gM»M ^»«MW«lO»«*B1»M«*l»atW*v4t., #**B W$ HMMMIHi /*!• â-¼tlltlnt nup Helen »tb, Mas*. -r-"V;v.^'-:T:..^t-^f*V--f' e Martin M. Q0fai$\$M9>. r the summer! H. HUton 1b »1 ha^ Jtammtr vdelaide Hanpt, 1951 Biewnan . la in DorcheiteT, Mft»a. lack Hunter, 1119 Judaon ave- returned from tnf Foster ^ Wif. ad Mrs, J. P. ftttte6tt8, 1918 venue, are taking in Keno- john Treflaae, ig visiting at F< \ low ef Peoria is visiting bar cc« Mrs. Rienlcker of Church str a ' w. McClure, 1505 Oak aye- DiK in Elmirai K. t., tot tile •» Lawrence Q. Hallberg, 1744 Aa- buT â- » enue, has returned from Dela- Josephine Stockton, 1005 Hln- enue, left Tuesday for Edge- v Mich. George A. Whipple, 826 Ham- h ^t, has joined her Husband in B . Mass. -nd Mrs. Harry Dyrenforth, 741 F ' avenue, have returned from E im, Wis. ,-,â- j. »nd Mrs. C. 8. Ward and daugh- t nuth and Alice, are spending the e °r abroad. Byron Gates, 1719 Ridge ave- d has returned from a short visit ,!«« Jane Slayton, 1104 Grow t «t. ii the guest of Mlaa Ruth Tay- l <»f Rockford, 111. '(88 Grace Jones of Newark, N. J.t i ♦ Me guest of Mrs. Howard ML Carter, 7 ,; Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Robinson, 1620 I dge avenue, are spending the sum- cer touring Europe. Mrs. W. 8. Howell and family, 1708 Veiley avenue, are spending the sum- uet in Denver, Colo. , Mre. William J. White, 323 Hamil- ton street, has left Bvanston to spend ♦ *ie summer in Paris. Mr. A. S. Frampton, 820 Judaon ave- nue, is spending his vacation In New York and Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bartlett and , ally have gone to Shannon, 111., for iflit of two months. ., E. Thomas, Richard T. and Mr. i.iey Davis, 645 University place, ut Estes Park, Colo. u.nd Mrs. F. A. Hardie, deugh- .dltba, and son, Francis, left' \ eday for a trip to Europe. Charles Hathaway, 819 Forest is spending her vacation with 1 ,ner, Mrs. Elphrich of Elkhart, i,. tli ii. Ci, en bfc, li.n th, ID, and Mrs. Norman Dwigbt Har- >i Forest avenue, sailed on July .u Cherbourg on the steamship Washington for New York. ii -1is has been taking thehatha i Nauheim. Mr. Harris, with .< and daughter have been mo- i rough the Austrian Tyrol and ; Germany. J. S. Grant, head of '|he de t of geology of Northwestern it/, left Saturday to be the it of an expedition into the t the new Glacier National park, it ern Montana, to be explored »iith by more than a score of «a of the Geographic society of They arrived at the western -.. of the park Tuesday morn- .d for two weeks they will be j railroads, They win travel by . teamer and horseback, explor- irge section of the 1,400 square t mountains, lakes and can>ons .<w© been set apart as a play- m by the United States govern- The geographers expect to a Chicago on Aug. 2. W&m ****: C.. B. Atwell and family, 1^38 Sherman aventte, have s^hs to Mackinac Island. Dr. Mary Gllruth McBwen. ringtoB avenue, has returned frc-i a trip to Log Angeles, Cal. Mrs. T. M. Reichardt of Nashua, N. H., is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. W. Gould, 806 Reba place. tincoln^re*! h^e returned from' an auto trip^ito ^iaglira Falls. . ^ Mr. ip ifers-.a. I^^bwlgsl, 641 Hinman avenue, a» spending two v.eeks at Lake Ripley, Wis. Mr. and^MrsV A L. Day and daugh- ter, Blanche, of the Greenwood inn, have gone to Hartland, Wis. Rev. and Mrs. Harry S. Longley and family, l§ftl Ridge avenue, are spending their vacation at Hagerman, NY. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Nesbit and chil- dren, 733 Coifax street, are at Bay View, Wis., where they will spend the summer. u Mr. and Mrs. bamuel Walter White, 320 Main street, left Saturday for a trip to Yeiiowftone Park and me northwest. Kenneth Leigh, 1519 Chicago ave- nue, is Spending the month with Charles Dawes on Dawes farm, Hol- land, Mich. Prof, and Mrs. Robert H. Gault. 1420 Chicago avenue, are spending the summer months at Lac du Flam- beau, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and daughter, Ethel,. 811 Main street, are spending their vacation at Twin Lakes, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leggett and daughter, Dorothy, 1911 Maple ave- nue, returned last week from Ocono- mowoc, Wif; Miss Marion Murphy, 719 Michigan avenue, is entertaining her cousin, Miss Mildred Murphy of Riverside Drive, Ki jr. Dr. andMrs. Herben and family, 718 Simpson street, are occupying their summer home at Mitchell Lake, Big Moose, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Siddell and lit- tle son, Hugh, Jr., 223 Kedsie street, are spending this week at Lake Mttt- netonka, Minn. Mr. Ely Whitehead, 712 Michigan avenue, left Monday for a two months' trip to Tenderfoot Camp, Wa- teremeet, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brewer and daugh- ter,.Evelyn, and Miss Lola Peters, 811 Sherman avenue, left Saturday for Onekama, Mich. Mr. James McMarctiy *nd hia aister, Miss Sally McMurchy. i:t02 Main street, are spending their vacation at Muskegon, Mich. Miss Elsie Roome, 837 Hinman ave- nue, left Wednesday for Manitou, Colo., where she will spend five weeks in the mountains. Mrs. Seville Foster Williams of Cin cinnatl, O., formerly of Evanston, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Frank Fos- ter of Rogers Park. Mrs. P. H. Benane, 1813 Lincoln street, has gone to Reno, Nev., where she was* called on account of the Ill- ness of her husband. Miss Kathryn A. Jaeger, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Jaeger, 809 Monroe street, was married Saturday evening to James L. Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee, 1323 Chicago avenue. Miss Rachel Warner, 942 Michigan avenue, returned last week from New York city, where she has been visit- ing. She left for Williams Bay, Wis.. Saturday, where she will spend the rest of the summer. Mrs. Horace B. Williams, 2226 Cen- tral street, is spending two months with her brother at Madison, Neb. Mrs. Boyd and daughter, Miss H. J. Boyd of Englewood, have taken Mrs. Williams' heme for the summer. Prof, and Mrs. P. C i,utkiu re- turned Friday to their summer home in Michigan, after spending the week in Evanston. Mrs. Lntkin's sister and brother, Mrs. Dingman and Mr. A. R Carman, accompanied them. Miss Hedwig Brenneman, 1101 Davis street, left list wee* lor-New York, taking the Hudson river trip. After visiting In New York for two weeks Miss Brenneman will go to Lake Mem- phremagog, eastern Canada, where she will be the guest of Mr. and I Mrs. a. A- 3i»tfcM«fteiv ; Chicago are oc/nmyfnr *K*» hnrnn at Mr> Georiffs Hr Sargent 1T11 JMnnuwi ave- nue, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lewis and daughter left yesterday . for their summer home at Sayner, Wis., and will , return to Evanston about Sept l. ..The Misses Helen and Dorothy Witt- bold, who have been the guests of Miss Matilda Wtttbold, Central street near Reese street, left Saturday for their home in Edgebert, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Graff, 846 Jud- son avenue, have gone to Fish Creek, Wis. Their daughter and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Bach of Ravens wood, are here during their ab- sence. A number of informal luncheons and dinner parties will be given at the Glen View club during the annual in- vitation amateur golf tournament, to be held at the club from July 24 to Jtiiy 27. 'â- â- 'â- ! \ " Miss Georgians Owsley, grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dean, Church street, is motoring through Italy with a party1 of friends, and will intvr jOlu ucF yartstitg iii Svviticnaiiu for the summer. H. H. Windsor and family, 1026 Forest avenue, have gone to New Lon- don, Conn., where they are registered at the Hotel ariswold. After Aug.. 1 they will for six weeks tour New En- gland in their automobile. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Spry, 1101 Forest avenue, returned last week from a six weeks* tour in the east. While there they attended the grad- uating of Miss Gladys Spry from Bryn Mawr and TVfiss Eleanor from Rose- mary. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Younglove and son, 439 Forest avenue, left Tues- day for Buffalo, N. Y., where they will meet Mrs. YoungloWs mother, Mrs. I. J. Sharp. From Buffalo they will take a three weeks' motor trip through the east. Prof, and Mrs. H. H. Kingsley and daughters, the Misses Helen, Margaret and Katherine, 2333 Lincoln street, have sniled for a two months' trip to Europe. With them were Loom is Hypes, Edwin S. Dawson and Richard Hallsted. Mrs. Daniel H. Burnham arrived heme Monday, and Mr. Hubert Burn- ham, his wife and baby came Friday. No arrangement has yet been made for memorial services to Mr. D. H. Burn- ham, who died in Heidelberg, Ger- many, June 1. The Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Eaton, for merly of Evanston, entertained last week at a. house party in Madison, Wis: Among those attending were Misses Harriet, Martha, Ruth and Wllma Wells from Evanston and Miss Louise Sprague of Boston. Mass. Mrs. Wait Smith and little daugh ter, Mildred, of the Elmwood apart ment, left Wednesday for Pittsburgh, Pa. On arriving there they will travel by motor boat into the Blue Ridge mountains, where they expect to stay three weeks. Mr. Smith will meet his family at Wllkensburg. Pa., and will return to Evanston with them Mr. and Mrs. jonn i>e«> Man in and family returned last week from Eu- rope, coming by way of Montreal and the Sues canal. Mrs. Mahin and chii dren are stopping at Mackinac Island, Mich., until their new home, 999 Lake Shore drive, is ready for occupancy. Mr. Mahin is with his parents, Mr and Mrs. John MahJn, 1745 Orrington avenue. The Ravinia club held a ^eaerul meeting Friday arternoou in the pavilion at Ravinia Park during inter- mission. Mrs. Frank R. McMullin, president of the club, called the meet- ing together in the boxes. Reports were made from Mrs. Howard H. Hojt, chairman of the Evanston com mltvee; from Mrs. C. P. Van Schaack, chairman of the Wilmette committee; from Mrs. Nathaniel H. Blatchford, chairman of the Winnetka committee, and Mrs. Joseph Sosman, chairman of the Lake Bluff committee, during the intermission. The reports from the chairman of the Renilworth commit- tee, of which Mrs. Sidney Eastman is chairman, and Highland Park, through its secretary, Miss Prisciila Carver, were given at the close of the concert. The club now boasts 881 members. Another general meeting will be held Friday, July 26, In the pavilion during the concert intermission. ting tn Park i^^rf^^^l^ . jfry^li^ street, has as W-lfnfesi-^s^1' """ of Parish Mrs. Bent, 2414 Hartcell street, left today for an extended visit In Los Angeles,'Cal. "â- â- '.;.'.:»â- "'-'^ Mr Henry Darby, $61% 'Hajrt^Blf street, ii^nomfh from- ;at' to Philadelphia.- Miss Theodora Chaffee, 2501 Harri- son street, has gone for a ten days' visit in Northern Iowa.- Mr.' and Mrs. Otto A. Daniel, 819 Foster street, are going to Macattawa Park, Mich., for a week's stay. Mrs. C. E. Blaisdell, 1916 Wesley avenue, and daughter, Dorothy, will spend two weeks in Buchanan, Mich Miss Blanche Ahrendt. 2308 Hart-, zell street, has as her guest Miss Arma Sehwaller of , Sheridan road." Lincoln park. Mrs. Eva A. Bartle, 1719 Shermau avenue, entertained Mrs. J. B. Hunt and Miss Edna Ebersold of Chicago at luncheon Monday. Mrs. M. J. MacAdams, 2021 Harri- son street, has returned from a ten weeks' visit at the home of her mother in Cape May, N. J. Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Faulkner and daughter, Beryl, 2G07 Central street, spent tne week-end at the home of Mr. Faulkner's sister at Blue Island, 111. Mr. Charles M. Tri^ess; 2704 Harri- son street, returned Monday from a five weeks' trip to England, where he visited his mother and other rela- tives. Miss Dorothy Mclsaac of Long Ifeland Is the guest of Marie Gatter, 846 Judson avenue. A card party was given Monday in her honor at which there were three tables provided for twelve players. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mace and their sons, Ambrose and Walter, of 1043 Maple avenue, left Sunday in their machine on a trip to Toronto. Can- ada. From there they expect to tour Canada for a month. Miss Frances Fisber, 840 Michi- gan avenue, has as her guests Miss Mary Harvey of Hartford, Conn., and Miss Lois Perkins of Norwich Conn., both Dana hall girls They arrived Monday and will remain ab</ut two weeks. Prof. W Le«i Lewis and timiiiy )<sfi Tuesday u,c Plum Lake, Wis, where Prof Lewis has had erected a summer cottage. After a few weeks' vacation they will spend a short tini*!. in the east. During his absence Dr E C. Moulton will fill the position t>f city chemist and bacteriologist. Among St. Paul Lutheran church parishioners *who are betaking them- selves to other cities and towns for a vacation are Mts. Koeppe, who is visiting her sister and /friends In Richmond, lnd, where she will re- main for an indefinite time, probably returning in the fall, and Miss Mar- garet Witt, who will leave this afternoon on an extended western trip, visiting i)enver, Colo., Salt Lake, her destination being Seattle, Wash. Miss Witt will return in the fall. A handbook on ' City Welfare * of &oveuty-six pages has just been placed in the Evanston Public library. It gives surti lists of illustrative exhibits, popular lectures from different institu tions, motion films and lantern slides available, best books, free reports, ad- dresses of'helpful organizations, free news service and other re rent informa- tion as may be useful to the public in preparing programs, entertain ments, exhibits etc. or in awakening public interest in the city's welfare. Th t happiest klad of a day has been arranged by Miss Aobie C. Burge for Wednesday, July 24. All the ladies of the Congregational uhurch are invited to go to her home, 321 Fourth street, Wilmette, taking with them a box luncheon. We will only hint that one of the features of the afternoon will be an impersonation by Mrs. Guy S. McCabe. The program will be In charge of Mrs. A. Starr Best, and the subject, "Young Women's Christian As- sociations In Foreign Mission Fields." Take Milwaukee electric cars to Hill street, or elevated train to Linden avenue, walk one block west to Fourth street Mil -tmW"......" end mt the Arthur Koberts, 2802 , -Mr.Ileriw """""" ^&Jteft with his uncle and Mrs, Jomi Reoktenwaldi of Wi '. Miss Bertha Voelker *nd Mr, Bensima of Chicago, t««ftthe^-wi friends' .from' Wllmet^ jmd ^ Park, took a pl« ' '"..... Havt Greenwood Wtt a£ouiie>-%£$& "* ment of their da-gMer, DOrot to Lmajteai. KIngoi teraber ':.a$. Ha£$*rcD y ..,_ ^ iy, Mr. ilobert G.VVabdercoot, Mi risen street, and two children, Edwardv and Frances, left Tuesday on an auto- mobile tour about the lakes Inr;^s- cousis, stopping at !^!wa«a^ jlild Madison for.a short time, 'â- "* ^*f A merry truclc^ae W mijm&^ camp grou^s|d^wng|^||n|d by the Epworth ieagleT - of l&asf Covenant M. B. church for Saturday;;-'$&«^ truck will leave from the'^li©^*^1; Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Fiiu1kner^f ?•#* Central street, at 5:36 sharp, and will reach the grounds in time for the evening service. Since, the league has '.< taken two cottages it wlil be <jonv#n* isnt for the memoers w speuu, ja,My«- - day there also, leaving SMne^tini^ Sunday Afternoon. P. MONAHAH, NettfotogM narvouroeM, etc. correetly fitted, i prices. Eateblial 2d floor. «l t Correct* c*n*M of «r« Ifnttctibnal j fiâ€"dnrlirti" land ' ir»L»- lypert Piano tiiniflg There it mere f piano tuning than. Iy adjusting th* ttrinn. It wtU piano wiUiBomul l4e\b*tt$r i poorly "tfud." iWig dit exists beffeen ordgf^^amd expert tuning eaWts no mora thorn infe G. A Mr AA^j^bxpemimucm « Resident Tuner W.W, KlMBALUGO.VjS 140/ ELIWOOD AYE. ' Ttl«!*m 757 Is there anything nicer than pure ice and pure water these warm days? There may be, but vt0 don't know wlpjt L Our ice if as pur^Kftlie purest wjf^r and yo\yp0& use jOTfvYith impunity. Don'trtli the risk of get- ting siclj by using impure ice. Use our iceâ€"it's the purest and best there is. w. H. POWERS Distilled Water Ice Co. 1933RMg»Av«. #HOIWNO. / M«aufsctured in EvanffUn ^4 'â- â- â- ;Â¥% m ^mSMM^M m^^^Mi&^^M^m^^^^^d^M^^k -,y^^^^li^^l^^iisS*^l^mi4i _....... fet&&i.