Society Workin Musical Jk . w^,^,^ .^,r. Tb'» Wilme lub recency** lents of the % ;he best tjn|g£fi musical .nd growl; ho re during onths the samel uuslc, light, o; hat the city-It^! >orts m<wi$^ an Schaa embership boo! Khedule as s©n% o)u* Series-; at â- " Awjttlsll^ Italn sitfaielftjsil................,„., Series B-^ntftHng^^der: .$$$}*# [books of 80iySttli1ions ^li% if$«fei^ Serlee £^#^ y*m^^tO^$J^ tbooks of ^.MM^^M^^^i^ Series ilK-^tltlllSg li^a^;to two (books of |ft^ l;4 Sedte^lpl^Wttaf homer to one ^<f 46 lld^lssions «ach, $10. ' ten dojiar sttbscriptitfxi includes fJrV admissions, the club mefl^rs^ Sues for oneyear an4^me Vote .on -JtJa.: v}nla affairs. The a&ive committee held a meeting recently at the heme of the â- «g^iy/'/"l^,V'#*^!--I^V. "Wanner, 629 Central^ weaitte^and- »v other one lastSaturday *fc the*B$ri3«V casino to hear reports from ttfe;dillter* ent towns. ^B:wmiMite^9LtWfgetfor Wiimette md^ea MrsV Foster Bran- son chainnan;-_Mrs. Howard. HaU, tyra Oordont^ftaai^ Mw^lf ft: Kerr. Mis HWh^^i^^^flM^i^^ ney. Mr* j|«B| ||i*eC>#i^,'|l: Sheiimany Ips^Afrtbttt>:ti Tiyafry; B. R. Thurman. _* The local committee foj§Wilraette iit'lnciades M*fe aJ|p^ Tal^cbaattfc, chairman; Mr*, CSS? tJSgSS$&, ^0te£ chairman; , Mrs.! Chafjes Ht. ^anjwri secretary; lt^'-'^^^l^^^^i^- H. K. gnld^.^raT^^-^m^bsfflr Mi-, Fitz-I&miolpli, "Mrs. C. C. Mitr cheii, Mrs. drafton Stevens, Mrs. C. JF. Kiadei, Mrsi^a fepreseott, /Mrs.. % Mendsen^ Mrs. Jfc H. Bjtra£ Mrs. G Gardner, Mrs. Charles garrison Smith.; â- Through the (conrtesy of Mr. Georg$ E. Cole notices were priiiiejftjand :di# tributed In Sunday's paper,*$a order to call attention to the people of Wll* . xnette to the interesting programs to be heard so near home and to interest people to make it/possible to continue the same high-gride programs -that have made;, "|»ur>^wb^erf«;;\B^^% Park dear to all noahO* jihbre rest- Ravinia .^Mfc-'^^r^n^.-^tntd^r evening, ^nk'^i^^l^'jiw^-^ the Mineapolls Symphony orchestra, one of the :,|»at^Pll^#^-^ lowed by tlt&'ib^^ tra for ejgkii*eek|^Ti^^ orchestra, imderth^^tre^ * ^erhoffer*^^ flan danjerf^^^^^ni^^^vi(^ will dahoi^W^ ^a^wjli con^|br an indefinite period and Is s>^gra^uafe of the Russian imperial haflet! The lancing specialties tM- *£** M^*- ^owa wfll be independent of the jm? cert by Uuj orchesirian* ^ :Wnied;Jiyk'^l^^ii^-;^|^^ ^ter^jb«^%i^|i^sfi^ ;,€hertra-idtt^^f air stage at rt. Through the petslBtent ^^0^dj*^^:'v|*';4:|^ sA axc^tf^lM|lly g^'"»i&g|Mi;^ ibes:-whoip;;lelifc .;,lMSy^^^s1lel« sgrariH opera sMgew ^ Edj^ Darch. . :i^ao|R;.«hf?iji^^ ie large '^-^ Jfc^^^T^i^T^ ^wn-ta^isa^idi fc^and'^Bejssl*;;!^^ ^|c^^«p|io^ that tbts »i^ritinae and unlesam^re [, :t>^^i^^^r«,i^ u«^ for r*adli^,r<)ontt> ^ ^tnrday thert pie William* â- Mm^: Man one of the most Their in^tch waa Intei^^^^M^ as heard of bur wonde^ilir^iw^a> "We are the enry of ^*ny^i»rie «$ttlea of inerjoa." Are %e tt>- Ipae- WI tola through out^ ii^^rejBcef lalrilmette to^o1>-ita:;8lJa#T^; 'v';;-;^-,;..: , «> 'â- â- '" U ia^Ma^'tnWv'l^^^i.J10^ ne^ lect tblidelights oji^un^to gain musical *^ iftrttsticany and ph»antn^|es^ it our wr# foor> Cheaper tr»nspt»rtitS>i> 1» .1"^.*?^ sldela^ibn^iore "cfe-iirl' proiaUe4. .Sl^rids^^^^^:^'.^ .^IS^1^ â- ine1ib^tel|i#^|^^ ^r|«lW^^tt^.;"-".....-"-^-* played bad the good fortune to win 4 up and he took the next two holee,leaT- #lrttitift^ took the fourteenth, a 246-yard hole, jw|i .* ^ c^Sojp^f: i^ ^ia% IPsW 00^ |^0oW»t .hcrtlit oi',:;to«:;^ira^M'l^'|^^^ can use those in charge. Ii is planh ., . :w|li: i*/raisey^ ig^'%"^1';i> 'I'lt""'"'^-^'^^ uglier i&ls;:l /^ rence and five id i^l^i.,..... " The wedding of Wisr^anj^ Ste>- ; ,,,^,,«.F^,V-, Itoa' 'Warrih,^*^^ Warren 'otr^N0iii^ *M ^R^wreU^ B. ' ^" -â€"*Mt*-A- â- Notices jwato been posted^ warinlBg automobUists ^^tolnlat^a^lle while in the precincta of jfltenco* In the p«*t «s»y have been left apfa> Imt as #W haw taken advattta|te ofthia the tillage'lias decided to $0 »ft«^ thehv Iniiie pa»t f^om^ote <^0 bas been made, while ft^w yeaira ago ^"amount was about ^89% >#*& Mle^aM nitor^ -*** jsoft pedal and keep their ey<» open Vhile paj^tfer^^lf matchi. Williamsâ€" ;;'"^. .. . ._ w . O09NBisfisSl^-r"' ;•â- - '^^:*> ::':\^'"\ .^r^y^ Wimamsâ€" -"\&&'l - ;• ... â- %?: .'"t* • • .%iT^§^fA cr&f B,5f.?~4o>^ Anothei» match worthy of notice wa». thirtra^w^e^ FrO.^ i^-'^^ook1 twenty hoii» |o tW, niatcb. Bass winning J4:«fe^ earda wereâ- W'&titi**}'^ : 'Baaaâ€"^ â- ^ Thomasr-*â- » -â- -»^-*..•â- â- â- JW •••"•â- .'- -â- * : vr: Ollt :.. .#W5-1« .'• B 4-^-4a f. Thomasâ€" >' TO^tra briesâ€"Bass, 5 g; Thomas, 6 g. Results of the ntatenea: 5k Mason will be oelebrated Saturday ^eipg^'i' o^ockfln the First ;Coib> g^g^oW chu^ »i|«i »di€b'liii^^|^ Matgarll ^pela^ oW^ 1^^ and Mtss Emily Lee ^Gulbertson of Farts, '£&£*':SStli; he tb> brfd6»tnai|B.s Henry â- &"Js$$6ttr^tt-.W; ' |||ig JFUlie jftmi^i; jat^iter oi Mr. and ft&s, Beii&nilh? »\ Cummins of Wuihe^lat^ inaifieU;ip>Chea- leir^we^Waicott this e^ntiit The^ ceremony will be celebrated at 8 $$$&% *&J$m fcO*n* M #® lirlo^a ^em%. ^^iaine*" ft; ,5 fc 1«eClnre of the McClortnick Theological semi- n|^#l^^r^;M^^^ TlM"hif#s: will be unattended, and Russelt F« ^aloott will serve bis brother asbe^t man. the wedding will be followed r% ,' 5. On complaint oi ^e alato fMhe warden, Stephen Bi^i»A a; Wlnirft* flshennan, was airrisited ^eaday morning by Offetl Samuel Boi» on a wAnrant chapdng^; Krpnke with shooting three d'Ufflii* Kronke is out on bonds aad *%]£* given a hear|«g tomorrow. W&M**, totonite M pu% |fe«Me. â„¢*,3 'way past the season for duck anoot£ ma and the IWideft clainur Kronke had ta^^ittOia hi *» i^ta*if^ ;diaesi<^. <>*u Jh'- ^:-:^;v4aWf*. Grant Ridgeway 4«feated 0lt1sirtMaY:4i'4di^k. .-^-::.-;-. ^ . Ji K^^ss defeated F. C. ThOmag 1 up 30 holea. /'w'aaj^o.-...... __ Oscar Bemaier defeated I- C. Wo|t 4 and'"** *' ..',-.,;" ^^3^. - ^%^roston defeated C. W. Alison 4and». â- -•.• â- ;;;*/â- ;1,; ,i.-' .'â- ;-:<Claa»'l^;^'; -j; " JVT. B* pate won by dafauit front; 3. r Dlcklnaon. " -, '-£$2 J Frank-iB. Lord defeated 1?. M. Hoyt iaiidif â- "•„_ . Vi/ . '. ^ â- ' /' 1 t>«i^i»tlta#oklo. - !^;auror#Wllliams entertain^ a ,«^ of nine Monday ^wrfBf it fflifc The 4tmllfytng round ^rs*'^ivito|#'!""""'"" •f^ta^o^i th#i$siof^' *"" v'F^^bjht^&;ll Whee1e#fe:'li Eaiyson, R. G. Piatt, Wl» ;CFv Yegge, &M%mm3& , anf%•MBop^olkai^-â- .•, ^,1 Thlrd^-^B^^NS^^B^pi Hemeai^;^^^lii|ff.'t. __.. <fc- m^;FJo^#^i|§i|iiJ^ FarnsWorth, J. I>. Bsa«gibsd^:<s||pfe son/ R S. iDeGOyler, C. R AUinfc »• P.^BSysotirW.^8. 6oi%*^» G. H. flcurlock and J. & D. McM< Bur^ th^ li»C fjwQlifS tk»^ lico hswe receiTOil' many oomplamw B%lnin^irNJ«^ [being "^pirli^a^hoiy^^ Thursday f^lern«c%/one «>. was „ the^^ov^^^m^-)^- MP uiiable to n^iah the rowwt ^-^:^ weak .«!M:^lipi«iiik. H«i^^:^p An entertainment for the benefit of St Francis Xavler's church will be given at the Bvanston theater on Sat- urday, June 29, under the direction of ris#; CK J. BiclU and Mr. B. F. Kehy. afte^ musical program* will he under the direction of Mr. O. G. Corus, one of Wilniette's best musicians. In the vaudeville entertainment there will be professional talent as- sisted by Bryan Lee and Maty 0rana- ton Of Wlnnetka. There will be eight young ladies from the., Birchweod Country club who* wtH give special dances. Mr. Kelly and Mr. Bichl will furnish amusement in one of their characteristic sketches. The "After Piece" will constat of dancing, comedy and, music and win lie entitled "A Night m June." one Of the many featurea^witt be the draw- ing for a 1912 flve-passetfger touring car. The winner >ili 1» annoiraoed from the stage on the eveningjtf the performance. Tickets may be haid at the iawg^'W/ First Round Saturday. The first round in the Ptrwrtwa' wipj will bo staged neit Saturday finals will bo played after the of July wm^*^:MM^*&&*m There was much mv^^Mt^^^:^ all of the matches': played::^||ii|i|^ The finals in any -^mi^0^i0i^^ a large gallery and th* %w^ coupled with the ouallfying the I34rectorft, cw o*o«t'"" _ a large and enthusiaatic AUdiono* A fine card of events haw beem up f or the Independance day The most interesting *$0M$%W&M wrili be a flag race handicap. Other good events wlU also be played. M'^WWSi!^ On complaint of Miss Edith Bolder, Charles Boardway of Bvanston waa arrested Wedneaday^ mi *0*W;& wife abandonment;, it is said that Boardway paid more attention to |oth^ women than he di<l to hia wife. pone* Magistrate John' F. Boyer â- fiat s ^ ^o^tt«>cfor jtd4iar ^Ami of the o^eumatancea in the caaex Bos^way wai^ «M*le to .s^ 'tiUmj&%^1&0^ ~-4aa\d anhmmlae li At Glenview, phrey won the ing W^ B. Sawyer fy&ffl 3 up and two. The match . ..ft, .,_,..,^i contested .f^uejti^-fliaf^ big aA^anbagO;im^-*ft^^^m^ . made. •â- â- ' >•-•..â- r "" *• ^.'- -vv-;..'^-:--•|*<^^i;; ^ ' la^^Iloaa^a^ -• H, by defeaUng H. al; fs^'#'li||U['^|- , in the teal match. The een**n*l for ; the Maturity cup .ym^mmit^m1^^ : and R W. Hunter will M^;^M^MM .-.â- '. Chriaty in.the'.nnmmnio^:;ti»%';]^^ Hunter defeated J. J. Tuft* Saturday. .; S and % while Christy won from & H» - Moore brtand 1: â- ': â- â- •*. /^-;.^; ^M;- ' • â- -':-:' ;- '• "â- : -., • '-. â- â- '.'-â- ••« ^ ^ -::'£â- -iM '• - 1. i " 1.1 ' â- .; . -...-â- ; J? â- ' >• --• !. •â- ... ':>3 "'19 â- â- 'â- â- â- â- -. f. : _;_ - â- --r " -i- -"JijflH "•'•. ^TDld yon enjoy the operaT" •**"^ T- rNo;: I dld|^>«i»JP Jtf â- " ^*Tvi^^iB«oii aeated next oi telling each other how they $ ntinter* and d^ooratstv to ^t always asanai^ to emr itmejviarjr * - ^-