Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1912, p. 10

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THEOiAf E SHC^;E liEf sUgcess r to the evawston HfeWS =* PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY U | J ijf '* " ' .'* THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 026 Davis St., Evanston. Telephones SEE and ESE. ALBERT H. BOWMAN, Managing Editor ARTHUR ROBERTS, Associate Editor ; JAMBS IjgfrNARJP LBB. «tr Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, SLdO A YEAR. M± " -------------~-------= |ll iMbar^or" publication in any week'a laaun should reaca our offlce n<|t* later J$han noon on Monday.___________________' Entered aa second-class matter June 28. 1»1L at the noatoftca at Brana- ton, Illinois, under the Act of March S, 187E. _______ •____________ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 19X2._________ Saintly of Present Time Few, Yet All Must Become Holy Ere They WiH Be Granted "the Gift of Qadr Eternal Life, Threuah Jesus Christ." HAVE HALF OF HOSPITAL FUND There was jubilation at the meeting of the Contagious Disease, Hos- pital association when Chairman Eddy announced that over one-half of the. $100,000 desired has already been subscribed. TAe News is glad to see the gentlemen who are doing this noble work in high spirits but it would remark, however, that the last fif- teen or twent^bhousand dollars will probably be th* hardest of the $100,000 to raise, Keep up your spirits, gentlemen, roll up your sleeves a little bit higher; work with a will, and you will find that the generous-hearted people of this district will respond to a cause so full of merit as this. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ THEODORE REX A number of local Bull Moosers are wearing neckties elaborately embroidered with the initials of the third party candidate, "T. R." Far be it from this newspaper to suggest for a moment that any great number of people favor making the strenuous Theodore king, but a local wag has suggested that the monogram "T. R." stands as well for "Theodore Rex" as for "Theodore Roosevet/t." Can it be possible that after the defeat of the strenuous one in 1912 the third party will reappear again in 1916, not as the "Pro- gressive," but as the "Imperialist Party?" Even now we hear third party advocates, who foresee the defeat of their party in 1912, saying. "Well, he'll win in 1916, anyway." And the fight goes merrily on! + ♦ ♦ * ♦ HEALTH INSURANCE By Dr William T. McElveen. The gift you make to the endowment fund for the maintenance of the proposed contagious hospital is a kind of premium which you pay for health insurance. The contagious hospital will not only give the afflicted a much increased opportunity for recovery, but it will safeguard you aDd your neighbors. The welfare of each is the responsibility of all. The welfare of all is the responsibility of each We are in one another's keeping. No one is independent, everyone is interdependent. No one lives unto himself. No one stands alone We are partners in one another's health and sickness. A contagious disease in the home of the poorest if not checked may spread to th< home of the richest. Tou pay fire insurance and burglar insurance and .life insurance. Here is a chance to pay health insurance. •'r " ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ JAMES A. PATTEN ON BARTZEN E3 The speech made by James A. Patten' in Chicago Monday and quoted in this edition of The News, is one of the best campaign ar- guments which has been advanced indorsing the Republican candidates for county office and attacking the integrity and ability of Peter Bartzen, Democratic president of the county board. When Mr. Patten said a Republican administration could reduce the cost of operating the county hospital fifty per cent, and added _._jhatjf such did not prove to be the case he would make up the differ- ence to the county out. of his own pocket, he offered one of the most convincing arguments possible to advance. When men like Mb. Pat- ten back up their political statements with their own purses there is little to be said against them. Republicans, Democrats and Pro- gressives along the North Shore should follow his advice and vote for Alexander A. McCormick for president of^the county board. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ fHE EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY AMQNC MEN Among the very many excellent sentiments and arguments pre started by the different Evanston men who have answered our ques tip*, "Why Are You For TaftIm, one of the best is contained,in th« last two paragraphs in Mr. Rufos C. Dawes' letter published in thi edition of The Lake Shobe News. So convincing are Mr. Dawes' arguments, we cannot refrain iron re-printing them again today in this column. They are as follows: „ , ."I earnestly desire equality of opportunity for profit and en joyment among men the progress of mankind to^^*?**â„¢ *' social justice, and the growth of brotherly reapoiisilnlity between al our people. But to advance in this direction depends more upon ow spiritual regeneration and our individual victories over our own selfish ness than upon legislation. , . ; "I feel that I am advancing such hopes in voting ior the> continua tion of an administration that has '^^fP^l^^ *. Indianapolis, Oct 27â€"The world-re- renowned Pastor Russell is here. We report one of his discourses from the text: "Some men's sins go before to Judgment, and some, they follow after." (1 Timothy v, 24.» He sald:- Gradually. as the smmmtm'Bmml/ Gradually, as inr fPASfftg. gUSSElLJ] eyes of our under V , â€"â- -----^ standing open to ng ope the true beauties of God's Wowi. we find that while the gross Error of the past has some foundation in tne Truth, the two nre very different. Wrong Views of Future Punishment. Wrong views of future punishment have divided Christians into many sects. Our forefathers were not to blame: ability to rend was not com moo until within a century. further more, for centuries the Bible wa« out of the hands of the |>eople and clerical seal tried to bring the whole world, through fear, into the Church. Now, all thinking people repudiate the torment theories, and many are turning from tbe creeds, and from the Bible, tbe supposed foundation. The present trend Is toward Higher Criticism. Evolution. In Prance, it is claimed, ninety-six per cent of the peo- ple have lost all faith In religion: In Germany, ninety per cent. How Iro portnntthat the people should learn that God has made generous provision for all through Christ, and that He will bring all to a knowledge of Christ: that every wilful sin must bear its just penalty. The subject of future punishment is most important. The people should know respecting the word Hell in the original Scriptures-that Sheol of the Old Testament represents the Bible teaching of hell for the first four thou- sand years, and that Hades In the New Testament means the same: that these words do not stand for torture, but for the state of death Humanity are re- deemed from the grave by the death of Christ, aud Sheol. Hades, the grave. shall be destroyed during Messiah's reign.-Hosea xlii. 14: Isaiah xxv. 8; I Corinthians xv. M 55. Gehenna fire means the garbage fur- nace valley outside Jerusalem; It Is symbolical of the destruction of tbe finally impenitent. Purgatorial Fires of the Bible. These are symbolical. The church is now on trial for everlasting life or everlasting death. The world's purga- torial period will be under the super- vision of the Church.-1 Cor vl. 2. 8t Peter tells of purgatorial fires which now are purifying the saints: "Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which shall try yon though some strange thing happen onto you" .lesos referred to these pur- gatorial exi»orietices: read I John Hi. 13: John xv. 18: Matthew avl, 24. St Paul says that Christ "learned obedience hy the things which He *uf fered.** and thnt 'if we suffer with Him we shall also reign with Him" The Reruns and Pharisees persecuted Jesus; He forewarned His followers that "a man's foes shall be they of his own household." fit. Paul, points out that In the end of this Age fiery trials will come'upon the Church: "The fire of that day shall try every man's work of what sort it is." KalHi built with the gold, silver and precious stones of Divine Troth will come forth unseorcnea Jesus declared to the Church. "Throngh orach tribulation Rhall yo enter the Kingdom." These are purgatorial tribulations for which we may cive thanks. The World's Purgatory Soon to Begin. The worWs pnrjeatory will begin with a severe ordeal upon all man- kind, bnt will continue In Instructice tribulation opon all needing the same The "fires'* wiM tse symbolical. The New Age will be ushered In by "a time of trouble snch as never was since there was a nation.** iTHinlel all. l.i Jesus declares that unless* that trouble The thought that their ffl&p&f* ### W" be spendthrifts if a source of cAiilUJ^orry & parents whether well-toflo or rich.ljp; ^wis a very simple method of providing againsf-fuch a contingency. Par- ..»«.» m~y Atmn I |«yintrs accotiftt'J ^ names of their llfiAren mdJL0fFw*k4* «&* teach their children t&atfve a suBRantM fortiOli -i*t- their allowances and deposit them in .their accounts, the children will not only learn the value of money but will take pride in building up their saving? aeconnts-- thus acquiring conservatism iij financial matters, an effective safeguard against Hecoming spendthrifts. . CARD Di 333 W. MAMSON STREET, aetf eea Jfah PRESSED FOR MO Cllcagp 'hue Frasktln 39?» Don't. Mlas This Osaortimky loud impotttfj *m ^1 HttSta. gajjflcouiii and Jewel*** fhjpttrtif far North Shore Trust Company STATJLVBANK CAPITAL, #100,000 ^^Jes loans on improved North Shore real estate from ^Rogers Park to Highland Park, and on fafsaa in Uke county. lit lorn id mulfiplflf on ::i I 1 Issues Certificates of De in denominations •' ' four percent, interes 9 Offers for iavestm estate, netting the sums of $500 and OFFICERS A.ND DIRECTORS 1 Fred MoGuire. President Charles A. Wightnwn, Viee^PrtridenJ Ira J. Geer, Ceunael R. O. Keller Arthur W, Vereoe. Cashier ^ months ch it pays m 1 mortgages on five and Send for list. edreal percent in -i#. BanKing Rooms ,31 Central Avenue and SberMan *•** MgW»a- *»«*• &**$ ARTHUR W. TBBCOB, C5««hl«* TJit^rratway Art KsnhjBmm^ < j^gning :: PerforatedEJberns^td^i^ 131 N. Wabasfc "â€" "7|lt^ Tel. ceatral 3«51 Jbetween m^tmajmi Handolph ARC UGHTS SPACES, m THE HOME. HEATERS, W The NirthwcstBrn Gas Light and Coke Co. 1611 Benson Avenue. Evaiiston Telephone M w. fe'fc- s^s OOn 01 an wuuuiiMiauuu •>«>• ««â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"r -â€" --*- .» ^ ^_^. a- were checked st> flesh couhl be saved: ooveroment more thaa $50,000,000 a year; that hat, te tte first tnw ^ becmU8W ^ tne ^^ tbow^days nuula thA noat office self-SUStainim*: that has, for the Vm time, pro ,,,11 be shortened. The Messianic King, .â- g* tne POST Omce f" ^^,u»» f ^jZ2amm H^ baa enacted Oh dom will end the strife and anarchy ^rjded for the scientific ef^nU^J^^S; S"£ St has «tah i tt. Pater used symboHams mdescrlh, corporation tax Uw, and the erapkfferV halnlityJaw; ttat lhaa ^ertao ^thwp ^^ The -s^« ^p^ lirfid the eommeree court, the poatdL f^^^f^ ^k«^A^ ^ ^ ^^ people*: \he aoHd ^s^ai^rnwh^fortopiotee^oiiollr^ ^ajie^^rtb^i^re.^ «• «rt.i >TZr^.~Z*-j:,â€" »m*- - 1 structure, whose -mountains" are the the North Shore iriH4o ap^ to pomder ^ and wia»,-a^afa*ar e*e ^ff^'toter 5-7. 10. 12: rsalm alvl.i The Ap««th» graphically pictures the element* of Society In violent saltation, resnlttn* in a areat "heat** which will consume these. He then pictures the New IMa nensntton. 'The new heaveats'* will be tne Church in glory. "Tbe new earttr will he Society reeonstrnctpd. Who cannot see the capitalistic element, the labor element and the social element In treat danaer of the conflagration W Ttnolr roretold? Tbe I.ord ptctnses ^^^ mankind anatoosi to know and obey the fSSlI Trntn. ^TfieaTwlB I turn onto the pen pie a pure SJcRsajee. that they amy att can upon the name of the Lord, to Him with one consenf-Benh i.» before going to the ^f'^iiP55 i^^^Jii^telli^^^ tlmeccJesiaaqcal oowe^ 01 return NDs^ lU.^

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