Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1912, p. 12

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What People Are Doing in Wilmette Mrs. Frank T. Cutler, 1001 Lake Avenue, entertained the Tuesday Club this week. Miss Katherine Parsons will return home this week after a six weeks' vacation trip. The Community House fund is growing. Up to Sept. 3 $1,175 had been subscribed. Miss Mary Pritchard, 128 Laurel avenue, who has been ill with appendicitis, is improving. Mrs. G.Q. Kelley, 525 Central Ave., has as her guest this week Mrs. Buehl of Vienna, Austria. Miss Naomi Fulton, who has been traveling in Europe during the summer, will return this week. Miss Susie Paulson has returned from a trip west, to get ready for the coming term of schocol. Mrs. S. S. Dingee entertained a number of young girls at luncheon Wednesday in honor of her daughter, Helen. Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm and children returned Wednesday from Waloon Lake, where they spent a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barber, 621 Linden avenue, entertained at dinner and theater party Monday evening at the Auditorium. Mrs. Alonzo J. Coburn is expected to return this week from Madison, Wis., where she has been the guest of her parents. Miss Helen Skinner, who has been spending a couple of weeks at the Les Cheneaux Club, Mackinac Island, returned home Monday. Margaret and Albert Scheidenhelm, 804 Forest avenue, returned last week form Mendota, Illinois, where they spent the month of August. The Misses Dibbles of Toronto, Canada, formerly of Woodstock, N.B., spent the weekend with Mrs. A. E. Barber, 64 Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. B. Calloway and Mrs. Charles W. Peirce, 920 Linden avenue, returned last week from their summer home at Old Mission, Michigan. Mrs. Fred White, 1021 Central avenue, who have been visiting friends in Detroit and other points in Michigan, returned Wednesday of last week. Messrs. George Allis, Arthur Flint and Morris Steiner attended the performance of "Mrs. Temple's Telegram," at the Evanston theater Monday evening. Mrs. W.A. Heimbueher and children of St. Louis, Mo., who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. M.A. Smith of Park Avenue, returned home Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Achterberch and daughter, Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. James Zetlick and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Evans Sunday. The W.C.T.U. will hold a busines meeting at the home of Mrs. G. C. Drake, 1226 Lake Avenue, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. There will be an election of officers. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cross announce the engagement of their daughter, Edith Adele, to Mr. Charles Wesley Killen, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Killen of Hubbard Woods. Mrs. Harold Rowntree and daughter, Margaret, of Kenilworth, who have been visiting friends in Kansas City for several days, returned Sunday, and report a very delightful trip. The Zeta Beta Psi sorority gave an informal dance at the Kenilworth Assembly hall last evening. Miss Frances Stevens of Kenilworth gave a dinner before the party. A number of her Wilmette Friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bray, who went to the Pacific coast about amonth ago, will live near Albany, Oregon, on a ranch recently purchased. They spent some time at Hood river and other places before deciding and wre fortunate in finding a place only about a mile from town. They report cool weather (52 degrees) and considerable rain, which "old residents" say is unusual for this time of year. The following is a list of the teachers employed in the two public scohols for the ensuing year: Superintendent--J.R. Harper Domestic Science--Marie Long Manual Training--S.B. Groves Drawing--Viola Caswell Music--Mrs. Stella Maher Central Avenue School Grade I--Mrs. Lilly Jansen, Miss Marian A. Loag Grade II--Miss Laura Coak, Mrs. J.H. Butts Grade III--Miss Edna R. Mayer, Miss Lucile Kelley Grade IV--Miss Mildred Van Horne, Miss A.E. Geoffroy Grade V--Miss Martha Steele Grades V and VI--Miss Carroll M. Dearlove Grade VI--Miss Laurette Siddall Grades VI and VII--Miss Leta McClay Grade VII--Miss Gertrude M. Edgar Grade VIII--Miss Viola Caswell, Miss Margaret Hayes Kindergarten Director--Miss Julia E. Pitkin Kindergarten assistant--Miss Laura Barler Logan School Grade I--Miss Fannie Ferris Grade II--Miss Nellie Decker Grade III--Miss Anita J. Biggs Grade IV--Miss Ottilie Holstein Grade V--Miss Cordelia Thomson Grades VI and VII--Miss Eleanor A. Gilmer Kindergarten Director--Miss Mildred Q. Leesley. Boy Scout News During the past week the first-class scouts of the Wilmette troops have been having a special outing as a reward for the advance they have made. This began on the 24th of August with a hike to Ravinia--a day spent there in examinations, first aid instruction and swimming, and a return hike. On August 25, the party took the car to Rockefeller, then tramped to Diamond Lake, where the day was spent, and returned by tramp and car. The 26th was spent in passing of examinations and in preparing for the longer tramp, and on Tuesday morning all hands turned out early for a twenty-mile tramp to Half-Day, the blankets and luggage being taken in a baggage waggon. Wednesday was spent in tramps about the country and in outdoor games, the return hike being made on Thursday, August 29. On the 30th automobiles were used for a trip to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, where the afternoon and evening was spent in swimming and boating, and the morning of the 31st in tramping and a trip to the Yerkes observatory to see the big telescope. A return journey was made the long way through Antioch, Lake Villa and Waukegan, arriving home in the evening. The scouts participating in these trips were Hugh and James Paterson, Shelby Singleton, Erwin and Clarence Wolf, Kinglsey Rice, William and Wilkie Kleinpell, Miner Coburn and Leroy and Bertram Hammond. Other scouts who were entitled to go but were not able were Arthur Karst, Bertram Arnold, Bruce Brown, Merriam Hess, Warner Gates, Albert Scheidenhelm and Harvey and Richard Happ. Merit badges recently awarded to Wilmette scouts by the national court of honor are as follows: Shelby Singleton, for personal health, astronomy, public health, poultry farming and athletics; Kingsley Rice, for bugling; Hugh Patterson, for personal health; Erwin Wolf for astronomy, personal health and public health; Bertram Hammond, for personal health; William Kleinpell, for cycling; Clarence Wolf for public health, Firemanship, astronomy, athletics; wilkie Kleinpell for personal health and public health; Miner Coburn, for astronomy, personal health and public health. Other badges which have been earned, but not yet been passed upon by the national court are: Shelby Singleton, in forestry, firemanship and ornithology; Clarence Wolf, in forestry; Bertram Hammond, in swimming and athletics; Erwin Wolf, in athletics and forestry; William Kleinpell, in forestry; Hugh Paterson, in public health; Kingsley Rice and Wilkie Kleinpell in forestry. Regular meetings of both troops have been commenced, the second troop meeting on Thursday evenings, and the first troop on Friday evenings. A large class is taking special first aid instruction and will soon be ready to pass the examination for the National Red Cross certificate. Dr. and Mrs. Veatch returned last week from Chautauqua, N.Y. The Travel Club met at the home of Mrs. E.B. Wheelock on Tuesday of this week. Carl Erbes of Mendota, Illinois, was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. F. J. Scheidenhelm, last week. There will be an informal dancing party at the Ouilmette Country Club Saturday evening. Mrs. Wilbur Glover and children, who spent the summer at Paw Paw Lake, returned last week. Mrs. Hunter of Union City, PA, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Hoyt King, 711 Forest avenue. The Misses Henry, 728 Eleventh street, who have spent the summer in the east, are expected home next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin and family, 506 Lake avenue, who spent the summer at Lont Lake, returned last week. Mrs. Waterhouse and daughter, Miss Vera, of Boston, Mass., have been guests of Mrs. W.S. Bartholomew recently. Mr. Harry Starrett and Mr. Strombach of Ninth street spent part of last week fishing at Last Man's Lake, near Heyworth, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew and children returned Saturday from a week spent with Mr. and Mrs. L.K. Gillson neqar Grand Haven, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock and family, 1316 Elmwood avenue, who spent the summer at Chautauqua Lake, N.Y., have returned to Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Herendon, 728 Eleventh street, returned lst week from a two weeks' trip to Gettysburg, Pa., Washington, D.C., and other eastern cities. Mr. Harvey Baldwin of the south side, Chicago, has purchased of Mr. A.L. Tudker, the house at 228 Ninth Street. Mr. Baldwin expects to occupy it this fall. Mrs. Edward Mendsen and Mrs. George C. Gardiner have issued invitations for a bridge party to be held at the Wilmette Woman's club on Wednesday, Sept. 18. Mrs. Charles F. Linscott, who has recently come from Anaconda, Montana, is visiting this week at the homes of C.N. and R.L. Roberts. Mrs. Linscott expects to leave soon for Cleveland. The Ladies' society of the Congregational church will hold its first general meeting of the season of 1912-1913 in the church tomorrow (Friday). Luncheon will be served as usual from 12 to 1 p.m. Dr. and MRs. D.M. Gallie and son, Donald, left Saturday for a two weeks' trip to Washington, D.C. and Atlantic City. Dr. Gallie will attend the National Dental association convention at Washington. MRs. Lloyd Hammond and sister, Miss Cora Sapp, have recently returned from an extended trip in the east. Dr. and Mrs. Hammond are occupying the home of Dr. and Mrs. Gallie during their absence. Mrs. Addison R. Ware and daughter, Ethel, of Salt Lake City, Utah, formerly of 531 Wasington avenue, Wilmette, are here for a two months' visit among their old friends in Chicago, Detroit and Milwaukee. At present they are guets of Mrs. Charles Ware of Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Branson and family, 830 Central avenue, who have made their home in Wilmete for abourt four years, expect soon to move to Kansas City, Mo., where Mr. Branson has been transferred by the firm he is connected with. In their short residence here Mr. and Mrs. Branson have made many friends who sincerely regret their going. The Boy Scouts of America, Wilmette Troop No. 2, will hold its first meeting for the season of 1912-13 in the second troop headquarters this evening, Sept. 12, at 7:30 o'clock. At this meeting it is planned that the work will be laid out for the boys from that date up to the first of the year. IT is expected that the scouts will have a very interesting and instructive year. Mrs. H.R. Raignel, Jr., and Miss Raignel of Philadelphia, mother and sister of Mr. William M. Raignel, arrived last week, to be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. M.R. Barker, 707 Washington Avenue, and to attend the wedding of Mr. Raignel and Miss Helen Barker, which totok place last evening. Mr. H.R. Raignel, Jr., and Dr. Earl Raignel were expected to come on to attend the wedding. ' IPFJp|s> w^ps saw ^wSsm» isrsiii SO Ho Vertm Start Phamet: *wgp^ iiui r â-  • rii „ • j';. t„." iW&mAi] $'â- <M^W^WMi^ whenwrashedintha - ^PPw^s^ssflg#a»s>'^^eaf. NQ SPajINOgon wash; ALU shrink, leak or nothing to pull off bu reversible CLOtKO_ CLEANCd. stall, d triajfand expense, plan. different styles, to brealc in midst of S> wood to warp, OOTH INSI0RV dhafe the goods, r filth. Quickly wringer. EN- PARTS. EA&ILY or suburbs we ln- ,ve on 16 days* free satisfactory, all at for booklet and easy: , better yet, let us show: *' Fare!*** - is the latest improved OAS RANGE. With ltfH Ibmblned the tireless cooking prln- cipSa^It is NOT ah ordinary Flreleaa Cooker, but a high grade Gas Range that ireiesa cooks, as well as cooks the ordinary - way. It cooks BCTTER than either a gas ; »tove or a fireless cooker. - It cooks the ^JqM, not the cook. Pays tor itself in better, more palatable food and 60% fuel saving. Approved by Domestic Science Experts as well as hundreds of housewives. In Chicago .and suburbs we will Install in your kitchen AT OUR EXPENSE, leave oaf m free trial for 15 days; and, If its work is " aa not satisfactory to ^r^KI, w* will remove it AT OUR EXPENbE. Write for descrip- tive booklet of 20 different sixes and styles, |f. or better yet, step in and let us show them % f to you, •-:.-.;•"-,.. â-  % P MIOTIC liQtJIPMENT QO. fcMi. MSS 39 WdUHB' '»r* *#»• *e*. mm**** «*»•• % ladies: tailor I Btvt the plctturc to announc received the lttc Season. 9Bef come in and tee itls, in all aha place where yo iis the _ be satisfied with labor and style, f Do not wait for the rush season. 1912 Central St, Phone 1829 •'Sjf 0 I PHONE WILMETTE 802 and Cat H ScicDtin Boarded ELEC Wilml Dfa EE Vet*ri*0ri** RIC PLACE c, Illinois

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