Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1912, p. 14

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P'vmwacmmaiw ft; ^♦^^♦»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» nTiy^iiiittiiiifc â- wit'j:i.> i 'p»"i What P( < â-  • METHODIST social circles will be active t^ia weak en- tertaining the delegates to the Rock River Conference of the Methodist church which convenes here tomor- row and will be in session throughout the week. The JHrst Methodist church will be the center of all the functions and some attractive Jentertainments have been arranged for the members of the conference. Without doubt the most inviting announcement on the program is the organ recital to be given Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock in the church by Mrs. Kathryn Howard Ward, organist of the First church. Mrs. Ward has an international reputation and music critics agree that she has no superior in this country. Needless to say, the church will be filled long before the concert starts. Another interesting feature of the conference meeting will be the reunions that will be held* throughout the week. Many of the min- isters who will attend are graduates of either Garrett Biblical insti- tute or Northwestern university. In many instances they have com- pleted the course in both schools. This week they will have the pleas- ure of meeting former classmates and renewing acquaintances with former Evanston friends, many of whom they have not seen since they were students here. For this reason the conference committee could not have named a more suitable place than Evanston fc the holding of their sessions. * ♦ ♦ * + ♦ Mr. W. B. Nichols has moved from the "Asbury" to 1323 Davis street Miss Ellen Thompson, 845 Hinman avenue, is visiting in Buchanan, Mich. J. h. Whittock and family, 1011 Grove street, are moving to the "Oaks." Dr. Kathryn M. Lonuas has moved from 207 Main street to 1405 Hinman avenue. Mr. Allen Tetlow of Boston, Mass., was the guest of Frank Van Vllsslng- en last week. Miss Charlotte Zeunger of Rosen- berg's is again at the store after a slight illness. Mrs. Brown of Dixon, 111., is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. C. L. Rising, 847 Judson avenue. Rev. R. M. Miller and family are moving today from Hopedale, 111., to 2036 Maple avenue. Dr. O. P. Long, 1704 Chicago ave- nue, has returned from Europe, where he spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ouilliams have returned from Ottawa, 111., where they spent a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Burr Jenks of Denver, Colo., are guests of Mr. Jenks' mother, 1721 Chancellor street. Miss Adrienne Traoy, 1553 Oak ave- nue, returned Sunday from *» month's (Visit at Louisville, Ky. Mr. Cornelius Reece, 1118 Sheridan road, has left to attend St John's Military academy this year. J. W. Sherman and family have moved from- 845 Judson avenue to cor- ner Hinman and Keeney streets. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew of Globe, Ariz., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Rudd, 216 Rinn street. Mrs. Charles Foote and Mrs. George Whipple, 820 Hamlin street, are guests of Mr. Sidney Foote in Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. West of the spark apartments, who have been in Minneapolis, Minn., are again at borne. Mrs. Howard S. Wilcox, 1713 Asbury avenue, having spent the summer at Werthampton Beach, N. T., is at home again. Mr. Francis White and Howard Saw- yer of Boston are the week guests of Mr. Emory Wilder, 1211 Hinman avenue. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brown, 217 Dempster street, returned Sunday from a short trip to Port Arthur, Canada. t Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Axtell of Den* ver, Colo., are visiting Mr. Aztell's sla- ter, Mrs. Frank O. Ewald, 760 Hinman avenue. Mrs. G. D. Barr of Buffalo, N. T., arrived Saturday to visit his daugh- * ter. Mrs. Walter W. McNeil, 324 Ham- ilton street. Mrs. E. E. Darr of Des Moines, la., 'who has been visiting Mrs. Oliver Newman* 807 Michigan avenue, has re- ^unied'home. " ^Mr. Edward W. Rawlins is enter- taining bis sister and husband, Mr. land Mrs. Harold Moulton (nee Fran- lees Rawlins). f Mrs, A. D. Maclean, 1811 Lincoln street, who went to Winchester, Iowa, \m aeeowrt ell her mother's Alness, has has The Misses Julia and Gertrude I Lawronco, 14*8 Mate street, returned today from a two weeks' vacation spent at Berlin, ^ Mrs. Alfred H. Gross, 1100 Ridge avenue, is iu Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Ray Hall of Qulncy, 111., taken a position at Rosenberg's. Mr. Byron Gates, 1719 Ridge ave- nue, has gone to school at Interlaken, Ind. Miss Nora Butler, 1555 Ridge ave- nue, left Sundav for an eastern trip. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kra- mer, 1008 Sherman avenue, Sunday evening, a girl. Mr. Parke P. Phipps of 2306 Har- rison street has moved to 2010 Or- rington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hamilton are at home after an extended trip through the east. Miss Netta Plowman, 2800 Harrison street, is very ill and is threatened with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Windsor and son, Henry, 1026 Forest avenue, are home again after touring through New Eng- land by automobile. » Mr. Frank Gerould, 1200 Judson avenue, left for Ithaca, N. Y. This is his sophomore year in Cornell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Anthony, 933 Hinman avenue, have gone to New York for an indefinite period. Miss Alice Richardson, 1217 Lee street, left Sunday for Cambridge, Mass. She will resume her studies there at the Sargent School of Physi- cal Culture. Mrs. Arthur Pierce and daughter, MIsb Charlotte Pierce, 120*> Hinman avenue, returned home last week from a two months' stay at Colorado Springs, Col. Mrs. Herman Rodine, 807 Clark street, has as her guest her father, Godfrey Hoffman of Titusville, Pa. Mr. Hoffman will make his permanent home with his daughter. Mrs. C. W. Hillman, 1734 Ridge ave- nue, returned Sunday from the east Since June she has visited Ocean City, Asbury Park, Atlantic City, Carlisle and Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. James Crow, Miss S. Louise Crow and Miss Mary Alice Smith, 510 Lee street, are at .home after four months spent in visiting at the sea- shore, the Berkshire hills and New Hampshire. Mrs. Harry Stokes and daughter, Miss Adrienne, left Sunday for Nashville, Tenn., after spending a de- lightful summer with their cousins, Mr. Howard Tracy and family, 1553 Oak avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Dole and daughters, Josephine and Julia, 1104 Forest avenue, are again at borne, hav- ing enjoyed a most delightful motor trip through the Adirondack* end the Berkshire bills. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Duthie announce the marriage of their sister, Florence Rachel Duthie, to Mr. Harry Motrin Long, Saturday, Sept 28. At home after Dec. 1, 7121 North Paulina street, Rogers Park. v, %a Miss Louise Pierce, 1209 avenue, returned Friday from a three months' Europftaa trip. In company with ilk and Mis. Henry CroweltfC Winnetka they toured Europe it* *n automobile. They returned hoswf on the steamer "New ;.'; Mrs. Chariee Gordon Fun forest avenue, her daughter, V___ RlUabftb, and her sister, Miss m*l betb 'Wbite, left Saturday tor/Saw Mr. O. Qarlson.l57s Pswtjr avsnue, has moved to 1818 Grtenleaf street Miss Sarah Koenig, 1148 Wesley avenue, has taken a position at Rosen- berg's. f Margaret Bruce has moved from 418 Hamilton street to Fifty-fourth street, Chicago. Samuel Harrison has returned from New York City where he visited his daughter. Mr. George R. Durgan has moved from 207 Hamilton street to 1419 Far- go, Btrchwood. B. B. Hussey and family have moved from 714 Foster street to 1632 Chicago avenue. Mr. Herman J. Rosenberg, who has been ill at the Evanston hospital, has recovered and is again at the store. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew of Globe, Arizona, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. James Rudd. 216 Rinn street. Miss Violet Patten, 1028 Greenwood boulevard, has gone to Watertown, Conn. She will • attend Westover school. Mr. S. Griggsby, 1458 Maple avenue, has returned from a vacation spent with his mother, Mrs. Griggsby at Pittsfleld, 111. Charles Nelson Stevens, cashier of the City National bank, has returned from Detroit where he attended the bankers' convention. Mr. Matthew Larkin, 2023 Pratt court, poormaster, was operated on at the Evanston hospital last week and is now recovering. Mr. J. H. Newjand and wife of Biggsville, 111., have moved to 813 Fos- ter street Mr. Newland will attend Northwestern university. Miss Alice Heppner, 2135 Wesley avenue, and Miss Minnie Fechter, are spending a week at Miss Fechter's home in South Bend, Ind. Mr. George Thomas, 1518 Central street, is enjoying a two weeks' vaca- tion from his duties with the Interna- tional Harvester company. Mrs. J. L. Hebblethwaite and daughter, Miss Anna Hebblethwaite, 907 Lake street, have returned from a week's visit to Muskegon, Mich. Mrs. J. A. Earhart and daughter, Miss Ruth Earhart, are here for the school year from Chrisman, 111. They are located at 1639 Orrington avenue. Mr. Herman Callow of Mason City, la., who has been the guest of his brother, Mr. W. H. Callow and family for three weeks, has returned to bis home. Mr. Rickey of Park place has pur- chased his old home on Ashland ave- nue and will move into it with his daughter, Miss Florence, in the spring. Mr. Ira Rosenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosenberg, 1812 Sher- man avenue, will return this year to the University of Cincinnati for post- graduate work. Miss Margaret Oliver of Hamilton street is spending two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Frederick D. Richards, 2526 Harrison street, while her mother is visiting In the east « Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Albery and son, Dwaine, Jr., of Crystal Lake, III., will visit Mrs. Albery's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Huxtable, 431 Sher- man avenue, for the week-end. Miss Dorothy Dale of Omaha, Neb., spent a snort time here with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Dale and family, 2327 Central street, and is now on her way to Auburndale, Mass., where she will attend Lasalle seminary. A pretty morning wedding was celebrated Wednesday at 9 o'clock at St. Mary's Catholic church, the ReV. Father Bgan performing the cere- mony. The bride was Miss Esther Magdalen Daugberty. The groom was Mr. Walter F.Kerr of Pittsburgh, Pa. The bride was attended by her twin sister, Miss Theresa Margaret Daugherty, as maid of honor, while the groom's brother, Mr. Maurice Kerr, acted as best man. The bride was attractive in white embroidered voile over taffeta, with veil of tulle bjeld with filies of the yailey ind shower bouquet of bride to»s Her maid of honor was gowned to pink emed voile over sink Exy .. Mr..Frank H. Boyer. 1*5! Ridge avenue, has moved to 7W> Hinman ate- one. : . ^"^c Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman bavs moved from 2821 Harrison street to 2308 Harrison street Mr. J. W. Thomas and Mr* Bdward Otis have returned from a camping trip near Cimarron* Mex. The Chicago and Milwaukee elec- tric has a new Evanston agent, Mr. John Johnson of Milwaukee. Mrs. Wm. 0. Randolph of Los An- geles is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ralph Landenberger; 2210 Colfax street Mr. and Mrs. Harvey D. Spearman, 1232 Forest avenue, who have been at Sayner, Wis., have returned home. .. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn, 1184 Forest avenue, who have been in New York and Canada, returned boms Wednesday. , . <* Mrs. Lottie Scharsteln, 609 Oakton street, who passed her eighty-eighth birthday August 19, has recovered from a serious Illness. Miss Vida Bean, 406 Rinn street, who spent the summer at Fort Pierce, Fla., is home and has gone tot Jen- nings seminary for her finishing year. Miss Anna Wallace of Pittsburgh, pa., who has been spending a monjh with Mrs. Robert Foresaw I74S *#• ley avenue, left Thursday for l£f home. •'*.£, Mrs. Frances Bruce Strain and chil- dren, Bruce and Margaret, have Just returned from Iowa City, Io^s, yhere they were guests of Pror. LooseBad family. '9* Miss Emma Teufert, 1410 Wesley avenue, and Miss Tillie Sonderman, 931 Ashland avenue, returned Thurs- day from an extended trip to Macki- nac Island. - Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Aekley, 1734 Orrington avenue, have ttfcuwied home from Philadelphia, Pa., where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Ack- ley's father. Mrs. C. C. Wight and son o? Lin- coln, Neb., who have been guests of Mrs, Wight's daughter, Mrs. David R. Hopkins, 814 Sheridan road, have re- turned home. Mr. Julian Williams, son of Rev. Milton Williams, former pastor of Oak park Methodist church, now of :• Omaha, Neb., spent the week with bis uncle, Rev. Horace B. Williams, 2226 Central street, and has now entered Northwestern musie school. j mm mm .-'â-  Eygfiston Theatre (All This Week Wm. M, Vance (Inc.) rSKSKNTS The Late College Success THE STREN OF BALL BOOM. AESTHETIC »«* By ALICE SMITH end, CHARLOTTE THOMPSON A POWERFUL GYMNASTIC DANCING ChUdrenH Classes 8#prday2% Saturday's engagements private classes :â- â€¢â- -• solicited. Main Office, - Auditorium Wabash Avenue Entrance, 8tb TBLEPHONF, HAERTSON 1207 Established I8S8 mim HE G. U. GAIRIJfl Fine Art Store! Evlnstctn,- extend to|fWt§| cordial invit Pall Display P g* by the Fori :: Mezzo JpTts of - h Editions":: Gra* Water Colors :: :: Etchings AqnareUs 1613 Orrington AvtnuM Y.M.C.A.Bldg. m 'â- : tfiss Bsthsr Jennings**** A ^ csjfa* mm mmw^^w^^^p^ v PHONE WILMETTE S02 Wilmette Bog and Cat Ho Dogs an, Treated ELECT Wilmct ientifica arded IC PlTACE itaiOOls Dr. R;,;Ef % â- ft

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