Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1912, p. 14

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M TUBS LA*& SHORE NBWfl, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1», 1912- â-  IIWHW.MIWU.Hf What People Are Doing ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ in Evanston ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ RECITAL will be given at the Heraenway Methodist church Friday evening by two well known Evanston women, Miss Edna Palmer, a soprano, Miss Helen Louise Thomas, a reader. Miss Palmer has done much Chautauqua work and Miss Thomas is a graduate of Cumnock School of Oratoiy. The recital is given under the auspices of the Hemenway Bible school for the benefit of the church fund. The committee in charge of the pro- gram are L. B. Trabert, Irving Fischer, Agnes Byrnes, 0. F. Palley. l&iss Frances Porter-Ross will be accompanist. ♦ ♦ * + ♦ Mrs. Barrow of New Orleans, La., is the guest of Mrs. Fairchild, 2700 Lin- coln street. Mr. B. F. Pierce and family have moved into the Hereford from 420 Hamilton street. Mr. Harry Rush, 705 Reba place, has as his guest Mr. I. L. Rush of Chicago Heights. Miss Frances Spinning, 1414 Hin- man avenue, left Saturday evening flyr Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Franz, 1140 Noyes street, announce the birth of a baby girl, September 15. *. Mrs. George Poinnier of Lafayette, Mrs. Belle C. Chapman, 1323 Davis street, has returned ffbm California. Miss Irene Johnson. 1110 Ayars place, has taken a position at Lord's Store. • -â- â-  Mr. Gardner Rogers, 1306 Hlnman avenue, left Monday for the Univer- sity of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Little and family, 1418 Forest avenue, are home from Mackinac Isjand. -' Mrs. S. Carl Harrison, 836 Elm: wood avenue, left Monday for a five weeks' visit in Colorado. Miss Ruth Clark, 831 Hlnman ave- nue, left last week for Oxford, Ohio, Jlid., who has been visiting relatives toff attend Western college. Itere, has returned home. -Walter P. Wing, 428 Greenwood boulevard, left Tuesday to attend -achool at Asheville, N. C. t f Mrs., Charles Gardner of California If the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Peter Bassos, 2207 Colfax street. â- :%».' D. Plumnter, 828 Colfax street, Irf entertaining Mrs. W. J. Cruitt and sOn, John, of Naperville, 111. fMiss Edna -Betts, 2229 Gentral gjreet, has left for Champaign, 111., Iirhere she will spend the week. and Mrs. Gale of Denver, Col., tre visiting their son, William Gale, j|lm avenue and Lincoln street. 6 Mr. C. H, Jones and sons, Carroll ifid Franklin, 1422 Forest avenue, kave returned from Delaware, O. | Miss Gertrude J. Seery of 1111 Fos- wr street has gone to Antioch to take up teaching in a district school. Mr. Henry Mitchell of Gary, Ind., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts, 2302 Harrison street. 1 Mr. James Harvey of 2527 Thayer Street has returned to his home after spending the summer in Murphysboro, Miss Marion Chase, 1116 Maple ave- nue, left yesterday for Sycamore, 111., where she will attend Waterman hall. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Witt of Chi- cago were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, 2014 Pratt court. , Dr. W. A. Thomas of the Century building, after a delightful automo- bile tour of Wisconsin, is again at home. Miss Florence Wilson of Cleveland, O., after visiting her parents at 1925 Wesley avenue for a month, has re- turned east. * Miss Emlline Goodrow of the Lin- coln school, after spending the Bum- Bier in the east is located with Mrs. Margaret Patterson, 529 Lee street. ; Mr. Arthur Greenough left ^ for ^Minneapolis last week after spending'. Ibis vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Greenough, 730 Mil- burn street. A number of young people of the northern end of town gave a beach |>arty Saturday evening at South ave- nue, Glencoe. A good time was re- ported by all. Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Ackley, .£734 Orrington avenue, have gone to ^Philadelphia, being called there sud- denly on account of the death of Mrs. Atkley's father. Mr. Merrill Humphrey, 2129 Sher- man avenue, returned Saturday from Camp Sosowagaming, Big Bay, Mich. 'Mr. Clarence Snyder of Win- metka had charge of the camp. A surprise party was given in honor of Michael Russ last Sunday evening at Bis home, 2118 Jackson avenue, which was enjoyed by many of his friends. After refreshments there ; was music and dancing. The follow- ing were present: Mr. and Mrs. George Russ, Anna and Miry Russ, Minnie Lagemenn, Louise Witt, Ger- ! trude Boiseger, Sarah Koenig, Mary ' Russ, Rose Becker, Martha- Christ- cnsen, Augusta Weber, Julia Pray, ;Lena Glauner, Berneice Major. Michael Ross, Henry Phifer, Arthur -Skinner, WillianiDe)var, Roy Bein- Jich, Edward Jasp^rTChrlst Witt, Mr. Finn, George Ratcliff, Fred Sherer, -Stanley Russ, Herman Sherer, Au- jnist Durham. Mrs. C. L. Rising, 847 Judson ave- nue, returned last week after spend- ing two months in Dixon, III. Mr. S. G. Strickland, 1574 Asbury avenue, has gone to St. Paul, Minn., where he will join Mrs. Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. James Eadie of Rock- ford, Michy are visiting their son, Mr. H. A. Eadie, 1131 Leonard place. Mr. Walter P. Wing, 428 Greenwood boulevard, left Monday for Asheville, N. C, where fie will enter school. Miss Virginia Clark of Winona Lake, Ind., is the guest of her father, Dr. Dwight W. Clark, at the Avenue House. Frances Locy, 1745 Orrington ave- nue, has returned home after taking a summer course at the University of Michigan. Miss Carrie Ades of Rockford, 111., will teach at Washington school this year. She is residing at 723 Wash- ington street. Mrs. H. D. Baker,, 1325 Judson ave- nue, has left for Champaign, 111., where her daughter, Mts. Arthur E. Young, is locating. She will remain ten days. Miss Anna L. Beebe, 811 University place, left for Jacksonville, 111., Satur- day, where she will be instructor of voice in the Illinois Woman's college this year. Mrs. Walter E. Turner and daugh- ter, Dorothy, 715 Madison street, after a visit to Mrs. Turner's^mother, Mrs. James R. Harris, cat St* Louis, Mo., have returned home. Mrs. M. D. Moore of Fond du Lac, Wls.„ and Mrs. Margaret D. Ford of Holly Wood, Cal., are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Shepard, 1121 Hinman avenue, y Mrs. Ida L. Hammond and daugh- ter, Miss Elizabeth Hammond, and Miss Janet Tietgehs df 1812 Hinman avenue, have departed lor a ten days' vacation in the Adirondacks. Miss Katherine Fanning, 1232 Hin- man avenue, left Monday for Wellesley. Her sisters, the Misses Elizabeth and Jane Fanning, leave this week for the same college. Miss Ruby Rowley of Crystal Falls, Mich., Miss Lulu Anderson, Miss Kline, Margaret Hunt and Miss Halem, teachers in the Evanston public schools, are at the Hotel Monnett. Mr. John O'Connell of Chicago was the guest yesterday of Miss Bertha Voelker, 806 Grove street. They went to Wilmette, where they visited Miss Alice Bodell, 826 Greenleaf street. Miss Elizabeth Dunn of East Or- ange, N. J., Miss Emily Muth of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and Mr. Clarence Ottes of Detroit, Mich., are visiting Miss Hel<m Gerould, 1200 Judson avenue. The Woman's association of the Covenant M. E. church will hold a business meeting at the home of Mrs. J A. Peabody, 2512 Hartzell street. Wednesday* afternoon tat 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Leonard Childs, the latter/ formerly Miss Louis* Raeder, have returned from their wedding trip and will be at home after October 15 at 2019 Sherman* ave- nue. Edwin P. A. Neverman, for ten years in the drug business on Davis street with Roscoe L. Wickes and W. C. Col well, has taken a position* ia the pharmacy of John V. Lee, Main street and Chicago avenue. Madame Hadlock, 1241 Judson ave- nue, haa returned from New York. Mrs. Fairchild, 2700 Lincoln street, has as her guest Mrs. Barrow of New Orleans, La. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fenner, 1514 Davis street, are in Springfield, 111., for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Franklin, 1024 Grove street, are in Libertyville, 111., for the week-end. Miss Margaret Kennedy of Tren- ton, N. J., is visiting Miss Eloise Hol- lett, 1044 Lake Shore drive. Mrs. Theo. C. Keller, 1007 Green- wood boulevard, has gone to Nan- tucket, Mass., for a month. Mrs". John Bowman, 2322 Harrison street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Merrltt Mott of Rockford, 111. Misg May Fitzgerald of Lake For- est, 111., is spending a week with Miss Helen Sullivan, 931 Ridge court. Mr. Harold A. Swenarton of the Uni- versity club will occupy the house at 2322 Hartray avenue about the first of October. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, 1456 Chicago avenue, are attending the Knights Templar conclave this week in Peoria, 111. Mrs. August Rodelius, 2683 Stewart avenue, and family, have returned home after spending the summr at Lake Marie, 111. After spending a week with his sis- ter, Mrs. Charles H. Rose, 2410 Park place, Mr. Earl Gates of Cleveland, O., returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Johnson of Den- ver, Colo., are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, 2306 Colfax street. Miss Helen Norris, 2407 Harrison street, has returned from a month's visit with her cousin, Miss Jennie Slaker of Aurora, 111. Miss Emma Boyer, 1421 Sherman avenue, and Miss Christine Airtb, 1427 â-  Sherman avenue, returned Friday from Lake Ripley, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Witter, formerly of 2528 Ashland avenue, now of Massa- chusetts, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Marvey on Central street. Mrs. Stewart Clark of Boston, Mass., who has been the guest of her son, Mr. Lawrence Clark and family, 2402 Pio- neer road, returned home Friday. Mr. Edward Austin, 2529 Hartzell street, has left for Kansas City, Mo., where he will spend a short time and then will return to his old home in Nebraska. Miss Ethelyn Petit, who has been for some timo in Minneapolis, Minn., is stopping a few days to visit her sis- ter. Miss Genevieve Petit, en route to Decatur, 111. Miss Ruth Crandell of Lord's store has returned from a weeks' vacation. Mr. Blair Moulton of Lord's store is on a two weeks' vacation. He went to Glen Elyn, 111. Mrs. Lewis and daughter, Dorothy or Oswego, N. Y., returned Wednesday afternoon after spending a few weeks with Mrs. Chester Comstock, 2408 Hartzell street. Mrs. T. L. Taylor and two daugh- ters of Springfield, 111., have returned after spending some time as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William McKay, 2308 Central street. Mrs. Edward Hunt of Robertsdale, Ala., has returned home after spend- ing a number of days with Mr. and Mrs. William Gale of Lincoln street and Elm avenue. Miss Margaret Schwind, 1327 Warren street, left Sunday for Chi- cago Heights for a visit with Mar- garet Flamming, a former schoolmate, at St. James' hospital. Mrs. A. S. Frost, wife of Col. A. S. Frost, of Sioux City, S. D., is lo- cated in the Mann building. Mrs. Frost's mother, Mrs. Mann, is also back from her summer home at Goblesville, Mich. Miss Evelyn L. Hauser, 722 Monroe street, left yesterday for Auburndale, Mass., where she will attend La Salle seminary. Her brother, Mr. Wooling Hauser, accompanied her and will go on to Southbridge, Conn. Miss Gertrude Hendrickson has re- turned from a two weeks' vacation spent in Saugatuck, Mich.. Her sister, Miss Alma Hendrickson, 1316 Wash- ington street, has returned from Du- luth, Minn., where she spent two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Karl Davidson, 1203 Ainslie street, Chicago, announce the birth of twin daughters, Friday, September 13. Mrs. Davidson was Miss Florence Knatt of Evanston and Mr. Davidson the son of Mrs. Hattie L. Davidson, 801 Forest avenue. Mrs. T. B. TraviB and daughter, Elit zabeth, Colfax street, are in Evans- ville, Wis. Mrs. Arthur D. Black, 1260 Asbury avenue, returned last week from Kan- sas City, Mo. Miss Erne W. Smith, 720 Clark street, has returned from a visit to Iowa Falls, Io^a. Mrs. C. P. Wheeler and son, Leslie, L'21 Dempster street, have gone east to spend five weeks. Dr. E. H. Webster and wife left Monday for a three weeks' automobile trip through the east. Miss Lillian Farran of Windslde, Neb., is a guest of Miss Nan Wool- dridge, 943 Wesley avenue. Mr. Abe Seaman with his family have moved to 1634 Chicago ave- nue from 720 Foster street. Mr. Arthur W. Dale and family, 2327 Central street, are home from Portage, Point Inn., Onekama, Mich. Miss Clio Booth, 822 Foster street, will teach elocution In the high school at Waterloo, Iowa, this year. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Adams, 405 Grove street, are at Ogilway, Can., enjoying a fishing expedition. Mr. Joseph H. Lord, 1840 Sheridan road, has returned from a trip to Maine, Florida and Colorado. Mr. Elmer R. Corwin, now living in Chicago, will occupy the Nelson home at 2112 Central street about October 1. Mrs. William S. Mason, 1401 Ridge avenue, and Mrs. J. A. Odell, 1302 Church street, are at Trout lake, Wis. Miss Marion Judson af Aurora, 111., formerly of Evanston, is the guest of Mi8s Gladys Statu, 1032 Hinman ave- nue. Dr. William Cooper of Indiana is a guest at the home of Mr. N. Erickson, 1138 Sherman avenue. Dr. Cooper re- sides in Sheridan, Ind. Mrs. H. H. Schneider, formerly Miss Susie Kirk of Englewood, N. J., is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. C. F. Champlin, 2330 Orrington avenue. Mr. William Nelson of Duluth, Minn., arrived " Friday and will re- side at Hatfield house and attend Northwestern academy. Mr. Charles E. Lutton, 1857 Sherman avenue, has returned from Lake Mem- phremagog, Canada, where he was -vlth Prof, and Mrs. Grant-Schaefer. Mr. Gale, who has been spending a «hort time at the home of his son, Mr. William Gale, Lincoln street and Elm avenue, returned Friday to his home ir. Denver, Colo. Mrs. C. S. Goessling of Dallas, Tex., who has been for some time the guest of her brother, Mr. J. Seymour Currey, and family, 1308 Judson avenue, bas returned to her home. Mrs. F. C. Spring, who has spent the summer at the home of her mother, Mrs. Louisa E. Raymond. 715 Sheridan road, has returned to her hom-e at La Mar, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Addison Bush, 2.) 10 Harrison street, left Saturday lor a ten days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. De Witt, formerly of 2314 Harri- son street, now of Keokuk, Iowa. Mrs. C. Royson Smith, 722 Marquette terrace, Chicago, entertained Fri- day at a linen shower for Miss Mar- jorie Booth; 722 Washington street.- Miss Booth is to be married In De- cember. Sister Raymeria and Sister Wenda- lin, of Joliet, 111., who have recently passed through serious illnesses and are convalescing, are at St. Francis hospital for several weeks. Sister Raymeria is a sister of Father Kort- hals of St. Nicholas' Parish. Dr. Emory Bogardus, N. U. '08, now of the University of Southern Califor- nia, and his wife, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Pierce, 2028 Lincoln street. Dr. Bogardus was here to attend a meeting of the Scribbler alumni Saturday night. They will re- turn to Los Angeles this week. Mt. Arthur L. Sprinkle, 2023 Sher- man avenue, has become a member of the new firm of Brown, Hopkins, Nis- sen & Sprinkle in the practice of pat- ent and trade mark law. Mr. Sprin- kle has been with Brown & Hopkins since 1906 and was previously in the experimental department of the Inter- national Harvester Co. Mrs. Amelia J. Connell, who has spent the summer at her cottage, "Burr Oak," Lake Beulah, Wis., gave a house party there last week at which were present the Misses Lucy and Marga- ret Wilson, Lillian and Clara Bowen, Mayme and Nolia Knauer, Helen Smith of Chicago, Mrs. Earl Orner of Wilmette and Mrs. Samuel M. Fegtly* 230* Thayer street. Mra, Fegtly has just returned home. Mis. CoiM^f^toeisBor ter, Esther, 1711 Sherman on a visit toJfrio^ds in Jolie$7J Mr. Rafy -feuttfop'SM *$jjL street, has gPtte to Davenport, I« where ?he ha* takeH-a- Miss Sue Billow, 823 Wat street, has gone to New York wheie she will teach domestic a*1 Mr. Garwood Burkett, ugg avenue, has returned from the tains near Denver, where ho vrasj lng. Miss Alice Carter of indlanspon, Ind., is visiting her cousins, the Mil e* Eleanor and Louise Carter, 726] est avenue, Mr. and Mrs. I. IL Edwards of Ceral seta, Fla., are spending the smnun. v\ith. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lamson, l«*i Sherman avenue. The Mothers' club of the fj< street school will hold its first ing Wednesday, September 25, it p. m., in the kindergarten. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur D. Xesbit son, Robert, 732 Colfax street, spending three months at Hay'Vi Mich., arrived home Friday Mr. Herbert. O. Jenks, son of ty| and Mrs. Chancellor \i. Jenks, 12 Ridge avenue,,left Thursday for Ph lips, Exeter, N. H., for his senior ye Mrs. Euphemia. F. Bush and dat) ter, 510 Lee street, leave today to side in Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Bush daughter have been residents of Jhr^ -inston for six years. Mrs. Joseph H. Lord, 1840 Sherii road, has visiting her her mother, S A. Webber, and her daughter, Louise Lord of Bradentown, Fla., are here for the summer. Mrs. Erastus Richardson of Wo socket, R. I., who has been the gas of her daughter and husband, Mr.; Mrs. Chester A. Cook, 115 Dei street, for a month, returned bom*! Friday. Mrs. H, M. Boll of Rice Lake, Wily] and Miss Elizabeth Abbot of Sovtll Bend, Ind., have returned after spend- ing a short time with their sister, Mn,. Charles M. Gartwright, 2215 Central street. - T WAIT lfil Dat drnff has d the rocs oijkpxxr I tonic on earth ;>rodu< are oncagone. lr«tf9Br hair Â¥ ou^JfPMr guarantee to wi Sflne aid of my^gaoui OIL TRXA^rtfNfS. a call an^Twrill gladly ex- ese tr. atmenta to you and ey have done for others. MISS CONOVAN 306 Century I uilding Uisitatio E#ard [Eva Under the Visit: ion. ior chara kindly f rsonal needs an he direction of ter and equ attention nga of of super- ent. Th«mc* fMveo tb? interests of every student Academic Course. Preparatory Coorae, Primary Dept, Music, Art, I- nguagefc Building new, sanitarv and absolutely firepr °t For further information call on or addW* The Sister Directress You See Them Every u>h*# NOTE the graceful line., the low hong bodlee and long ater *â-  Full ytew *fcfad or eeat. ri.-«-v»* - 1219 MJcWaan A»a. (New "th »^

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