Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 May 1912, 2, p. 6

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""^'""TT ^.^*^iV('w^' ^PIkE SHdfeE NEWJ, WEDNESDAY. MAY 15, =. :*$£?: **#?*-> Whit People Are J>oia& U &***^in Eva^ston:^^ M,,, „â€"„ »,««. ii-^-sss^^rhave avenue, is spending two wee\.i at Springfield, Mass. :„JMrs. Edgar, Blake, 612 Church street, is in Minneapolis, Minn„ at- tending the Methodist conference. The Ladies' Aid society of Whea- don M. E, -cnur-ch-are going to have a pastry sale on Saturday, May 25. tC. W. PeterBon, 1021 Ayars place, and Mr. Arthur Meyers, Wllmette, have taken positions at Rosenberg's. Miss Florence BaumhardJ, who has recently completed a businesjrcourse, has secured a" Position with the Butler Paper company, Chicago, Miss,Anna McElligott, 1310 Green -insliorTTiand course, has taken a post ^7 tion with a plate glass company of IS? Chicago. ^_- Mrs. Walter W. McNeil, 324 Hamil- ton street, and children have gone for â€" a month's vacation-toâ€"Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. McNeil left Sunday morning to join tbem. - ' ' , Mrs. Harry Stokes and daughter, 3 Miss Adrienne, are expected this week to spend the summer in Evans- gf-^ton7the guests of MrsT Howard Tracy, "S" 1553 Oair avenue Thursday information was errone- ouslyHrecelved at this office of the en- gagement of Miss Buelah Bent to Mr. - Roy Nilles. This engagement, has to- » day been repudiated. Mrs. Jacobâ-  H. Press, who has been -the guest of her father, H. F. Burk- bart, 1300 Davis street, has moved to "."'" Chicago and will be located in -the Margate apartments? ^__2_JTJie_CJiicago_i!^^ Mr. F. P. Vose of"the Second Presby- terian church as a commissioner to the General Assembly meeting at Louisville, Ky., May 16-25. Mrs. Harry Burkhart, 1300 Davis "street, leftlHiursjdjiy_^oJ^ Ti"^~~n~artf who assumed the management of the Henry Watterson new hotel at ^â€" LoulavllTe7nCy^a5out~three ~m^ontheT ^C^ago.^________^_____-__-____- !T^Z~I5i1bs Maty'lT-'lfgrse of Struthers, ' Ohio, who has been the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles J. Morse,_ 1825 Asbury avenue, for the past four months, returned Thursday to her ^ _ home in Oh lo.-------^â€" â€"- *: :~ Rev. and Mrs. Albert L. Fisher *of rWheadon M. E. church will give a re-^ ---^fcptioir^lh"^^ u rch % Friday evening. This will be an in- formal reception to the members of ! -the church and congregation. Mr. O. B. Tennis and daughter. Miss v Elizabeth, 1G29 Judson avenue, left ;;< Friday for Farrington, Conn., to spead fejs^weel^withMiss ioutse-TennS^Iio: iyZtalsnendlseveral months -with-ber 7^^i*^::^doFttri^^ sail son and wife/Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. jl^atu«iay-fei-^^^ XSoi^^M2^wm^weawr^M called Mr. Morris Jenks of Chicago has moved to 18&0 Wesley avenue. P. A. Kilner, formerly of 1821 Lin- coln street; has moved to Grafton, vt.. ,.........'..:..:....â-  :."'.,...:. Miss Helen C_FGwler>_232 J)emp- ster street, i:as.gone to Minneapolis. Minn. Mrs. J. M. Alio.:, 1325 Greenwood boulevard, left Wednh.sday for a trip to New York. , . Mrs. Edward Woolworth entertained the Friday club Friday at her home on Harrison street. Rev. Isaac A. Thomas, new pastor The Coterie club met Friday after- noon at the home of Mrs. J. D. Mur- phy, 719 Michigan avenue. Mrs. H. P. Pearson, 1816 Chicago avenue, left Sunday to spend two weeks in French Lick, Ind. â€"- Miss Vera Plummer, 828 -Colfax street, left Saturday for a visit with ri-iatives in Douglass, Mich. Mies .Anna McEnigotti.iuvreen. •££BiLJwttat eb.rehr^a^'^ Heien Laphan,, 822 Sherman leaf street; w^sraduateaj^nilxJ^^^^^ ^ mT Bmmn ave. _»>_. ,_s„,m^ for a tw0 nue. Mr. Chancellor L. Jenks and Mrs. Jenks have returned from Cincinnati where they attended the May musical festival.--------- Miss Gretchen'.Cox, 2304 Sherman avenue, has been engaged as soloist with the Mozart club. She will go to Madison this week. J Mr. and Mrs. S. Rush Harris, 1316 Judson avenue, entertained at dinner "I^ljxhiiriiday-evenlng in honor of Mr. Da- vid M. Craig, of Belfast, Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralph Wilbur, 1235 Maple avenue, entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. H„ Wilbur and their guests Thursday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hammond of Bos- ton, Mass., have taken residence at 1201 Michigan avenue cated by Mr. Arthur Burns Cochrane. Mrs. Robert Ramsey, who spent, the wj^£e^_!n=J&£=saui!i^en=r4^^ home in New York, stopped off to^ vis- it Mrs. Howard Tracy, 1553 Oak ave- nue. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gale, 2119 Lin coin street, gave an informal musicale Thursday evening at their horn honor of Mrs. Gale's sister, Mrs. Geo. Espenson of ^e^ueuj^Miija^^^^ ~STi^l3aliuerTte^Welb37T233 Judson a venue, /will leave this. w_eek_for_J^ork Beach. Me., where she will spend the summer. She will be joined later by her mother, Mrs. William L. Wells. "Mrs. Andrew Hazlehurst and Mrs. Robert Pettit entertained at bridge Mondaynsfternoon at their home, 1021 Greenwood boulevard, in honor of Mrs. Roscoe H. GodelTof J*ew York. MrS"Percy PickrelT has returned from a tour with a company placing "Paid in Full," in which, she took the leading part. She will spend the sum- mer with her mother, Mrs. Ella Gal- lup, 936 Hinman avenue. Mrs. J. A. Corby, who came recent- Mr. and Xrs._^:.E,;JM[cLeo4*.-W.O. Michigan avenue, went to New York Sunday. ] ; r Mr. and Mrs. John Sebastian, 1005 Forest avenue, left Sunday^ 1or Oak Bluffs, Mass. : /... Mrs. Franklin Overbagh. 1040 Michigan avenue, left Monday tor Mudlavia, Ind. _ Miss Eleanor Remy, of the Judson, has gone to spend the summer near Bdston, Mass. JMrs. Fred P. Vose, 1131 Ridge ave- nue, left Monday for Mudlavia, Ind., for a^two^weeks^stayr-" avenue, leaves Saturday for a two months' stay in Toronto, Canada. The organ fund of St. Paul's Eng- lish Lutheran church is steadily in- creasing. It is now up to $330. Mrs. S. W. Reiiey, 1327 Lake street, left Sunday for New York to visit her son. She will be gone four_weeks.â€" Mr. Benjamin Ortlund, Jr., and family have moved from 1104 Monroe Mrs. D. W. Siggls, who has b««* visiting her father, H. G. Haugan, lef: Friday for her hom* *» Newark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Chandler and Mrs. Waterbury, 826 Sherman avenue, spent Saturday and Sunday at Dixon, Illinois. ' ^ â€"- Mr. J. L. Alabaster, 716 Judson avenue, and two sons, left Saturday night to visit relatives in Nebraska and California. !'. â-  . Mrs. Carl D. Greer and -little- daughter Mary, 1023 Michigan ave- nue, have returned from a snor.tJrislt ^o Marinette, Wis. The B. Y. L. A. of the German Lu- theran Sewing society will-meet Pri- day evening at the home of Miss Buell 1327 Ashland avenue. Miss Anna Gunderson, 1746 Hin- man avenue, left Friday for James- town,- N. Y. She sails on the 22d for Sweden on the Mauritania. R Dr. Mary Gilruth McEwen, ^T08 Chicago avenue, ^returned Thursday evening from a four days' trip to Burlington, la., where she delivered lectures on the Owen bill. Mrs. Idea Hammond, 1812 Hinman avenue, and Mrs. Paul Tietgens, 1622 Forest place, are home from New York. Mrs. Hammond has been away several weeks, Mrs, Tietgens all win- ter ,' Mr«. Charles W. Allen, 924 Judson ramiiy nave muveu num -nv. «»â€".-- - ForeBt to their new home on Fore8t araau^avenue^s. J1_M Ha r, 1030 Forest Mrs. Piatt N. Morgan, 427 Green- leaf street, has returned from St. Louis, Mo., where she has been visit- ing. Mr. and Mrs. B, F. Albery of Crys- tal Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Huxtable, 431 Sherman avenue. The Evanst<)n^cadjeniy_s^udentsjw^ Waugh.-M.eCuI- glve Mrs. Catharine lech's play, "Bridget's Sisters," Satur dayjrvening at 8 g^jLodiJJjLlllfi-afiS£^ , bTy iloom_oJ^Noyes sireelJiAojoX-JEhis^ is a suffrage play in two acts, and will be followed by a short playlet, "The Lunatic." The entertainment will be given under the auspices of the Noyes Staeet^ojhjrs^clu^^^^,,^^^------ President J. Seymour Currey, theEvanston Historical societ avenue, and Mrs. Charles H. Wright, 940 Forest avenue, were last week the guests of relatives In Shawnee- town, IU. *. - - Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Springer, 1742 Ashland avenue, announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Helen E?., to Mr. C. J, Morten son, Saturday, May 11, at 2:30 p. m. Rey^JSeoj^eJWhite sTcTe- officiated.__ j Mr. and Mrs. Jobu E. Wilder | Miss ^oJ^WJlder^JMl-JaiMna^^^ left FTida^^yeninjg^o^pend_a Profrl^Jbhn^iA. Foster of Puge^ Sound university addressed the stu-l dents of4 Northwestern university inl chapel Friday. Prof• Foster fwas m student of Northwestern and tfecalled^ the time when there was but one! building on the campus. ~M#^~^1 Mrs. M. B. Edwards, formerly of 1662 Maple avenue, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Dana A. Barnes, and sons, in Europe for two years, is booked to reach Boston to- morrow. She will spend the summer in Wllmette wUh^rjdaugmejVjMrs. Howard! Field. ' Frank M. Elliott has presented to the Evanstpn Historical society sev eral maps of the lake front of de- cided interest and value and has also added a number^volumesL toJts_coL lectkm oToTd ^ity^directories. Mr. Elliott has frequently remembered the_Bociety with local historical rel- ics; ; • '_ . '\ 4 'r.â- *'â- â- -â-  The marriage of Miss Julie Cum- mings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- jamin F. Cummings of Winnetka, and Chester Howe Walcott, son of Mrs. Chester Walcott of Evansipn, will take place _on_ the evening of June 27 at the family residence of the bride. They will be at home after Sept. 1 at 428 Ridge avenue, Win- netka. wM f, â€"MOSSIER CO. i for Men and Young Men Jackson Blvd. East This Week! ^A*2ySfiowing of weelTaT their summer home in Hoi land, Mich. Miss Sarah Rogers ac companied them. -Miss Anna LavTnTs, BeebeT^SHrtrni versity place, jarrty^_hpme_Ftida3L ^fteTlSrelghTlnonths' absence. adelphia. The missionary societies of the Em- |^§ nmnuel Methodist church, both home |fe and foreign, met Thursday afternoon & at the home of Mrs. S. J. Llewellyn, lp 1246 Ridge avenue Mrs. William |?f Boyd addressed the members on "The ^^ilrjmth^rf=MlSÂ¥lolSa^^ sg lowing the address, which was ex- te^: tremely interesting, tea was served. mB-._;;. The high school jiivision of the Par- p^gt^Dts^Tand^Teachers' assocfation will {fe : hold its annual meeting Friday |ig evening in^ the high - school i&fr::, building. The business meeting will uiuJuiug. ine ouumess meetiug win «"««» ~» *__! . ."â- -â- â€"â€"-â€"â€" Jie_J>r4efT^P^lBe4Bal-^WWlfaTn~^^ suddenly to New York Thursday on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Reneau Alexander. A meeting of the Women's Home Missionary society of the^Congrega- tional^chureh_will bjejieldatjthehome of Mrs^T^cPKeller,, 1007 Greenwood ^ulsvsf^^otlaf^^MfBr^Koy B. Guild of White Plains, N, Y., will be present and give one of her delight- fully inspirational talks. \At the reception glven^bx^r^Jind $rs. Fred P.~Vow Th^rs^ay^evenlng f their home> 1131 Ridge avenue, in bnor of the teachers in District_76^ talk m§^: gan of the Lane Technical school will deliver an address on "Some Prob^ lems of Technical Education." Every- one interested; whether connected with the association or-iiot, is cordial- ly invited to be present.._ __^_o J sfThe committee of mis.stons of the ^ttenan ^, Spokane, Wash., Thursday, and the --^ _____^_^_â€"____ Sfesge^eral asseiBhIr-a-«ve^lr1aWzaT^e^^^ opened the program ^*tb» ^3^ attle. Delegates^from the east to ||K the^^m^Ongs^jpenjUSund^ fpg?^TJrree~~oT^ ^% tertainj^b^jh^_JM if^5 Davis street, and a strong program ^g5ia been^plannediXor :the day^ Rev. ^ J. A. Reed7J),J>.j of Charles street, |p. New York, will preach at 11 o'clock, ft ajjjtev.j, v^JMs^sm^M 5»inTPa-, willpreach at thT 7:30 serv- lO". Rev. M. B. Patterson ^jleidco, ^-».tlWirTiW^T^S 6^30 service. ^^ Rjyr^Whlteslde is^a delegate also to ^pj tlie general assembly and will be ab- HP leiit about four weeks. Mrs,_JKblter ^Wde re^ivTng^wide^otice on accqunt of bte_jrec*ntty_ _lssuei3i WOJtk^-^Bl^ tory pf Chicago." The literary re- view of the Chicago Evening Post in its last issue gave five c^olumnsi of space to the work, speaking of it as "a fascinating perspective." The three -rohimes^are the most thorough^and studious work that has been pub- lished on the great city.__ __, ISisses Julia^ole, Grace Pynchon, Eloise Hollett, Cora Carpenter, An- cinette Gardner, Marjorie Kimball and Lois Linthicum and Messrs. Har- old C. Pynchon, George Hollett, Al- bert Long, Robert Clark, Donald Scott, Robert Scqtt_ and Warner Baird^rjChTcagp, members ot the-H^- ^7 Bridge club, took -dinner at the Blackstone Friday night and later went to see Holbrook Blinn in "A Ro- mance of the Underworld." Mrs. Royce Armstrong, 2415 Pio- neer road/gave a small luncheon Sat- urday in honor of Miss Louise Raeder, of the Park apartments, v/ho will be married June 13 to "Mr. Wilffed L. Beebe_h^s_been^tudy^ng^pcal_ musi TfT^ndonT^ighindr^ith^ig. Albert with stereopticon views on his trip to Panama.^ Miss Mary and Julia Mar- shall played some fine selections. Thursday evening the closing enter- tainment of the FortrDe^fbo^^chap- ter of the D. A. R. club took place at Foster street_schop^j!be__w___ ig^oWThTyeaT^^hiSCTcarried on at Haven school. Visetti and Sig. Albert Garcia. WsT'Alexander Clark gave a re- miniscent party Thursday afternoon at her home, 930 Judson avenue, in honor of Mrs. J. J. Flinn, of Boston, who has been spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs.__Daniel Roche. Mrs. Thomas_Ru8sum,«06 Colfax street, gave a surprise breakfast Fridayimorning^in honor of the birth- day of Mr. Russum. Twenty-two of the Rho .chapterâ€"ofâ€""Beta. Theta Pi fraternity were present. Tulips were used in decoration. Mr. jtndr Mrs^Theodorer^edlwjfton. andâ€"son^^f -Kendallvillei Ind., are visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. Redington is the son of Major E. D. Redington, 512 Lake street, and Mrs. Redington was formerly Miss Sherer, daughter of Mr. W. G. Sherer of this city. Prof. U. S. Grant, 2320 Orrlngton avenue, has rented his house fur- nished for the summer. Prof. JSrant ChBds^ imss^^^ his son ^re staying at theTAve^ at her father's home, 1635 Hinman avenue. The guests today at Mrs. Armstrong's were: Miss Marguerite Raeder, sister of the honored guest, andJ^embjers^jiL^N^ sity^clasT^bf '04, classmates of Miss Raeder. "____â€"â€" ZZTBe__^marriage~^t~ Miss Cornelia Pierce, 420 Hamilton street, which selection on the cello. A playlet, "The ___ ___ Superior "Sex?!^ ten girls, members the churches of^hlcag^nAjMbjirJb^^ followed. " The sword ^rttl conducted by"Miss Burtnette of the Chicago School of Physical^ In takes place next Saturday, to-Gharles Anderson Pace of Ravenswood, is the culmination of a romance that started two years ago while both were students Jat Northwestern uni- versity. Mr. Pace was a junior when feslunanT _ ^_„______ The engagement was announced a Mfss Elizabeth j^arJater ai a PhUtappa^ #si^dancer Miss Pierce is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority. The children of the public schools of Chicago and a number of Evanston children who took part in the Shakespearean-Xestival given in honor chnrchj corner We«h?y--avettue T&d Tffir^clIo^assTiW3ar_JI^^ park. Upjohn, wag charming and very well done^^MissA~meliar ^funson .received enthusiastic applause for her reading. The club wishes to express its thanks the use o the new stage, which upon this occa- sion wa« used for the first time. The D. A. RV girls will give a dance Sat- urday evening at* Wltkower's audito- rium and Thursday evening tickets .will April 23, marched fromztheZIVaTTdus schools in Chicago in 'their pageant costumes to the Lyric theater Monda; afternoon. if ArnBpe^JGBertormaTOe_of erchaht" of Venice" was given especially for them by E. H. Sothern and Miss Julia Marlowe and their company. It was at the suggestion of Mrs. A. Starr Best, 1936 Orrington avenue, that, the children- appeared ie nue House, where they will reside un- til the end of the college year when they will go to Madison, Wis., for the summer months. of these *ply± ^_ __ lis wondilfSr showing at TbSy are hit beautiful grays, tans, blues an/the pin stripes tharare so popullr. -^-->=-iâ€"-â€"--^7--â€"TiTZT-'" $2*f $30, $35, $40â€" $50 Suitsâ€"each garment a speci- men of styleâ€"fabric and quality- that 'few tailors can produce. If yjou do not know "Mossier Clothes" this will give you an opportunity to try them. Come Today !~~^ "Every size to 50? Conservative and English Styles! Mossier Co. 19 East Jackson Blvd. ^ reductionW offered our patrons for the next SQjdays ' (cr affords wmsuaJ-epporti who lighp^ribt yet. Our presenj patronized Personalk^s our keynote-^-f hat subtle which is always evident in a well dressi^P^HTan, jwhich nevei^obtruAs itself,, iiigpi^nenlfe It is ou»Jr?5fc?, rferefore, to choose nviteiial and colof effects to hajmonjfteMthJJieiudu^^ EBERiVWN Ijidieg Tailor§qnd l^t^xier^ Telephone Evao«on tatf? ^?n n^vig Strp»t

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