Toad, ^irldanjl cost of ap_ ,ing to the'atoto &llr» L*bdel^a1i|a^ work was. provement aBiocIatlp. pairs th6 road wa| the -is^fpiaife^ W engineers the»© temporal _ feints ■ wilf Jas^;ii^',0rr eti%;^ajr'vi^ :and*r;,fte:d^^ LewjB, snpe * park commiseio work began.! Hi keatliii Unk^' ^rew of Lincoln necessary.^. rollers and The pay -course at0km>$immfapmi?WM!pt. Lincoln park commisilon^to th< ^Ineridan Ion. ■tel* scout* from the »rst iltj^r^th^ Boy Swrtto^ week for a trip on foot to Chrand-de- tew-, 111.^>hie d^^ce^U alwut eightr -iitijea anil' w.ilft' ■e3Bpe6ted' *ha* > xliey ;WII! make the miwci^n'-'ij^rt&:6w, sta^ Jn ewnp two d»^ wagon or an a^mob^e will precede I>erteiiee of Wlr l^ders. to hate the field ex- organisaUon that won fame and (..........._. ,v^-.^ 'S^iS>i!#^ .......... > evens to<" w*ef*,:: e i^son thAi the proceeds WUI go wood ayewie; snore > encnmi}inen.L ■ ■■ wr»w# •- ■'■ •xneT'- cshb#- tractive entertainments have teen ar-[ a peifiUng • IliifiJ ffMHMlV. foi* Arden Shore this summer, the antottoWU. was thrown flity foet »|siiiSiibK|B^ tew ...... . ,.-,7.-.-. -r-,. ■;■ a:;",, v !'Wl^f?!f?f^^i? floi^ihia^to^ iifeiis^™^ if»iU >$#-•/;/iVf-*.':" ^pM^SSa^P^^^ A.phglitii»*Wi^SII *^$1&^ Monday morning from acute Indiges- tion to St. Lake's hospital. :v "At the adylee of «.. ithe M«wai .macadam, such a| la used in Unoola [park,. waam$i*|i|.i^^ Mr. Lewis reported to ^a M«Kn> tton that the original stone macadta *ad mm^^i^^M0^&0 ^aces. .*itfW4$^^^ $stcam .r6^:^^§m^^^^mv, 'stone foundation was j^ply crushed :iirough. ;:j^rii^^ ""J....."""" funds at the dtopoiial ;^on, it ■wai':/:«i^* road in a paisfthle condition, and to keep it so for|i|» n^t two «tor^ *Mrs. , "The first ___..... :|Smense 'di|c^^r^;!-i^vM kibbled '^':^Si^r^iW !*« worn: ::i^^^J0i!^::0^ ;*ch forni*^i%:l^f|d:^ f $ many places aldttg t^e ijoad. ^ttoough whicti " _ i:;;i«n« la ;ifch that the pest posalbda drainage CRn be obtained^ :>^ of maintenance Is no^dlfilcnlt^U binary cart U Uken. No matter :**w good Ititii^ffi ^Pt in go^^^|^^||i^^ Park,;bf|Ii1 'ijb$n work'^r-^airiy^y IN16 hek^iaiSift^ mthe improTement...... wai«6 years old, had been in for several months. Mr, Cros- by for the last ten years was floor Shearsov Hammill * Co., but before iSi'li^^^^wis^isyffl^S^^ ■SMa»'^Jl#MlHKIVdBlwMwft - Jllia Ar FHfll flSSMJWISI Inner workinga «• :«^g^apii|ra^^#si^#^^ ..TT,,^_,-.?J7W grain men in the city. Mr. Crosby had made his honie at Olsncoe for rears. the ,;.:iiBt4«rilfe>:^ ^M&S^lMli^^^ *i^::fi<g^|^ aa oia ear :"giM^?ki^;lE^^^i%^^'^ - see the tracks owing to a alwiip -iJs4pl^MfM€lM^ beds and lawns, and sing madrigals, i-iaal^lp^ ^i^att;|aa^«i|i#( . given to diktat po^^Mm^B l^^mmm^ „-.-» «•»»» ...w,» uuu**u» w»,^[* %^£&%risl fc:!j *&&, ^iMM. It«nrrifri»m»tit« Kava bran made of trees cutttog ofi! my ▼lew/Vhaaatd, "The street car wae running fast and tMfoM wa olaahed into It'* >^SJ '>/^v-#<WB:,*"ai|ii? ' (Iki^^aii?'^^^!^ .........................Arensky Marshall 8araiiada^^^**'\^*P ^■»M;^ ■, Mr^ c^rrto^^a^lii-Kyf:^". -*Ava'ilsi^-'^^^-^r^-iv four.: HaroM (MaWi/ touia » pi 'jito^fy^wt mJ& *..... ' ^ifpiiiins^..^ ' .............."" Special iaritations hara been sent to iiils^ili^^ »^d,wiia^ip|gii^ 'Cpto^pa^kii" :.'1^uradaj!; toe nsatnc^::* llwins» M ^CSNOOft MAM !• s^MAttlk^ erMV»»t^ waiek faa i,,. V^f'^gf^p^^ji'^i *wra^ ^: ^r^^ii^r :jMi|g|]%j4;;|^ #:^irin# ;|^:Vi«a^:;isil(^v; a^>;* •l^W>"gii^ ^^:to«i^4|^tor^i«a ■; mW*:. $ity*&jim. !^isf|^^?£i^ ^aafiai^nr^^ 0« tho len a Imilding oontainlii* a girls' gymnaaium at the north, a fifty* foot airlBimii^ tank to tnecen^^a^^ a huge t»y av gymnaalum aitd liidoot running track at tha aoath end ot tht building. These are toe exterior addl- tions, hut ta» interim o«th« Wg inaln ttOldliig haa atoo been changed ao avenue, or Lbata played In ptomto«ht »k^ 'fB$i | :r|g|j|^^M^Hi^8 1 Allowing lathe eireuUr letter that ia being ^3a^. i^gte^illhMNMv^^]: .^kmmw Wilinette^ oommiinlty i taintog 1800 mliiort. ,' gja^tiiy^ltol^ ,„.,( ^to^s^^;t*ii^ Itisaw<)adeTrttts<shooJaBdlthaanot i^#i^.&- '^^Misi^ii' riflto»*fSt* reUca and physloal' detetopmeat ^ew A oia«^i«auiliig patfc to now ua- der conatractton. a rafttlattoa partaot diamond that Hvato the oaa to the Cake' park to a&ialiad, a maabar of boys and 'aito': vonieii, :^lg^aJipa^S ;to3Ml-^;^J^^ ..... vacant lot large enough for the thecblMren intoht ba ladalgad toiaa »W^ aa a akatlng pond. for a racraattoa place whara ., develop Ws strong aad akUl ^otba®l6iifc^^jeii« ;iotrii^wale^;;.i^ his uphi^iig aa is a kntwledga" «€ |ia^aiat^:Ai^;;iN together to establish kera a ■®aM?*wtoi|iwi«^|^ :a«^s,|to^^iNi?i»5^l«: m- ■?'■'.» • Jfear^^^--^,,.,. iiiissiiissaii^-p