t raj» ?HV^* ~**>',« TiirriiTiirBiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiui mini mm n___.....i____ii._.........._ .n ...... ««*ej*s§^5?»*^^ P^#v " TT|» t Aiftt fiHORg NBW8. WEDNESDAY, JUHB^UM •;-t»>v^*» mm What Peopl *<~~ in Evanston &"â- Mrs. Qeorge Kelley and little son, 822 Hinmaa avenue, are yisiting In New York. Mrs. D. Bowers and family are again at the Greenwood Inn, after spending the winter.in Chicago. Miss. Zaidee Goddard, of Seattle, Wash., is the guest of Mrs. Y. T. Decker, 1015 Davis street Mr. Prank P. Howard, who spent the winter In the south, has taken a room at 1468 Maple avenue. Dr. A. m. Diller of Aurora, 111., vis- ited I>r. John A. Kappelman, 2031 Pratt court, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Burnet, 1554 Asbury avenue, have returned home from a ten days' trip to Colfax, Iowa. Miss Edna Mowrle of Billings, Mont., is the guest of her sister, Miss Arminda Mowrle, 2031 Sherman ave- nue. "" WW, A. L. HrOrFSL, SvS Ewtpeter street, who la very ill with typhoid . fever, was token to the hospital Sun- day. Mrs. Margaret Berryman, 1312 Chi- cago avenue, left Thursday to spend the week-end with friends at Spring- field, 111. Mrs. George W. Noble and daughter, Frances, 939 Forest avenue, started last week for Seattle, Wash., where they will spend a month. Mr. Fred P. Vose, 1181 Ridge ave- nce, who was commissioner to the Presbyterian General Assembly con- vening at Louisville, Ky., has returned home. 4f{ Mrs. |§taprt J. Bassett, 1304 Forest avenue,lpi attending the commence- ment at Wellesley, Mass., where her friend, Miss Charles, graduates from Wellesley college. Mrs. Suryne Ross of Toronto, On- tario, Canada, reached Evanston Thursday to visit her brother-in-law and.family, Mr. Norman J. Ross, of the Avenue House. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sloat, 2001 ^Orriiftgtpn avenue, left Thursday for Boston. 'They will be gone for sev- eral months, visiting different eastern points of interest. M$. and Mrs, Nelson A. Lampert of Chicago spent Thursday in Evanston, guests at the Avenue House. Mr, Lampert is president of the Corn Ex- change National bank, Chicago Mf. Theodore Carthiser of Aau», 111., *who hag been visiting bi» daugh- ters* Mrs. John Weiland, 1616 Green woofl boulevard, and Miss Elisabeth Carlhiser, returned home "Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Keller and son,! 1007 Greenwood boulevard, will attend the graduation exercises of the Military academy at Culver, Ind., from !£'â- ' whieJi their son, Theodore Prince Kel- &M ler, graduates. They will return %\ Saturday. I?* M^a Emily Parkinson. 1618 Sher Sv/ mail? avenue^left Thursday for New I , York to meet her sister-in-law, Mrs. f Qeoisje Parkinson of London, Eng- :-â- â- â- '- land, who will spend the summer with ft Miss, Parkinson in Evanston. Miss p Elizabeth Carthiser intended accom- v panying Miss Parkinson but was un- f\ able to leave at this time. % Mrs. Genevieve Clark-Wilson, who v has long bees accounted one of the ^ best singers in Chicago, and who has H been favorably heard in oratorio and f musical festivals throughout the west, 1% will be the soprano soloist at the Con ,Jv'. gregntional church for the next three l&J^ months. Mrs. Sanger Steel sailed ;" with Mr. and Mrs. Parke E. Simmons |ft for Europe on Wednesday. m%, ' The annual commencement concert fir of ifce senior class of the School of E|\zT Music of Northwestern university will IIP be %giv#n tomorrow evening at Iff" 8:16? o'clock at the gymnasium. fmfeC: Ther program, consisting of arias and m;:J pianoforte concerts by members of ftf." the class, will be given with the as- |p."' slsta$ice of an orchestra of thfrty-four I; men4rera tfce ranks of the Theodore v^ Thomas orchestra. For this eoaeert Wf~ the 'etjieflment win he tried of nttt- ^:" tefcg the festival stage In the gymna- ':, sinm for performers and audience. |2;>Tto* vacant part of the orchestra ptat* ,;';.' form and the raised tiers occupied pjs>lihs festival chorus will accom- "^ modate approximately an audience of fc iilne hundred. Tl»e stage will he sep^ratod from the carved iron gird- 'g^mmfa thsT floor oj a cartain, thus life msltog # sracticahle auditorium oat tk ft- i'- Miss Edith Cook, of Wlllard hall, has returned to her home in Geneseo, 111. Dr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Frost have returned from the conference at Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Frances Bradin, 1426 Elm wood avenue, has returned home after a Ars weeks' visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Day, of Green- wood Inn, have gone to Spokane, Wash., for an indefinite period. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bowdish, 1601 Lake street, have returned from a week's trip to Muskegon, Mich. Miss Catherine Frlgan, 2027 Pratt court, spent Decoration day with her brother, Mr. John Frigan, at Grosse Point. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Henry Schelder (Miss Susie Kirk), of New York, will spend the summer traveling through Eurwpe. They sailed Thursday from New York. Mrs. J. L. Onderdonk, 621 Grove street, entertained a small party of thirty guests to a 4 o'clock tea Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Blanche Banks. Mrs. A. L. Brown, 603 Dempster street, who is seriously ill with ty- phoid fever, has been taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. P. J. Seiber, in Rogers Park. Mr. Howard Eaton, of Madison, Wis., was in Evanston last week vis- iting friends. He will accompany his father, Rev. E. L. Eaton, on his sum mer lecturing trips. Miss Blanche Banks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander French Banks, 1204 Sheridan road, and Mr. Robert Alexander, of Cleveland, O., will be married June 12. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas, 2509 Pioneer road, left Tuesday for Rolla, Mo., to be present at the graduation of their son, George S. Thomas, from the School of Mines there. Miss Hazel Kelley, 1203 Elmwood avenue, left Wednesday for Washing- ton, D. C, stopping en route at Cleve- land, O. After having visited many eastern cities she will return July 16. Mr. O. Henrickson, Parmelee com- pany transfer agent at Evanston, has been succeeded by Mr. Frank Byrne of CWcago. Mr. Byrne has been with the Parmelee people In Chicago for four years. Mra I). F. FlUu. ^t i«..uviiu K> lo apeuJlug some t>m« with her daughter, Mrs. Jo\»«stt P Singleton, 1422 Judt»on avenue. Hei daughter, Miss Fitch of Louiev IIle, will join her mother here some time. soon. Miss Elisabeth Gerard Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Baker, 1240 Forest avenue, left Wed- nesday for Baltimore, McL, where she met her grandmother. Mrs. Samuel Baker, and together th6> will spend the summer at North Hatley, Canada. Mrs. W &, B. Seller and little daughter, Helen, who were called here on account of the illness of Mrs. Seller's mother, Mrs. M. C Marsh, 1931 Sherman avenue, has ieturned home to Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. Mrs. Marsh's condition remains about the same Mrs. John W. Kendall of Farmer City, 111., Mrs. J. C. F. Horne of Chi- cago, Miss Gladys Horne, Chicago, and Mrs. Albert Febrman of Elgin, with their husbands and father, attended the convention of the Illinois Mayors' association held in this city Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Mr. John W. Kendall is mayor of Farmer City and Mr. Albert Fehrman the mayor of Elgin. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. C. H. Funk, 807 Foster street, entertained at cards and luncheon in honor of Miss Florence Johnstone, leading lady in the Evanston Stock company. Covers were laid for twelve. At the dose of a delightful afternoon the merry twelve unanimously agreed that Miss John- stone is as lovable in private life as she is in the portrayal of character in her chosen profession. Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. White and lit- tle daughters, Martha and WUhemina, who have been occupying Mrs, White's mothers' home at 419 Green- wood boulevard, will leave June 15 for Isbpening, Mich., where they will spend a the summer, returning to Br- anstoa In September. They expect to spend the winter hi Florida, bat wfll i slatn asrt spring smd fcoM Mmaa *a avenaa. Miss Gwyneth Fulcber and Miss Grace Callow, of the First Congrega- tional churcn Christian Endeavor, are the newly elected delegates for the Lake Geneva conference now conven- ing at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Keller, 1007 GTeenwood boulevard, entertained on Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank H Baker, of Kenwood, and Prof, and Mrs. George L. Robinson, of McCor^ mick Theological seminary. Major and Mrs. Wm. C. Crulck- shank, who have been spending the past six weeks with Mrs. Cruick* shank's mother, Mrs. Holabird, 1500 Oak avenue, left Friday for San Francisco. They will sail from there today for Honolulu on the Sherman. Major Cruickshank Is stationed at Schofleld Barracks. U. S. A., Honolulu. Among Evanston Knights of Colum- bus who will leave Chicago by spe- cial trains tomorrow to attend the unveiling of the lx>rado Taft $100,000 memorial to Christopher Columbus in Washington, D. C, on June 8. will be Father Robert Egan, assistant pastor of St. Mary's church, John Wynn, George Kearney, Samuel Mascoilno and Daniel McCann. The Daughters of the King of the Diocese of Chicago will meet in con- vention at St. Thomas' church, Wa- bash avenue and Thirty-eighth street, Chicago, tomorrow. Rev. A. L. Mur- ray of St. Matthew's church, Evans- ton, will give the convention address at 8 oTlock. The Daughters of the King is a society of church women or- ganized along the same lines as is the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Tuesday evening, June 11, Miss Gretchen Wilcox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8. Wilcox, and Robert William Martin of Brooklyn, N. Y., will be married at the home of the bride's parents, 1713 Asbury avenue. The ceremony, which will take place at 7:30, will be followed by a recep- tion at 8:30. Miss Margaret Taylor of Worcester, Mass., will be maid of honor and George Bobbins best man. Clarence F. Poole, 1015 Forest ave- nue, graduate of Evanston Township High school class of 1911, a freshman of the Mechanical Engineering de- partment at Michigan university, has been awarded the individual bowling championship for 1912. His victory was well earned as he led the nine- teen competitors with a percentage of 600. His average was 182. He rolled consistently at all stages. His high- est single score was 278 out of a pos- sible 300 Invitation* hems Loen issued Cui the uiarriage of Miss Anna Marie Carl- son, daugntei of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Moberg, 1426 Elm wood avenue, and Mr Comeliua John Cansland. 529 Garfield boulevard, Chicago, on Satur- day evening, June 15, at 8 o'clock. The wedding will take place at the Swedish Lutheran church. Miss Esther Carlson, cousin of the bride, and Miss Margaret Cansland, sister of the groom, will be the bridesmaids. Mr. George S. M. Carlson and Mr. Frank Cansland will be ushers, and Mr. Frank Hutchinson, of Chicago, will serve as best man. i>ittie Lillian Carlson will be flower girl. Toung ladies of St. Agnea sodality of St. Nicholas' church, Friday night gave "Cupid at Vassar," a four-act col- lege comedy drama, at the Parish hall. Ridge avenue and Washington street The cast of characters and synopsis of scenes follows: Mrs. Carroll of Great Falls, Vt----- ..................... Mary Geimer Wanda (her daughter)............ ................. Kathryn Foerster Shiny (a lazy darky)......Etta Reis Hank ("the hired man").......... .................. Bertha Mailman Sally Webb (Kate's room-mate).... ................... Anna Schwind Helen Conway (a freshman)...... ..................... Anna Welter Kate Newton (Wanda's half-sister) ..................Christina Pestka John Willett (a young architect)... ..................... Martha Paps Amos North (of North * Son, bank-.. era) .................Mary Welter Matty Hart......Marg. a Schummer Polly Snow..............Jalla Pestka Alice North...........Marg. Wiltgsn Miss Page.............Ida Rostowskl Synopsis of Scenesâ€"Act 1, Sitting room of Kate's home la Vermont Cat the old home). Act 2, Kate's room la a senior double (at Vassar). Act t, samt as set 1 (racatSoa time). Jet 4. coUea* Campus at Tsaaar (gra#a> tioaday). .. â- â- -m:**~ '-- &*: Tie yonag ladies actiag the part of Messrs. I. S. Karger, Victor Ortlund and F. L. Beck have returned from Indianapolis where they attended the automobile races iast week. Mr. Frank Van Vlissingen Is home from Interlaken school. Messrs. Al- len Tetlow of Boston, Walter Rathbone of Washington, D. C, and Clayton Deam of Benton Harbor, Mich., were his guests last week. Mrs. Nelson Sanford, 1414 Hinman avenue, will Join Mr. and Mrs. John S Barker and Mr. Calvin Barker in Toledo, O. The party will tour from there to Ithaca, N. Y., to attend the commencement of Cornell university. A farewell luncheon was given in honor of Miss Mary McNananan Fri- day evening, at 7 o'clock, by her girl friends at the home of Mrs. J. Clif- ton Andrews, 2306 Grant street. Decorations were of yellow daisies and ribbon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Starkweather, 1824 Chicago avenue, left Saturday to spend one month in the Canadian Rockies, and will return the first of July to Roaring Brook, Mich., where their family is summering, to remain until September. Lillian Kester and sister, Miss Bertha Voelker, 806 Grove street, and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Maiman, of High- land Park, were the guests of honor at a dinner given Decoration day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. George Edward Spry, 1323 Hinman avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ellen, to Kenneth Bailey Fiske, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wallace Fiske of Helena, Mont. The date for the wed- ding has not been set. Mr. Lock wood J. Towne, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Jones, of the Parker apartments, has been ap- pointed superintendent of construc- tion by the University of Illinois to take charge of the improvements which have begun on the campus of that university. Announcement is made of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cunningham of Milwaukee, Wis., Saturday, May 25. The baby was christened Sunday and named after her aunt, Mrs. Ferdinand Borrell, 1639 Oftington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Borrell went to Milwaukee to attend the christening. They will be the child's godparents. Mr. James ;R. Rldd|| ||^ak formerly #f thlf .cHjfi -,$[»*^JByj Monday on business. Miss Bileen Tubbs of Santa CM., is visiting Dp. and Mrs. Will G. Alexander, 2040 Orrington avent Mrs. LeRoy Brown Of Ind., has been the guest of Mr. Mrs. John Brunner,-027 Dartmc place. Mr. Oran Parr of Glasford, 111., h||L taken a position as night- operator, the Postal Telegraph office, 16:10 Sh< man avenue. Mrs. m. C. Liliey and Mr. and Mrsf Yerkes of Fort Meyer, Fla., spent Suj|f day with Mrs. Charles D. Yerkes, \Ridge avenue. The 1912 graduating class of Mary's school held a theater party |jp the Evanston Saturday afternoon. TbV afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. M. J. Chambers and Miss Chaa||| bers, mother and niece of Mrs. Isabtfjl Shepard, 1110 Church street, are her|| from Los Angeles, Cal., the guests otf Mrs. Shepard. June 10 the members of St. Lukei|| branch of the Girls' Friendly society|| will present the "Palace of Truth" atf| the Parish house, corner of Main, street and Sherman avenue. Miss Fay Cable, 1742 Asbury ave-| nue, who has been attending school in Parjs, and while there was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Von Ternes (nee Miriam Cable), of Vienna, ia re- turning to New York on the steam- ship Kronprinzessin Cecile. Mrs. Lowell Copeland of Wlnnetki will be matron of honor at the mar- riage of Miss Janet Stebbins Warren, daughter of James A. Warren of Win- netka, to Roswell B. Mason, which will take place Saturday evening, June 29, at 8 o'clock, In the First Congrega- tional church of Wiimetka. There will be four bridesmaids. Miss Edith Ma- son, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Grace M Dudley of Chicago, Miss Mar- garet Copeland of Winnetka and Miss Emily Lee Culbertson of Paris, Texas. Henry G. Miller, Jr., of this city will serve as best man. The ushers will be Maurice Mason, brother of the bride- groom; David M^ Warren, the brides_ broths** of Wfttringtdn, Va.; Benjamin F. Cable of Washington, D. C, and George T. Adee of New York. A small reception for relatives will follow at the home of the bride's father in Win netka.. No Money in Advance â€" Satisfac- tion Guar- anteedâ€" Lowest Net Factory Prices- Easiest Terms â€" A Saving of $1 00 te |2 00 â€" From Fac- tory Direct. famous STARCH £B Stnt Anywhere in the United State* en 30 DAYS' FREE WWAL YOUR iWN HOME WB WILL SEND with tuuidsom* and glass balls, years, on 30 Day*' Pre* advance, and if yon < Pfaao ya* â- *â-¼â€¢ «r«r toyotiraalf and importaatfcatt___ IfcUJfttcliarvesbof heneayouaj-vtofe peony. Isn't mat able as well a* win___ meets, hecee yea ore jy oart of the United States Jbcnatiral vekmr scarf, polished reroMba* top st :k'» Complete Piano Instrn-Cor. all i right in your own home,-Without find it the â- aemnmaat, ewfMeeMoj------ and if It ia not entJbly satisfacto PIANO. brass feet for 25 money in â- be returned to us, i#wbich event we trust you and leave yon to be both*- fful be so sale, and the trial < jr or any commercial^ on ottrgaarantceii our "*"J aagheel grade ory and acceptable aeane) ___in all stand the Sead for Oar Special AoWtfsfcaf Offer to First Bayers in New Localities aam Save All Unnecessary Sottas; Expenses ami Profits. Wees* _ it â€"t for yet »»dUal wHIiua, no matter where yon are looted. We will _____ lY CAST TCsUtS to salt your needs. Send for our Beautiful Catalog Today. STUCK nAIOS ta WmimM p 25 Twn, tat 7iej LAST A LIFETIME ofusalL Send for SpeetalPmyer Piano Catalogue if interested. BMMuumw tm onmm make* and in used and rebuiltpiaaosstlM). 160. SJS. flOOand up. Send for list. Church A Parlor Organsâ€"all styles and prices. Write m today. Our beautiful literature will interest you. Mention this paper. < P. A. STARCK PIANO CO., â- ««ii«chr«rs E»artivtO»ecssss*Wsr*t*ssM,210^^ Past tf JOHN REAL ES-MrVTE, AND IflsURANCE «4 m " " m0fW$m