X^:r£Mp§wlP^ ' Store now &6ie§M^ '^jSS^^^ â- p-.fe#-'4aL â- â- â- ____ ',K-'.-w»%^n â- * . ...,. â- '-„*-.â- * "-.â- :..â- â- .â- •â- , ..'â- â- . New Hall Sjy^ts in ailrWtfcu black* 'W& %\Mwpy' mM* els; jiefcet lined ifomiwm out wilhfeesj ^u^lifepSttii X< An Unusual Ass'mi, 12.50 !*%' 'â- < yBtjt^.'tricyf] ieWPStetmff lew-lalt shades '.......%:â- â- i* ;*WT â- â- â- '"â- â- â- 'â- ' "* '" " Misses* .^.j'-m icrn at neck, large ej^jpBiXtei"0Wii, â- 'â- V'.! <eJl&^ stylish 6f reasonably priced â- boV# iAi«i at *2*o-we â- ii^'-jfait. -e"* "i,::A LITTLE OENT«' 8HOE8 AT $1*0-^ MIN'S »H0E8 AT I3JWâ€"In ton or -\ . Made of «uarante«il gunmeUl calfikln, black, made on the very latest fall laati. "\ largeit awortment of boyi' good iolia - with goodr, all;i^':lt|rtlk^^^^"^^. ,., indttdln$yt|ie nama|gb,aii^ie^ I l^atlier flK)# I» |^e eli^.laat;!^,^^ Made of fne Very beat of gunmetal calf, ' of calfikin, in button; all made on good Ruasla, gnnmetal calf or patent colt, with with patent leather cnffa on top; made fooMorm laata. Steee, S% to >%/%ft cloth or mat Wd topa; made on all the ^m^good broad toe room miMk ^^^ X._ â- Si.^- +«*, *~ - --V^m^m^y , â- > m- ,;,.-----------vu, ,-a i-,. ^i; assortment.of either lace or button to select from, at only. Sizes, 11% to 2. â- â- ,â- â- special at ..»•'•....••4>^..-.>»^•aarv ;»'___»,_, rHE NORTH SHORE HOME OF INTERWOVEN HOSE, COOPER Ut Repair Your » or ^j j a^wrri â- s*aaaws*slsa^a|s|p»i^. ^'.. about a ttte 0^&B^am; y ou best in clofhes; you ki^ have iray. <w brown, or blue, oifeilll^ you want one Sjiiit jpf each kind \ ym |^of;pf *uit that looks most to;you;:> £;:'? ROTCM UNION SUITS. AND HARt ;t|lrlAfiiiilt^i^ a*-*- rtt II Marx make them all; thc^iililo^le or correct fashion that's not in their ii|T|^n!$rap!^iety of color, pattern and weave is immense. ^ HF A sew fc%*l r^f â- .-?.; *««•« OvercoaU^t6,S6and up We'll probably sell you a hat, or some shirts, or some lively neckwear wtf|en yojl come in; not unless you want them. Buy the Boy a Suit Here's a Real Snap 10* New and up-to-date fall models, plain dotible-J>rcasted mod N orf olk rifles- trousers are well taped and cjttt fitf!;./; some of these have two pair of pants; dark grey and brown cassimeres an4^ cheviots, also bine serges; sizes,6 to if*« Other places sell them at 17.5a foj|^ ^ to us and we will show you f^ «^NEl# the same suits for......... • We have a small lot of. Boys' 'Wtifflia^^ oyer fym 8UfoiB«r stock, mostlyâ€"medium light colors but heavy enough in weight fw fall wear; sizes 10 to 16; eold regular at $5.00 and $6.( ^f^eft^ti^i^^el^ v* -^a*--- Want to See Some Our assortment is so comprehen- siTe you are sore to find 4n*t the hat yon want at the price you want to pay. Makes no, difference what color, shape or kind. We hare s nave ^ ....... «.«7« them at f^OO and A splendid line of imported Valour la different shades of brown and Maes, $*M»0 and.... The Boy's hat problem is easily solved here. We are thowing an. an- cellent assortment in frayti hrOwn, blue, blacks, tans and mixed colors at SI JO, ^tjs^fgjf_____ â- UH.IL.1 SWEATER COATSâ€"Men's and airt ee^ora; h*m "^ S3LSQ '^'slftwn^/lov^^ *^**;^ •M ,-;fi rv?fi%l ^3?