mmmmm ■*i i» if ,atlPeo|^e^i^'poing^ *» lit Ev&iiston 4m»m<ii»»»»» ; Mrs. H. G. Rummery, 718 Clark -^street, left for Indianapolis, lad.. Bat* hlB jewelry t tore. | ^Ifcurday, for a week's visit. ||| tt; Mrs. W. R. Harrison, of Elgin, 111. arrived Tuesday -J for a week's visit through California. with Mrs. Geo. Taylor, 1456 Chicago "avenue. ^ _ _ .. _. .____ _ ____.._... S33"Tsfrl7Ta^T3rT»a^^ urday for Lima, O., where t^ey will apartments, in company with Mm. Northup and Mrs. Murray, left Satur- day for Llnville, N. C, and Johnson 111., has been the guest for about a City, Tenn. Mrs. Thomas C. Clark^^424 Judson Ke4zli street. *Javenue/returned ^^ from Bloom- ington, 111* where she was-ealled en tor,EHsabethr~2311Ridge avenue; account of the death of her mother, Mrs. Charles E. Smith. ^ Mrs. F. E. Mast, of Davenport, Ia», and Miss Eleanor Washburn* of Green Bay, Wis., attended the wed- ding of Miss Cornelia Pierce and Mr. Charles Anderson ^J&ee ^Saturday evening. . ;"-: ■* ■■ ^ Tuesday, May 28, there will be a iMay pole dance at Visitation academy jglven by the children and young women of that institution. Aside from the dance there will be an all ••day program, with * very elaborate ■luncheon served at noon. The Visitation Alumnae auxiliary will hold its annual business meeting ^at^ ^therrMiBBibn^^ teafoofflr^hertdan road/Chicago, Friday. Officers for the coming year will be elected, at T^hichr ItFHs thought, Mrs; Jr ^ O'Connor, 822 Seward street, will be --^elected president. \';/^ ^^^~'v:o/v:'i Mrs. Harlow Kirkpatrick, 1734 Ridge avenue, and children, Anna and Harlow, have: gone to Bloomlhgton, III., to visit Mr. Kirkpatrick's sister, Mrs. Baker. Mr. Kirkpatrick has gone to Washington, D. C, for a week, 'after which he will join his laxnily in Bloomington. The aldermen were victorious In 'the close game played between teams picked from the Chicaga commission- ers and Chicago aldermen at White Sox park, Chicago, Saturday. The score was 8 to 7. The game was 'or -the benefit of the Vlsitattoirafcailsmyr The bleachers were filled With men, women, boys and girls. Among the ^spectators were-theHftewsboys of the jclty, boys of the juvenile court who are under the supervision of Father Quail, and other children from char- itable institutions. These children without charge, and they made the most of their opportunity, enjoying to the utmost the game, tug-of-war and other features the afternoon's en- tertainment afforded. Young women, under the direction of the members of the Visitation Alumnae auxiliary, dressed In white and wearing the colors of the Visitation academy, light •and dark green, all over the park sold pennants, songs, candy, cigars, pop- jcorn and soft drinks. How much they realized from their sales individually cannot at this time be ascertained, Jtmt^jcounting their profits and the -sale--of seatB the organization made about $1,400. The girls selling the school music were Miss Genevieve TH^^nnor-atid^Miss-Eth^^emiin^s^MIss1 =and-frieiKHMwere presen^-^^er^Ide Rosa Emerson, Miss Margaret Walsh and Miss Nida Bradley were among those who sold cigars under the super- vision of Mrs. M. G. Geary, of Green- wood Inn. Mrs. Frank A. Hurley had in her charge the Misses May Sullivan, May Foley, Ellis Simmons, Adella Myron, Mary Carroll, Lillian Anderson and Amy Roberts, who sold candy. Programs were procured from Mrs. George Hoi man, Mrs. Da- vid A._Naughton, the Misses Ruth Donane, Delphine Donahue, Josephine Ryan, Florence Donahue, Marion Holman, Grace McDonough, Cunnie Maloney, Olive Early, Mary G. Mc- Donald and Mary Curran. The com- mittee in charge of pennants were Mrs. J. B. -McCann, chairman; Miss Maymes McCann, Miss Marie Mc- ^Comsofs, Miss Eunice McGill, Miss ^Dorothy^ Furcellr MlssJ Margorie Lee, Hiss Ruth Bariston, Miss MaTjejSaris^ ton, Miss Alice Burns, Miss Fannie Flageole, Miss Louise Flageole and HMcColl, president of the Visitation the order^biub, yellow; white, green --Alumnae auxiliary; MesdameBGeorge and red. A toast was given by Mrs. ffP. Gubblns, John T; Connery, Frank Ryden, worthy matron, to the past gA. Hurley, Joseph E. BMwill, Sr., W. matrons ami patronsof Fentalpha !|j. Delaney, William Schillgen, Archi- chapter^ It was unanimously agreed gjhald McKlnley, J. P. McCannr 3; W7 ^haTTh^BfiJ^^ Q!Connor -nnd George A. Hohuran. ---------" •-v?"v;'y¥"----- ^ *" Mr. August Rodelius 1b enlarging .....IS Miss Rose Karger, 1209 Elmwood avenue, is having an* enjoyable trip Mi\Jand Mrs. GeorgeLsrH^k» for- merly of 1218 Maple avenue, left Sat reside. Mrs. Irving Scheft, or La Grange, week of Miss Nellie Currier, 312 Mrs. Albert N. Hobart and daugh have gone to Galena* III, to visit with relative* tor * a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kirkman, Ridge avenue and Lake Street, left Friday for New York. They expect to be away abottt two weeks. '-V Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Huston, of Chi- cago, have taken Mrs. Kimball's home, 502 Lake street, for the sum- mer. Mrs. Kimball Is in Europe. Mrs. W. J. Phelps and two small daughters, Ellen and Saralett, 1726 Hinman avenue, left Friday for Charle- voix, Mich., to spend the summer. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Emerson H. Nichdloy, 2334 Prairie avenue, have as their guest their brother, Mr. WinfredIE. Nicholoy Tot~TfewarkT^ayne county, N. Y. Mr. Nicholoy is on his way back to New York/after a very suc- cessful six^rweeks' business--trip through the Dakotas. In automobiles, trolley and by car- riage about one hundred members of the senior class of Northwestern uni- versity went Saturday evening to the Mrs. George B. Dryden, 1314 Ridge avenue, entertained her club of twen- ty to an afternoon bridge, party "Mr: and MrsTT. D. O'Brien of Chi- . cago will spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. S. La Londe, 1304 Wesley . George F. Batten, contract agent of the Commercial Reference company of Chicago, was in jQvanston yesterday on business.^ _ .■ ■■ , _ . Mgf/,-" ;W- ■.. ~ Dr. and Mrs. WT T. Cbal?lh1ttf School- craft, Mich., are visiting Mrs. Talitha C. Riley and daughter, Mrs.. J. M. Lo* ney, 1013 Davis street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurst, of New York City, are the guests of their granddaughter, Mrs, William H, Ban, kin and family, 1722 Ridge avenue. v--M*r Richard Lane, of the Pacific Garden mission, Chicago, was in Ev- anston Monday calling on friend* in the interest of evangelical prison reform. * Mr. and Mrs/ Charles Anderson Pace left Saturday night on their bedding trip for Tyron, N. Cr They will be at tomQj^lA&M^&J^f^ apartments. ■ ^y^^:^^'Mi^^^^0-" Mrs. William S. La Londe; 1304 Wesley avenue, held a reception yes- terday afternoon at 4 o'clock/to which the principal and teachers of the Lari- mer school were-lnyited^oyiyi^^^^ i A number of the members of the Evanston Political Equality league were present at the Mississippi Val- ley^mffra&fe-ConferenceT held"yTreteT=t Miss Zita Murphy has been spend- ing the week-end with Miss Lucy Wil- liams, 1940 WuaAi^K-^omt^^'-f^-' ^Mrs^ Frank J. Pfahler, 1101 Maple avenue, returned Sunday from Kansas City, Mo., where she was palled on ac- count of the sudden death of her aunt, Mrs. M. M. Broadwell of that city. She was accompanied by her son, Mr. John flMrv and Mrs; Albert F. Dean, 1106 Church street are JnJLaytoltetJCal^ a suburb of San Diego, and are stop- ping at the Hotel Cabrlllo. Their son, Mr. Walter Dean, with his family, is spending the summer at Pacific Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Dean are ac- companied by their nieces, Mrs. H. C. Noel of St. Louis, and Mrs. Bllckhabn of Corona. ;--^.' The Iilinoil^ Woman's Christian Temperance Union held a reception Monday afternoon at the new head- quarters, rooin 1118, in the Temple, at, La Halle and Monroe streets. The guests were received by the state of- Hotel Moraine, Highland • Park, for their annual banquet, which took place at that hotel that evening. The toastmaster was J. C. Carwardine. Saturday eveningat 7:30 o'clock, at the home of her uncle, M~r. Frank P. Crandon, 1414 Forest avenue, Miss Cornelia Pierce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pierce, was married to Mfc^CharleB Anderson Pace. ^ The service was read by Dr. F. A. Noble, ^HPelative-of-the brider--The-^weddin& though simple was very pretty. The bride and groom - were unattended. Only a few friends and immediate re- latives 'were present. After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Pace will be at home in ■■the,.-Park'*partn]eiitB^r:^ The regular monthly meeting of the d-^witness-the-gamfr J^nces^UWillard-uttionof-the^WV fleers. Mrs. M. B. Homing, 0|| tt brary street; is one of the ^itate offic- ers and Miss Helen Horning, with a number of other young women, served tea. ■ A-';-': W. W^<f:';t 'r^kk^, >.: J^r-1% i-' ■]:i' t The Inter Belt conference of Y. M. C. A. officials was in session yesterday at the Evanston Y.M.C. A. Repre- sentatives from Oak Park, Elgin, Au- rora and Naperville, in addition to tile men ot the local dep«ilStten^r were present. State Secretary Shumaker and President Burt of the Institute and Training school were the principal speakers. A luncheon was served at noon, followed by an auto inspection trip of the parks and playgrounds, the new North End ' branch,v'Noxtl£ ^reatem field-and^tiie^Pattew um. Officers at this session were elected for the coming year.-gig ^^Telling the- truth may shame X0- Devil, but it also is apt to make you just as ashamed as he is. -M day at the Hotel LaSalle. iMr. and Mrs. Walter Highland,"Blm- wQadavenufi,! have^ been visiting in Fond du Lac, Wis. Mr. Highland re- turned home Monday. Mrs. High- land will remain a^week.^:^:^' Misses Katherine and Jean Mc- Donald, who visited~Mrr and Mrs. H. ting, J.922 Orrlugltm^ avenue, the past week, returned Saturday to their home in Gouverneur, N. Y. j The Mothers* club of Central street school will meet today at 3 o'clock in the kindergarten room. Miss Kath- ryn Still well of Chicago will speak on •'Mental Problems of Adolescence." The B, Y. L. A. of the German Lu- r:th^rati-cfauTcfi win nieet Frlday-even> ing at the home of Miss Lillie Ha^ loff, 1617 Lake street. _^After_a.:J^sl- T. U. was held Saturday evening at national headquarters, Miss Edna P. Rogerson presiding. There was an ex- cellent attendance of members, A musical and literary program fol- lowed the business meeting. Miss An- na A. Goraon gave a neipfui and in- teresting talk on the early work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and of those who aided in its foundation. The hostesses were young women of the society. A short parlia- mentary drill was conducted by Chas. Travis. /j,;: ,-y^^~^y^~^~Z±-\F On last Thursday evening Pental- pha^chapterr-NOi^SSr^O. F. S., cele- brated its eighth birthday. In spite of the bad weather about 125 members lightful program had been arranged by the social committee. Miss Gladys Boesch and Miss Martha Pape opened the program wltha-number of voca| selections, rendered 4n a most pleas- ing and charming manner. These were followed by two violin solos played by Mrs. John Hebblethwaite, who was accompanied by her daughter, Anna. The next feature oh the pro- gram, and that which the committee so carefully kept for a surprise to all, was a one act play given by the Dra- matic club of Washington school. The play was entitled "Lady Gregory's Sketch of Spreading -the News." Too much praise cannot be given, to the young folks who took part in the tainmjent, and the room Which had ^Gowanj-Mrs;^Jl^Byjcn^s^Mlss^orAj^ejEE*tte4^or^he^spread-was~*eau^^ndersoHj contralto; Mr. Arthur Last ^thitsJMrthdayxake^ surrounded_by eight candles, and its lavender decor- atlons, were the matron and patron _^____ and the pasjpmatrons and patrons of pVHss^ftuth1 Connw^^--The committecr ^he chapter^ There were "Hve other in charge Of the lathei Were Mrs. B7. tables, each decorated in one color of ness meeting the Sewing club, will meet. - . Miss Mary Doxie, of MonticelW, Iowa, will be the guest for a few days of Miss Nellie Currier, 312 Kedzie street. ~ She will sail June 6 on the Baltic for Europe, and will spend the summer aboard.._____________■_______,_ Mr. John J. Harris and family of Mont Claire, N. J., have moved to 947 Elmwood avenue. Mr. Harris is a brother of Mrs. W. M. Turner, 1215 Elmwood avenue, and of Mrs. Frank Jv-Pfahler, 1101 Maple avenue. The Mary biddings Neighborhood specialties and wor _£0 5uito^P*»ct fit lanship guaranteed Sp^^^ m m Weare Linen Suif» it .;. <P^y---......C?n|J"*ilj>*J '&& sntriX St^ near Pratrte%ve^ wmm art%t WSMM "Sewln^clrcle^et;TO'ttday'~aftern;obn; at 2 o'clock at the Children's Hdme, corner Ridge avenue and Washington street. Mrs. Fred Shaw and Mrs. Frank Fargo were the hostesses. ; The women of Wheadon M. E. church will have a pastry sale in the Beake building, corner Sherman avenue and Church street, Saturday: AllltindS^of^pastry and candy wlJEbe sold. The committee in charge is sM^sJa^Bj^JngEaMnit Goltz and Fisher. -- ^ __ The mairriake or Miss FriedlTTess- man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tess- man, of Aus&nt und Mr. Fred- L. Breitzmen^_oJL this^Uy^jwiUJake place __Saturdayatathe Lutheran church, -Austin, at 8 o'clock. About seven hundred invitations have been issued. Mr. Breitzman, who has been with ^GeOiTaylQrr. grocer, for,JflVe years, will have hiB vacation at this time. Mr.__ and_ Mrs. Breitzmah will be at home after June 1 at ^7 Crain street. ^ Tomorrow evening the twenty-sixth students' recital will be given at Music hall, Orrington avenue and University place, at 8 o'clock. Those play^A^ banquet followed the-enter4taking part are, Miss Edna M. Pen- dleton, soprano; Miss Delia tifully decorated. At the head table^^ou^tenor; Mr^Lemuel W. Kllby, bariton^tlJProfessor^_G^i A. Schaefer, accompanistr Miss jPendle^ ton's program includes "Ave Maria, by Raltr Mr, Lawson will sing- "Ah! MO^m^P^My^^Deulght^^^^^f^ mWi "In a Persian Garden." _Hias A lawn that will staytemit^^ heat, cold and drough VTGTICE your net •i-^l alo.ig tine -- look R stand the (rmt, In«ure„ the^avagey oMiear cold lawns this k already here^-Thei, , of\a thick, thri tu^rafia^har e coming^ rawny and resist ^wm KalakiH^ a selecterf rtiixtute^f-choicest^grass seed, ptows a-fiirf. that^w^ thick and sturdy. To insure sure and quick germination, this seed is mixed , With rich manure in pulverized form. It fairly shopts up to tprm a close^ knit turf of surprising hardiness. » Jg Nothing to equal Kalaka for renewing old lawnS' Aik your dealer for Kiiakn. If he etn not supply you write or rtpneTjrwdfwe(Wilf«e^crti|||^ get it piomptly. Write for our valuable booklet "How t* Nafta • Uw«.r* It a free. ***«*. tohang* Av«. »mpany -^ wu2S5te^irv«wi^cH»^Gb We twoe a amid getting prvtwrttlonforTVprehnUtimlu^ dealer* |§§f fffj andotlnr dealer* wiu> aell seed. Andersbri==will give -Moussorgsky's "Oriental Chant." By request Mr. Kilbjr will sing _"VlsiQn_ Fugitiise," from 'Massenet's "Herodiade." The recital wilt be closedwith a son;g cycle, Arthur^JWJti fmm "Overhead la a garden; .awt '$$$% 32C?Stfe:>'; ISlEalk" Sliiiiiii