uJU.Il; m mm, .»g'*»i'.'iiiiij,i"iii,r.m'iiij: ••â- or^iiit)ty>i»fiiTO^Vifiia!s mmm&M ftilfcliil^ inljjfliii WWill^| AW flijBiijffi m ;mm â- ,?Si* >."';". ;;«P *. •;*â- .â- ' 'v**;: SP ^ $-t>l KT' at .. Suit or Of over. MfeMMNHiM rf*M*MWiU*Miti4iMtM .*£ A Live Turkey Free with Every Woman's 8olt or Coat at $10.00 or Ovtr. AT HALF PRICE AND LESS. Famous "Bon Ton** and Royal Worcester Corsets Included. A CORSET FOR EVERY FIGURE 49c BUYS ROYAL WORCESTER CQR8ET8, MADE TO 8ELL AT $1.00 â€"Royal Worcester Corsets, samples and broken sires, but nearly ail sizes from 18 to 30 in the lot; new and up-to-date models, Ailg* 88e B^YS ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET*, MADE TO 8ELL AT $1.50 AMD $2.00â€"Royal Worcester Corsets, splen- did models for medium and slender forms, front and side garters attach; extra long skirt; all the wanted aires ___.........f...................... $1.98 BUYS ROYAL WORCESTER COR8ET8, MADE T< SELL AT $3.00 and $3.50â€"Royal Worcester Corsets, modeli suitable for the average figures, low medium or high bupt models, made of good batiste and coutil, well boned, embroidery and ribbon trimmed; all sixes; "Bon Ton" Corsets $2.98; Royal Worcester Corsets..., * -4 aw Coats A Special Showing of TAese Practical Rainproof Coats. They Are Just the/Coats for Cold, Stormy Days. MACKINAW COAtSâ€"Misses' Mackinaw CoaU of all Mackinaw cloth.Aigh shawl collar with detactuibja^ood; belted style; mage patched pockets; colors, blacj and red or blaojk and green plaids; also pi GIRLS' WINTER COATSâ€"A smart^winter coat of surfaced, good quality chlncWUa^foth, new one wide collar, Fastens with husje^Dlack silk frogs; col and dark gray; vblack JjuslBtrlmmed; good value made coat ofNdmaJjJa^fabrlo; sixes, 8 to 14 years• ••'.••«.%•.•»•«•.•»«.....««»«..««•• Y • ;â- CHILDREN'S COATSâ€"Children's Cdats in caraculs, serges, corduroys and chinchillas; plain coat or sailor collars; fancy buttons; sixes, 2 to 6 years, m AA special, at................»................. .....%P«*P$P WINTER DRESSESâ€"A stylish Street or afternoon dress ia all wool serge, with white net yoke or the new Robespierre collar; fancy satinNpr velvet buttons, trimmed, A Qj| new skirt; sixes for.women and misses*.......,-----.OelPO u'i|liirlr4if!^^%f?-grf,1.!if1' Milt ifTO^iji;:!'. IS â- •'*-&?w m ;'n<'i'(.>'a;-:,fli.<t3.|v^' .if, ^5ii^#;«'- f jX^jj* Twelve special values, sure to interest every woman 300 SAMPLE TO WELB, finest damask andhuck, worth op to $1.26 JM|e •«• • •. .i. »i a piece fspeciaL eaeh CURTAIN SWISS â€" Fancy striped, white, regiile* mc grade, •]L_ '-per' yard; -... *v-» ••'..*.••. w 4r^vv FANCY DRESS OOODSâ€"Choice of 1M pieces, wortti from 11.00 to |U5 per yard, 44 to 64 inches wide. We bous^ Uimieaisaat a Mg saving and wilt sell them dartus this Pi|a sale at, per yar$.... .^.. r. ? .,«,« >, WWm LADIES' hAnOBAOSâ€"48 of them. worth up to $1*0, ^afe* while they last, each...........OWC SCARPSâ€"Ladlefe* knitted waits wool- en Scarfs, worth up to $1.00, â- ffiftf special • . • •, *•»-* •«â- • •â- • ^• •:* • • • •« w8P% TEDDY â- t4^^^|TS-*\ul sixe Teddy Bear frtokete, ^ JiRt 76c values, far.................T^PG BANDINGâ€"Heavy Veaet _ lag, H patterns to pick from*' up to 26c a yard; special, yard tor.............. worth BATTENBERO SCARPS ** 168 a«W •tyles of Battenberg Scarfs, 18 pat* tarns to piek from, easily 4 *A worth $2.00, for..............Awar SUITINGâ€"84 laches wide, gray platd wool Suitia* regular 76o per yard vahia,! p^»,.^»*»-:f:t^tf-*♦«?^f ^ DRBS8 PLANNELETTE SERPtN- TINB CREPE and Oxford Waiattags, worth up to 26c a yard, 200 pieces to choose from, yard^..M FANCY P*ARL BUTTONS, « on the card, worth S$e m doxen, m_ per card '•>• •. ♦ * »'*.>•â- -*' ♦â- •.•-•.»••»••.♦•••• itjjw- ifi:Wi :?4ig.:<i*| :gj§J. PRINCESS EMBROIDERY PLOSS, all colors, sold regular for ^t ^ 30ea dox.. this sale, par dox....Xe>C --â€"3=a==-==ar' "jl^ " â€"'"'^ ' Mam"* ^%'. M"i1|w,%JsTH ' •*f,UBS^SSSSSSSSSSaFS""SV ' '^l^^^^^m^^^Kl^^i* wed^^KpTv, NOV. 9 to 10 a.m. and $ to*p. m. CURTAIN •trlped _^ .- One Hour Salerper yard-......" LINEN TOWELING â€" Heavy, un- bleached crash, regular iS%e Sv value. One Hour Bala, yard..... #C (PHONE ORDERS P4LLED. PRfDAY, NOV. 8. 9 to 10 a. m. and S to 4 p. m. PtLLOW CASES ^ Extra heavy fall stee, 38x46. bleached pillow « * Cases, 26e value, yard.........JLbQ RIBBONâ€"100 pieces of No. 80 Ribbon, all colors, 20c value, l7^* a yard, t6t............. .....f^v EtC±3 StSXSSS THURSDAY, NOV. 7. 9 to 10 a. m. sad S to 4 a. m. LONSDALE WUSLINâ€"Bleached Mus- lin, regular 12%c value, |C|h 10 yards for.....*............*-l/ar* 100 dox. VALENCIENNES LACE and INSERTIONâ€"Worth ap to 78c a dox. One Hour Bala, Iftsi per dosen .................• • .^AlBrw• SATURDAY, NOV. 9. S to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. CURTAIN SCRIMâ€"Double fold, dou- ble faced, 880 Curtain a <a J. Scrim, special, par yard..... JlJL^Q LAeESâ€"100 patterns of Laces aad Insertion. Worth up to 10c * Oae Hour Bale, a yard...........<J^ ,}m :^%^ ;m A Live Turkey Free with every Suit or OyCoat at $i0 or over ' r 1 â- ' ----- i V^__/ *'--------------------- THE NORTH SHORE HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER A MARX CLOTHES, OOOPER KLOSED fCROTCH UNDERWEAR AND INTERWOVEN HOSE. Hart Schaffner &Marx have made for us and for our customers the most fashionable, stylish lot of suits and coats we've ever seen. Will be glad to show them to you. Soils $18S0 and up O'Gfais $16 JO and up Other good clothes at $Wto $15 MEN'S FLANNELETTE PAJA- MAS, made of extra heavy Dorset SauncL aeat patterns, OSt-% $L2S values at............ WC MEN'S FLANNEL NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, with collar to match, soft French cuEs attached, tn plain grey aad fancy colon; sixes, 14 to 16%; regular $1-60 value, « itf atr.......................*«JLaP ata^TB UNOS^WEAR-^stural % weel mixed Tjadisshirts and Drew- 8sr tt a sanaaat: an attadS; "I 79c M E N*S UNDERWEAR â€" Heavy Seece lined shirts and drawers, worth jSc,* apeciaJ. per garment... BOYS' SWEATER COATSâ€"Heavy Oxford Sweater Coats, St close to -the neck; extra, good val- ues at $L2S. special at.. MEN'S SWEATER GOATS â€" All --------------^^ Sweater Coats, high SS to 44; tn Oxford 2Jb5 59c 95c Shoes for Wear The styBsa. tardy sâ€"fartssls hied that give tee$*ea*est sssouat el asnries WOMEN^ SHOES, made of patent colt- skin, gunmetal calf, vfci UdaUn, craven- etto and tan Russian calf, in button or blueher styles, mllttary, Cuban aad 'mom seaae aeela, tip or Plata toes; shea, 2 to 8; at. ..•••.•..-.••••-**•»• . â€" GIRLS' SCHOOL SHOES â€" Ounmetsl ealfshtn. with good all Solid lesAker soles .aad saade on good wide footform lasts. with medium low heels; -•-<% ^Bf sixes, 1% to 8; speciaL g5#g£D at....)..••..............••«.. r 4"jgt BOYV CALFSKIN BHOCSâ€"^Lece or button, saade oa the aawast wteter mats, juat the kind for good hard school wear, and every pair guaranteed all soUd leather; sixes, 1 to 5%; special, at....---- MEN'S WINTER SHOES-AH hmtkata, made oa latest popular lasts, with high or low heels aad a large assortxeset tr? select from, jja jaee or auttouw all sixes; spe- cial, at....... >. ......•«.. ajFe)ixllsv- CHiUMtturs shoes-161rjpir*. palest leaW, dosexda kid aad ealmkte. la lace- sit,......^-^.*.-!^^*^----3^ riiMafa mimM Bargains Ait Base Burlier Double beat- ing type, hav- ing 2 lues, du- plex grate and shaking ring; fott aickel tflmmed; a high grade stove; regular $46.80 value, _AK HEATING STOVESâ€"Heavy cast flrepot sad ashpit, draw center grate, heavy turebeckle doors, screw draft oa 4ead aad ashpit door; 5 sixes, gj fjg* $14, $12, $ia $• w»<i...........^#f^ GAB RAOIATORSâ€"Four steel tubes, gOded Jmss and too, f AO powerful heaters ..............M-VW •^ERFECnOer OIL HEATERSâ€"Heavy •raeafoaat.1 B«l- aaaa^J.^ \ I r> * *V» ..... ig.iAS^e. ] fJll. J" "DBJ r â- SXWt "^% â- â- i^s? r.m "'"-â- •â- â- % â- â- â- â- :M M " "â- ?*' :-t â- \&lsfe â- '. -'.Ml W" ^1 .'->.-• ^-. » : ; •1 'ml, •:".g illp i**.:*^:>:353 *?*aS m*tmjmm rrtlrvniiitflsSirsmaamaami twmm