nu< i^ved honondnVin^ - mv* Cwt*,. **>*»•*<*• t*« Thk waa the feat vtime "if* the history *f tsarinetita- >n thrtaaoph^ Uught^ <tf ^ Wttlkm B, Bogwrt, 1818 ^ a aft athletic eouteat eta carried away one of the three sihrcr >riw cop* awaitled at the Welto^y eollege Md meet. Miea Bcfert, rtio ig a junior, dktinguiahed hc»e« in archtery, in which apart she1 us led her cgaaiahi^ Won â-¼totting his sister, Mm Arthur Mr. Bugi-of flhaiM»ilnii IUL apeai tan U88 Maple exenue, rotvnufotal i )^W #IWI^Jwaaaa* ireterned Wodncejdaj *o bar bene* inufJirt -. who has been the guest ofaer daagfe left. Wedueeday> for. boaae. ^ y. A .:ft , ;:.^|»w- Mr. ;BM^:]M^rraC,aa|tift:.^raal^ M4ch. w xttfttag hm aunt, Mr* Jo- leph L 1^^ 1088 Elm wood axenue. Mr. J. F. Bellow of Appleton. Wis, has come to Exanston to resideand be kacated at 1«8 Maple exenue, B. ^^m^nL Wanfttn* ton Btrect, retaraed home Saturday from a t wo montlitf Yttit to BLUmi*. :m [r. sad Mra. W. M. Thompson, 11S8 Beberte, 1801 Central eti ' aDW. ATC&QT VfOUOB, number of 1w friends Friday siter- MiM RaCTiet Warwr. MJ Mteblawa renoe. wa« tl#itla« Uat week la MM- rtreet, »w a chlldrene Hallowe'en arty Satai^r «tt«ooifc Mrs. Seneaat aad Mra. Cltrae of Oalesburg. Hl^ are gue»U of |«rf. T Roberta, toimijfa/#i*& Mi«« Ma^ Cldld* «00 DaTi. atreet, |» retnrh^iSnli^^ her parenU at MtlwAttkee, Wla. ^ ' Mlaa B^atlwilne l^iadaa^ <^ ft â- aret Moore, 1»00 Mate atreet. m.tu. Miir antiiaarfar 'of Colorado aweakattbo Mr. Warren Winn waa day* la|t-;#eaj| from-a......_______________ ___________ Mrs. SWiiweB of Sycamore, m^ Academy toxieit bis parents, Mr. and neatly excited tue^mtereat of Uw ^Ited laet week at the home of Mra. Mr-# j^ gjWI|IE; ^ ataaialiawi who iud enjoyed Ihe^play."-«***< W. C. Heiaroth, m Warren atreet, naa. -^.....' --.......^-u«^...4»ia-.^J^.^ â€" Mr. W. L. Steele, 715 Michigan axe- uue, baa just iwtaraed from an ex- tended boetaees trip in Canada, Mh> aesota and thai Pahfttt* Mr. HOrao^O. Batter, »19 Harrison atreet, ba« ret%rnc4 from where ho has been xisttlng bia father, w|»;JoT W:asrlSui!y W-lT^'°ttM Mr. DanM €omato& 111., apent the week-end with bla par- winter Mr. Philip Griffon, 1127 Forest are- ne, departed yeaterday for Paaa- lena, CaL, to engage in boaineaa there. .:.?-:>...â- " The Miasea De Boon and Weatlake cf Jonearille, WUl, were goeata last veek of Mrs. C. W. IX Parsons, tilt Bldgoareaae. â- â- .-•" - ^ â- , - â- â- <> Mrs. WUUam O. Randolph, who has teen tha gneat of Mra Ralph Lander- larger, 8210 Colfax street, baa gone a Lea Angelea, Cal. Miss Ethel M, Lewis, formerly •rector of tha gbia of Mason Par*, has left for Qpencer, la., where the sill teach this winter. Mr. and Mra, H. % Knowlton^ the Bainilton haTe rented their apartment Mr. and Mra. Frederick, and they Iriirmofre to Chicago. , Mra. Bay and her niece, Miss India ftramniner, of 8t Joseph, Mo^ were meats last week of Mr. and Mra. A- F »ean, U06 Charch atreet Mrs. Henry Bhoemaker of Saav anshy, O^ retnrned home Satarday after a Tbdt to her aiater-ia-law, r. r. Shoemaker, 8400 Bartaett Mr. and Mrs. X Thomas, 884 Sher- read, snnownce the daughter, Florence Mr. Jeff e Raymond Jones, 8003 Win- Unp avenoe, Bdgewater. A sarprlse party waa gtvea for Wflsoa at her borne, 1410 atreet, 8atarday evening, were: Mildred Lynn. Lyna, Maagaret race Wilaoa, Wflson, Paal Johnson. Harold ttorttng Person, Robert Cnl- «er. Archibald Alexander and Alec iber of Mlas gate' larty HaDowe*ea aigbt, entHnff at Taia evening at the heme of Mr, R. C Brown, Sltt Harrison ftreat, there wtil be a meeting of tha ' board of the; Corenaat Metbodlat charch. ' $,t Mr. O, P. Bowman- and daughter. Colo^ hata taken ana home of Km John 8tewart. Tin Central street; for xhe coming wtntnr. ^Wonwn'aOnlldotStMattb lAM^m^wffl grea a bai wist borne dla- aer thi« ^erenlag at the Parish house. Dinner ia for fifty cents. Mrs. G. K BaUnat is in charge. Mra Newton Webstar of Pasadena, CaL, who ia 87 yean old, ia tbe gaest of her nieces, Mra. Charles F. Gray, 1608 Forest axenae, anal Mrs. H. T. ScorilL 088 Hinman^^aa^nna, x Dr. 8. J. Herben, for eight years atnata%'/'irintt""aat, Mta^ Bnfln Mr. .Mattbaw J. Maahdaaaa'.^^ Ux, tatawnad T^araday. ^i|plp^ii^« 'taat'li" slsla8axmifan# ' tP**** \.^"**^|a^~w^^[,ff'. i iornisrry_ ox â- I ineL 8i a I lajlliiJL * Master Milton Hanson, W80 HarrK son atreet, entertained a tew of bia friends at a Hailowe'ea praty Fri- day afternoon. Those present were: Ternon Franaen, Inabel Branch,^'ligir iiiiio Wall. Wuriiiiai Kiameii. Mailliai Watt, EUxabeth Rialey^ HarabaU Moa-t Mra. son, Lester Branch, Josephiner.BaV •^W00'r%»W.r^flf^^W-ftJrV; ^*^8«» Dorw.sMr"Dwa|ii. Hanson, Wh£ mett.ll(>8IH«^iaa^air.80o»fiH»ck.f ' ^•'^TTJ'**'8jpm» .#^vpvsmnsjssx'sanwa ^^ss^sj^n^ axnsx^smnss^ssflsj sx^ , n^ay. The famillea of bla three aona aaxe him a anrprlae par^r at hia home, aioch to bia delight: There were three generatlona represented. - The Hex. and Mra, Mo>ton W. Mer- teU (nee Marie Fehrman). from their new cliai^ atlfonango, N. D., write .^:|jn^;ft;i|af. congregation, Wa ..%i|K..lllF^F*AM t,p|ftofitfof, church |ran Brancai|^,pY Miaa Edna iJKIaa.^^^ Long, Richard, Rali>b and Jnnior fal and instructlxe lecture to the Central Street a, Si; mm. UBmn M. N. Stexena and Mlas ll editor of the Epwortb been tranaf erred by Bishop McDdweM to tha Newark cenxerenca and sta- tioned at Bast Oraage, N. J.% Mlas Exa Lamb of Kansas dty, Mo„ came Bnaday ,nm#s|na;f fraim XP"^ aty, Mov, to reside witb her autsr. Mrs. Bsttjer ABeav widow of tbe lata Dr. Henry Allen of 8t. «asib. Mo.. , Prof, and Mrs. a A, Tonna; of Par- due unixersity were the gnesta of Mr atraal They attended tha MrTeangla of mcfbaatrat "sngli tton of the Woman'a Christian Tern perance T/nlon, last closed ht Port- land, Oie. They came {home Satur- day morning. (The word pictures of tbe trip of the national oAcere and deleaatea to Portland from Chicago In the Union ffignal of Oct W are es-" peelatty mtoretttng, fun of ate. Intel Ugence aiid MgeMipM of tbe temper- ance wos^sl Ths Union «ignal of tbia week will be a gem of 4eecrJption of the eonxention and the retnrii Jeur- r*x **"• i; " «v4.i;!-: : .j â- . Wednesday Master Allen Clark gaxe a Hallowe'en party to eexenteen of bis little mates at the home of bla parenta, Mr. and) Mra George Br Clark, 1048 Wesley axenue. Games warn played, the flrst prise befog won baa by Adelaide Delebncae, the second by sf aster Normaa 8chram, the booby nrfan by 8-yearoW -Babe" Bar- graTea. Tha home was weirdly U- laminated by electric lights relied wi^ autaaan leajxea, and decorated til comatalks and Japanese lah- terne. In which haay light tbe real wtseh, Mma BadSe Hnghea, atalked abont, playing her pranks and amus- v_____tng the party with fairy stories and Mra. A, B. Smtth. 8884 HaT4nari|f«*«^ t*111**- Refreshments were served. Tbeee at tbe party were, be- ts* youthful boat, Carl and Henry William Stmbber, Charles Beryl, Cbara Dorothy Carrey. w â- ** -%•- AM.«» im^.. hath anmvnn, Caarlea Peterson, Wtl- Mr. and Mra* August Bieitaaaan, avtbatfaa ffrraah. fr*'^ and Normaa 1408 Oreeuleaf street, oalenrateH thnt^gS^ ?!g^^!^ VSUr?Z£ twentjNMtb wedtffe* eanixerssry Be* urday parHHpanta. Btjaaar a One social tiaae enjoyed. Mr Mra. Breftsmaa baxe resided in Mx- saatoa tx^eaty-are years. Mma Catherine tor of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. of tbe Greenwood Inn, win Cbriatnma xaeatloa ^ at the lain. Coamteg fat the T/irgtabx wffl be the lfiaaas ABce M ^hrgmla Schram. Adelaide and Louis Dele- Msrtiuaen, Ehne Mar- Marion Jamea, Myrtle and »15 Lincoln atreet, entertained at a HaHowe'eii parry Wednesday exening at tbe home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jesse Wal- lace, SS09 Grant street. A great many garn^i were played and a good time was reported by all preaeat Her guests were: Mary Valentine, LUa Robblns, Gwendolyn Wluhuns, per- trade Green, Marion Tonngquiat, Helen Palmer, Laura McNaughton, â- , .Margaret Gradler, MrmJiBl a fixe weeks1W&M ' â- "'T'f^^'^^'T^^OBjh ^ ^^^^^-lf;^^^^^^^l&0*/--^^G!!£^t'K$l^^^<"*^^^^i, wen* aeiheteXftexuiantii nwtQrcycle afigidfat:,Aip;; T'«%, 10, JonnjH|, Ellxabeth tuaiey. Charles Gale, Sidney Bent, Elmer Roy Ahlbeck, Melxin Root, (tjnevJJ0aliei*dBleh*rd Green. MUu Irene Johnaton, U10 s>fg«aM^^^ gaxe a Hallowe'en party Tburs- 40'-a hemse full- of her o* Tlxai^ptlewl. who" baa' to autumn lemxes,' yellow s^ bUckJ m^ waiter a PrttaclwlaOf g the color a«beme. The gueata requested to come maaked ;ahf an apron. Prises were award- to tbe beat meakei Miss Mamie excened In naiqneness of ooa- and carried away the first, My. Meyer the second and Mr. Geo. the third prise. Tha ^ahoata* acarey. AJlkindaof Gboatntortea ?m Ci^yonA Prises warn uontwatob all the Graoa Meyer, sir. Capoten, Mhaj Virttoia Bennett, Mr. George Binkand Mbn Gertrude Hedblom. Themoekor- cbestra was highly amualns. At 18 Vdock dinner waa aerxed and each gneat bad to find their" own ^ place which was exceedingiy bnniorouk The fsvors were opened and each guest donned tbair capa befnre the fmat fore the^-^oe- nigb|rt waa.aaieV.Mr eSw^lf'InS Margaret DaHon, Ruth and AUce Bechi strong Mamie Moore, Virginia Burnett, Qrsce, Mfyer^. Oaf trude, Reo^aii*, Hi*, rle porin. Maade Johnston, Mamra, Dortn. Van Orrkn, George Rak, Bar> .band, Bert' Meyer Oka FUek. been the suinxner guest, of R, B, Tatnan and faaally« ter In the east Tne araataT grten in 'ti|»f chnrch baxe ban •ic haU of the 84^ of htaaH at onixerstty sa herstofora, Mrs. Tbcxm« Ruaseaa; 88« Oottaa ssja>a ^p^sa^. a.w^u^a>aeax4*saj /^"aamanaaxew '^.^nxansye^' .'^s^as^aaany^B^amwr^f1^^ ^WB*r " .••^•Oj^ale)aa^^xfOssiBn^* Mr. ^ea^sTgf-jnMia»ja«Bmnsa;^^ *ms<a Hebron, Neh, and friends to Oseeh% 'i Linenlh-s^^alanl'M jhiht <sT kaf htaae. noan m honor of hay sh^ Ii-#%atsra*^ mmm Mra Alice & Adama of Uw <3teaa>^ wood tun e^ * card peityV * hotel Wadnsaday aibitnena for ^the . 'W^8nwp^W„;i Ps^V/fJ8B|8«"' ;Bg7amxmsBssm;jnr,' _. s^annp v;*Jbhx^. .asBmsBsms;,^^ bers of the olub aM ofhera^ ; ' ^inraday^o^ dncoratlons of the ..' pretty in Hallowe'en ha^BI -W^BwjfgW^^-v.^;? mmmmm** mmmrn- $£t'1s.-i-M -jM*"- "1^ 'J':i ALLT :*f«BE 'm fi£ski&M£ffS>