f Evanston Woman's Club Starts Municipal Art Committee, Which Will Further Work of the Art Department. TO VISIT PRIVATE STUDIOS Prediction Made Nine Years Ago Came True Last Night When Justice Boyer Mar- ried Third Brother. A HIGH SEA ROMANCE A municipal art committee has been appointed by the Evanston Woman's club for the coming year that will have charge of the art and literature department. Through the endeavors of the new committee the work of the department will be fur- thered. The art and literature departments have made plans for an active year. Miss Harriet Montgomery and Prof. Burrill have been secured and their lectures throughout the year should prove as interesting and profitable to the members ad they did last year. Early in October the department. will visit the Albright studio in Hub- bard Woods. It will be a basket luiicheon affair and will be strictly informal. During the fall and win- ter it is the hope of the committee to be able to visit other private studios and see collections which are unable to be found in public gal- lories. lYench classes will be another new and distinct feature of the Woman's club work this year. For some time there has been a desire among the members to take up French. Here- tofore the opportunity was unavail- able, but this year a class will start. The club will not finance it but will recommend a teacher who can be se- cured at a nominal figure. Each class will contain not more than she members. For thoie wbet have studied French before advanced classes will be held. For those pro- ficient in the language a course of lectures on French composers, auth- or* And present day topics of un- usual Interest will be offered. COOL WEATHER MAKES FISH BITE & {"ersons who like to wander to the lake shore and sink their fishing Unite in the water, declare that fish- ing has improved greatly since the starting in of cool weather. During the warm weather, it is claimed, fish stay further down in the water, as they do not like to swini about in the warm water on top. '"The water in the lake must have a certain tern- ;ure before the fish will Stay â- Mi/' said a local fisherman this ng. "Fish," he continued, "are d in Various depths at various seasons of the year."/ The demand at present is the grat- est of the year for Lake Michigan declare local marketmen. Indi- ls are that more fish will be it along the western shore of thi lake this fall than in past sea- sops. The summer season, just past, declare, has been the worst in time for fishing. Nine /ears ago Police Magistrate John F. Boyer came under the lime- light when he received considerable publicity for performing a marriage ceremond on an excursion boat on the way from Chicago to South Haven. At that time there was con- siderable doubt whether or not a marriage celebrated on the high seas would hold. Later developments proved that the act of the local jus- tice was legal. The bride on that occasion was Tillie Peterson and the groom was Walter Ransom, son of Mrs. Ida Ransom, 2927 South Wabash avenue, Chicago. The day chosen was Sept 13. After the ceremony the groom approached the man who had per- formed the ceremond and said: "I have two brothers at home and you are going to marry both of them. What is more to the point, their marriages will take place on Sept. 13. I don't know what year it will be, but I know what I predict will come true." Thought He Was Jesting. At that time Justice Boyer thought the. man was. jesting. Later develop- ments proved that his prediction was correct. LaBt year on Sept 13, Lee Ran- som* accompanied by Miss Frances Grofan, walked into the justice's office and introduced himself as a brother of Walter Ransom, and re- called to the mind of the magistrate the prediciton his brother had made. . They then went to the home of the justice and were married. Just before the groom departed he told the Evanston official that another brother .would come out to see him some day to have him marry him. "He hasn't a girl as yet, but I think he will have one within a year. Tou know there are only three of us brothers and; we want you to marry us all." received It he w&01ir^ im fulfill .Ajii»,;iwir^:v.|^ aunt of his brother's wife. 1^**5 fore the wedding ©ould tain pliel the mother of the groom became dan- gerously 111. The wedding was post- poned. Wednesday the bridal party arrltM here and the ceremony was »•*• formed. Walter Ransom's prediction, made nine years ago, had come true â€"all the brothers were married ny Justice Boyer. When the first brother waa, mar- ried on the excursion boat the steam- ship company presented the ' bride with $60 in gold. Thirteen bells were also rung after the ceremony. At each of the weddings members of the Boyer household acted as mem bera of the bridal party. ENTERTAINED EA8TERN STARS. Mrs. George Betts and Mrs; Ed. Hubert entertained the Eastern Star of Evanston Wednesday afternoon in the form of a porch party at Mr. and Mrs. George Betts' residence, 2713 Prairie avenue. The porch, prettily decorated with flowers and Japanase lanterns, ^contained indi- vidual tables at which refreshments were served. About thirty women were present/and enjoyed a ful aftern s.eo __________ JMje PatakMlSfctrvetion •«• w-________w j/f to 12; ft$iatt)jpi till T -' DBS. M«CH«8NET * BBOWK, Inc. 0. E. Cor. Randolph and Clark St».. Chfeace T«eth Without Heavy Gold and Fih* Gold Fill Consultation. OpanBu â- R OR ' * ^Rl Woods, 1&M ~ wt construct*! rlor. sloapioc pop* „. j places, vacuun " toilets, stucco with Iwr.N. osAirnu Central 4950. or **> Bargain in Chicago t lint Disimtratiig Car A magnificent seven cylinder Mltghell car, run leam than miles, bett equipped wi set of 1 Speedome extra dem L Oar Qalc than top, >s, aeat i table Price. 92380 tls Price, Omly $1760 Mitchell Aittnobile fc. *Sii£i'l*.. Phone Calumet 1429, Chicago Pkom Central 4579 RG 132N.$tImporter ...of... Save three profits by buying direct ofm* FPU. s^le.-wiwnetka ^jiie.oo r«e>m-Coloa<j d ardor, ___i Metro in; fttfri . , eornor h.«ras«v •»,eee. 6E0.8. IEWdURY & G0, I'M tartort It '%'V ;&•-. W-- ft? it Prices lease Everyb>dy i conduct the city and suburbs. Ne> extra charge for distance Cells answered IsaMedtotely ilMESCHKlRCH Wil Edith M. Kil High Class Beauti- fying Done Be*atyj5hop tor^PUlk Blde^lMlptntral Avo., I I4*I'^^V-SW^SO Wt t<tUcit ymir patrona** E have been doing the (cleaning, dyeing, pressing and repairing 11 for particular people " years than we care business has gro words, careful a appreciated in this business as other. Wouldnt it p&y you to up and give us atrial ? «f£ V 'ffc â- â- ;--^ 622 DAVIS STREET TELEPHONE 1730 AUTHORIZED TO DO A BANKING BUSU NESS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION CAPITAL and SURPLUS $57,000.00 SAMUEL A. NAHIN Chicago's most fashionable nounce that after September 20 $65.00 Ladies' Suits *~ *eA ** Ladies' 19 Place- your ord Positively the best the city for the price. Ladies of the No my establishment Central 8562 Fall or suits for hore are cordi ivited to visit Salte804,MosonicTempie Chicago, ItUnoU Safety^ Depp lank is now. feme of the mosTcomplete tit Vaults in the vicin- igo. The boxes afford • solute protection for papers, etc., against fire and burglars, besides the conveni- ence of having this protection right here at home. The equipment contains three hundred boxes and thejr are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this uew safety deposit box system. CmtmAL AVE. ANOT^fitFTH STREET Witmette, IIHnois. Telephone Wilmerte Ninety I ^A#*m