FIRST SESSION TUESDAY T?||TO5fJJ^3!JPM!!W^ BHKSH 'Vfr^^~.\Wii^:'i:!ViY >Vf'ltv.t*T * ?f^r ""*""....." ~"- " " II. awa»V £r,'-f,u:,fW*m at 2 a. at Total low of SMS*. Iim n, vacant tan at of anbury mm aad Waslv to the extent of flOO. On June S* tie* ignited aad piiatf destroyed, the loai betes es- f*I#a« at. foot. x •-â€" •« w. at lOOf Wesley area** the extent of the £«•**, at la. Hi at lilt am* the a^stiujsd at S a. am* the teas Jaiy6,barB<rfWlHIaai8el«ett,10» I^Jtetejtjr. avowee, seethed at IS:** the liwabiiliig tide. -': â- : . Jaty §, tan. of Carl Hendricks, lsM Anbury avenue, destroyed at l til* loam saaonntfag to fSSO/ Ataynsss. &£ 4* a result of these wholesale area, saoposedly of faeeodlary ortete, the residents of the southwest seetioa of too elty are aroused by the activity, of the foetrnga. la no ease have the neBee or the amonhara of the an do- able to lad afanwaaVHaaV Hearty ovary resident to that seetloa has a tarn on Jus premlisa and for this reason they are la constant fear fua* tlieii* s&sy be the next to fan to the merey of the names. . ' - ] ;. la rfssttfvs of It. 3"f|a» l* ao doubt in amy ***** *** i aarebug or a lramberot ft, work," said Fire sfarahai Her- "AH the fires have been at ahovf the amme how of Afl, t am posttlve, wore teet that all von pans with fettle la theaa, tftfffttMrr with the that the; fires originated en the tt moat dear that they it te aty beHsf taat-otl '^ute- iuaa -â- -â- jaau ^"'-'fh^ata^ttaW^afr-'SV - , * ' email «as> awsaia^pv^ - inn :entv er^'tnn ' " la the south end at the «tM*':A rwii 'mhMf- '*rwin* a 'few '"â- ste% *'wofav a^ajtod and t?i^»*iS Mliis^'i|pM% row aay ti^ yoo hart aD the country arrived ia Evaastea Mon- day lor a three weeks" eourse to be at Kortnwestern mairerstty the aasufces of the 8Uver Bar- twenty-two year a the ashen hare aaad to the a featnre aad each c f i "sum frm n the of the, country hare b of It. The as amber Frost All Over ttatioa. The asajarfiy of the Instrnctora, all either savei floors of hi the from aD over the Baited Statea. The larger num- ber are from the central west bat prae- tfeafly every state la the anion will be represented. Twelve teachers from Team arrived Monday. Monday the visiting teachers regis- tered at Willard ball. More than 300 had registered. The afternoon was spent in looking for living accommo- dations. There wilL be little trouble in caring for all of the visitors be- -caose of the absence of the students. The recitations are held in Fisk hall, while Willard hall te used aa a reception heaoqnarters. The most competent Instructors obtainable have bees placed In charge of the work by the music book publishers. The chief object of the coarse is to teach the ssperrisors the music that la best for the pupils te the public schools and also the best way In which it can be taught to the students. Of the 300 teachers here for the opening session it is estimated that felly nine-tenths of the number are women. This estimate is taken from the summers past, during which the men were .far in the minority. The supervisors of music from all different sections of the nation realize the advantage afforded them by the AftEALSEMT : fefbenOdst of Job/ cstoentton^htes. U 9, of 1S4S wihpotts avenue, recefvsd'aj telegram from Daltav Tow. -Cosee at ohca/* ft roan. "1 sam dying to see yog and wm pay an I nrast ass yon at oaesv reassigned -Mteaie.- Minaie te the wife of Mrs. Smith's only son, W. A. Ladaono. Believing her um mast be setfoasly m, the sd up aad prepared to leave Friday. At noon she received another tote? This one sald: -I have shot WDL Come to Mrs. Smith harried Into frantic win horror, aad took the first train for Dallas. Sao hoarded the ear neaii* nroatratsd. 'a\"BEam*s»Tdem •ana^a»aaaa«a»0"SnaT sWvol UjBjannnj nsni the snidrs end'to a three married life, starting win e skater, formerly of Chieagrt, the country. He met Minnie MHtea; m the sister of Jockey Shill- ing, In Paris, Tex* attracted her. and they were married. The coupkt appeared to bo happy. Smith received weekly letters front the riaughter-in-law ana had seen, telling of their married life and demonstrating a deal of love for her husband. He was 34 and she 22. Within the test week Mrs. Laduque to suspect her husband of in fidelity, and started an investigation. What she learned satisfied her. She stepped op behind him aa he waa telephoning, listened, then dropped back a step and called him. Aa ho turned she drew a revolver and shot him five times, killing him. she tossed her weapon to the floor and surrendered. "My husband 'came home late Wednesday and I investigated," she said briefly. "I have nothing more to say now." Mrs. Laduque was released on 35,000 ball and went to stay with relatives. I«. F. Smith, stepfather of Laduque, spoke of the tragedy in a sort of ,»tMMs*oM*»o< &*'! 5tv& Farcy Bradstreet is ill with typhoid fever. •" â- *.â- «â- â- M. T. Carter is building a residence thefr ^ sites Helen Happ, Bprueo street, Is Tlsiting relatives In Clinton, te. Lytton Calrow toft Friday for Platar kee Lake, where be will Join Mr. aad Mrs. Zel Windes. Mr. aad Mrs. Charles BnsB have I nmted thdb> rented their house for the summer | Mr. and aad have gone east. Fre* Seawall and G. D. Curtis en- joyed a motorcycle tour to FOx Lake and return test week. Mrs. O. H. Curtis, E3m street, en- tertaiaod her sister, Mrs. Frank ftoifs, of Kesoeha, test week. Kathleen Moore of Batavte a few days here test week vislt- teg Mtes Dorothy Weart. ateeavatton has been started for f Harvey the residence of L. H. Carciotto on North avenue in Hubbard Woods. " Mrs. Henry Hale and her daughter, BtheL returned to Wimnetka test wees: after-a moutb*sSlsit in Canada m; Mrs. Paul Wittstein, who has been spending a month in Memphis, Tenn., visitteg her nephew, Mr. Wfll Gage, has returned home. r Mr. and Mrs. Zel Windes and their family left last week for Pistakee Lake, Wis., where they have a sum- mer cottage. They plan to spend two months the ^Fltel ney ;win;.aplB|iif||i| "" Atising befon the;^p irtto^ a«> *, and Kettner, age €, two teasates' of i niinois Hon^ aad Ald^societT's - homes, made their eacaite early. day vuHitib&-;'^^^^ The:. absence \of, ta*^ v , awaya 'Wis".ioiMn|ir^lji|i'^ ' time. -' The-' p^Jefli^ A close watch was kwpi f or the but no trace i€^f00'^m» ti â- It is bettered tne yowngstert not g%t fur before they are 1' Because of the extreaow lieat IS some fear expresoofi as to safety.' . â- • , -^.^ ^--*.r ^^4^^^^^^-." --t that nrfg% lead to the arrest of tbsr *hree weeks' course here and conse- quently Bvanston te the host of teach ers from the entire United States. Evanston's ideal location and facil- ities an tha cause of the, music course being given hen,each year. The Sil- ver BnrdeU company have refused other offers from schools in order that the visiting teachers may enjoy the environments of this city. BUND STUDENT New York, July 10.â€"dement Cofttn, student in the Brooklyn School for the Blind, has an amazing faculty for memorising facts and figures. ' One of the tetasar tests given him by hte teachers was a census list of *S6 cities of the United States which livi; more "than 20,000 popttiation. After he had gone over the list ssv- erml tiines Coffln was-- found' to have eonuniti^ perfectly the exact figures of population for each city for the yean 1010, 1900, iS9u and 1880. ? In addition to telling the population of these elites, <3om^ coukt- reverse the' process and wh^ ^e census fig- ures wsro given was able to state **I cant understand it," he said, shaking his head. "Neither of us ever saw Will's' wife, but she has been writing Mrs. Smith onee a week. Will always had been roving around, but I never heard of any trouble be- fore. If he was guilty of what she thought he was, he could not,expect anything much better. The way of the transgressor is hard. It always has been and it always will be. But It la not fair for the mother to suffer.** â- :,-:.,^p$(^.-S^-a^»,lSj^ Makes Beautiful, Lustrous Marcel leonoclasta. Now they aay the game of golf orte> tested in Holland. Oh, go on with the cruel work of despoliation. The dudte* sack baa already been awarded to Ger- many and probably an Italian will be along directly- and claim the haggis* while a Greek walks off with the kilta. â€"New York Evening Telegram. . -r â- i / , Something bjew In Science. , A French chemist claims; to have deviaed a simple but SMmrate method of measming the surface of a human being. 'â- '.:"..",,'/'.' â- â- â- â- â- ""-.i ,t BVaxIllansJEaaa* for. News. Travelers In BHxU remark that not only In Rio de Janeiro, but te the larg: eT cities throughout the republic, the publte awaits the.dail7 news budget with an eagerness no less pro'ounced than is (he case In the United State* oostinebj lYousi panying heats i score fog to strea ^^ery wiy old fashion nnect th any la nds. No o soot, no burning, no uneven or discolor the hair, s vastly supertwr to the flame-heated iron. k There is no seasoiKol the year when hair arrangement is so difficult, yet so important a matter as in the summer. Especialfy is this true while traveling when the problem is best solved by the purchase of ooe of these irons, whose convenience has made them practically a necessity. .' ' Public Service OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS^