ftpleiidf in Indlaiu«»oUa» Indi Cbarlee Hubbard «nd family Iulv© ; le%w^etttav:fw^ lfrv and Mrs, F. D. Ftdton and Mr. and Mrs, James Unn aro jn Califor- Unrrie" art' spending two weeks': In Rochester, Wis. '*;;; ■■■ ;\- /';'" Mies Sdwina Gag© of Memphis, Tenn., has been ylaiting her aunt, Mrs, George DerickBon^ *h0 Kg* . t -■-*--*-«y#^iiirt^«r^-mifT»^* agfrspiag *>*** time in Mieh* We aw s^fW*^***^^ has returned itbe deep bin* lake." is tt|e way fone iof the resldeip%tii|e 0ertiMil4 wibr division eatiwesaed • nimseit recently concerning ?j^e ^t^eament Jfc& *** nie living in that pert of Bvanston are in. " w.** ^-,. '• . -'1; ; The Germanla addition is a small tract comprising seven and one-half acres and 4r;^^1^;:i^';W».i6f Calvary cem^ry: ftp*,} exacUy «*•* of the Howard ave»U€t station of the Northwestern '%."' .*-■*. in all the^aj^a>Qttt foifi&Ben resi- dences an^'^®'^S!rt!M*tr houses. At present^||^i|tde>ta^re not 'ire* ceiving ^^^^^^^ 4»t onecop who patro^^^^|i^VM:tlffl."/neighbor- hood now andllf611*. an:i|*ne electric light to llluipnii^B ttt6 entire district All other unPT$yementi are on the same scale. .,'.;"* ^ Poe* Service* "*.-■.' The telephone service Is just Jes bad if not worii, tt you wish to call a resident of that neighborhood it will take a good halt hour. It will also cost you a dime. First you get Chicago, and that operator refers you back to Evaneton. The Evans- ton chief operator then puts you onto the Rogers Park exchange. After some confusion and plenty of waiting that operator will refer you to" the Birch wood exchange. Then yon get Vour number, in many instances only to find that the party is out. When the residents first migrated jfto the diatrjc.t.4hey aakedXpai^ve their mall delivered, p^tmaater. Chllda ^found that they wer^%OVwilalBsthte Carrier district; They then applied to be placed on the rural free de- livery route. They\todw^ere was They were infojtfflSId ;that if Anted/tKetr >|ail3|!»r^ould 10 cal^^le^&stbnfee^^it. ih.y hav^r^fused td do. Now i^ve put^n :%.&&*$#*. ¥jsh> an king that they be placed on nier route! *"■ • -® home. %UUalh Blaho»^Jri la two weeks at Lake Geneva, ^ and Aloyalua Udelhofen are enjoying a motor boat trip to Osh- kosh, Wis. ttij^;>0i&^viim:;^ of last week for the Wisconsin city. Mfc-and, ]fc*:^M Pei#^ !>•*« returned from the eastern ooaat Mr. Mass,, are visiting them at their . \ Mrs* John R. Leonard,/who has been with her children-4*^Qm&m? for the summer, sails for home the last day, of this month. Before re^ turotng' to Winnetka Mrs, Leonard will visit her father at Altamont n. y. . •* ,, ,,, ,. ..I ii „' i.i.! hiiii'i. WINNBTKA B^SBiALL^r&AM The Wtnsctka baseball team has been forced into idleness for the past two Sundays. Last Sunday the steady rain prevented their meeting the Os- borne Colts of Bvanston and the week before the game with the same team was postponed because of the sudden death of Charles Mellum, one of the founders of the club. Some time ago the club met and .noufc |they Jhavfc ;:Thi» |they 4ngu fthe < Wan1 tag Chtehgo. .c meantime they are prepar- ation asking to be^annexed to c;t .cago. In the fall they expect to ha.e this proposition voted upon. y The cause of all their trouble is ifcat they are in an isolated territory. Chlcttfeo win net assist them in any way as they ere in Evanston, and this citj has done little on account lot the great expense in giving them ■ervicfe Another reason is that this city does not %ant to go to the ex- Pessc of impiovlng the territory only Is have it annexed to Chicago. . .In the meantime the people are Hying- taxes into the Bvanston treas- ury and receiving nothing to ex- •hinge except the glare of one elec- tric tight and #e occasional visit of ro«ofourcotti^ ' fast and closely contested matches are looked for in both the single and double events. As a result of his vistory of last yean Andrew Haselhurst won tie third leg on the old trophy, it becom- ing his personal property. This year a new cup will be put up as a prize, with the same conditions that cov- ered the former one, that a player must win it three times before it be- comes nli personal property. Record Entry List. Last year there were more than 70 entries In the singles and more than 30 pairs entered in the doubles. Those In charge of the championship play this year are looking for many more entries than there were last year. This is said to be due to the revival of the net games that has swept Ev- anston this summer. Many old atari, who have not played for a number of yean* are out on the courts again this suflanter playing their old time game. This also means that the competition will be exceedingly keen. August 24 a tournament for women will be opened at the club. Both sin- gles and doubles will be played to de- cide the local championship. A rec- ord breaking entry list is also ex- pected in this play as the game has always been popular with the fair sex. elected a new manager, G. D. Curtis being given the place. Since that time the team has shown marked im- provement. The interest in the game played by the young men is growing right along, and each Sunday the crowds, have been increasing, it Is thought another game will be sched- uled with the Osborne Colts later in the season. hundred things that mean social bet- terment, accustomed to ' declare her- self without hesitation, and when she got up to second llopsevelt^ nomina- tion she didn't think for a minute, I know, that what she did would be con- nected In any way with her position as an officer of the national suffrage or- ganization. "But It has; papers all over the country have noted it. It just shows how much safer it is not to accept of- fice in any organization if you want to do outside things that require taking a definite stand on vexed questions. "There is no more reason for suffra- gists to ally themselves with the Pro- gressive party than there was for them to ally themselves with the Pop- lists when that party made advances to them. The Populist party, the strongest third party we have had. al- ways stood for woman suffrage, and urged us to indorse them. But Susan B. Anthony always said "Never.* She used to tell us that we had out own work, winning the vote, or trying to, and we could do it best by keeping clear of everything that might ham- per us. That-is as true now as it was then." Jacob Z. lUkin, 1333 Sent* Michigan Ave. FBMfB CAunfST 1696 "iBBSSr* -Watt'L. Lsynei1 1543 Sherman Ave. •:- Evanston FHOHJB8990 The revival of tennis in this city tWi year bids fair to make a record king entry list for the tennis tour- f***at to be held at the Bvanston ^ttutry dub courts to decide the J^Pion ship of Bvanston. The tour- p*»»ent opens Satsrday. | The first rem* matches w*H be ■*** Promptly at 1 o'clock afc that The singles will be deposed of and then the championship In Wee will b© decided. It is thought tourney will last until August SL \ entries close a£ -J p'clock tomor- trenbig. ■ ._■_' ~.:'^0?^:,:_ I. ^^ tournament is open to ell play-. air MdfmSm^i^n^ibm. JANE ADDAMS'STAND New York, Aug. 15.--Mars. Ida Hus- ted Harper, suffrage lecturer and writ- er, and formerly in charge of the press work of the National Woman Suffrage association, believes Miss Jane .Su- danis of Hull House, first vice-presi- dent of the National Woman Suffrage association, erred when she went as delegate to the Progressive conven- tion and seconded Theodore Roose- velt's nomination. "Miss Ail**""*1 isn't an old hand at suffrage work," Mrs. Harper said, "She came into the national organisation only about a year ago. telling us that she felt the importance of the vote ANOTHER YERKE8 SUIT ON. New York, Aug. 16.--Louis S. Ows ley of Chicago, formerly a resident of Evanston, 111., executor of the estate of the late Charles T. Yerkea in New York, Monday started a new action in the Supreme court against the execu- tors of Mrs. Charles T. Yerkes' estate. The complainant asserts that on March 15. 1907, Mrs. Yerkes wrong- fully took possession of certain works of art, statuary, bronses and tapestries belonging to the estate of her hus- band, and that her executors sold these works of art last April for $21,823 and retained possession; of the money. It is alleged that the works were sold for less than full value. * -.........a- ■■■. ■.-'- • • " ' •■...'.■ •«;•■■ v- ^-mn Central Trust Company 123 W. Monroe St, between Clark and La Salle Streets, BANKING^SAVINGS TRUSTS Safe deposit yApir" Capital and Surplus Deposits -I - CHARLES G. DAWKS. Prald A. UHRLAUB, Vle»>Prarid«nt EDWIN F. MACK. Vfaf-Pi * WILLIAM T. ABBOTT, Vi------ WILLIAM R. DAWES. C-hkr I* IX 8XDINEB, AaaSataat Owhlar - $ - % ERS W. W, GATES, JOHN W. THG ALBERTO. MALCOLM^ WILLIAM G. JOHML.----- DIRECTORS A^ J EARUNG. Prwfatait Chicajro. Mfl- A St. Pmil By. Co. .BNTINE. Cipltalirt «-.-„^.. DDCOM. PtwtdMit Arthor Dixon Tnuwtar Conraoy CHARLES T. BOYNTON, Piekanda. Brown albxand'er H. BEVELL. AJopadar H. B*nB A Cwni 8. mTfeXtON. VrrnUmU W«rt«rn Baflniid Co. Pn«Id«it CUniao Grant T. W. ROBINSON. CHANDLER B, BEACH. qaBaaAj GEO. T. STEELE. Nakoo«n-E*irarda f mSusOB SaUTTSCHMITT, Vtea-PtMlffWit CHARLES a DAWES, Ex-ComBtrpBar «ff Ck*Cnrraney women so deeply Oiat she must ^d-4er *eart time to work for it at least a lit- Uet Wm& sh* W always >ssn a free GIRL WEIOHING 400 DEAD. Terre Haute, tod., Aug. 15^--Miss Hazel Henning, who lire* near Farts, 111., is des# of typhoid *e?sr. She weighed 400 pounds. The family sent her to a St Louis hospital to tie treat- trouble, whieh included H-p-f reduction of flesh. After the treatment had pt9em&-9&:*&:i*+**** «trlek«n witfc tycMd and «W iwaith^ lance: working W cufld we^Sr* aid^ mane. §£§£&£% ?&'*)*Ml£i, M^M^}S^^^^££M&^Mm^£^s^^^^ GUST AT TJK FOSTER SHOE For Children and You is month t reduction ildren's.a es at the fgfe*i-e« *% tt*%$il£$& ^i3-v3b^» v^a^ftffx^s4 fl During substa lines Lidie Shop. f Save the trip to the city, as we give the same scientific fitting service that we do at the Chicago Shop. Buy School Shoes Nkm? E. FOSTER & rtVAllSTON , near Davis St. . w:.:3X 71., « -;"^^^