Paee, of Chicago, xhei guests were present Monday night at the reception. JThe only living wit- ness of the marriage ceremony, Miss Wilbur, sister to Mr. J. H. Wilbur, makefr lier-home with ^lr."and~Mrg. Jt H.Wilbur. The Music Study club met Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Wm. R. T. Ewen, 1316 Judson avenue. Luncheon Was served and covers were laid for thirty' The decorations were margue- rites and daffodils. A business meet- ing followed at which the following- officers were_ elected: First vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Edward H. Philbrick; cor- responding secretary, . Miss Louise M0^^. ■fegasurer- Mrs- Gardner Read man avenue. Mr. Edward K. Harris and family have moved from 1146 Elmwood ave- nue into the house; owned by Mrs? Sags on Davis street. Mrs. U. S, Grant, former president of the Evanston Political Equality league, is planning a summer rest for herself and family near Madison, Wis. Miss Adele Edwards, who has been spending the winter in Blloxi, Miss., sent to the E. P. E. L. a gavel made of cedar from JeffersoTr Davis^ old home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T.jRickerts re- turned yesterday from Pasadena, Cal., where they spent the winter. They toured--Southern California in their automobile. Mr. Chas. H. Hart has joined the first company of the "Spring Maid" and is singing in New York with Christine McDonald. From New York they go to Boston. A rummage sale >vas held at the First M. E. church on Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday of last week. Both luncheon and tea were 'served. Over $400 were received. _'-. •■■'■■ .".:r Prof. N. E. Simonsen is to spend ^Little Frances McCauleyi l%%4 Ash- land avenue, is ill with scarlet fever. EmIss Taylor has moved from ISft Davis street to 1824 Hinman avenue. § Mr. Harry Hunter/ill9 Judson av£ nue, will leave tomorrow for Montana. Mrs. A. F. Dean, 1106 Church street, has gone..: tp,JCa).^rnla,^,,spe^. j|.a month.' " "^"-"p"- '7r^r"r"",":.....^-..Mb ' -u^iX^r Rev. and Mrs, Harry Heald, former- ly of 512 ■X^e;.^tT^.J^x«^g^^|i^;.; Wilmette. ■"■■'."■.■ t -^^i'^.-^fe^J^Hl^iiSI"^ If. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Jones have moved from 1914 Jackson avenue to lllS.Fos- moved from Ayars place to-aildSher-^f-**1^ Mrs. Edward Vickerimtn of Dixon, IH., is visiting Mrs, W^^ Caljoj^ Foster street. -■ r:^^;^r^ri^r;:^^i^s^ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lecbi nei^ 1138 Wesley avenue, Wednesday, May 1, a son. '-■■v^-:;.'-nr,/;^^,^,;;^#^ Dr. R. W. Bartholomew has mov his residence from Foster street and Maple avenue to 2109 Sherman ave- nue. • [ . :^]/::-y,",■:■: -'iWr- r^K^:^^M Mr. John Scott and family will move to the house of Mr: Tomlinson, Sheridan road, for the summer. :MB%i Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Pooley lef(| Tuesday night to attend the general conference of the Methodist church. Dr; Pooley is .a delegate from Rock River conference. -- _ ;i: the month of May in conference in Minneapolis. He will give several ad- dresses in Wisconsin and where pos- sible^ will aid the Wisconsin suffra- gists. ,.;_.L_;-:_1_!^. ■"-■'.?■ ■.-■■:..-':::K'^l The Central Street School Mothers' club holds its next meeting May 22, at 3 o'clock, in the kindergarten. Miss Cathrine Still well will speak on Men- Every^: body welcome. The Illinois Congress of Mothers will meet at the Hotel Sherman, Chi- cago, May 8, 9 and 10: The delegates from ±he Mothers' club of the Central street school are Mrs. Harry White- head, Mrs. C. M. Cartwright and Mrs. Arthur Roberts. The delegates from the Mothers' club of the Noyes street school are Mrs. Joseph Pearsons, Mrs. Gorlett and Mrsr^frui;aicerr=„__._._.- A large number of women, students and representatives of the Drama club of Evanston, and a few men,; members of the faculty, witnessed the "Taming of the Shrew," as presented by co-eds of Northwestern university' at Patten gymnasium Saturday after- noon. Members of the-flve literary so-■ cieties, Anonian, Alethenai, Eulixia, Laurean and Calethia, had the affair in charger-Those who formed the cast were Harriet Shedd, ^yrtle Erickson, Helen Sonnen, Bess DeBord, Grace Strickler, Freda Nading, Helen Shurt- lefr, Mary McCague, Maud West, Opal Randolph, Charity Saunders, Florae Corbin, Beth Davis, Helen Mason sad Elizabeth Abraham, and the servants to Petruchio, Ruth Hurt, Nina Gas- kins, Bess DeVilbis, Gertrude Harvey, Ruth West and Ruth Moore. The yoiimrnromeirof ^hr"Jtrnlor~ctass, in cap and gown, ushered. Music was furnished by Auracher's orches tra, and ;cpHe^e7sohg8i were suTTg by "the audience between acts, the first one beingLihat one composed by the late frof. John Scott Clark, "Qnaecumque Sunt Vera." Members of the Y. W. C. A. sold candies during intermission.- Had it not been aforestated that the cast would be composed entirely of g4rlsr4t-is-safe 4e-say-that not^one^of= ^=^m Miss Arnold and members of the Woman's^ Athletic association of Northwestern university gave a very beautiful demonstration of gymnas- tics and folk dancing, Wednesday, at 3 p. m. at the gymnasium.■., The May | ing, forceful, determined suitor of the many spectators would have been deceived as to the sex of the "male'! characters; Except perhaps in thaT bT^ Petruchio, played by Miss Bess X>e-^ Bord, who so well delineated the dash- !3$4*?^ its lit!: rguage as well as do their elders, and I others who-]ive in tlie neighborhood of the church, who are not acquainted with the German at all, have, with the consent of St. John's people, > formed a Sunday evening league. The) -objedrof the league is to promote' ■$ the spiritual interest and welfare of I /all who are4nterested in English serv- r ices and to stimulate the good there may be done for the community at s large. At present there will be but Fere sixteen guests present. Mrs. U. S. Grant, 2320 Orrington avenue, will be one of the speakers at the Child-welfare banquet -wirieh--wlll be given-tomorrow at 6:30" p. m. in connection with the thirteenth annual Child-welfare convention of the Illi- nois Congress of Mothers at the Hotel Sherman Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Mrs two evening services every month, the-, first and third Sunday of the month being chosen-for-the- same. Hl^It is hoped that a "long felt want" P|^ Will be met withjhe league and that Hfcgal^who are interested will co-operate |pwith its officers. The public is in- Ifiivited t* join in this hew enterprise ^t^nd help make ijrerservices Interest incphringrrzAT fT,„,„ . _ the meeting ^^eld April 21 ^eilf^owing-officere fcwere elected: Mr. Fred J. Schuett, ^4>resident; Mrs. Tillie Durband, vice ; S ©resident; Mr. Fred Guttdeit,-seere Charles QL Dawes, Sheridan road and Greenwood boulevard, gave a 1:30 o'clock luncheon Thursday in honoLPfJVIr-and Mrs- Lee Hammond of Boston, Mass., who have come to Ev- anston to reside and will be located in the Mel wood, Michigan avenue and Hamilton street. Mr. Hammond was one of-the-aviators-at the meeT in Chicago last summer. A marriage of» much interest to friends in Evanston was that of two of last year's graduates of Northwest- ern university, Edith Elden-and Rob- ert Morris Robinson, which took place Ja-A " " After the business was transacted the following musical program was en- joyed: Vocal.duet, "The Wanderer," by--Rubenstein^-sungHby ' Mrs. fCimieir and Mrs. McAfee, accompanied by Mrs. Read; piano number, "The Lore- i€y," by SeeHng,__^layed by Miss ^ates; "Cradle Song," by Mousgorsky, sung by Mrs. Connor and accompanied by Mrs. Cook; pmho number, "Sere nade," by Rachmauinoff, played by Miss Congdoh; two songs (a) Der Afra, and "Good Night," by Ruben- steihT two violinobligatos by Seeling, played by Miss Coxe and Mrs. Cherry, accompanied by Mrs. Banze^ ^- -- * A most enthusiastic audience greet- ed Miss Esther Ward, pianiste, at the Northwestern University School of Music last Saturday evening^ This was Miss Ward's second public ap-. pearance since her return from Ber- lin, where she made Uer professional debut January 31, and her playing throughout the evening sustained the confidence of success which her friends_have placed in her. Possessed pole dance and the mazurka, by the dancing class, were arranged by Miss Arnold; also the Jasmine waltz and JHumpty-Dumpty--danced--by-Miss Ar- nold. There were representations from Swedish, Norwegian, Scottish, Russian and* Tyrolese dances. The '11 So _______ ' . s^tdtrml3b^lT™exerclses^we^^ miiitaiTr Katharine that she did not betray her femininity. All of the characters were played very well, especially that of- Qremio,--by--Grace Strickler. Hor- Miss Leichsenring. The drill--was-^Ute^ein^riteftb! there were thirty-two com- panies. Each worked both alone and combined, yet no command was given. Tbe-sergeant-marsharwras Miss Nata- lie Brown, the color*bearer Miss Leichsenring, and the captain Miss Arnold.^ ^ he- ^ownsei tensio, by Freda Nading, Grumip,. by Charity Saunders, Curtis, ^by Elizabeth Abraham and Katharine, the shrew* the "wild-cat, scolding tongue,'* by Florinne--Corbin.; The ^Mlsseg-iZora rH41dft=H^mbjBr«=dhai charge of the costuming, and tl gowns and suits were very gorgeous, and in keeping with the time of the play. The^nlnueT danceTTby the brid- al party was graceful and dignified, and very much enjoyed by the audi-j ence, as indeed were all the acts. 'ternoon at the home of the bride!s^4iarents, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Elden at Elburn, 111. The house was decorated with pink and white flowers. The bride's attendant was oFaTe^MIelue both_-bxilliant and deli- cate, she forbears to sacrifice musical effect to the mere display of pianistic gymnastics, a fault so common to budding artists.--The entire program was--indicati ve"^of a well-balanced m"gigl^shijp,^which__as--it develops tan ^pj^oclucelsplendid artis- City of Civil Servi< An examination will be ination in tp Couifril Chamber of the City Hal^at 1.30 P. M. Saturdly aftlrhdon/May 18th, ior the positions of male Permit ^jy in ft^Jjrfinrimmt of Publib Works and for Stenographer-Clfrk in the^ ity service. Application blanks may be had of the Secretary JR. PAUL, Index^ Office<^> no tic results. ^4^g^J^^Harry Baur, _treasurer.-^t. her classmate, Miss Eleanor iiawrpnce S™^^^011^ a German cTnirfihTl^""^ M,6s Dorothy Hurd of 1823 Or- _has^jr„some- months past conducted J riPgt°n avenue, clad inwhite lingerie an English Sunday school, as well aDd making a very attractive picture _as ihe German. This has proved to ^^d the j-ing. The groom^g hesL -==ne a^cc^ss^and the^uwesT^or^h Walter Movius. Mr and l^sunday, school gives encouragement Mts- Robinson will reside in DaHas ^Following, is the pro gram:' -- Rondo, G major, Op. 5ii_Ko, 2. .7 .. . v»-t-.-«l«.;. •.....'*............ ^Beethoven jfitctiirne, Qp^^-No^i,.,_.;Chopin Nocturne, Op. 72, No. 1...,V .' ;Chopin BalladeTlDp. 23. '~r\. '/.'.V.TTTv.^CnopIn JntermezzoJ^F-^»inorJE^3^. Dohnanyi GappriccioT^B minor -r-^r-- . Tiotinwyi The img services.- I||i, e Varie, Op. 16, No. 3. ....^„ ^^ .:> ^.^T^^a4erewski flisfr^ev^fC^y. IH;, where Mr. Robinson 1b jprin-1^lfen^el!iisz>Iviii_^^_Heyman EVANSTON, ILL.

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