Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1912, p. 1

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- v-4^iil^^Rfefif Sill Evanston Couftcilmen Make FROZEN â-  y$ Alderman Asketf When tention of the council to the condl- tions at the fe<* of Dempster street where he <rtalmed the city hW been dumping garbage and othor reMse. He sUted that the residents ot; the dl^ict hato f«w« of «tt spldeinte of typhoid fever owing to the unsaaitary Mayor Pmden, at Uw opening of the meeting, called attention to the fact entlat, were going to erect a new church gil asked that they be given free building, water and sewage per- ^^^. ^:i»%|f SrltJ^:-: ih# approval of tie councilman and the usual ©our- ieey was extended to that denomina- tion. v.,^:wv-, .#â-  -•â- .r^.- the Seventh Be Returned '&' For forty mlntttes Tuesdny night the members of the Evanston: city council sat and shivered In the coun- cil chambers. Not satisfied with the cool broetes that shot in through the open windows, Alderman Knapp thought he would br4ng HP a cold sub- ject. It: w«i 1» rngard to the worli done last' winter by the city when a number of water meina which had be- come frc#«n'%i^^ It waB claimed by the alderman from the 8eventh that the mains in front of iiwd and XHe Hinman ave- nue had been exposed to the frost when the street at Hamilton street was torn up. Mr. Knapp read a com- munication front the.'"' corporation counsel. explaining ttie 'week, that was done, the conditions and a recom- mendation that ^the money pattt in by the owne^:|pi|tj§ded.';v; l^xf , Though it was a ooid subject, it fct , .?T~,T every eigenaaa in a few words to say. Alderman Wal- lace started it rolling when, "m reply to the motion of Mr. Knapp* stated be knew at least flfty caserf where the conditions were the same, and added that If money was to be re- funded in one instance, it should be refunded in all. IN I*HX-r ;;fiH: An automobile driven by Edward Besser, mi Greenwood avenue, Wll- mette, colUded with one driven by Albert Paoll of Svaaston Wednesday as the two machines were, crossing street, Evanston. Besser was south on Chicago avenue at the same time as the other machine shot aoross the car tracks on Main stneet Both drivers made a vain attempt to halt their autoe, but they came to* geflier with a bang that oould be heard a distance of * block, though both machines were badly* Injured, the occupants escaped without even a scratch. • council Leaped to Hie feet. ,-. - Alderman. Congdon leaped to hit feet and backed up the arguments of the reader of the communication with * few weU-chosen words. "This case is enUrely different from any of the others,* he said. "Here the street was cut down to within two feet of the maws. When they were found frozen.the owner paid In $10 to have thawed. During the winter they three times, and it cost him a 4«a-spot each time. I believe the city * responsiWe for the freezing and ppfet the moner should be refunded. |fhe man needs it" ..- ^ , -'..' ' At this juncture both Aldermen Turnock and Korkett wanted to aay something gt toe same time regard- to* the freesing of mains in the Jourth ward. Alderman Turnock •poke first and was granted the floor, ' *lt there &#$! jiaiy money refund- ** It should be done evenly," he as- Ste Prominent j^M£f$lbiz0* ^^^^^^B^i^-fi^^^^^I i Drive From Chicago in Gountry, J^L^SIE Owing to the Beauty Many People Hotnc»8--Sf ilt portunltiesforlnvestnient. -«# >wing populi >f the au- saye .a^j^lmo>*u, NorthV sal estate firm, is one of 4he id }$\;. many cases ex- demand .^torted.;. % know of lHWy similar in i J* â- Ware deal for aU." AMernian Knaxm again made a few J«arks, among which he stated that * thought the city'would toee the |*ae If It were taken to the conrC #** •Uttested tt would 'he better to safari the money now than to do so â- m* with the additional court ex- [$*. this time t|» hot words had so ^"»*< the room that Maygr Paden iiP56,ted Oie nMlter he p«t over a ^Wfck. This seemed # satisfy all, the* &m pfbeeoded to care far rB *»•*tiitm^MSamJk tie week. |Ppetition The play for the Nemo clip at the Skokle Country duh has narrowed down to the finals. The results of a week ago wcie^nsvfi(ilh>^ and 2; J. E. Bradstreet defeated F. D. Montgomery,! up; Dr. L. K. Stewart defeated Grant ^Rldgway, 4 and 8. The result of the play on Saturday was that L. K. Stewart defeated J. E. Bradstreet, 5 and 4, while the match between M. P. Noyes and H. P. Pope was postponed. In the final round of the mixed doubles in the tennis tournamerft Miss M. Lane and Henry Raeder de- feated Miss CV Richardson and Lud- low Washburn in two straight sets, 7â€"5, .•â€"*. . The present standing in the choice score competition is close. The cup for this competition was presented by Douglas Smith. The play for the trophy lasts throughout the season; each time a player makes a good hole he circles it and tarns in the card to he registered on a large score sheet Gordon Copeland hah the best card at present, as follows: Out .......3 2 S3 3234 2â€"33 In ••;*......M 4 2 3344 2â€"29â€"54 L>J. Hopkins has the second best score, being one stroke more: Out .......3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 2â€"26 In ........4 4 4 2 2 4 3 4 2â€"29â€"55 Dr. L. K. Stewart has the third best score, as follows: Out .......3 3 3 3 3 2 3-3 2â€"26 jh ........4 4 At 3 4 4 4 2â€"31â€"53 The competition closes on the last day of October so there is a chance for tw©_ or three others as well toff annex this cap. (.ThÂ¥ tomobi Shore chief factors I demand for pr«4)erty along Shore. In point of natural beauty It far surpasses any < other locality, with Its deep, winding ravines, tall, state- ly trees and beautiful bluffs overlook- ing the lake. No more inviting trip is offered the motorist than that ex- tending Xwa^J-l^-.i-i^^S^- Palk through beautiful Birchwood, Hogers Park, Evanston, Wilmette, Kenf^ worth, Winnetka, Hubbard Woods. Gleneoe, Highland Park, past Fort Sheridan and on through Lake Porest and like Bluff to the naval training station. On the first trip along this beautiful drive one, is struck with the wonderful scenery of this region and H9. ^a^s^sjsjgja^|a^5Bsjg-'_ Hsnia^aai â-¼^^Isw'pss^^sjBB^is^A^^BSBnjw^SiS*â- ..â-  â- â-  s»tpwe--: #1: Woman Suffrage Spwl ^ill Tell Facts at Me* Wf«in»ii» JfhrWas Him â- l||sjfe^:|fe::JMi iMf umairti1| |x» ; pected to Draw Urge Audience â- ""?'$%:V'«t Thifâ-  v;l»fil^lr^.,^'â- " PRESIDENT A W. HARRIS A DELEGATE ..• President>-'-A*;=-V. 8*rrie of North- western uarversity was one of the delegates appointed to attend the Lahes-to-the-Onlf Deep Waterway as- sociation oonvention, which was held at Uttie sWekv Ark, from Sept 24-M. He has also been appointed to attend spot which strikes one as an ideal location for a home. i Good Service. Because of the excellent service maintained by the Chicago ft North- western railway along this division the prospective purchaser la not con. fronted with the perplexing problem of transportation that would be en- countered In' many other sections. Added to this Is the convenience of interurban traffic over the" Chicago A Milwaukee Electric line, which now brings passengers right into the loop through connection with the North- western ML" at Evanston. the beat evidence of the healthi- ness of this community Is reflected in the ruddy-cheeked children of par- ents who had the foresight to locate on the North Shore and rear their [ families amid Nature's surroundings, far from the smoke and dust of the great city. Figured en the Future. Notwithstanding the fact that early settlers here purchased large tracts for their homes* while prices were extremely low, they figured on the future; when values would have so materially increased as to force later comers to take smaller parcels of land* and with true public spirt aided in having large tracts of lake front- The Gleneoe Equal Suffrage asso- ciation will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, Oct 1K at 2:30 p. m., at the home of l*ra. W, A. Glasner, Sheridan road. Mfe$ Margaret Haley will make the address, heir aubiectEeiiig "My Gam paign Experience in the States of California and Ohio." * Is Well Known. Miss Haley is so well known to those who have followed educational matters in Chicago that it seems un- necessary to say that she is busi- ness representative of the Teachers' federation. She will be remembered as 'figuring most prominently a few years ago in the unearthing of a tax-dodging situation in Chicago which has never ceased to bring her much praise and the thank's of the ns, especially the teachers. "~""' -" Ik'fkeen"" Woman."" â-  Mto» Haley is perhaps one ot the keenest, wittiest Women who talks today on the question of woman's suffrage. She has been rarely worsted In a controversy and always has a broad I and thorough knowledge of her sub- ject. The members feel it is quite a privilege to have Miss Haley with them, as she is a very busy woman, and bespeak for her a most cordial reception. Many guests are being lnylted to hear her by various members of the *^jff; M& .01 _ no d previous meetings: OUILNIETTE CLUB DINNER WELL The cabaret dinner, which was held at the Ouilmette Country club on Saturday evening, was attended by 240 members and guests. There were thirty tables, each table, seating eight people. The tables were decorated with fail flowers and were very at- tractive. A ladies' quartet, composed of Mrs. Ralph Baker, Miss Dorothy Rae, lira. Oscar Schmidt and Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner, sang several se- lections. Miss Dorothy Rae sang a ageConverted in public parka, so ^t|wlo Md gailf ftg|lm ,n a duet wIta the communities would not later on be confronted with the problem of purchasing, valuable property for playgrounds for the children, as has been the case heeejta Chicago. While values nave doubled and tripled during the last ton years they still are low aa contrasted with other localities, and the shrewd investor who take* the trouble to examine into the matter soon realises that fortunes are stiU to be made In this much favored section?* Tw -t TO START LCCTU Tomorrow evening the Congregational church begins a aeries of lectures on tlie Sunday school lea- ions to ttV strtftjsd from now natil Mr. Crampton. A solo was also sung by Mr. Crampton. Mrs. Clarence Worthlngton was one of the -singers of the evening and Nate Akely gave two songs from "The Charity Girl." Mr. Blchl and Mr. Kelly gave a vaude- ville sketch. Miss Ernau Smith ac- companied . the musicians at the piano, while Carl Banmann accom- panied the vaudeville artists. After the program, which was much en- Joyed, the hall waa cleared for dene-1 wm7£y the law of lag. Mr. Louis Clark and Mr. Deid-1 rick had the affair in charge, and credit Is due them. â- A?»-. Tp AID S€H0Ot. ^ 9vanstoalana were called upon Sat- Three hundred of;\tj^e:; of the Methodut Bplseopal church i $n- Bvans^";^-;^................... seventy-third JiaawKl1 conference began work ing when txamlnatlons were a^en the probationers, ........ ..........-»â€" who have " study prescribed by th< 'next ^<fJtvm^,'j:M^^mM Tuesday evening 4 given to the visiting deleaves First - Methodist ';cn|u5^^."|lf i'" M. Stuart,; preeident of Garrett Ileal . institute, :^^^ld*^:" '^"v * Abram W. Harris of university;; gave tha address come "and -IMS;" jamer^':"^ the McCormick TheOlogicai - gave the matriculation wldreaaia mtorest '^^^i^^t^^i^tMm ^ Special,/eatures of the gram was the organ l^ltal given . terday by Mrs. Kathryn HeWs^Wii*^ at the First church, .a^^^asislsiii"'" three lectures to be preeei afternoon,; tomorrow and Saturday Dr. Waiter Rauschenhusch. ^ ^ Jt is anticipated that there w$l an unusual number of changea f ' conference. Some of the Stoct, inent churches of Chicago are slat for a change of pastors. \'""'w^gl' Here Is what the .conference WiM do:. .._ "-'â-  'f' .'" ^^:v:,\1.V5S!8y It will elect a new J. A. Matlack, who faithfully In that burdenaemd ofitoe; Is now the district the Bockford district «^ oinnot, therefore/serve longer. Perhape t*W choice will fall upon one of sistant secretariesâ€"-C. D. M. O. Wens or James O'May. Honor the Dead. It will hold memorial services ftr; the members of -the eoaf sreaee ^»r- the wives ot members whoftami during the year. Dr. W. H. Burns has been chosen to pronounce the memorial oration. T^ie f oltpwhii Uat of the honored dead is not comaiete, but it includes the following: fcn tX| Cartwright, Silas SearU Wilttamat Holmes, John B. Itoblnson, Wataon Thatcher. H. T. CWndennmg. lit§»! F. H. Hardin, Mrs. C^ J. Dickey, Mr* J. H. DeLacy. *T '"*'. The down town commission win re- ceive a special hearing and acttott wfll probably be taken ta some improved and well policy for the care of the down town'/ *ork. V;^3f^|: Two hew district superintendants wlU be appointed. t)r. H. V. B^lt, av ° perlntendent of the Chicago waatst*;'; district, and Dr. R. H. Pcdey, annatv-x. Intendeat of ttie Jollet district hot! ^ having served full terms of six yeaiisj'^ the church glvsj way to successors. While the an*' pointment rests wholhjr wtth. McDowell, he' andontrteely wlM niany ready to give hfan all advtoa.'^, The Trinity-Marie appear hi Trinity decides to aMde by the In-

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