Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1912, p. 13

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W^rWWWWWWWWW W ^......MMI Mr. WUlliua BavWlKrti jSSU^WWPS' for citr^iip; to spend the' w Mrs. All»l nue, and !HW and Beatrice, spoilt day at fl|*sp||â„¢i Mr. and Mra* trai &y^nx»^ rttf^^ Tum^ from Pasadena, CaUWerogi«y:#«iJii dar- ing the Mm. t^^mimiM^w^m Dale arenne, Highland Park, w«r© guest* of Mr. aad Mrs. A. B. Barter, C2i Lind^..iâ-¼^i^i^j|â-  The AinacldMk » cm» w bers are young men of WUmetts, gave a dancingj!*^^ uworth* M'lwwr. jiJPS^^- -.?;.; t". ^v. Mr. and »fr». JVed White, 1W1 Ctn- tral aventt^ attd ^helr mo&er, Mra. Thomas K. Ciale; and family •^^Si^^to^^^-Mi'; B. parsonage on iTneaday of lait week, from Wicker to warn everybody W& fc Also, Hallowe'en is here. Hide your doorknobe and front ateps. Put your fences in the attic nnUl the fun is _, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mammon . of Huhhard Woods spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Herbon, 1226 Central avenue. & Plans are under way for the annual entertainment which the Woman's , will give during Thanksgiving week. It will be in charge of ike finance committee. â-  Mrs. Frank J. Bersbach, 826 Ash- mnd avenue, served as matron of honor at the marriage of her sister, Miss Carola Brentano, daughter of >rParngave a at Jones' hall Sat- hall was very for the .occa- Sklnner, s; Sunday with The HiawathA- Hallowe'ens urday evening, beautifully sion. ' ' ^ The report comes from Mr. James o. Barber, en Linden avenue, of very hot weather in Phoenix, Arts., in spite of which, however, he has been enjoy- ing horseback riding ow *&* desert twenty inlietfa^&itie^cii.1' 'â- ""-â- ':>" *< Mrs. T. J. aiUespie of PitUburgh. Pa., who was the guest of her sister. Mrs. George P. Butler,^for a few days, left on Tuesday tor her home, accom- panied by her niece, Mrs. Percy Out* ler. im^^C^^^^^-il^^ K^ about ^i^W^kii^-V; ;"â- â- ' A Progressive mass y evening and fudge and Mrs. Theodore Brentano, to Randall Anderson, which occurred on Tuesday evening, Oct 22, at St. Peter's Episcopal church, Chicago. Mr. F. J. Bersbach served as usher. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Johnstone, 1624 Spencer avenue, entertained Mrs. Johnstone's parents, two brothers and sister and Mr. and Mrs.. T. J. San- ders and daughter, all of Chicago, test Sunday, it being the third anni- versary of their marriage. The day was of added importance in the christening of their year old son, Ross, by the Rev. W. Taylor Joyce of Chi- cago. \. The Bpworth league of Wllmette won the banner given to the league having the best attendance at the Bvanston subdlstrtct Bpworth league, rally, held at Hemenway M. B. church last Tuesday evening. There are nine leagues in the subdistrict and the against caVeleBBneflB in burning leaves, e^., where there is much dry grass. '•Better to be sUre than sorry." Some of us bad a bad scare two years ago. ,' " Mrii?A. K. Shurtletf gave a very en- tertaining talk to the members of the. OuUmette council No. 1107, Royal Ar- canum, on Monday evening regarding some of his engineering "stunts" in 'the w««t Mr. John J. Peters of 1519 Charles street, secretary of the New Trier Commercial association,' who has been making .all. extended trip through Texas a\$ Mexico for the last few weeks, rettirned to Ms home Friday. Mrs: G. H. Cannlff, 919 Ashland ave- nue, entertained on Wednesday of test week in honor of her two nieces- who are visiting her, Mrs. Walter Ayers of Jacksonville, 111., and Mrs.' Will Miner of Richmond, Va. Out-of-town guests at the party were Mrs. Cotterll, Mrs* McRoy, Miss Mosby and Miss Klmber of Chicago-. Mrs. Abbie A. Keyes, aged 91 years, died Tuesday evening, Oct. 22. at the home of her son, Mr. Rollln Keyes of Bvanston. Mrs. Keyes was the mother of Mrs. H. H. Babcock of Chi- cago and grandmother of Mrs. Carl Latham and Mrs. Stalham Williams. Mrs, Keyes was the wife of Rollln W. Keyes and lived in and about Chicago for forty-five years. • She was born in 'Rockingham, Vt, in 1822. Funeral services were-held on Thursday from her son's residence, and the interment was at Jier birthplace in Vermont.' fc# j**V..V*' k.;v; See E. S. NORDBERG 'I[.^Wilmette / ^". rs^on* We have ©stobjW^ iin Automobili Delivery^ delWy setsswio Bvanston, W«m«sje and mm \0T^Give us a trial to show you . wJmjK w%]^;db7|or !««» Stable phono meeting was held Tuesday evening *t Jones* hslL The ipea1^iwanno^ce4 were Han* lm (atriamT, Ponaia R. RiChbwrgr Mrsr *«•»•* number of points to be gained V> netcher Dobymi, John M. Curran, can- didate fior wpresentative. George B. Fernald, candidate for sanitary trus- tee, presided, T|ieV music was fur>1 uished by the Jane A4d£f>»' chorus of which a nuutb^ e|iPf mem are Wllmette ;^wbnieh«:" -: * 1... The Neighborhood and Central Ave- nue circles of the Congregatiottal church. wUl have a sale of bakery and fancy goods at the church on Friday of this week at the monthly luncheon. Orders will be taken for any of the articles for sale. Some of the ladles do veiy fine tatting and wiU be very glad to :tn&il'&M*i - #r;^ ,poj»uter trimmtog. They will also give issv sons % -gny: & tb$ fancy work. About sixty Vouinr pecpte enjoyed a Hallowe'en and bard times social in the basement of the Wllmette M. K. church Battirday night, given un- . der the auspices > I I I r r. of the EpWOfth league. ?Tie room twas (beautifully decorated with cornstalks and Jsck-o- lanteras. The young people entered heartily into games of various sorts. Refreshments of cocoa, cake and np- plea ended the evening's pleasure and the young folka departed for their homes declaring they had had one of the best ttaes lu thei?4ife. ThreO presentations of the passion Play ale-â-  |o bo sttven &Bb tomtoto Catholic «hurch at Wllmette for the purpose of raising money tdw#> • fund of %&M6 to be â- â- sjit-^^Na modeling taiv church building. The Rev. W^lam Netstraeur, reete* # the churcli* announced that he had «e> gaged Dr; John HL Scherer, widely known |p » Csifcoate lectnw^or tkj occaaton. ^Ttat, %w-:&&Km:&tf:^ ft Oberaaunergau and Hbertta, the ree» tor potete out»t has been shown ^JitJ times In iat Ca^olie churches lu Chi- cago ami vteli^ty, permission to v^k *ea&Sm^i!t^^ CWhollBf churehes ot ^ North America havlntv are twenty-five. The Wllmette league gained twenty-four. They Won the banner about six months ago at a rally and are determined to hold posses- sion as long as possible. Mrs. Alice L. Williams, wife of Mr. ^talnam U Williams, 1618 Jackson boulevard, Chicago, died at her home Monday, Oct. 21. Mrs. Williams was the mother of Mr. Stalham Leon Wil- liams, Jr., 1098 Elmwood avenue, and was a resident of Chicago since 1872. She was interested in many charita- ble enterprises, was a director of the Illinois Training School for Nurses, and was also associated with the man- agement of the woman's and chil- dren's department of the World's Fair, and was a member of the Chicago Woman's and the Fortnightly clubs. The funeral services were.conducted at the Graceland chapel by Rev. Roy B. Bowers of _ the First Congrega- tional church on Wednesday, Oct 23. *akes that have that "homey" taste that CQ<#£s"-firW! butter and plenty ot it. We haye, a lijrxe of plain loai^^rtl^S that will please those who like cake for tl^jis^Mj|w^^ icing. Yellow Fruit Cake^JfBftte Cake^/oll^Bl^Q^«l«ir Pecan Cake, Molasses Fruit Ofx and d)ssswt^d;::^ Special sale on one of these^cakes each day tot ifcis from Friday, October as td^aTOcr 31. Large Cuts, 14c, Tw$ m Pv Wilson's North £hoi$ 1148 Central Ave., Wilmette â- ffft. ,.:W Telephones 413-414 Candidate for ----- for- State Le tress Suits Made to Order JOHN T. RQSBERG GOOD Cleaofnt LAKER ftflog Tel. 232 1126 Central A ve.? Wilmette LEARN SHORTHAND Individual; personal instruction at the oldest and best school. BIG SALARIES etc Without cost to those takfig fuU dojBjse. \y Write now for interesting Magaalne to the PATKR80 OFFICE APPLIANCE TRAIN! MiftfifgOT Ave. NOTE PRIVATE INSTRUCTION of new School HAND AND an Buren St., near Tuesday %vs. at 418 10th St. IN WILMETTE. Call Phone Wilmette 1349. those 81 Wuliam.G. Eleetrical Con»tnictioq-rf»*tl»iiiware Gm «nd Electrical Fixture* U40C«.«rUAvenu« WOMBTTE.UX.

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