, ifiS^MSBlliiii^Sii Wmmqmm^^ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WEDNESDAY THIRTEEN IN So Called Hoodoo Number Fig- jjres Prominently in Cat Casfr VICTORIOUS CHRIST HEAOSPRpGESSION Leads Muftftude of Captives From Death's Prison. At Boston Pastor Russell Pictures the ^Aslsass of Death's Prisoners and in Court For Adjustment, ABOARD BILL IS THE CAUSE gifts were provided for the conversion of the world, and that the Apostle thoroughly misunderstand the matter? No! We are to be taught by the Apos- tles, and may be sure that there Is no mistake. 'Cv • ■--:.;■/:: :•'•'y;.,.; The Lord from time to time has mis- led upevangelists,'.'pastor* and teacher* for tbi* glorious service of preparing the ••chaste virgin.* the Church, to be the Bride In glory, but the Apostolic office, as represented In The Twelve, specially provided "by" The Father, has continued^aad need* no replenishment. We still have their instructions as fully as the early Church, "that the man of Will Partiolpata. Few persons claim that thirteen is a lucky, number. Mrs. Margaret Tooke, 1&46 Hinman avenue, Evans- ton, is one of the many that do not The famous number played an im- portant part In Mrs. Tooke's life Monday, May 13. That day she went before Justice of the Peace Samuel Harrison and asked for a writ of replevin foivan ^ngoiTTT^'^Bd^fHrteenntJ^ns she had left with Mrs. Charles A. Miner, -1201 Chicago avenue: ^Wheh~she eh7 tered Justice Harrison's court room she was the thirteenth person In the nlacev Boston, Mass., May 19 .--Pastor Russell spoke here today iti the Bos- ton Theatre." In N.-W. ROAD TO IMPROVE -THEIR BLOCK SYSTEM With a view to preventing accidents captives/' -- Ephe- sians Iv, 8. This grand ex- pression respecting the glorious outcome of the Savior's work is quoted by the Apostle Paul from the Psalms tlxvlli, I8i The fig Thestartat the cat_JitQry^ which will no w be settled In cour^jlates back some time. The cat^^beautiful orange colored Angora, belongs to Mrs. W. T. Jefferson, 1205 Ridge avenues Mrs. Jefferson spent the winter in California.and asked Mrs. ^Jooke-to-eare-fw^e-tmt-whiie^ was away.- , iu,ejthus^hrust'l>ei^i^-ow!-e3entaJ-eye^ is that of a great Conqueror whose vic- tory is being heralded. With the Ro- mans we know that Jt_ was a custom that.. generals returning from wars were granted what were termed "Tri- umphs"--or triumphal processions. ~i^eTWpermlt our mental eye to*feast upon the scene of our text. 'Jesus, in one of bis two dis- courses he used the following text:, ......- ----- -------------=•-« "When He ascend- j the Chicago & North Western Railroad ed up-on^hlghTHe (Company is installing what is known led a multitude of as the New York railway block sys- tem, declared to be the most perfect system installed by any steam rail- road in the world. The system will be installed in cities on the Chicago- Milwaukee divTston ortfie Northwest* era road. The present Hall system, itnrtalied^oin«n^aixagonvlll be abol- ished as soon as the new system is completed. --Theme w systenrprdvldelsnfor large steel. arches to be placed over the tracks at different i^pjnts^^On the AfficmgptfcJ Native tal Rug Dealers, and Repairers r Mrr. ^ooke~was willingrirat-w ^the_ csyLJPas taken to ner--house not get along itl dog. did not get along with the hull The cat was taken to the Miner home to be kept until Mrs. Jefferson's re- turn. While at the home of Mrs. Miner it gave birth to thirteen klt- ^ [ Refused to Give Up Cat. Two weeks ago Mrs. Jefferson ar- ived~trom California and went to Mrs. Tooke for the cat. Mrs. Tooke explained wherethe-catHvas and the women went to get the cat from the Miner home. Mrs. Miner refused to quiver up the pets until the board bill contracted by the kittens was paid. The bill amounted to $13. g^^fjer^^pjiiffitt^ftefweeiHif and Mrs. Jefferson the former went to Justice Harrison and asked for a writ of replevin in order to get the feline. A constable served the pa- pers on Mrs. Miner who would not give up the cat until she telephoned her attorney asking his advice. He her to give~theroMcejOhellpeti to the home of it will remain every might taste death for man:" that He might rescue zbisTrace from the death con- der the power of Satan Therefore, the Redeemer counted not His life precious to Him. but freely de- livered Himself up. and died, "the Just for^tbe^mjustr^'-that--J£e--might- bring mankind back into harmony with God. His humiliation ended in death, but His triumph began when God raised Him from the dead by His own power, and set Him atntb^^right hand of His own Majesty--"far above angels, principalities and powers and every name That te ■named.";. .'..'-•'-.'■ Leading Forth the Captives. :^With--HDOst conquerors, in olden times, the captives were made slaves. Not so, however, will be the result of Jesus' victory.FlrstoLaJJ In the pro- \~iriKc Church of the First-horn:' Then will come a com- pany, more numerous, but less heroic-- "a great multitude:' uncrowned, but with "palm branches." not antitypicai Priests, but antitypicai Levites, asso- ciates and servants of the Royal. Priesthood, the Bride. tops of these arches will be the lights and iron arms used as signals and JhejSelsignals are so placed that they can be seen at a great distance by the engineers of approaching trains. confidently claimiifiy^ • " ---- ; -■, . ■'•'- -■■ : " ■'. -.■" ■■■■ '"" ■■ :: .'-.■ -"":-".' '■."-.'■"■ ";'r#\; ■;"■■$ fulfilment of the Divine Program.had left the heavenly condition and de- scended to earth, taking a bondman's. tire ^U6.«c^»d «* »pi/«v<ivu*u6 form or nature Id order "that He. bjj^tJ^nr^^ ♦inrT««7*sT^i7?wr-s^TSFT^ai^/i^TT^ tae-preaem-Hati systenrtne sigy nals cannot be seen by engineers of „».„■■■ n,„. ■„- -^--r .--n.-r-T-T- n.T,,„ lir„- trains until they are almost upon ditlon ^^nnder Dlvine^8e^tence~aird ufl^^enr^becaulevoClSe^^ the tracks, and as a result, collisions have narrowly been averted when switch engines were working in the main lines at the time limited trains were due. YOUNG GIRL WILL - JQIJIAOIJ10IVIE I2« CHICAGO AVL EVANSTPliy TELEPHONE B83 Following the finding of Victoria Hoinaski, fourteen years old, sleeping 'n a vacant house, her father, Albert Hoinaski, 1606^ Greenleaf"Btreet^ESv- anston, was arrested for not sending his children to school. Investigation has shown that the parents do not seem to be at fault, however, as they have done everything to keep the^ gjTQomeiihttt^ ^olor rheC^t^wai taken ; Mrs. Tooke where until after the trial, which will be held tomoirow."~>~^__1_______,_^___ ---A lively legal battle is promised When the case comes up in court. Mrs. Miner, it is understood, will ask that the case be set off until the board bill M settled. ':,v:-:-:" 7^^* Proceeding Legal? Another^ iooint^ill^a^pzte^sui^ ^^ccOTain^^^^-repbrfs. §ome"be1ieve. stay. She has* had no family trouble Thejn_wni^foUow:iHeta other faithfnl^ ones^of "the imstrnra^ -aav-wrttar-of-re?levin and attachment can be made only on personal proper- ty; this will be one of the strong points ijn_the flght the defense-wffl-maker"" --Muclrinterest has been taken in the neighborhood wherp< tha ?nt made I classes previously specified were not rebel lions, bntgladlyand willingly for. sook all to do the will of the Father and to attain the liberty of sons of God. as the first-fruits of the triumph of the Lamb. But during the thousand years of Christ's reign He will lead forth the "rebellious house"--the world of man- lust. The case will be heard to- CENTRAL STREET WAS WELL WATCHED kin^n^tjiiLofJth^^ clare. will die the Second Death.-be- that a cat is hot personal property and _cajise^jaiter-rea4izing-their^te Jo insure residents living near the ^end^e^be^a*^p^ l^anston. that would not be disturbed by^JLhc^JK«eiertt coming home from Woman's Library Club, Giencoe Wilmette JJfoj^ Ravenswood " »• ^pr^WTioixr^^ they will love sin and will therefore be destroyed as enemies of God. ^ "Ho Gave Gifts Unto Man.* =^4n this-prophetic r^erence to <>ur Lord's ascension It is declared, not only that H«> ^^^ lftfvd f"rth n mnlll ^iF~^i^r^Z?lu1" ?^^~^. 1^0°°^ liberty, blessings, but also that """ * * * *" He would confer gifts. The Apostle proceeds to explain the west The neighbors of Mrs. Miner and Mrs. Tooke are divided On the has caused much excite- hlo~^BOurt ment ____ Some believed a settlement would be reached before the trial but others are just as sure that the case will be thorou^ly^ahrashed out In^court^^It TslhVflrst case of this nature to be Jirought before a local justice. :^ Riverside, Chief of Police Shaffer de- tailed two officers to that neighbor- hood Saturday and last nights. -- --'Tiieusual crowd made^ts^way home late in the night but the boisterous ac- tions that have characteH«A^ t»i» ^ I am glad to write a word or two commending Mr. Mest- jian of Evanston. I know him very well. He is a high grade young man, a loyal Christian, a capable workman, aiod a con- scientious merchant. He has worked formany of EvafiStoirVv best families and all found him" reliable and painstaking. ||eJsjygrMu^ now a inemiher anfl a faithful ~«^^dmi^FtW¥ird':t^n^t^.^ gatioriaT^church of Evanstnn Jlo ifl-an p?Fp^r^jfi Oriental rugs; and what he says can be depended upon. 5 ^__^ ■ "■'■• '*'"%.:;:- ■"■ Yours'Isrv^'^'f^'y:-■ ■-'^; 1610 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111: ■.,.,r^« _W._. T/ffiEi^rEEiC question and the taking of the matter iffla^ter-andr tells us what gifts are Tnfn timrt turn r.«..«^^ ____.». .„ .^ moant Ra antra "Anil rrA »n«r<. «.^__ £TO_DiE^rjjmpw HnsPiTA! , r-f Miss Hahnah Nelson, 1506 8herman avenue, was taken to the Detention hospital^ in Chicago, Saturday, by Po- lice Matron Carney. City Health Of- ■7 fleer Dr. Balderstop issued the p^rtm. STOREKEEPER ARRESTED. Joseph Pocini, who conducts a stoTe ms f^pff^gpZ; ssSOh^^corner of^ XJentrai street and |JEastf: Railroad avenue, was arrested yesterday on the complaint of Miss |Jewell/ It is charged that Pocini sold tobacco to minors. meant He says. "And He gave some AjHwtleSj^and__some--prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers." it behooves us to no- tice that the Apostle does not intimate that Jesus gave to some Methodism. ^t«RiftieTB~TTesby^ and to oth- ers Roman Catholicism, etc. No. when w^hjeldjsuchjhouirtitsjt^^ we THIeTMto^eeTlarst that there is but_ths^ojie-Church-of the^vinajGod, whose names are written in heavenA- and second, that that one Church is not any of the various sects and par- ties, but includes the saintly in all of these, "For the Lord knoweth them that are His5";^::V-.<-~fs Noting carefully the ApofiUtfaar^u- ment we perceive that the Mn«^r ^t^ in the past was missing. Po- licemen will be stationed in that sec- tion each week to insure peace and owier*-;^-:-d;'"-- *^r '■■■.....^-------r----~ not give these gifts for the conversion of the world. He does specify, how ^yw^jrhat thgy were for, namely, "for the the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ"--the Church, the Bride. Is it supposable that the Apostle erred in this statement and that the fset 1s the vmrtmu%- «i»fr ;2^28 Central St.; EyAnsto5^Jl^ September^a, 1911. It gives me great pleasure to recommend the verv effieie^ thorough and eareful work of Mestjian Bros., whom I have jiound toihe most reliable and prompt; Mrs Wllf. Qm^Su r^-7'r ?^3eWpr^bmen¥^id Society^ Firet Congregational ChurchT^ A Medium GIV^UM^TMAil 'Ji^^is^^W^Wf^^fsM___....... ^S»5xU,.^