WS JThad *-'ijiili»v|ii^ :ii^i^i^'IN :|^^^;.^;S^ ^ naa ,l^.^x._, ^^.^^ ' temperance ijfe^igt^^ Sat »«^«ft&«8fe:%«. jpark to b^m^W0^0^:^^ ^ets weraffbj§||!^^ machine s^Sp!^^ *e wa» olM§ISs#p*p^^ Lucemen. ';.i**iMlln^*ihalloa from Se revoWe|i^^^#i».4.'««ti» Lrowd to tfci^ijNft^^ f Many eto^lwall*^^ Suspense w^##lpi^:'|^»^ jjg â- ![,;/,:/;•»#â- %* .Wf^ 4^ V^Kkli I salt and ca; [â- The policemen, raatbto to o^eh up Irlth the afiejt^e^^ ]| veritable t*0ffi bollete about the lar. Miraeiiltf%*^ Hnbotham eiW^liiiil^^ .up the mad pace unttt a bullet pwe- [tared one of hli car tlrw;foreinf Wm %o glow doi^|^fa^;.:|paf jg||ijfl£. overtaken and/afWita^-; ^<r%:;^:; <,; ; ^: Ignoril-fHfc^-1*."^ , Higlnbotb*»f*ifc^^ borne at a terrHlo pace when Motor- cycle Toltomiffi^^ John I^nner c<«aipand^ bijn to bait instead of coinplyta« with the order Higlnbotham attemnied to eacape. ; Before the polic^eil-cotUd mpmt their motorcyi|ea^$lti&^^ cording to Doiair,:;**# *'<l#tt^at the rate of sixty mllee an how. The officers drew^'^WJi^^ emptied them at th* ileein* ett^er, Bnt he |i||^|j^j|',^A'*,":,--i/^jtj'""^**" Considewble excitement waa canaeil In the park by the ehoottog and the arrest of the attorney was witnessed kr 8core*:^'peopl!te-:::^:":; ^w|t§l|it &' Higlnbotham, wi^ la a inainlir #f trawn ft i^^^'imG&fc&M lis machine to the Baat Chicag* aye*. of the federal antborlUea in orerrid. tag state laws by legallalng the lienor , denounced the participation at that -all brewera, dlftillew, aahxm k^pera jiumld be held ineligible to any political or ofldalâ- POelfcion Con- nected With the gOTemment Of thl> Arthur Biirrage larweU addreeaed ?nue voXtiM^Mai^W^i ~S'^mm^- At the atailon he wa» booked on the charge ot vkflatlng the apeed law and |is case seVfor this afternoon before iudge MaxweU to the ipeedert' court ||e war ^releaaetf^ Pt^ PO Orrin N;r^aJrlif ^olf pgflttsta£ ehkf Justice of the Wlliola anpreme wnirt "fleas not>;4$|i^ >||is answer to the radj^tft^h#4ct; . %uMtarj££j£4^^ UK P*ersy. lfc£3||p^^ Unit the ^^^^^^iM^M'^k. :ilttonnt of wifii&*Ii^ ^iMminiteej^ii^iJg^ Mr win let;&|||iv^^|i*i#^ "*flether he^wffl;l£t?aiilnp^ psyor HarrJ*6j|||^^ Ae arblteTa, htmcTer^ l^tll «inrt ^ IB. -eld-|pj|iid^|«1li otaa*-~$Biil^ n- lnteroatlonal^realdent of the men, retiirnwl to the city yeeter- 'rem Tatolfy!^ n^M. :;f'-lirfi^ii^ bW»f has given permltslon for the erection ,11 tha tablet upon the gronhde of the Public Library; In ccmmemoratlon of the bletorlc chu«^ where w »m^ of the Cirll war meetinge were held, aitf where other tcenee in early Wr- ajwtoa were enacted. The UbletwilJ be plaoad by the Society for the Brec- tloa of Irfmton Historic^ and la tha tnt of a ierier which It -fl^':^iiSa^i^ pni«i^|laf«i! ^Mm^^0(f^ tlon :lKifl|*ai^^^ examlnatione ^ :.wef» '^iiw"-:.^^ ^ter a dla«isiion on the character admitted to the conference on trial #««lielerir,iiit^ j/H/Winiamtoii, Alex McCraoken iha7ll^%;fcj»aota^ rM; ._^ ^oi W 7a1itr1ct* Itt :^a5r«iir#^ M:/ieW1IIJifWiL^ *»• fkrtifisranct .waiiiiaa^^tl^J^^ Embury ^^^mmm^^Mm dustry, agriculture, polltlca, and the church waf deacrlbe^ In an addreaa at the annlreraary of the board oi tt the evening by the Bar ;^AjdtppW* **>•>* ^ 'M'WJlii to get _ ^.-^ iStoSt ctelicate everythiog jwa^r # duu>l^r tcj pleaae the fin«»t taate preparing and packing ni the ahortcat t?§e^S^^>u will find wiieia you trade at CSetoena StoiMper's belicatewen Store on Madieon one tliff main wnv^ â„¢ :-q/0&%: aU in one--^ Httie ftore, t>^t ^ carry the teal goods. t Mb finest imported taeciitf cheese, sausage, haalth bread, Milwankee rye bread, raisin bread, Pumper- oickelri>acon,hams,Weatphalian hams, - imported mushrooms, r% mafee, Bpi^te *|^tf gelea, anchovia, R<nnanoff cw^ iin^w^#ia^^ Sprotten, smoke 8moked idgte^gh^ ^^.. .^ ^ elat, imported ham gatwa^e, 50 and select from my complete line ani you may heed jn newgaig*u80gi furniture, stoves, ranp^A csrbots. rues an«lbkT hi Morris !i^^:*!S; 'f : â- :â- â- â- â- • -->MAb.&-->-.;: