Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1912, p. 14

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HP m. '*&â- -â-  ?e*' F.]fi^i|a^;N."k.-:ferMley,ia spending the F^Hfe ^hari«fl W. Forbush, 923 Him |?fSMtf avenue, la spending bis vacation *v^t Fish Lake, Mica. â- ?: Mr*. CX l|- Cartwrlght, 2215 Lincoln i 'â- 1»lft^^||;;*i«Bhtefi Helen Louise. 1$**rJP$«NSr *o* Wayneeviile, 0/ and Mrs. A. H. McConnell and _ >|fijr 43fc»rch street, nave gone to Cedar Lodge, Cambridge, Wis. ?|£r. and Mrs. W. D. Nesbit and chil- dren, 733 Colfax street, have gone to B*> View, Wis., for .the summer. Miss Rachel Warner, 942 'Michigan avenue, is at Williams Bay, Wis., where she will remain during August Mrs. J. A. Colby, 820 -Judson avenue, has as her guest her niece, Miss Mar- garet Brooks of Wellealey Hills, Mass. Mr. Arthur Hawxhurst, 1316 Church street, entertained a party of eight at the Bvanston Golf club Thursday evening. Mrs. J. B. Harrison and children, Baylies and Margaret, 828 H In man avenue, haw gone to Mineral Springs, Ohio, for ft vacation. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wigmore, 207 Lake street, sailed from Montreal on ;the Laurentic Saturday for a short vacation in England. Mr. J. Sabec Foerster^ of the Phi Kappa Sigma, 733 Foster street, is being entertained at his parents' sum- mer home at McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Younglove and son, 739 Forest avenue, are enjoy- ing a three weeks' motor trip through the east. At Buffalo they were joined by Mrs. Younglove's mother, Mrs. I. M. Sharp. . Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Grant-Schaffer of this city are upending the summer at Lake Memphremagog, Eastern Can- ada, and have as their guest for a short time Miss Hejdwig Brenneman, 1101 Davis street. '/•;/ '--^V^ ;,â- ; M% i*nd â- ' 1jn,l Calvin â-  $*orbuui^ &$ las avenue, are entertaining their daughter, Mrs.'H. P. Hanaford (Jessie ::F^$i|Hfc>* o|;!;?*ewvYork. >. .. f ..'â- ':r â-  The announcement of the marriage -f^i^p^o* Chicago, has been made by ;i|^:^t jfes.' Robert Wajil, 8?fi. Sbir| ^:>>^^r|ed»<tha bride's parents. Mr. l{'^aih^Mri.-Sea^^wfli^eifit^home after :^$iiiffe :;:Ow«ley» gTiiieV ^^^^^-^y^m^^Vn. A. F. Dean, ^i0^-^^^^ -OEFeelt:, U motoring 'Jg||^^T|^,wi%,a:party oft friends. '"lli^|iAS^v^i^":Jotn her' parents la fiwitserjand, where she will remain f<^ the reinainder of the summer. ' J»ev. Joel Duools Htmter and ^M Chicago to^^Hrtranston, taking an apart- ment at 93l Hinman avenue. Mrt. Hunter t* a sister of Mr. John H. Wig- : Lake street. Mr. Hunter _ t^; some years chaplain to the Chio«e C<mimons, with Graham has recently been appoint ^ ttoe :^^'^iJStow>eisa1ii>"" VM<biliaMB*tw^»" society, â- * whose' ^;r#jid$u^^ A p ^;- ... â- &jt. James ^|Tanias rftorneia to his homei'^tfO^it'L tre^ MMison* Wis., where he has been spending several, weeks. Mrs. Montague Ferry and two chil- dren have returned from a two Weeks' visit with Mrs. Ferry** mother of Oak Park. ..... Mr. Charles Roberts, Lincoln street and Hartray avenue, has re- turned from a short business trip to northern Iowa. Mrs. Edith Kisser McKay, 2308 0a*. tral street, sang at the annual meet- ing of the deaconesses at Desplalnes camp'grounds Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vetter oft Harrison, street, have Fond du Lac, Wis., spent last Wednes- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCallum, 3611 Dewey avenue. Mrs. a. G. Ahlbeck and son, Roy H,, 2329 Harrison street, left Sat- urday for a mouth's visit in Omaha, Neb., With their relatives. Miss Isabel Dale, 2327 Central street, has returned from a two weeks' visit at the home of Miss Abbie Sawyer in Ludlngton, Mich. After a two weeks' visit in Mus- kegon, Mich., the MlBses Gladys and Margaret Anderson have returned to their home at 2505 Hartrpv avenue. After a two weeks' outiag at Battle Creek, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Meaker, Jr., have returned to their heme at Lincoln street and Plonetr road. Joseph Major of Chicago has re- turned to his home after spending a abort vacation at the home of his grandfather, Mr. E. Major, 312 Rinu street. Mr. C. Fred Yegge, 1560 Oak ave- nue, and family, left i Sunday in their automobile for Green Lake, Wis., where they will apend their va- cation. , Mr. S. A. Buckborough is the hew superintendent of Deteno Bible school. ;PrVfte%»*^ signed the office because of his fre- o^ent absence from home. ' ' Twenty-four young people spent a very ^enjoyable evening Friday at the home ot Miss Helen Palmer^ 3708 sp<mt in games and danoing. .' . Mr. Bdwln T. Walker of Lincoln street and Blm avenue has returned from Battle Creek, Mich., and. is now was bom to Mrs. Hunter on Mm WfeTren S. Williams, 823 Hin- i$i^ "a^'-v^^teriB. Mrs. i*. F.iHecox*. asuir: then* 'm&: to the Wlfliamsfarm Mr. Wflliams will |ofe his irtfe and daughter at this in • Estes Park, Colo> with Mrs. Watter and her two children. ? Mr. Robert O. Vandercook and two children, Edward and Frances, 3«la Harrison street, have, returned from ah automobile tour about the lakes of Wisconsin, making stops at M& waukee, Madison and.McHenry. Mr. - Cmude , U. • Munsey, phyalcal director of the North End depart meat of the Y. M. C. A, has sent in his resignation and It is expected that a new dilator wm be employed to take up active work by Oct i. **'-' Mr. B: A. WorstalL 2219 Pioneer road, lias purchased 176 feet frontage ofr Lmcoln street between Pleneer road and Hartray avenue and: will _ eiect *j£; ~res^|eij^c%';'on it '. at^itoce. Dwfght K. Perkins la the architect. • Mrs. John Anderson, 2605 Hartray avenue, entertained last Wednesday at luncheon in honorf of Mr, and Mm, Swanson, missionaries frew Burhma, Xa&*. In the af tenKK» Mt. and Mrs, Swans<m spoke • of ^hett wevk to :aoe*t^thiir^:;;s^^ v| A canvas paiBtia|t:;^^w^siei^r chased and Is to be put on the ,,-,., .^.^'iits^ A^i'fS^ <t ^ _ Oak avenue, wjll ^wt^^j* Y.,tkt s^piionthv -' -0"" Mrs 4 *W. CtouldV 806 has as her guest Mrs. T. M. Reichardt of Nsshua, N. H.' Miss Helsn Palmer gfjre a dan«- lng party Friday evening at her home, jf 08: Lincoln street Dr. Mary Ollruth McBireh, 1708 0*- rlngton avenue, has i^ttfaed from ft trip to X-os Angeles; Cat \^ - mm. Bdward Ryan, 2418 Park place, has been visiting at the home ot her sister in Kenosha, Wis. Miss aun^on, first grade teacher of Larimer school, is visiting Mrs. Wm. T. Jefferson at Lake Geneva. Miss Gertrude Cox. 8306 Sherman avenue, has left on a tour as con- ductor of a small girls' orcheetra. Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Coffman, 8416 their guest M v George Harroun of Danville, IB. . O. W. Younguulat, 2318 Harri- son street, has returned from a short business trip to Detroit and Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss Margaret Grimes ot Bdgewater 1b spending the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Bosh, 2810 Harrison street. Mrs. George S. Valentine, 2407 Pio- neer, road, entertained at luncheon Wednesday in honor of a friend from Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. John Bowman, 2822 Harrison street, has returned from a short visit at the home of his daughter, Mrt. Me> rit Mott of Rocfeford. 111. Mr. C. G. Phillips of Kenton. Ohio, returned home Wednesday after a short visit with his brother, J. L. Phil- lips, 8788 Stanley avesuer^----^^ Dr. and Mrs. Earnest J. Ford, Cen- tral street and West Railroad avenue, are the guests or Dr. Ford^s mother for.a week in Ottawa, HI. â- â- 'i'^^p}\^; Mr. Theodore Hunt of Robertsdale, Ala., formerly of BNraueton, Is here staying at the home of Mrs. Margaret Orvia, 281e Harfctell street &vfr; %â- Â£ The Young Ladles' Gyxmiastic class of the nonhetn pan of town wBl gji»e 22^^ at the>top^« M - r -i '-'^i ' â- â-  Mra. Farrov an^ her daughter, Mar- garet, ' of Ravehswood have been the guests of Mr. "and Mra. WHHam t. Germiey, 2514 Harrison street, for the ipaat #ee1^" ^ '^ -^ f •#%!« *#Slf;f, avenue, had as her week-end guests her sister, Mrs. W. U Untner of Chleage, and her cousin, Miss Grace Burroui of Galveston, IndV- '?*-"-<^:'â- ; :^4t:^4:f\l Mrs. J. J. WolferspergeT C«Wa tag), who has been vMthig hw par- ents, V*c |mC IfrW 1144 Michigan avenue, has returned to month with W# pareptfc ?&'* i M Mr Geneva Mr. Joseph, . Mrs. WlUJam, i.Uy- ha^e.'-iaiii ^.^^â€"r.T» .K-»T- -.:,.im ; Miss Julie,:n»kii^-fm'W!^!^ street, is toW*W^iM^.^:':€M r. Mil* Hasel B. Mason, «18 . street, has gone 4& ^00$* ^r-^ ^.;M||:^^0oiiMii,;^ jeft' last week for Keaos^ha,' Wis. ^ :,, Mft Walfe W>Jr^^ Haven school,MMiSffm--Vf.-.p â-  Mtn ;A^7|?r>i»^^ .ajie^:'j^;i#ii«^.tr^'^^^ iiis%itr^;-U^U^^> ,,3JlSig^!aSHf^ .-': Mrs. al'illMMWKM returned Saturday frem Davenport* â-  Mr. and Mrs. l&to/*: $***!* ^ daughter, Florence," are at (^nijaere, MI«iiua-iHHNsii"S^ •venue, wturned last week from ^^ fornla. Mr. Harvey C5. Mapl^ man avenue, left last week for «i east- ern trip. ". "*'.. â- ,, /?.%;; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Voee, 628 Jud- gon avenne, are home from Lake Rip- ley, wis.' Born, July If. to Mr. and Mra. Wp ham Leisenring, 2460 Pioneer road, a dauf^isr^v'j /f*^,:'-':- : *"; •;;'»'.â- .* "./t.4-.' *'M?wi Jtr^lMrge .Mj^p&tim neth; 1214 Maple avenue, are in Hart- land, Wis. â-  ',.â- -,.';4 â-  â-  'i';i y ' '*;:?4'!%> pliant $L Ailing, 1102 Maple ave- nue, is spending his vacation at Wau- paca. .;1psj.<."', 'â- ;•â- '..". Xfe^ v^ ^mâ-  •/.*'.'â- .â-  • - ^^MIs^-nu|m«r^-Wl^ avenue, in spendii* her vaeatioa at Lanark, IH.^i'^^M^-P::^*â- :â- .:^'-â- â-  ................'$twttm0&*. nue. has been in Ciwannati thte week :,;;if J!v*t Oirtartc^ Cana^^ for the sum- ftchuler Smith, is here i^ Cteorge F. «anles, 828 nme. have returtted from Mt, â-  Samuel L. ".D^tfei^lC^p street, spent the week end at Bang's Mr. Ridgely Marshall, 1188 Ridge avenue, is In Douglas, Wyo., on a bunt- ing and fishing trip. ;;' ^ ^^^'^iT* Mr. 'Z€^'^B^m^?-^^^t$i^ street, \M8^KSiM/^|l^ . Mr. WiUlam Warren Moc^ has ^^^ turned to ^M.y0$^^xx 5|^#l^fioi tour '"•*'â- ?;â- ?â- ',' *%?*â- â-  Bu route home they wfll rtNurningooBie tatertained at the dftmer given laaiWednes- Bdwin M Aahcraft Jr^ ^^^Wtnjfw^fe '^in#i Hempstead, par^ of Ir. ^pavid McC^rrtch, party Ip^a -*^:"^ap "'....."W"....." mm Jo^in hear husband at Fresnelto, Mexico. Mr. Alfred H. Gross and Miss Dor- othy, U00 Ridge avenue, left hut Week for their summer home at York Vaiage, Me^ going by way of the Bt. Lawren<^, Thousand Islands and Mon- treal. - * v;-,-..^- '•-.: ' yy& ; Mr. and Mrs. George Bballng, 1144 Michigan avenue, left Baturday for New York to he gone thi^ months. Mr. and Mr* C. tt Afleld ot Chicago wiJi occupy the Bbeling bouse during their absence.â-  s â- "; â-  *" \':â-  ^V- '"-'/ Mrs. Ben Johnson, 1802 Sherman avenue, who has) been at' Seattle, Wash., since October, returned home Sunday, accompanied by her sister and hev husband; Mr. and Mrs. â- |««Bl*BaMS^-^H|a^^ v£-;;'./ Miss TlMHna O. Mprtenson, who has been th« guest of Mr. and Mm. A. D. Morteiison, 2218 C^traletreet, and has been attending the It A. K con- vmtion in' the city, mfs retarned to :^at:jM^*ijr#fcehe5Fi^ -:. *•â- 'Mt Mf. 5. w. Tonugjotttet, 2828 Karri Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Baker and chU dren, 881 MlcWgan avenue/left t^nrs day for 8an4usky, Ohio. /I » &2 ^4 Cm 108, 9§ mmm Wm iUtam lipfrrfon w. "' ^m Am â- Wi wsrm &. â-  '"^JM^MMrM^M^ mm <&m WM «m &: 'â-  ....^....._, ,.....,^,.,........., ...../|Mg^isss:: to sibend the renia^ street, is in Madison, Win. ? 4 % Mrs. Isabella BU Irmh ot Msmsnn Wfs» has been vtsUihg Mra. Abby L. ^Biwil^^e^^oA^W^ V"'t-/-'-^ . ; < Mr. U ». HOdibrandV 1828 Orrins> ton avenue, left last week for New York City and Key West, Fin. ,•• Mr. John A. Ny« mid d»a»*ten I^th, 18l2Klmwo«d»ve^e,r^*uiaa^ Mi iiid Mis filialeir CI ai^ danghtet% SiSi^^W â-  -â- -â- -!--- -â- *'-â-  ^^||^ and ^i^^^a^^ii^^^v^^i^il^?^^^ t*o?'ji6|il^.,tr4p-m^^ J§jr.,trjdtt-;:^: Montreal and frojn there W ner new heme jTrtds^^e^^ fc^ M8a* Sophie Vols^ and) l^ie nnar arnlr^ hff liwas M weektote«r the time at____.__--,-^ .â- wv...,.^ ~':/&.i- 'nigijji -'^"iS r-^i">^- !g rf ;W^^ :% y. I sB "9**0 'pi'i'l',!.' iBliii3|iiffiSi^l

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