Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1912, p. 14

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&T: 'â- â- â-  '. ^"s^m^^ ... M THE £AKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1912; mm* â- 1 J #iat People Are Doing in Evanston ISS Eleanor Orr, daughter of Mrs Arthur Orris the latest society belle to announce the date of her pre- sentation to society. Announcements of dates ana lists of those assisting at the coming out Parties are beginning to come in with rapidity from the buds Miss Orr will be presented at a tea to be given by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Arthur Orr, Jr., on Thursday after- noon, November 21, at the residence of the latter, 2126 Lincoln Park pfece, Chicago: The hours set are from four to seven Mrs. Orr and Miss Eleanor have not resided in Evanston in a number of years the impending most of th-ir time traveling abroad. A number of her fontoS Evanston friend, «nd tbrfr mother, -ill *»»* m r^ivnif on her coming out day. ♦ ♦ â-¼ Mrs. C. O. Fielding of Monroe Mich., Is visiting Mrs. Nicholas T K»-an*. 826 Monroe street. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dryden and daughter, Ellen Marie, 1314 Bide- «'• ntte, are in West Baden, Ind Miss Theodora Chaffee, 2*"M H»»'i MQ street, has returned f""" R month's visit in Waverly, 111 Mr. and Mrs. R. S. LlnzJe of Du Quoin, 111., are visiting Miss Jennie Prentiss, 820 Hinman avenue. R. E. Whitney, 1245 Asbury avenue, la home from attending a business convention at Atlantic C"v, N. J. Mrs. Ella H. Gallup ana Mrs. Stella Hunt PickTell, 936 Hinman avenue. left Thursday for Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. J. R. Rowley- 1006 Foster street, is at Rockford, 111., ap a dele- gate to th* T vthtpn S^«"rB" onven tion. ~MtBB Kath'yn Rose, 24 0 Park place. 19 staying at the Kindergarten Insti- tute this weeJt, wber« she regularly attends. Mrs. George Betts and two sons, Franklin and Wesley, 2713 Prairie avenue, have just returned from Mil- waukee. Dr. and Mrs. George T. Banzet have given up their apartment in the Ham- ilton and have taken a houpp at 422 Greenleaf street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schuett and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ghiel, 1918 Lake street, motored to Dunning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Williams, 1940 Sheridan road, have as their guests Mr. Williams' pareuta. Mr. aud Mrs J. W. Williams of Cenuevilie, 1» Mr. Charles rf Hart, son of m*«> Elsa f. Hart, aQZ* Orxlu&iou »\ uue Will Stop at hum., for two woeko Mr. Hart Id ti*e le*iOi.ig i^nd u "The Spring Maid." The next n.tou»i6 o* »*.. --. . ... » literature department ci (L i£ *a»* ton Woman's club win l.> L**i Nov 2^6, instead of Nov 6 Wof Kdg*r W. Burrill will lecture ou ,he "New Realism/' The painting ol lu.o ..-a.. *i.o first president of the Vv ,uiau h . iub, how being placed upon canvas by Mr. P. Webster in Pasadena, Cal. U about completed and will be on exhibit to morrow in Pasadena under the «us pices of seven clubs of that city Mr Webster expects to be hom.> is* /. l, tod will leave Immediately for fern rope for a year's study abrottJ The twelfth birthday party ot Ml*a Elizabeth Darviii, 726 Miiburu street, will long be remembered as one of beauty and girlish sweetness. Satur- day afternoon at htr home the follow- ing mater shared with her it*, enjoy- ment: Misses Margaret Steames, Katherine Rich, Catherine MoCuIlough, Grace Lynch, Dorothy Pugh, Marion Youngquist, Alberta Childs, Frances Tatnall, Clara Currey and Elsie Dar- viU. The home was rich with autumn leaves. The decorations of the table the favors and prizes were all the work of the Gift Shop, Miss West's, and were done in pink. The designs being original and especially suitable to the occasion. Mrs. H. G. Tute, 2713 Walnut street, gave her husband a birthday surprise party Saturday evening. The dinner |able was beautiful in crimson and White. A large centerpiece of red jUchmond rosea took precedence. The white birthday cake on which we*e ar- ranged red and white candles and red #nd white rosebuds, was nested on a doily with sprays of green. The were Mr. Tate's parents. Mr. Mrs, H. W. Tate, Mr. and Mrs. J. _.. branch, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Or- .vis, lir. and Mrs. A. T. Carroll. Mrs. Wr I* McKay, who accompanied her- •ftU «* tha piano sod Mr. Seymour Whsslocb; of Wllxnette, who was best t^ja* tie wtjdin* of nJe host and ♦ * Congressman Foss was at the Evans- ton club Saturday night. Dwight S. Bobb of the University dub is in Akron, O.. for «ev<?ral days. Tbe Evanston W. C. T. U. will meet Friday at the home of 3 J WaMmn. 1708 Orrington avenue. Mr and Mrs. James A. Peabody, 2512 Hartzell street, have returned <rom a ten days' visit in Toronto. Can Dr. and Mrs A. V. Coffman, 2415 Harrison street, have returned from a ten days' trip at French Lick Springs Mr. and Mrs. Dwight H Perkins, 2317 Lincoln street, have returned from a Ashing: trip in nor thorn MioM gan. Miss Carrie Focer of Cape May, N. J., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Matthew J. M*"'A'lams, 9<1<> Harrison street. Mrs. Harvey T. <'iafliu of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of her daughter,, Mrs. George F Mpmh^M. 9042 Ridjc avenue. Mrs. Earnest J Ford, West Railroad avenue and Ontril street, returned Friday from «• n-'onth'* visit io Canada. Miss Owen of South Bend, Ind.. who has been visiting M^s. Charl^B S. Har- ris, 716 Michigan »vpmi», returnoH home Friday. Mr. Jerry Mathis of Denver, Colo., in now at tbe home of hi« mother, Mrs. E. Mathis, 2427 Central stroot. ill with typhoid fever. Miss Louise Holllster, 2106 Central street, notional organizer of the W. C. T. U., is again on the road to recovery after quite a serious Ulneae Mr and Mrs Haivy S Ma...i^0t.» id!4 Asbury aveuut *».c oujoying 1L0 pleahure of a visit i» <>tu .ilr ivittmiicu tcr's paientd /roiu ill Ali and Aire Li i Ncl« 1^.1. ....,.«, hai rii.~>tx ttieet, «vt L vv Ictii m t» \l»lt to All Neli4011't. i»uie.«to « Cia Obi,., h^ve idurned L .>ii .1 Theit will ue a ka^etlng ot tht v,tu ..14I Bo..rd jf the Covei.Aiat M E chinch Thunidtty evening at tl.o boait of Dr. ifillingwooa, 2209 Cdutial street Mr. Atkins and his sibter Ml*a Blsit A-lkiuii, of Caaada. have beeu the guests ^t Mr and Airs. B B. botts. 2219 CtnUal street, for tne t>a«t week Mias Moor^i of West Virginia, a for »».er utadent *>f i^ortb western uhlver sity is a guost at the home of Mro Ida / rfhotwell 63u Uiiiversiiy place M/s Harry S Manchester, 1314 As i.ury &/enue, w&a hostess at au iufor mal tea Wednesday afteruoor. iu tioaor of Mr. Manchester's mother lto.q Ke wanee, 111. Mr. aud Mrs Audrevv M«f<4ii» ia&& Chicago avenue, announce the bli.h of a daughter, October 13 Mr* J fl Hay den, her sister, of New York City. Im the guest of Mm. McNeil/ Mr. and Mrs W T. Ricka>^a« i$&4 Forest avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. â-². D. Sheridan, 310 Church strett. who made a delightful auto trip to French Lick Springs, Ind., motored home last week. Mr. Roy Hale of Shawneetown, 111. now of Evanston, brought his bride to Evakiston this -week. Mr. Hale was married a month ago to Miss May Ward of Quinsy, 111. And the an- nouncement is iii tne nature of a sur- prise. Mr. and Mrs. L. Larsen, 1723 Orring- ton avenue, who have been on a four months' trip to the old country, reached home Monday. They had a fine visit through Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and a splendid trip on the "Oscar II.," homeward hound. The dedication day of the Covenant Methodist Episcopal church has been set for Sunday. November Vt. Be- ginning the seventeenth and contlnu ins; through the week, to the twenty- fourth, there will be some kind of a meeting held every efealmj except Saturday. Besnre to fave ~ Mrs. Frederick Bglund of Peoria was the over-Sunday guest of Evans- ton -friends. Mrs. Harrison B. Riley, 1822 Sher- idan road, returned Friday from Jamestown, N. Y. Mrs. John Flood and daughter, Katherlne, have returned from a week- end visit in Dixon, 111. Miss June Woods of Green hall, Chi- cago university, was the guest of Mrs. T. W. McGaugney last week. Miss Mary Lord, 1328 Hinman ave- nue, having spent the summer in Eu- rope, returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barchers and daughter, Miss Faye Barchers, of Indianapolis spent Sunday In Evans- ton. Mr. Charles Leonhardt of Colwell's pharmacy visited friends and rela- tives 1n Watertown. Wig, over Sun- day. Mrs. Don Sebastian 'nd «on, 1005 Forest avenue, wert to H'*t Springs, Ark. " hnrr l»v o"d ^ M\ o Kono untU Nov. ' Mr mill K*rs. Arthu Mumper of JoJipt, II' , v^ere the over Sunday guf^t'* of Mr. an** M'^ T,<hr> **eyer. ens T"M'ff 8t»eet. M' C * Dewey of Kansas City, M"., after visiting his sister, Mrs. P. P Garoutte, 725 Mi^i^n avenue, h^s returned home Mrs. C- A. Goodnow, J627 Wesley averjue, has returned from Glenridge, N. J , where "he visited her daughW- Mrs. William Shields. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Chambers, 1319 Main street, are spending a week with relatives at Carrollton, 111., and prob- ably will return home today. Mr. and Mrs. John Weiland, 1516 Greenwood boulevard, spent Sunday with Mrs. Weiland's father. Mr Theodore Karthelser, in Aurora, 111. Mr. Henry Meyers and son, Don- ald, 321 Greenwood boulevard, are in Denver, Col . having received word of the serious illness of Mrs. Meyers. Mm L^eds Nelson of Toronto, Can., will spend part of the winter here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. w. B. Maclear, 742 Michigan avenue. M'8s Tane White, sister of Mr. Sel- den F. White. 419 Greenwood boule- vard, who have been studying in Eu- rope for two years, arrived home Mon- day. Mr Wesley 1. Knox, 804 Hinman uveuuc is eujoylug a vUit from his don ana daughter in law. Mr and Mrs Chbi-les E Knox of rl upper Lake, Now Yo.k A „10flC . ..-. . . in ...,U. ^JlfeU . gc» t>( Ihe ota. . ii£..ik b/ih J Caa tic and J\i1ob Hem. so being t.anb fci. ,d I .txi t».j Bouib 10 the. uortb M>su LyL carlo* !,.»..», t *»-- uildii g, wh( paused «arv,agh eei ioas illnet , was J» Evans week allium, ^u fridnje, who lib L^r upOu bfcr recovery Job., W Feilov*. 625 L«o »s th„ gu*.ot of hei sister-iu y ^rci-srick niwiug. «t Prince Mrs Fehows whl *tlso go Clt> Mo., aud Cleveland, a v ci t l< .1 lilt rej»,icc Mrs oireet. law M i} tuu It >1 to A^aiibu O befort . eturi.iug Lame lir Johu o Conuell a. a wniiaiu iiirlcl.^r ot v;uicago, In „omp«ny with Miss bertna VoeUe> 803 Grove street, visited Miss Alice Bodell in Wilmette SunJay lu the evening the QUfurt^i toasteu aia.dhuioilows by a bonfire ou the be .ch Mrs. Clara Earhart ..1 <;tiiULLi<inl id, who accompanied ne. daughter, Mis,, Ruth, to Evan»tv.n uud placed her in Noithwestern university, left Moij la> far Chrismau for a mouth's stay, after which she will i-eturn and reside with her daughter at 630 Uni- versity place Mrs J D ullne 204i ilu.iUua wtreet, enio-rt^med a«. lua^i.eon Fri- day afternoon Tht, ta».le was prettily decorated with ornaments pertaining to Hallow o'en The luncheon was fol- lowed by a game of bridge Those present were Mrs. Matthew J Mac* Adams, Mrs. Acker man, Mrs H. A. Apps, Mrs. Braunhold, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Bell and al»o Mrs. Neilson of South Evanston. The new members of the faculty of Garrett Biblical institute are the Rev. John Jacob Rapp, A. B., B. D., formerly instructor in Greek and Hebrew, now assistant professor of Old Testament interpretation- Rer. William David Schermerhorn, D. D., as assistant pro- fessor of New Testament interpreta- tion and Rer. Merrill Jacob Holmes, A. M., B. D., aa instructor in English and philosophy; also the Rer. Samuel G. Ayrea aa assistant librarian, who cornea from Drew Theological gent* nary. .â- â- .'*â- *.-* '- . 5au-# Mrs. Frank Barnard, 1046 Ridge ave- nue, is in Minneapolis, Minn., for a three weeks' visit. Mr. W. G. De Celle, 205 Hamilton street, is in Pittsburgh, Pa., on an ex- tensive business trip. George Nordberg, 1218 Sherman avenue, has adopted Berkeley, Cal., as his place of residence. Mrs. C. E. Thompaon of Boston is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hewitt, 923 Washington street. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clifton, 581 Ingle- side park, have gone to West Baden, Ind., for a week's stay. Mrs. Matthew J. MacAdams, 2021 Harrison street, has as her guest, Miss Forer of Cape May, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. Kees of 201 Stockham place, are rejoicing over the arrival of a son, October 13. Mts. F. N. Robbins, 1713 Central street, entertained a number of her friends ^t rinoj- Friday afternoon. Wednesrl Mr. Haary C Bennett of%506 Hart zell street, was visiting his son Har- old on Sunday at St. John's Military "•ad^mv. Delafleld, Wis. R E. MacRae of Park place spent Sunday with his son, Elvyn Harold, at Delafleld, Wis., where he is attend- ing St. John's Military academy. Miss Frances Thompson of Danville, 111., who has been the guest of Miss Ethel Kirkman, Ridge avenue and Lake street, left Sunday for her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bristow, 1138 Sherman avenue and Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans, 1228 Sherman avenue, motored to Crown Foin' *t\<\ c»^«r T,ake, Ind., yesterday. The Sewing Society of St. Paul's English Lutheran church will meet to- night at 7:30 at the home of Miss Mol- lie Kropp, corner Sherman avenue and Grove street Mrs. O. Ludwig Blomquist and daughter, Miss Anna Blomquist, 1941 Dewey avenue, who spent the past six months visiting relatives in Stock- holm and other points in Sweden, ar- rived home Saturday. Miss Ellen Fredholm arrived last week from Vestergotland, Sweden, af- ter spending six months in her na- tive country. She is visiting her friends, tbe Misses Anna Reisberg and Selma Alvahamson, 519 Dempster street. â- ......1 inmmmmm-mmmmmmmm+mimmm 1. â- .. 1 .â- '.........1 â-  i> 1.....;i. 1 â- . >ni;iii« Miss Dorothy Kearney ent her friends with a delightful ii dance at the home of her parents, and Mrs. J. J. Kearney. "Wj woods," 2610 Lincoln street, on the casion of her eighteenth birthday. There 1b still plenty of room tor'a J number of girla in the Girls' Afte*! noon Gymnastic claas, held In the 4* sembly hall of the Central street; school at 4:30 o'clock every Monday afternoon. Terms are $3.50 for twlHI ty-four lessons. fT; The Brotherhood and the- Lad) Aid of Wheadon Methodist Epi____. church gave the church a fall cleefc^ ing last week and H la now spio an4^ span, clean as a new pin. Tonight i the congregation gives a reception to their returned pastor and his wife tt';: 8 o'clock at the church, to which tjgi are most cordially invited. §f Lysle Braasch, 521 Main street, ei tertalned a number of his high school friends Friday at his home. Garnet were played, candy was pulled and^ everyone had a good time. The foil! lowing participated in the fun: Alicia Tyrrell, Beryl Olsen, Bessie Dart, Esther Dart, Bryant Tyrrell, Howard Akin, Iver Wallin and Edward Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. Kearney, Mias Kearney, and her two sisters, Misses Pauline and Mildred, have recently retained' from Panama, where they enjoyed a protracted visit. Miss Kearney Is a last year graduate from the Evanston academy, having previously studied at the University School for Girls, Lake Shore drive, Chicago. The family hat recently built their charming b' me In Evanston. The minstrel given at the Auditori- um last evgning by the Toung Men's club of Evanston was a pleasing suc- cess. This Is the fourth annual perfor- mance given by them and no preced- ing one rivaled this. There was a cast of thirty-three able young "Africans." After the play the floor was cleared and dancing was indulged in until mid- night. There was a large and en- thusiastic audience. SHAMPOO FOR DANDRUFF a wonderff trea ice you. fi£lu»iv« KATH 306 Century Bail Teltphtfne Scientific facial flfifS'ape, dressing*, etc. >t. A trial will the Parloit of OVAN \$l«photu 236t ^.ntmeni. lankurinff, hair POSITIVELY GERM PROOF STERILIZED AND KEPT GERM PROOF. An ornameut to any kitchen. The only Water Filter which delivers^ Guaranteed Germ-Free Water. ^M^tg^lUtering plant in your home is W absimtelprotec tiou^* Let aa mail £Oi\parn*jPn,gl and tetmenm» from yenr mnghborho^dj^ Mail this Â¥H/0l^K!7on two I, rent it, sell it on small mdnth ly pqf ments or low cash prices. ie Allen Filter costs less than other*, i. absolutely relicble and gives the great ast satisfaction. THE ALLEN FILTER SERVICE 25 W. Lake St., Chicago Phone Randolph US 7k Altman Sc Co. FifUi Ave , I flirty-fourth & Thirty-fifth Sts., New York will place on exhibition at lhc Blackstone Hotel October 14th tQ*2Qtk ihcii latest ( f M *t>»t^it<i<ioaia/£n(j Exttiyj* NoV Women'* and^Misses^Afternoon, Evening and Street Dresses including Wraps and Millinery Represented by Margaret Murtha Suite 112 •^SSLJsi

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