Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1912, p. 13

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$$>>M <â-º ^^^W^^^^^^wmm V A beautiful town served by •• w taMpk »»»»»>M<»t»»»»»»M»»»>»»»*»M»»^»»»»»»»*»»»»»' What People Are Doing Mr. Luther D. Bradley. 822 Michigan) Mis* Margaret Jenkins la the guest avenue, HtW with, typhoid fejwr* ,^\l|«M*il«*|sw|# Hlste, _* <_ Mrs. P. A. Waidner is convalescing) Miss Anna Dingee will entertain the from an illness of several weeks' dura- Tuesday club next week. tion. .â- â- -- ', **; ::.;' -Â¥: -â- ;â- . â-  f~n-- Mrs. Harry Grlaweld had as r her guest last week /Mrs. Mailer of Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Carlson and daughter spent the week-end at Jane* ville. Wis, Mrs. B. a ksrdenbrook entertained the Tuesday Luncheon Bridge dub this week. Mrs. A. L. Tucker, 516 Central ave- nue, entertained the Neighborhood cir- cle on Tuesday. . t. Mrs. Charles Sanferd Clark returned Tuesday of last Wtwfc from a month's visit in the ^u^^^^^^S^..Jf: Miss Edytfae Beaumont of ITartland. Wis., was the gueiStKlaft week ot "Miss Volney'TJndWhW^;.,"/'" "".-^ ~?: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ware of Salt Lake City, and formerly of Wilmette are visiting friends here.1 "';/• SJ 1 Mr. and, Mrs. John t>. Couffer Re- turned recently from a trip to New York, New Haven and Philadelphia.; The phflanthrophy and civics de- partment of the Woman's club of Wil- mette will meet on Friday for an all- day session. .; 'f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whiteside of Hinsdale, and formerly of Wilmette entertained twenty of their Wilmette friends at dinner on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. McCullough and daughter, Mildred, 923 Elmwood ave- nde, spent the week-end in Rotfkford, ilL the guests of their son, Roger, who recently ,^^^^^^^^i^j^ ployed by the tftnerson Braadingham company. *frs. R. J. Burrows spent a few days this* week at Ottawa, in. * Mrs. Bonfleld of Kankakee, 111., was the guest of Mrs. B. R. Thurman last week. Mrs. C. H. Klemm attended a thea- ter party with a number of friends Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Waddell, 1516 Lake avenue, moved Tuesday to Edge water. ., Mrs. Jenkins of Washington, la., was the week-end guest of Mrs. Bd> uard Corette. Mrs. Hohman of Seattle, Wash., was a recent guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson. The Woman's Christian Temperance union met Tuesday with Mrs. F. 0. Houghton, &24 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. Updyke of Dallas, Tex., who has been the guest of Mrs. Lloyd Lou- rie, 1023 Lake avenue, returned home last Thursday. Miss Mclntire of Mendota,' 111., the est avenue, returned home the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Williams, 919 Central avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Williams of Chicago motored to West Baden and Louisville, Ky., last week. Miss Sara Arhot; former instructor of Domestic ^^%J|*|few Trler high Bchool *w^ii'=Mi^i^^0' her sis- ter's home near Mount Morris, Mich., last Saturday at noon to Mr. Edgar Mumford, assistant principal of the high school at Highland Park, a sub- urb of Detroit. The wedding which was to have occurred in August, was owing to the serious illness [umford's mother. and hornet department of lan's club of Wilmette had 6f ..the program at the meeting Wednesday, Oct. 30. Mrs. George Murdock was chairman and secured Bishop Vmcent to deliveV &e^res*. Bishop Vincent's subject was the "Re- ceeding House Mother/' and a^eaggf- ful tribute he paid to the mother of the past generation. The Chatauqfca salute was the greeting he received as he came forward on the stage. The committed which had been chosen to draft resolutions on the death of the husband of one. of its members, Mr. David Lee Taylor, reported and the resolutions were unanimously ap- proved and a copy was ordered sent to Mrs. Taylor and recorded in the minutes. The music which was very fine, was ?lven by Miss Marie Ludwlg of Chicago. Miss Ludwlg is a harpist, and gave several selections; The hostess of the afternoon was Dr. Alice Tuttle. There were forty-two guests, many of them from out of town. Sev- eral men were in jthe audience. Among them were Father Valtman, Rev. T. K. Gale and Rev. Roy E. Bowers. Among the out-of-town guests Were Mrs. O. R. Brigham of Apple- ton, Wis*;, Miss Sehmedtgea of Chi* cage; Mrs. ». B. Mills, San Praneisoo; f Mrs. Adams, Framington, Mass.; Mrs. Beck, Los Angeles, CaL;,Mi«s Edith Beaumont, Hartland, Wis^NM rs., Le Roy, Pitsburgh, Pa.; Miss Wclntire, Mendota, Bl; Mrs. Mailer1, ^sfenoaha; KrC Bon^eld, Kankakee; Mrs. 3MP- Powera, *^Sr|indC M&4& Wich; MM barker, Norwich, Conn.; Mrs. H. I. Shaw, Chicago; Mrs. Heath, Chleasn; B^che, Blue island;; Miss _ Mrs. Pratt, Edge- iliis|g||%|plliii!i»^ COUNTRY CLUB FOLK MADE FUN THURSDAY Attired in overalls and calico dress* i es, more than three hundred Bvsnaton* ians made merry st the Country club's "hard times" party Thursday night. The club was decorated with pomp* kins,, pitchforks, cornetaBts and wheat The banquet room was trans* formed to present the appearance of a barn and the guests sat down at tare tables and ate from tin plates. Policemen of the "country constable** brand were stationed about the hill "to preserve order." C. N. Stevens, the pastmaster, was arrested while in the midst of a peroration "for not giv- ing the trusts enough money.* while others Were taken from the room tor not making enough noise and because they were eating too much. Following the dinner the room was cleared for an old-fashioned barn dance. Music was furnished by the veteran "Johnny" Hand and his or- chestra. Among the guests present were Messrs. and Mesdames Carol Shaffer, Raymond Cook, John M. Glenn, John H, Burns, Charles F. Morse, Arthur Hawkshurst, H. fit. Hoyt, a N. Ste- vens, J. C. Stockton, C. 8, Woolfolk, Henry W. Beyers, H. P. Pearsons, J, guest of Mrs. George R. Linn, 810 For- H. 8. Lee, J. a. Houston, Ralph Hub- family of Whitman, Mass., were guests bart, Paul Tletgens, Warner Coburn, H. T. Holt, Robert Ef. Whitney, J* H. Clouston and William Wialroth, the Misses Margaret and Mildred Ar- mour, Miss Lillian Johnson and Messrs. F. T. Murray, Mltehel Hoyt, Walter Primley, Chester. Cook, Robert Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Anderson and L. Scott; Robert Ralston, W. a Vilas, Irwin Rew, Kenneth Hess, Augustus and Donald Miller. last week of Mr. Anderson's sister, ] Knight, Arthur (^le, George Pearson Mrs. T. K. Gale. Mr. and Mrs. Ander- son are on their way to California and stopped en route. Mist Louise Logie, the Misser Char- lotte and Georgia Tuttle of Wilmette, and Miss Idanette DurAe|n of Kenil- worth* gave * a. HaloweW Jparty on Thursday evening at the home of Miss Durham* in Kenilworth. '$0* ,w*HlB*3rllp^ sorority of Kew Trier High school held an Initiation at the home of Dorothyv;l||OWn^ 503 llVaahing- ton avenue, last Thursday'evening. Thirteen of the guests were enter- tained at the l^ome of Ellzahj9tb Mc- Cue for'the. nignfc^K^* - , 'j'ljjfl-J; HOW TO GIT .p*f TTfiW WANT. Tou may now give yonr want ads to Rennecker'a or Wik^hlg's Phsrtnacy, Wilmette, and tifcey wm be fo^^ to the mam oftles to inssrtion in the earliest possible is»u%;^ Do you want a servant? Do yon need a furnace-man? ^ Do you wish to sell your automobile or'house? -t^Jf , /*** Have yon lost anything? Do you wish to sell or rent your hpuaeâ€"or buy one? „ / _Wi Do yon want work? Have you old furniture for saleâ€"or poetry or eggs or half a hundred other The quick way to get what yon want Is to place a want ad In The Lake Shore News which not only cov- ers your own town thoroughly but all the adjoining' towns. The cost Is absurdly small-â€"5 cents a line for most classifications. , Try The Lake Shore News for re- sults. Locomotive's Diet Young Freddie Is a natural student and observer, and he Is especially In* terested in railway matters. The oth- er day, waiting with his mother In ft train mysteriously "held up" at a way- side station, Freddie pondered: "Mam- ma, I guess this is where the en- gine gets its dinner. They feed It on coal, hot water and matches, and I guess they let It have all the hot sir It wants for dessert" Hats Denoted Liberty, tn Rome slaves, when they received their liberty at their masters' hands, wore cone-shaped felt hats,, which oame to be the symbol of liberty. After the death of Nero the dtiaens of Rome wore pointed hats to show that they were relieved from the op- pression of a tyrant Later on, when the Netherlands thre* off the Span- ish yoke, they adopted a hat In the coat of arms of that nation. Trapped. "Don't yon love me or do your ask- ed the western girl. The eastern man studied for a minute and answered -The former." And he tried to conceal his surprise when she threw herself Into his annaâ€"Cleveland plain Dealer. iltz & Nerd tihpssM WHatfe 120 West RaUroeHl Ayepue ,. HAD HO tlCINte*. Walter Owen was arrested day on complaint of Building Com- missioner Joan Waldron beeanee *e was doing some work without a H> cense. He will have a hearing Wednesday. .â- .--"• -:' 'â- â- â- ."â- *>â-  >»Z:.& â-  BUILWHG PERMITS, OneMory stucco residence, M4t Pio- neer road. Owner, Fred W. Werhsm Cost, $2,500. Temporary roof to cover hay, 71f Chicago avenua Owner, G. B. Cur- rier. Cost, 1100. Real Cakes for Real es that have that "homeyy batter and plenty of it We that will please those who icing. Yellow Fruit C Pecan Cake, Molasses Special sale on one, > from Friday, October Large C *m Wilson's Nortli Shp^:0SM^m. 1148 Central Ave., Wilmette telephone* 413-414 mm. ip9f*|pi hoiic53 Res. pi ;%m General Tbami 1208 Centrnl Avd. Wilmette, llUoolg i/' LEAR w individual, personal: are earned by those ances like the Compi etc Without cost Write now for Magaeine to the OFFICE APPLIA Michigan Ave. NOTE IPWVATJ ern office appU* Adding Maohines, .,-,N' itlons and copy of new School TITUTBggeJHORTHAND AND 8CHOSJsW»Evan Bnren St, near INSTRUCTION at 418 10th St IN WILMBTT*. Call Phone WUmette IStsv (Ms Store T«l«s*on« 81 Wi Electrical Gas 1150 Central dware WILMETTE, ILL. *WBi "Mm ilmett M. Kilmer High Class Beauti- fying Done hop M aoo Csntrat Ave., Wllmetts NOR.TH ^/r wit BRANCH OFFl McGitire â- fe.'.A'ti *&'. iMm for The Lake ftfaftiP^irSi^i ^TjSii4:VrTJiiiiaifjif^ii ~V ;?^riMiii5t ^g-^^^^-^^--^*- -^^^-^

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