<SSs^i^R"asss»j *V **P* *^^-^^ ^^S^^r (l ^â- ^^^^^ffff^^P^'; ^^^^=^^ ' â- -. â- ^P^^^^^*^'-^^" *^W^*(P"*a^SU'^k^"W: • ^w****»^**wlw«IP^w * BSw^'a'S*'*' JAMJH LBOHAXD UEa\ Cttjr jNttor .. All ntattsr far ass later tnaa stmacsiPTioN pbic* tiat a tmajl l§ •** =c â- MJWW3* afe I J fflj^"""" "" ., â- ' " \'i'[.V......,'" -' -'11/ _ li &< THURSDAY OCTOBEB 10,1912. 9= IS NOT WORRYING % There is one person in this country who is not worryinggoyer the loud and continuous br?^ of the Bull Moose. This person is President William Howard Tapt. Sunday the president and his wife spent a quiet day visiting in Dalton, Mass. In the evening the president com- mented upon the political situation, as he gees it "f have every reason to be satisfied with political conditions," he said in a statement. "Reports from all parts of the northwest bring most gratifying evidence of Bepnbliean confidence and activity, with earnest determination to achieve the success of Republican principles and candidates. The same news comes from all directions. "The population of the northwest is not surpassed anywhere in in- telligence and thrift, and attachment to American institutions. The farmers of that part of the Union were never so prosperous, and they do not mean to risk the loss of their prosperity by abandoning the Re- publican party whose policies have enabled them to prosper. "They are convinced that the third term candidate is no longer in the running, and that the choice is between the Republican platform and candidates, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the Demo- cratic platform, with its plank of a tariff for revenue only; and its candidate, Governor Wilson, who said in an address at Williams Grove, Pa., that the farmer does not need protection. A rapid expansion in business interests, increasing activity every where, factories overtaxed with orders beyond their capacity to fill, a growing scarcity of labor, especially of skilled mechanics, a car short- age which, in many cases is greatly retarding shipmentsâ€"such is the condition of business throughout the country as voiced by leading manufacturers of every section. "The principal reason for the existing prosperity is the assurance that, under the Republican policy of home protection and trade expan- sion, American industry, while reaching for|the foreign market, is notl on" earth^ *t %kT close :10#e&M*8 in danger of losing the home market, .SiSi-itatts**the cut**«&Mg$to»i Work of Calvary Progressing, but Far From Fi«O§|i|lcl--0sl#«ti<l*l of Elect Chinch tl»* B«flinnirig-4Not the £om- Springfield, HI, Oct 6.â€"Pastor Russell arrived yesterday, the guest of the State Board. In bis evening a d d r e ss the text was taken tvom Philippians It 10; 11 r "At the: name of Jesus ev- ery knee shall bow and ever; tongue confess." . Pastor Russell drew attention to the fact that for half a century the world has been un- dergoing a most marvelous revolution along the lines of increase of knowl- edge, tie referred briefly to the share of Illinois in this onward march of In- telligence. This, he said, is plainly manifest at this Fair in the wonderful display of labor-saving devices, etc He remarked on the school exhibi- tions and what they indicate of the progress of general knowledge even amongst the young. He remarked also on tbe Improved breeds of live-stock, poultry, etc. This progress belongs to the last fifty years. The fruits and Vegetables also, he declared, remind one of Paradise and lead us to wonder If there could have been more nearly perfect fruit aud vegetables there. These things are corroborative Of the Bible testtmony^ thlt 'Ja^are at the threshold of a glorious Epoch, called in the Scriptures The Reign of Christ tor a Thousand Years. Our blessings are the foregleams of coming bless- ings. which, undoubtedly, will be many- fold greater. The Scriptures, ho de- clared, tell not only or, i^ Sl|f Great Days of the Reign of Sin and De*t»» { (each day i.otio years^butyls© o£^|* Great Seventh Day of 1,000 yeatb^tfcif Sabbath of refit from toil rind sweat of face, the rolling a way of the Corse and tbe pouring out of Ood's blessing. 8o^ieiii6to^ed^;.li^;;^ the Beign of Sin and Death that many incline to think It the nprmal condi- tion. Bt*t not so. V^hjPt® ts n4/^feh| heaven, iisl the 6ible explains, that tbore wilt be no evidences ofâ„¢ It ' 'While onr foreign trade is growing more rapidly than at any* tiine in onr history, domestic commerce is making advances fully as remark- able. Onr population is increasing proportionally, and, thanks to ac- trro bujnness and good wages, the people are able to pay for what the? 'want, and to keep onr industries bnsy supplying their wants. ^;/-'"lJbbuee is no serious danger, I heUeYe, to onr institutions froin |n- ^dustrial agitation. So long as sueli agitation keeps within the legal bounds it is not without wholesome significance and may te£d to im- prove conditions. When it passes beyond the legal limit, whether those self-outlawed are connected with capital or with labor, it is a to be dealt with by lawful anthority. ' r? ' occasional outbreaks of violence in labor dis- *** growing tenoVmey to settled d^ means, and there is undoubtedly manifest a much mors friendly and humane attitude on the part of employers toward employed than was apparent not many years ago "For the man or the community enjoying robust health quack ^reniediesha ^^l^rW%oi»-aaiai Anr ^iss l^bt^ poUti& Tla© ^- - - - -• â€" -*"-- jp»W IfHh labor organixatione and arbitration,, aim* legislation asmay | ^^|o^eirly.;be. enacted governing hoursM t ana sin brought the curse,". â- halt die." ,„: â- â- _. £t4£j:y Long ago the Omnipotent 0ne could have bound or have «te8troyed Satan and a# rebellious ^ /the^is^a^ ranafeinentB. On the contrary Ck>d has penoftted evil Ss a; great lesson, until He shall be ready to establish His Kingdom. The foundation of all the coming blessings i^te upon tbe sa^ rifice tf:%im^Xww$r. JBot the" *nf direct result has been the gather- tag of; the Church, the Elect, from ev- ery nation and denomination. These perfected in the Firs| "~" m ^^i^^i^^ptt^^mKn^ thereby giving an example for private em- l£ssrtL^*W i^g; adequate,to iaal:|^^-fi|fe" " ^ "A general minimum wage ^e nmximum to the nnnhnum. frith employer* However, as I have will constitute the Kmi^om class,ai| gociated with ime »ede^^,%P|si glorious w^fkrof the fatuM J ^ ^Stany^n# have-not appreciated work of Christ in full; we thought He «e^ nM^ly^ to assist ^e Chu As the Apostle says, Sfe is Indeed the Batlsf action for the Church's sins, "and sot ior ouraVonl^ but also for the sins *l the whole $&*&*..Z&?fflto%x&& His Church will be His .ateoofates In fito great work of blessing all nations, kindreds and* piM^?i*tew1»out-Be died, nhe Jost for- the ,&&&&&' ^ & The marvels of onr day are merely the foregleams <rf this Thousand-Year* Day of Messiah's Reign. But we must, not expect aU the good things that ^njjs^'^nie; -The hhrjber cost H Uvife a^|^|i^ii^ W*»^ ia aim of the Bepubliean par^r ia to see that Asaarieau »et the cost of Uving by keeping em ie in dealing with the trust qnesti of capital within exactly the same grocery that pays a B^« that both shaU obey the Uw law has been "T sia' nll< ill iippiiod tu Itfiaeaand every maj forgone to say f^BJPfflPJ tt that glorious knowI f^ie world a nation,** The lifting of the-vell of Ignoranee has neeu delayed jmiu^Wl^iW tbe ein^t 6ft the knowledge in an un- ^anctlnecf heart is to bitog discontent This Is Ae meaning olf the restless con- dttion of the world today, which is leading oa to anarcby, Qod gracious- ly wtthbeld the Bght until now. so that tfsi tis»» of trouble resulting may be «Sly checked by His Kingdom, which. obedtence, ^ The Redeemer wlli Helper; the gloriOBii Ring, to reign rnla. and the glorious Priest, to Is about to^ be set iip^ and for which} «nd pnlift: and the Cbtv'ctewiU associates and erts^as Approved 'i^n%alf|:'iaW:"~' .Uve booklet of 20 different â- &» an4; ^ fitter yet, step in :;fmj$i '^^^ BSSSMSSSi • :.â- ; ,a^^^.«>:/j-.»,\Sr; ' m North ^w estate, Awsaae and nave abundant opportunity, not fbr ki»«ijv; but afeb tot coming A.^Wtg*tm»nv^ioe. ^ 3iisi#£"ji^ ssaa Restitution and u? ^ho refuse ahull be destmyed Second DeatlL Th*n wiu conic to ] the promise of out -ikffi'ifjrt&lfa andevery tOhguSri i^fe â- Mm*.*mG#*\*a£z*i &'je»EE?^ZKE m 'â- .'HSWWJS^fcft.