Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1912, p. 4

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Newly Formed Neighborhood ClubEstablished in tha North- eastern Part of City Is -^RotirWMng. theihtu shall l»^i^:kt «uch |tlM as nay lie d«termte«d by the officers and direotom. ; Sec 8. Special meetings may be called by the president or any live members of the club. At least five in Glencoe :»»^"**^^i Mr. and Mrs. Frederick DeLand left HAS MANY MEMBERS The rapid development of the ; northeastern part of Evanston has brought forth the Lake Shore Neigh- borhood club. Its object is best ex- pressed in the words of its by-laws, "To Increase neighborliness and good fellowship and to promote the wel- fare of home, school and city and to serve the social and civic needs of the neighborhood." It is the out- come of a suggestion made by Mr. 8. C. Stewart to a number of resi- dents who met one evening at Prof. U. S. Grant's home on Orrington avenue. A committee, composed of the fol- lowing gentlemen: Prof. U. S. Grant, F. H. McCulloch, Sherman C. Kings- ley, A. M. Nelson and John A. Hilles- heim, Immediately set to work to plan the organization. At Noyea street school the first meeting of the club was held, and the following offi- cers were elected for the year: Wilbur D. Nesbit, president. U. S. Grant, vice-president. Lynn A. Williams, secretary. Joseph Pearson, treasurer. These officers are also on the board of directors, and in addition thereto there were elected to the board: J. G. S. Orchard, J. F. Oates, F. H. Mc- Culloch, A. M. Nelson, B. W. Chllds. The By-Laws. The by-laws adopted are as fol- lows : Article I--Name. Section 1. The name of this or- ganization shall be the Lake Shore Neighborhood club of Evanston. Article II--Object. Section 1. To increase neighborli- ness and good fellowship and to pro- mote the welfare of home, school and city and to serve the social and civic needs of the neighborhood. Article III--Members. > Section 1. The territory which it is considered this club can serve with convenience to the members is that part of the city of Evanston lying north of Foster street and east of the drainage canal. Any adult person who lives In this district or who is a property owner therein and who Is interested in the purposes of the club is eligible to membership. Sec. 2. Applications for member- ship shall be presented to and acted upon by the membership and promo- tion committee. The vote of such committee upon each candidate shall be by ballot, and any candidate who receives the vote of two-thirds of the membership of the committee in his favor shall be declared elected. Article IV--Officers and Directors. Section 1» The officers of the club ■hall be a president, vice-president a secretary and a treasurer. Sec. 2. Ttye board of directors shall consist of these officers and five other persons, ull of whom shall be members of the club. Sec 3. The officers and directors •hall be ballot at the an- nual meeting of the club, to hold office for one year and until their successors are elected. Sec. 4. A vacancy in any office or In the board of directors may be filled by election by ballot at any regular meeting of the club, notice having been sent to each member of any such proposed election at least $20\ five days before the meeting. V;; ; £*e. 6. Tie duties of the presi- i"^ dent, vice-president, secretary and ^"■"'treasurer shaH be those usually per- /■^'" > taining to these ireapectire offices. "^E■■"•*• '«• ^ *c**| of directors ^ shall have the control and manage- r saent of the affairs and funds of the *i|! £**■* subject to th* approval of the P«* y - ^-' ■■'■ days' notice of such meeting shall •last week for Detroit, Mich. be given by mailing to eaclr member J converse Lincoln of Springfield, of the club at his last known address Mass.- has been visiting Norman Mc- a notice designating the time and LetBn, place of such meeting and a brief. Mrs. Isaac "McCurdy entertained statement of the business to be con-.lagt Wednesday afternoon with sldered. 'bridge. Sec. 4. At any meeting of the club ^ Ferdinand Hots and family have seven members shall constitute «(returned from the northern Wiscon- sin woods. Donald Calhoun is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Will Underwood, at Wau- tt(: {A/i- *-: Article V Jtcstirtga, Section -£?4i*tv$saJM meeting of jjheeJuh shall _l*h^ in aO**h of quorum. Article VI--Dues. Section 1. The dues of the club shall be $1 per year, the first pay- ment becoming due upon election to membership. &. Sec. 2. Metabers%|o are in ar- rears for two months, and who have been duly notified by letter at their last known address, may, on vote of the directors, be dropped from membership, "and such member can- not be reinstated until dues are paid in full. Article VII--Committees. Section 1. There shall be the fol- lowing committees, consisting of three or more persons, to be ap- pointed by the board of directors: Membership and promotion, finance, streets and alleys, public service, social. Vacancies in any of the said committees shall be filled by the directors. Sec. 2. The duties of the mem- bership and promotion committee shall be to receive applications for membership and act on the same, to Increase the membership of the club by stimulating an active interest among the persons eligible thereto, to arouse sentiment as to the im- portance ^of the work of this club. Sec. 3. Finance. The duties of this committee shall be to obtain funds when necessary to carry on the work of the club and to audit the accounts of the treasurer. Sec. 4. Streets and alleys. The duties of this committee shall be to care for the appearance, condition and improvement of the streets and alleys, parkways, parks and vacant lots. Sec. 5. Public service. The duties of this committee shall be to gather data to be used for the purpose of comparison as to the efficiency of service rendered by the public serv- ice corporations doing business in this community, and elsewhere; to investigate as to the conduct of municipal and school affairs in the citj of Evans ton, and especially that portion thereof covered by the work of this club, and to promote such im- provements in municipal and school affairs and public service as may be desired. Sec. 6. Social. The duties of this committee shall be to assist the mem- bers of the club to become acquaint- ed with each other, to arrange for all social meetings and entertain- ments that may be held, and to pro- mote the social welfare of the com- munity in harmony with the pur- poses of this club. Article VIII--Amendments. Section 1. These by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the club, provided that a notice of such meeting, setting forth the proposed amendment, shall have been sent to each member at least ten days before such meeting. The Committees. * The only committee thus far ap- pointed is the membership and pro- motion committee. Mr. G. C. Stewart of Central street is chairman and Mr. John A. Hillesheim of Ridge avenue is secretary* Solely due to the ef- forts of these two gentlemen the club has already a membership of close onto seventy, numbering among them some of the best known men of our city. The club is a welcome addition to the many local organisations. The energetic and public spirited men who are back of the enterprise will make it a permanent institution, which without doubt will do great good, not only for the district in which it is located, but* for the entire city of Ev- anston. The Members. The following is a full 1st of the mfmbershly; '■*■ ^4# ■■ *i ' Jan. W. jUams. L.: J. Aiken- Dr. *m. & Alexander. P. *. Barthole- watoaa, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Orcutt left last week for an automobile trip to Areola, HI., the doctor's old home. They intend to be gone two weeks. ■mmmmmmmmmm ^mmm. Miss Grace Powers returned "last week from a camping trip on th* Desplaines river. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Asbury and son are home after a month's trip to the Pacific coast Ralph Asbury left last week for Canada, where he will spend the re- ntalnder of the summer. Daniel McArthur and son, Cedrle, are enjoying a hunting and fishing trip in the Canadian rockies. J)el Meyer is enjoying a motorcycle trip through Canada. When last heard from he waa^URegiha, Man. ■ Kenneth Ligare has gone to the Pacific coast. He will visit at the home of U. B. Kretsing, Eugene, Ore. tl*: M son, John Brunner, J. J. Cahlll, H. G. Campbell, H. W. Carlisle, Frederick W. Chamberlain, E. W. Chllds, C. E. Clifton, Frank W. Coffeen, R. S. Cor- lett, D. R. Curtis, Otto A. Daniel, C. S. Day, C. A. Drlnkwitz, F. G. Bwald, Roy H. Goddard, U. S. Grant, John I* Hewitt, John A. Hillesheim, Thos. JHolgate, M. J. Holmes. Wlllard B. Hotchkiss, Harry H. Humpheys, Sher- man C. Kingsley, Philip P. Lee, A. L. Lindsey, T. H. Loberg, G. R. Mans- field, F. H. McCulloch, G. H. Mureh, W. D. Murdoch, Andrew M. Nelson, Wilbur D, Nesbit, J. H. Nitchie, J. F. Oates, J. G. Orchard, J. G. S. Orchard, H. B. Otis, Joseph Pearson, D. P. Plummer, A. J. Pruitt, C. E. Richards, D. M. Roach, Thomas Russum, Donald Scott, Walter D. Scott,'Sara S. Smith, C. W. Spofford, C. N. Stevens, S. C. Stewart, 6. F. Stewart, G. H. Tomlin- son( Theo. B. Travis, G. A. Wadsworth, C. G. Wallenius, Chas. S. Wlnslow, Carl S. Williams, Lynn A. Williams, F. A. Yard, Chas. H. Zimmerman. Rev. D. "C. Hilner of Chicago to con- solidate all the temperance unions in the United States and Canada, irre- spective of church" affiliations. The executive committee has the matter in hand. • EVANSTONS MOST MAN FOUND J. PLUVIUS UPSETS GRANDSIRE TOURNEY The weather man, who has been so much in evidence of late, made his appearance at the Glen View Golf club Saturday and made it impossi- ble to play the annual Grandsires' tournament. The rain had no terrors for George H. Moore, however, who would not quit but played the round. He finished with a net Score of 78. It is thought he will not push his claim for the cup and the tourna- ment will be held later. Mr. Moore's score counted in the class handicap, it being the best one made in class C. I. H. Fall, Jr., cap- tured the honors in class A with a net of 88, and an allowance of 8. Class B honors went to R. BL Riley with a card of 88--14--74. Kenneth Burns had low gross with an 86. Members of the Evanston Golf club competed Saturday in the qualit fying round for the club champion- ship. J. P. Ling led the first fight- ers with a total of 156. The scores follow: First Flight. J. P. Ling........................156 B. H. Evans.....................161 R. E. Janes......................168 W. L. Jackson...................168 W. C. Wilson....................17(1 S. G. Strickland.................,17tt C. B. Field.:..................;.17| W. S. Lord___..................178 TOTAL ABSTINENCE OFFICIALS ELECTED Notre Dame, Ind., Aug. 15.--The Catholic Total Abstinence union elect, ed officers at the closing session of the University of Notre Dame. The Rev. Peter O'Callaghan, C. S. B., of Chi- cago, was reelected president; the Rt Rev. J. Regis Canevin, bishop of Pitts- burgh, was chosen the spiritual di- rector. The other officers selected were:. The Rev. John G. Geeae of Pittsburgh, J. Washington Logue of Philadelphia, and Miss Catherine Kelly of Kansas City, Mo., vice-presidents; the Rer. J: V. Moylan, Manticoke, Pa., treasurer; Thonu* B. Mceiuskey, Dan- bury. Conn-, secretary; the Rev. MA. Lambing, Scottsdale, Pa,^ president of ■the Frteetsrieng^(s>;.^ >sf W^k '• .■■;■= :i br the conveav When taken before Police Magis- trate Beyer Thursday morning for a bearing, Charles Horn, arrested Wednesday night charged with being intoxicated, earned the title of being the most stubborn prisoner that has ever been lodged in the local police station. When Horn was taken from his cell he began showing his stubborn ness. The officer had to fairly carry the man up the stairs. When asked to sign the jury waiver he refused and yet stated he did not want to be tried by a Jury. Nothing could be done with the man, so Magistrate Boyer continued the case for ten days and sent Horn to the county jail. _„_,. _ Way ice1 Leave It on your step jljfl;^igL8a expect you fled That7! njrour bus! courtSbtft;have ed wbatf o do and, by t they ofcfy Ifrefr tastru, Our prompt and efficien ice wil' please you. «i* W.HvfO Distilled Water Ice 1932 Ridge Av«. PHONE NO. 7 Manufactured in Evani H. Ropinski & Co. igh Grade I beg f Winter the la jfm. will be ma of August. gihcmonih '"invited. 508 Davis Streit -:- HEv^astoii, 111. ^ Tellphqne t779 352iafcWrUjntW( ___ In the line of HanTrTwnted China, Cat Gl»r^Ctm«e» and Im- ported Irish Table Littens.^ Jdi^^'vip^^i^^^ week ■ihstainpA^^chexitV ~"r....... .'#§ > 7 ^ll^JgS^^

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