iMggPI'^^ Mr. BuftWI ... ,.,.., in road. MmA-^^0 Mr and Mrs. G^orgt^BWiWtt of 1554 ,bury avewif^^^ iChicago. ^^*t^H"-:f£'*- s^fV ; William NelTi, 1B1«J3«ntr«l rtl^t, i|ll move soott,w1nJI^^^ icine. Wis. 'â- 'v^i^'V^^:.. â- :: ^ Robert anoit Itotln oithe Uttl- pity club Is Nf»ltt •! homt from ije©, Mass. â- â- â- 'tf^HW;; jir. and Mn. Carl Dpttid»o», fOrmor- I r of Edgewat&r» bav* morM to fU ^tdsie street*... °W:-\" . â- &•'. Miss Hart, IW Aibttry ITWtH, lDt to St. Louis, Mo., Friday tot Indefinite stay. "Mr8. a. Wesllnt aa* son, Homer, ive moved to 4600 North Lincoln ^eet. Ravenfir^ - t judge and lilp. Oliver Horton have jturned from Harbor Point, Mich., Q the Avenue houae. City comptrpjlor W. J. Hamilton and wife are home s«ft|B from a trip to loiton and New Tor|c. Mr. Henry Reader,^Jr., 1635 Hinman i«nue, will attend â- chooi at Mercer* grg Preparatory achool. MlM Helen J^Wpx>dley, 910 Lake twet, left for Neir ^drk Friday to itte&d Columbia university. Mlia Iva 0. GUbertson ef Dea bines, Iowa, la the meet of Mrs. O. Scripps. 522 Church street * Mrs. D. H. Burhham, 232 Dempster XWW^-ffl&-&&* M^Anliitf 9*3 Hinman avenue, am to New York. rWlllard Cobb, 1881 Asbury avenue, and-Watson Harper have left for Yalo. ^ptef . j)& Fnmk Baylea will move from 10*4 Chicago avenue to Bda*wa- is moving today from SUB avenue to 1849 Asbury ave- nue. â- ••.* -. . :'""•" ' Mlas Carrie Adea, 72S Washington street, has tone to Rockford, 111., for the weekend. The Luther League of St Paul's church wiQ give a book social at the church October 10. A son wag born to Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Meyer. 2200 Ashland avenue, Fri- day, September 20. Miss Jessie Luther and Bliss Julia Ferguson of the "Oaks" are home from a trip to Korea and Japan. Mrs. Frederick A, Hosier, 1612 Oak avenue, has as her guest Mrs.'w. J. Wichgar of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Frank Richardson and son, Pierce, 2712 Harrison street, have gone to Malta, lit, for a few weeks. Miss Antoinette Wilder, 1211 Hin- man avenue, has left for Middleburg, Conn., to attend Westover school. Mrs.. Henry Kilburn of Boston, Mass., Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Frederick Heeler, 1612 Oak" avenue. Mrs. Olive A. Clendenlng, 816 Foster \r Mrs. Jl & Blerv^ bas returned from the east street, after a three weeks' visit at re she visited for some time. lira. Ralph Landenburger, 2210 Col Elgin and Rockford, is at home again. Messrs. H. F. Darby, Jr., H. 8. Poole street, has as her guest, Mrs. Wm. and W. J. Phalen left Friday for Randolph of Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Curtis of Onrsha, Neb., Is visit* her daughter, .sirs. Bdwln H. IToolworth, 2030 Harrison street Miss Dorothy Dale of Omaha, Neb., ji the guest of her uncle, Arthur B. Dale and family, 2327 Central street. Mr. Lyman EL Cooler, 2010 Sherman irenue, is attending the deep water* ray convention at Little Rock, Ark. Rev. W. J. Minium, who formerly •esided at 825 Hamlin street, but now resident ot California, Is in the city. Miss Margaret Brooks of Wellesley [ills, Mass., is tne a^eet of fcer cousin, Helen Colby, 760 Hinman avenue. ', Mrs. Ralph Landenberger, 2210 Col- a street, has as her guest her sister, Irs. Wm. O. Randolph, of Los An- Slw, Cal. Mrs. W. L. Gilliam of St Louis, Mo., ill been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. '. Doimell, 1612 Judson avenue, for me weeks. Mr. Stuart Clark, son of Mr. and Robert S. Clark, 1110 Michigan me, has gone to the Annapolis *ml school. Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Bearinger and Lloyd, of Toledo, Ohio, are guests Mr. and Mrs. John Feppersen, 1925 arrow avenue. pas Cora Rawlins of Valley City, '. X)., who visited her brother, Mr. Mward W. Rawlins, 820 Hamlin *wet, haa returned to her home. _ Mrs. John Hubbard, who has been ^f guest of Mrs. Mary W. Ormes, 847 avenue, returned Thursday to home in Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher Stewart •T Stewart avenue and Central street T preparing to leave for Daytona, PI* where they will spend the win- â- ter. 'â- *'.; t Mrs. Hortense Pendleton and daugh- Mlaa Louise Pendleton, who been guests of Mr. and Charles H. Pendleton. 1785 Or- avenue, have^spne jo their in Kansas City, Mo. ~ great lmpi moment has been in the change Of location of the room of Garrett Biblical In- The assembly room is new -,» tor that purpose while the eld $§fog room Is used *W a class room. northern Wisconsin, grouse shooting. Mr. and Mrs. John Hyde of Mon- treal, Canada, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reckltt, 1120 Forest ave- nue. Mrs. Bd Ploughe, mother of Mrs. Nels Eriekson, 1138 Sherman avenue, has gone to visit her daughter In Han- nibal, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bush and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis O'Neal of the Green- wood Inn, are home again from Green Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Rowe and children. 1414 Davia street who spent the summer at Cape Cod, Mass., are again at home. Mr. B. C. Harder, after spending two years In Brazil, where he expects to again return in October, is the guest of his brother, Dr. H. P. Harder, 910 Hinman avenue. Miss Lois Linthlcum, 1315 Forest avenue, and Miss Auclnette Gardner, 1218 Sheridan road, will take a course In kindergarten work. They entered Gertrude house this week. Mrs. "L U. Bushong of Gladstone, Mich., is visiting Miss Zilpha Hull, 1422 Hinman avenue. Mrs. Bushong was Dr. Grace Watt, osteopath, with offices in the Century building. Miss Anna Bauer, 2118 Maple ave- nue, after a delightful vacation spent in Milwaukee, is again at home. Her cousin, Mrs. J. C. Guckenberg, accom- panied her home for a short visit Mr. William Deckhert who accom- panied his daughter, Miss Gertrude, hero for entrance to Northwestern uni- versity, has returned homo to Bloom- field, Ind. Miss Gertrude is with Mrs. Hart, 2023 Orrington avenue. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Stuart of Anna, IB., are here to place their son, Dan- iel, In Northwestern university. Hs is located with the Sigma Ntt's. Dr. Stuart has returned and Mrs. Stuart will remain for a time with Mrs. Hart, 2023 Orrington avenue. Mr. H. F. Darby, Ji% 2811 Hartaeil street, Mr. Arthur L. Goodwttlie, 2618 Park place, and Mr. W. J. Phalen, 2418 Harzell street and Mr. Horace S. Poole, 839 Asbury avenue, left Fri- ^day for a three weeks' fishing and hunting trip to Star Lake, Wis. street has as he^-JtuosM^*^-^, ^Bo^o^au^^ Mrs. H. J. Pearce, 2626 Isabella stree% will entertain Bov^ Adolph O. Stixrud during conference week. During the conference week Rev. George M. Basaett trill be the guest of Mr. W. A. Whitehead, 2425 Park place. - Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hall, 2734 Cen- tral street nave as their guests Rev. Ira A. Aldrich and Rev. J. H. De Lacey. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Blake have moved from 1718 Orrington avenue Into their home at 419 Keeney street. Mr. E. F. Walker, Lincoln street and Elm avenues, will return, this week from a five weeks' business trip abroad. * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Currey, 2524 Bennett avenue, have as their guests Rev. Ransom L. Griffin and Rev, W. H. Tuttle. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Olp, 23£4 park place, will have as their guest Rev. Bdwln C. McDade during the confer- ence meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Fegtly, 2306 Thayer{ street' have,: as their guests Rev. John Thompson and Rav^ Harry F. Ward. ^ â- 'â- ;' c rv; *â- •' ( i Mrs. J. Austin, 2602 Hartselt street, will entertain Rev. Clyde ^L- Kuhn and Rev. Samuel B. Pollock during the conference meetings. Mrs. A. B. Smith and little daugh- ter, Jeanette, 2324 Hartiell street, are spending a short time visiting relatives in Des Moines, la. Mr. Hiram McCullough, Pioneer road, celebrated his thirty-second birthday anniversary at a" neighbor- hood party Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mohson, 2732 Hartzell street, will entertain during the conference week Rev. William C. Millikan and Rev. C. A. Nyman. Dr. Flnley ElllngWood, 2209' Cen- tral street, will have as his guest dur- ing the conference week Revs. Rob- ert H. Pate and William H. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dale, 2327 Cen-' tral street will have Rev. Bvett K. D. Hester and Rev. Bnos Holt with them during the conference week. Mr, and Mrs. Geerge S. Moore, 2406 Prairie avenue, will have Rev. Omer T. Canfleld and Rev. James W. Frid with them during the conference week. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Brown, 2285 Harrison street, will entertain Rev. Harvey A. Snyder and Rev. A. T. .Stephenson during the conference lf^gS% V*pkJM> lav^^alfcN Mr. and Mrs.I«vTA. Franzen, 2026 Harrison street, will entertain Rev. E. Lemont Hay, former pastor of the, Covenant M. E. church, and Rev. C. T. Klelhauer during the conference week. Mr. John Burchmore of Washing- ton, D. C, spent Sunday with Mrs. Burchmore at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Y Norrls, 2407 Harrison street Mr. Burchmore left Sunday night for Topeka, Kan. Mrs. H. P. Pearsons, 1816 Chicago avenue; her mother, Mrs. Rollin A. Keyes, 1210 Forest avenue, and her sister, Mrs. John C. Slado, 1218 For- est avenue, left Monday for New York city for a ten days' visit Miss Elsie Atkins of Escanaba, Mich., spent a few days with her aunt Mrs. E. E. Betts, 2219 Central street, and will soon enter the School of Civics and Philanthrophy in Chi- cago to work out her scholarship. Mrs. A. M. Wright who has been the guest of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wright tor three months, has gone to Denver, Col., to visit her son, Mr. James Wright for a month before returning to her .....,%&k4*m........ ^mMi^M^^^^0:........... est avenue, left Sunday for Denver, C^^^Front; tM^!M$^'-i!^ Ida ^J^^^^^i/: ,^;;^|l|;4!p k^i et haa as her guests Rev. George Misa yutsef'c >roaA' enteftSjIJssii.. r... ,r... ,iV..... ASi^SI^ home in Orlando, Fla. P^ •â- C&irrler 'and:;'R^ir,:*;^ ';';X-.. fteliuer^ man during the conference week, . . Miss Margaret McMulIen, 1021 Grove street, haa gono to Poughkeep- siec« %^,Jo';v^;fs|5.siib^^ Katbeirlne McMu^en, who U at Vas- flSJT. ;' ,:i; "" â- "â- .•â- ^â- â- '- ' ;.<•â- \?:&!?*.-:*! :-vy Mrs. Harvey Hv Roese et 'New. Tork, who has been visiting her slater^ Mrs. Colby DavSes, 1728 As- bury avenue; for two months, has re- turned home. Mr. H. R. Bunce, the new physical director of the North End department of the Y. M. C. A., came Saturday and will make his home at 2607 Prairie avenue. Miss Elinor Rider of Amarillo, Tex., who has been for two weeks the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edward pjarvill, 726 Milburn street, wUl re- turn home today. Miss May-Belle - Christiansen of Fremont, Neb., who has been the guest of Mrs. Purdy W. Orris, 2214 HartteH street for three weeks, re- turned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hills and children, Barbara and Charles Bigo> low Hills, 1411 Dempster street who h&ye been In Boston for the summer visiting parents, returned home Wed* , Mtsi Marie McGowan, who has been with the Hahn Agency, 1572 Sherman avenue, as stenographer, has accepted a similar position with the William A. Vance Stock com- pany. Miss Louise Holllster, national or- ganiser of the W. C. T. U., 2106 Cen- tral street left Tuesday for a week's work' in Christian county, Illinois, With the W. C. T. U., and then will go on to attend the convention at Carbon- dale. Dr. Cowden LaughUn ot the Ger- man department of Bvanston acad- emy has returned after spending the summer on his ranch on Vashon island in the Seattle harbor. He will be at home In the Mason & Smart bachelor »P*^Jif|J f#»jtf Rev. HeuTy^p^pm^rhWa^He Methodist chtfth, residing at 1814 Ridge avenue, is having his goods shipped now to Rockford, 111. The home he Is vacating will be occupied by the new pastor, Rev. Fred B. Ben- nett who comes from Chicago. Mrs, Otto G. Ryden was hostess to the Officers of the Eastern Star Wednesday afternoon. They were en- tertained at Cards. The refreshments were delicious. The charming little flower baskets in which the ice cream was served merits special mention. Miss Rose Greer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Greer, 1001 Elm- wood avemi... was married yesterday noon to Augustus Swenarton of the University club. The ceremony was performed by Dr. William T. MoBl- veen at the bride's home. It was a quiet wedding. After Dec. 1 the young people will be at home in their new bungalow at 2322 Hartray avenue. The wedding of Miss Helena Boysen and Fred Whitbeck Alshton took place on Saturday evening last at the resi- dence of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Alshton of 1710 Wesley avenue. The Rev. H. S. Longley of St Mail's Episcopal church performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Alshton will be at home after November 1 at Shoshoni, Wyo. Tho bride was gowned in a blue traveling suit There were no attendants and only tho im- mediate relatives were present ;Ce»tiqr7* _ V-l$jft; Glad^brof Pnii^lilil who tinted. :-fcrtv St; j^^Mm^ Hinman avenue for * ^ . returned k««^i "•'â- â- *w?& "Mil Mr. Saturday; to Philadelpbill; Pik, she will attend school. The regular meeting'of the Ladles* ^ Aid society;, ..of" •Hemenifa*J; l|^;;||^ church: will be postponed from ;^|^IS| day, Oct. 4, to Friday, Oct '&!&*â- MM£ Mr. and Mrs. F. -C.. Buh^l^m Prairie avenue, w^>^enteVtato,"'l^|^ Edward N. Campbell «id B^v* 1v*fll^5^ Flske during tho conference#§iMfc*2^p Octobers, at 11a.m., at the Chufcli ot All SouU' the Associate Alliance of r> Chicago Will meet An s4drsss win | $3 609 West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL.