the finance committee was appointed to audit the books of the commissioner of public works. Mayor Paden offered the name of Andrew McCarthy as a special policeman to be on duty at Letters were Interchanged minutest details agreed the city yards." The council confirmed the appointment. Alderman Turnock stated that he had received several complaints call- ing his attention to the fact that hard tires used on the auto busses now in operation were tearing up the street in many places throughout the city. The council authorized the commis- sloner-o* public-works to investigate the matter and report back to that body. GREAT DEMAND FOR HOUSES (Continued from Page 1.) made at medium prices. The demand for flats was about the sambas that of a year ago._ Real estate men claim this will al- ways remain the same owing to the fondness of people for moving into newly-erected apartments. In one apartment building, which is now under course of construction, it is said, that of six families who have taken apartments, five of them last year moved into new ones. Now as soon as the building is comipleted they win jpack up and saly forth to the new building. ° • „ The attempt dealers made two years hospital, and the upon. Parents Arrive at Hospital. Sunday just at twelve, o'clock an automobile from Hebron, containing the mother and father, arrived at the entrance of the hospital. The hour chosen was a good one for the purpose. At that time the sisters are at dinner. From an upper window the girl saw the automobile approach the hos- pital entrance. Slipping noiselessly from4ier-4U)om the girl quietly passed down the hall and to the doorway at the foot of the stairs. She was -etad only in-her-hospital gow4fc-Tak- ing a wrap from the hallway she placed it around her and left the hospital, noiselessly closing the door behind her. Only one person saw her make her escape, he being the attendant at the hospital. As Miss Coplin came down Ihe ^stairway she came face to face with him. "Are any of the sisters around?" was her query. "No, they are at dinner," he replied. _agO-ta_hay_ would on Ridge avenue, apparently paying aaesujwritten-so-they- -Htt-fp • ^t+cmttmi--tw"**" ~^pn™r raffuia. instead of •: :• . This is proved by the large amount of mov- ing done in these months this year. PRETTY CO-ED IS KIDNAPPED (Continued from Page 1.) This seemed to satisfy her for she quickly reached the door and closed it Behind her. The watchman did not suspect that she was making her escape. He watched her as she went ouT of the door. Her father jumped from the auto when he caught a glimpse of his daughter. Seizing a large roll of warm blankets he kindly wrapped them about her. He then placed her in the tonneau of the ma- chine with her mother. He then turned oi^JuJL_speed_an£L sped south tions -------- Unaware or Escape. The hospital authorities did riot know Until half an hour later ^thaT she had made her escape. - When the nurse went to her room she found it empty. A search was then instituted, but the girl could not be found. The watchman then told what he had seen. A few hours later a long distance tele- phones-message received from the fath- with the big car. It was necessary to abandon the machine and make the trip home on the street car. Mr McCann is a member of the con- tracting firm of Conner &_McCann in "this city/"He is president oftheTrish Fellowship club of Chicago. CAUSES ARREST . OF TWIN SISTER ieOTse-oT-Tie^^ With for the man she married, Mrs. Charles Lass had her sister, Miss Maryjlun-^ tEerT2226 Payne stre.eli "aTFeSteTT" The trouble arose some time ago The twins were botlT in love Charles Lass and each one wanted *,im hp finally proposed to to marry him. He wuuy \ * tUav Minnie Gunther and a week ago they went to Vanhorn, la., to *« *arri** While mz wut there 1vHfl8°Tfry wrote to her successful twin sister charging Lass with misconduct. The name of an Evanston girl was given in the letter. When the Lasses re- turned Mrs. Lass went to the girl in question and showed her the letter. The two then went to Police Magis- trate Boyer Sunday and had a war- rant sworn out for the arrest of Miss disorderly conduct. w ^lUST RECEIVED W> a carloaj >J FREEMAN PROPRIETOR >b 818Noyc«.St. ======= JE CABl and Household SI All kinds furniture] ly done. Camp chr 809 DAVIS ST. Shop Phone 176 LICKS Lstbbers tins & Expressing. repairing* neatly and prompt* rs and card tables for rent EVANSTON BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST ___ CONVENIENT LIGHT FUEL --GreatestH&ramatie-Sirc- d> cess in Twenty Years AROLIGHTS SPACES. INC, IHJb, HOMli. doing splendidly at the hospital. Al- IhuuBli she had a severe attack of the dread disease the Tjare amr-afc---bonesomeness-for^hen»arents is the tent ion she received at the hospital soon placed her well on the road to recovery. / Having passed the dangerous stage the hours began to pass slowly for the pretty student. With the con- valescent period her strength re- turned to her. But she could not leave her room. The disease carry- ing germs were still in her throat. She realized this and worried over the many days she would have to remain away from her studies and within the solitary walls of the hos- pital. Then an idea flashed into her mind. What if she could make her escape? She wrote to her mother and told her of her lonesomeness. The mother's heart was touched. She placed herself in her daughter's po- sition. "How lonesome Josie must be," the mother would repeat. Then she went to her husband, ex- plained things and plans were at once made to kidnap her from the er satisfied the sisters that the girl had made her own escape and was safe ON SAVINGS/ O The Same QLcL Story Look over today's ^jjaper of ho papers in Plost than-- y fire or tjyrff ake-suclfrisk when will rent a Safe De- posit Box. in our^moderii only reason the sisters can give for her leaving under such circumstances. "All I can say is that Miss Coplin is not at the hospital," said Sister Ed- wards yesterday. "Hers was a pri- vate case and for that reason I cannot .discuss it for publication. It is true she left in an automobile and without our consent, but more than that I don't believe it would be proper for me to say." Monday, it was learned, the par- ents of the girl telegraphed the hospi- tal authorities stating she had left her jewelry behind in her haste to es- cape and asking that it be cared for. ThtTaction the parents of Miss Cop- lin took it taking their daughter from the hospital while she was suffering from a contagious disease is in~bppo- sition to law and a heavy penalty is attached for such action. Dr. Balder^ fiton was made acquainted with the details of the case by the hospital au- thorities. He immediately took it up With the state health officials of Indi- ana and they promised him that their department would make a thorough investigation. Dr.Balderston Intimat- ed that a warrant would probably be taken out for the arrest of the father. The action of the parents is consid- ered a risky one by physicians.' The claim that in forcing^the-girL tol take a, long automobile ride while she was in such a weakened condition was very liable to effect her heart. How- ever, reports-frnw thp Tnriircm rify I Next Saturday :y-;y- WILL BE ir«Hot Point" vaults for an entire year, you care to inspect this equipment, come in. City National Bank Evanston, Illinois show that the girl is apparently little the worse for her experience. CAR AND AUTO ^ IN HARD CRASH Four occupants of an automobile driven by Daniel McCanh,Xi223 Oak ^avenue, nad a narrow escape Sun- day when thp machine was struck by a street car in„Wilmette^Boar tho-in- tersection of Lake avenue and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul rail- road tracks. Mrs. .McCann anjd_tw^^thejLJyj)men were in the car with Mr. McCann when the collision occurred. The four were badly shaken-up-byTihe-accidentr but received no injuries. The front part of the automobile was badly damaged by the Impact % Do you need an intro- duction to the Electric Iron? It's one of the rno^Uis^fulju^o^ttractive of all the things in the long list of electrical ap- pliances. It's a ladyV TTorT^a traveling iro'&T usable on the most deli- cate laces. The surface is heated to just the right temperature with no hot spots to scorch the clothes.--- , ,. Dainty New Undermuslins Entire new stocks of Gowns, Skirts, Com- binations '^nd__Drwers, the largest and E2^i_stxuUcLs^^ shown, ranging from the simplest-^to the^nqst elaborate _.__ Styles! Every g^^i^\^h^^Sg^trA__mx& ;gBts^=na^^ soft m at e r ia-1 & aee ti tat err cut taste] New Skirts med. of fine ized aacU H Yoifcan use it on the porch or on thejawn by_jimplyiemjL ploying a cord long enough. ^ite^y-ontjrarifils low price -- at- OUR DISPLAY ROOMS. Public Service ^ompaigr: the narrow models, with fitted yoke tops- improvement tliat you will appreciate. ^Wide^Jlounces of embroidery or * the new heavy laces, prices range irom,$i.oo to $5.00. «5. OF H0MTHE1M ILLINOIS Slipover Gowns in neat summer modelsi V-neck and kimono sleeves trimmed with heavy lace and ribbon, $rpo; plain model witl narrow Madeira scallop edge witl ribbon, §1.00; dainty model witl hecTT^noF^leeves x trimmed witfc very fine eyelet pointed embroidery alidr^ribbonT $125. Empire 4n^Upov*i^-Vsttec1r~mo€tel7 yoke ""and 'sleeves of allover em- broidery with wide ribbon, $1.50. Slipover Gown of fine nainsook with Irish crochet yoke and Irish edge at neck and on sleeves, Si .75. ^rX-