Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1912, p. 14

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% *v. Lti^'r 'â- * ♦•<♦«»«»>" 111 V!*-i Tuesday the members of the social eefvice de- â€"^•aant >^£ the JEvanston Woman's club -«na the members of the Woman's Club board will meet for luncheon at the Avenne house. One o'eloch iM** loiir set for the gathering There will be an interest- ing program consisting of speeches, original composi-,- ^c. „. „._„_-â€"- -~ tions, and music by the members of the ^,^^fW^ Jg **?^J*°* * to^* meeting wiU afford-an informal social time and oner that will be - - •*- â„¢â€" ~ introductory to the more sen- m^m^k #: 0 Mr. and Mrs. Bwttt X Jones, »T#tttt«, b*Tt moT6d ,-_itST. * V _>. and Mrs. IT. 0. »*% HIS Or- rington avenue; hare moved to 4li Keener strait. ^ ^ . Mr. John Swsst sad sea, John, of the Hamilton spartmsnUi hsr© gone 4© San Francisco, Cat jf r. w. J. Boanen, 2614 Harrison m M WS? itsr ordinary. will be an onesjriannecl for later in the season. J0J6 Grove a trip to street hasjeturueo; ;.I^Nit^:r:^:-:^....... . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Col ton Boid, 641 Michigan avenue, are in th« east Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Welter, 817 Monroe street, are visiting in New York City. tfr. W. H. Perrine, 1130 Lake Shore drfre, has gone to Seattle* SWash* on a buflness trip. Preston T. Kelsey, 1807 Aabury ave- nue, went "to Battle Creek, Mich., Monday, 'lbs a short stay. r $ Mrs. George W. Davis, 318 Main street, has gone to California to visit he| daughter at Los Angeles. Mrs. Charles W. D. Parsons, 2116 Ridge? avenue, i* entertaining Mss. J. B. Taylor of Sheldon, Conn. Mrs? G.' D. Barr of Buffalo, N. Y„ is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter) Mich; Hamilton street Mr. Thefldere % CbsW *M1 Har- rison street, is m. Louisville, Ky. Miss Mary M&M8*m***** who was visiting relatives at Cadis, O., has returned home. Mr. Arthur Croxson, 2341 Pioneer road, has Just returned from a trip to New York and the east MIbs Edith. Colyer, 1327 Lake street, who spent eighteen months in Buenos Ayres, & A., Is at home again. Mrs. Frank W. Dustan of Clarkson, Wash., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Laura B. Holcomb; 724 Michigan ave- nue, t "f Mrs. Henry 8. Wilcox, 1713 Asbury avenue, who spent the summer at West Hampton Beach, N. T., Is at home. Prof, and Mrs. J. A. James are in lave taken an apartment at «0 Htn their home, 2127 Orrington avenue, having returned from Marquette, Mrs. J. B. Tupy of Seattle, wash. Mw.p. A, Odell^ 180^ Church street §.p. Lombard has mov« from 1114 Juiflpn avenue to the new apartments, corner Hinman *nd iteeuey streets.; |f| and Mrs. D. D. Saverel, who have been at the Avenue House for three weeks, have returned to Newark, fga, W. j& faerer, c*13^0r# street, is vising her daughter, late. Theodore Redfnfeon, at fcendallvilte, isr Km. L. M. Smith of Port Washing- ton, Wis., is the guest of Mrs. Fred- erick H. Brammer, 831 Juds<m ave- m^*£ ' J! V John A. Colby, 820 Hmmln, lie* has her cousin, Mrs. A. S. Br of Springfield, Mo., aa her James Quan Rood, 616 Green- boulevard, has gone to Madt- rWis.i where he will enter the uitfTeial&f"^^' "â-  "â€""â- â- â- 'â- â-  Clarence W. Adams, 1127 Hin- trip In northern Minnesota, Mrs. A. V. CoSmaa. 2415 Harrison, street has ittst retorned from a nsttj with her father la Onarga, m. I; Mrs. KaU Pisshle, 4Mrife>|er«vp nue, Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. James Huxtahle, 431 Bhennan avenue. Mr. Leslie C Oimy a* Kansas City, Mo., has been Visiting Mr. and Uf. John C. Harding, 2B7f Pteneer road. The Neighborhood; club of the Cen- tral street school will hare Its nest Ineetlng the third Thursday in Octo- ber. .Yi-;. V, Mr. Albert Olson of St Paul Is Spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. o. W. Youngquist 3318 Harrison street Mrs. John Anderson, 2605 Hartray avenue, entertained at luncheon Fri- day in honor of Mrs. John Bbritokson of Chicago. Mr. sad Mrs. Haroldâ- â- f.^ Board and Ion, who have been east since June l, ^.^. Alfred J. Lucas, 1641 Hinman' is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Hen- avenue, is planning a two or three' dricks, 1901 Asbury avenue, for six week*' visit to Philadelphia, Pa. I weeks. . Hf and Mrs. EdWard Hartwell of | Mrs. G. V. .Holmes Thomas, 1011 Houston, Tea), aw guests;C4VMr. and.Grove street, is visfUng her mother . ,-_ _.^:r^.:v_. .^...... u#ther;east She win be away |^ two weeks. v.^ "'%f !r..? Mr. Charles Pynchon, 1731 Wesley avenue, and Mr. Jtohert Lard, 1416 Elinor place, are at French Lick Springs, Ind. The North End Improvement asso- ciation wiU resume its meetings for the year, the third Monday in October, that date being Oct 21. •. . ._ ;:- Mrs. M. D. Moore of Fond du Lac, WlatSad Mr*Ms*a***^ lywood, Cat, are guests of Mrs. B. L. Shepard, 1121 Hinman avenne. Dr. and Mrs. A. B, Qreene, who are Just returningH^ the east are guesu for a^few days at the home of Mr. Joseph P. Piersen, 1231 Oak ave- ^ Miss AU«e Haugan, 1122 Judaon ave- nue, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dud- ley Figgis, South Orange, N. J., where she will remain until late In Novem- ber. " â- .-;"•â- "â- â- "•' "^" \"U-Z Mrs. C. E. Gibba of Dea Motada, Ia^ home after a her sister, Mrs. Wlttiams, 322 Mala Judson avenue, tweutjr seven ' M. 8. who are conference, to a lunch- man avenue. . . ., ...4:-.,,. „:: â-  ^-. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bacon of Danville, IH., and Dr^-fni Mrs. Wl^ ter McKee of Edgewater are guests of Miss Rath Barhart Miss Ruth Fargo of Beldlng, Mich., who haa been visiting her uncle, Mr. Frank it. Fargo, and famUy. 723 Jud- soa avenue, dm returasd home. ,. Mr*. A. B. Smith, 2314 HarUeU street, has as her gmasts during thef Methodist conference the Rev. H. L, Brett and the Rev. B^ Crocker. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Huztable, 431 Sherman avenue, spent a few days at Crystal Lake, BL, v4th tl^ daugh- ter, Mrs. Dusne P. Aftery, ^s week Mrs.^ Howsid Hoaie of Chicago has been, spending the with Mr, and Miss Lll- ats Hogle's grandparents, ^ and 'tom Mrs. Emily D. Pierson, formerly re- siding air 1423 Hinman avenue, haf been ht the city a few days. She wfll iretuj^ to her home in Grand Rapid% IfleM-iajIgW/*"-^' Sir. and Mrs. H. H. F4agaley will be located for the winter at 1334 Hin- man avenne. The laat of next week Mrs. Kingsley Is expected to retura from Massachusetts. Swttserland retatnea Friday Mra. Frank H. Russell. They are with Mra, Russell's nM«|her, Mrs. W. ' lira^ Jolm larehssorst ylfl leave »a#f Io>b« D. C. after spendhig the summer wiUS her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norria, 2407 Harrison street. Mr. ami Mra. Wilbur 8herhun jfajnily of Kansao City. Mow are la| «teT ^ an aper^meslt hi the Ne rotary Of the Mpwortfc leagae.^ : Bnv. and Mra^ H. B. W^nmms, 212« Ceairal street 'were gtvea a surprise iy aome forty of their Meads at th| ri illnai H of at J^ WHIiaSas. 2<07 Park nlaee, Thuraday evening. They were presented with silver and heautlfuf| male linen. and i|rs. ^._^ l1^^Jijls^typ1«a^ turned irM-take'- whe>s thsy w#se for. several ija*tt|i Ymts. Ralph It Starkweather^ 1123 Orove street and Mrs. *% Royce ArnV •trong, 2415 Pioneer road, have re- turned, from a three weeks' trip to Yellowstone National ^ v Armstrong entertained ten of her friends to tea in honor of their re- turn. wmsmmmssmmmms^si^^R w. a poor wastes likjht or bene! jl manifesr of that is decreased work- alone with to secure the best effects*

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