14 The Lake Shore News, Thursday, November 14, 1912 What People Are Doing in Evanston MEMBERS of Evanston and north shore social colonies are well represented in the 1913 edition of the Chicago Social Register. The members of society resid- ing in the city, in the country or abroad, are, as usual, grouped under the one address, with the maiden name and Christian name of the married women and the names of the daughters and sons in the order of their age, the children from twelve to twenty appearing under the title "juniors " The maiden names of the married women are ar- ranged in alphabetical order at the back of the book This year the dilatory domiciles, placed under the front cover of the feocial Register, are arranged so that each new one includes the information of its predecessor. ***** A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Swenson, Jr., 813 Crain street, Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Davis and family have moved from the Glenview Golf club to 1014 Sheridan road. Mrs. Edwin F. Pierce, formerly of 418 Hamilton street, will stay at the Greenwood Inn until Dec. 1. Mr. J. A. Bingham, formerly of the Chicago Beach hotel, has taken winter quarters at the Greenwood Inn Mrs. Clay Baird, 1102 Dempster street entertained her 500 club to a Hallowe'en dinner party Friday even- ing. Mrs. L. A. Gardner of the Green- wood Inn have gone to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. Leslie L. King, at Omaha, Neb. Mrs. H. H. Madlory, 1124 Asbury avenue, gave a rooles party in honor of Mrs. R. G. Howse of Rogers Park Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Stow have re- turned from a two weeks' visit with their daughter in the southern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Wall, 1031 Sheridan road, and family left last night for their winter home on the Isle of Pines, West Indies. Mr. George E. Balmes and family of Clark street, Chicago, who have rela- tives in Evanston, left last week for Florida, where they will reside perma- nently. Dr. A. W. Cooper, 1245 Maple ave- nue, has gone on a few days' hunting trip in company with some Milwaukee friends to different Wisconsin hunt- ing grounds. Mrs. Henrietta Townsend of Hono- lulu, H. I., who has been the guest of Mrs. M. C. Gridley, 1433 Hinman avenue, for two weeks, left today for Pasadena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Inwegan of Downer's Grove have just arrived to spend the winter with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Albert C. Smith and family, 927 Wesley avenue. Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Nethercut of Wauwatosa, Wis., who were guests for two days of Mr. and Mrs. William Hudson Harper, 1002 Lake street, have returned to their home. Mrs. Wallace Daily, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Well- ington Cobb, 1111 Maple avenue, after a two weeks' visit has returned to her home in Batavia, Ill. Mrs. Joseph Green, who has been residing with her daughter, Mrs. J. O. Morris, 1138 Sheridan road, has left for Cincinnati. From there she will go to Florida for the winter. Mrs. James H. Wells, 611 Clark street, has returned from Kentucky, where she was called a week ago on account of the sudden illness of her grandmother, Mrs. N. T. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Putney, who have been residing with Mrs. Putney's mother, Mrs. August Friedrichs, 930 Wesley avenue, have gone to house- keeping on the South Side, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Underwood, formerly of 1745 Hinman avenue, are at the Greenwood Inn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Colvin, formerly of 1558 Ridge avenue have moved to 1745 Hinman avenue, the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Underwood. Miss Ada Lord of Yorkshire, Eng- land, who has spent a year with her uncle, Mr. George Iredale, 1574 Sher- man avenne, left Friday for Que- bec. At Montreal she will visit her cousin, Mrs. John Syfred. On the 17th she will sail for England. The Oak Leaf circle held its regu- lar social meeting at the home of the Misses Kathryn and Jane Rose, 2410 Park Place, Tuesday evening from 7:30 o'clock until 8:30. The girls then went over to attend the lecture at the North End department Y.M.C.A. building, and to hear the election returns. Miss Nettie Plowman, 2800 Harrison street, is convalescing from a severe illness. Mr. Purdy W. Orvis, 2212 Hartzell street, has returned from a short busi- ness trip. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Haubold, 1318 Judson Avenue, have gone to Pasa- dena, Cal. A banquet is being planned for Fri- day evening, Nov. 22, by the ladies of the Covenant church. Miss Janet Smith, 1462 Ridge ave- nue, has as her guest Miss Louise Allen of New Bedford, Mass. Mr. William H. Wizner of Emerson, N. J., is the guest of Mrs. Minnie Johnston, 1716 Sherman avenue. Mrs. Frank Hayes, 1824 Hinman ave- nue, has just returned from New York after a two weeks' absence. The Epworth league of the Cove- nant M. E. church will give an organ recital Thursday evening, Nov. 21. Mrs. C. E. Andrews and Miss An- drews of Milwaukee are guests of Mrs. A. R. Vinnedge, i310 Maple ave- nue. Mrs. C. H. Newman of Eureka, Kan., has come to spend the winter with her granddaughter, Mrs. William Neff, of 1516 Central street. Mr. William Anderson has returned to South Holland,Ill., where he is en- gaged in bridge business with Mr. McCann of this city. Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Faulkner and children, Paul and Beryl, 2429 Central street, spent Sunday with Mrs. Faulk- ner's brother in Chicago. Mr. Smedley, Y, M. C. A. secretary of Rock Island, Ill., spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Dale, 2327 Central street. Mrs. McEwen of Woodstock, Ill., has been visiting her daughter, Miss Mary McEwen, a teacher of the fourth grade at the Central Street school. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wilder and daughter, Miss Louise Wilder, 1211 Hinman avenue, have gone to New York City for a couple of weeks. The Book Sunday service that was such a popular feature at the Congre- gational church last year is to be re- sumed. On Sunday, Nov. 17, Dr. Mc- Elveen is to speak on Israel Zang- will's play, "The Next Religion." Other books to be commented upon are Bacheller's "Charge It," and Ibsen's "Ghosts." The Women's Aid society of the Congregational church held a most enjoyable meeting on Wednesday. The morning was spent in preparing articles for the bazaar to be held Dec. 3 and 4. At 12:10 o'clock Mrs. H. D. Baker and a group of a dozen associ- ates served a fine luncheon. At 2 o'clock there was a business meeting. Arrangement were made for a Harvest Home sociable to be held Monday evening, Nov. 25. Mrs. J. J. Collins arranged the patronesses for the Mil- ton Pope impersonation entertainment to be held Friday evening, Nov. 22. On vote the society gave $50 to the Contagious hospital fund. It is worthy of mention that it was this society that gave the first donation to the fund which makes possible the visit- ing nurse of Evanston. And rather appropriately Mrs. W. M. Green, who is now president of the organization, was president when the visiting nurse movement was started. Dr. McElveen called attention to the fact that Madame Fancher was that very day observing the sixty-fifth anniversary of her wedding. He made a little speech in which he conveyed to Madame Fancher the congratulations of the church and the womens organizations. Madame Fancher responded. She told what a happy bride she way, of her husband's service in the Con- gregatinoal church at Racine, and of the delightful fellowship she had en- joyed in the Evanston Congregational Church. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Allen, 1022 Grove street, left Thursday for a six- weeks' trip to Panama. Mrs. Minnie Bauer, 2118 Maple ave- nue, left Thursday for an extended visit to friends in Milwaukee. Mrs. A. V. Coffman, 2415 Harrison street, entertained at an informal auc- tion bridge party Friday. Mr. F. M. Robbins, 1713 Central street, is enjoying a visit from his mother and sister of Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kilby are at home from their honeymoon trip. They are residing at 1723 Emerson street. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harvey, 2627- Thayer street, have returned from a short visit with relatives in Janes- ville, Wis. Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes of San Francisco, Cal., will have charge of the services Wednesday evening, Nov. 20, at the Covenant Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harlen, Kan- kakee, Ill., the new managers of the Western Union telegraph office here, are residing at 1716 Sherman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Olp, 2429 Park place, left Tuesday for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will attend the Southern College Presidents' associa- tion meeting. Mr. Andrew Parker, formerly of Ev- anston, for the past year of Costa Rica, South America, is the guest of his sis- ter, Mrs. Thomas I. Stacey, 1312 Church street. Mrs. Harper Osborne, organist of the North Shore Congregational church, will play at a concert at the Covenant Methodist church, Tuesday evening, Nov. 19. Mrs. Steven C Rawlins, 1433 Judson avenue, gave an informal bridge party Friday at her home to the friends of Miss Dorothy Congdon in whose honor the party is given. Miss Brenneman and Miss Hedwig Brenneman of 1101 Davis street gave an "at home" Wednesday afternoon to meet Miss Clara Holly of St. Paul, Minn. Five hundred was played dur- ing the afternoon. Mrs. E. M. Bennett, 2006 Sherman avenue, held open house Thursday for the girls of the Collegian and Col- legian Annex from 8 until 10. Re- freshments were served and every- body had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Armsby, 1333 Maple avenue, left Thursday for their usual eastern round through the New England states. At present they are at New York City. They may spend the winter in Florida. The annual promenade of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity will be given in the grand ball room of the Hotel La Salle on Friday evening, Dec. 20. The dance is to be given under the aus- pices of the Chicago alumni chapter and the chapters at Northwestern uni- versity, Armour Technical school, and the University of Chicago. The following were initiated into Kappa Psi Monday evening: L. B. Hamilton, '14, Monmouth, Ill.; R. H. Merritt, 14, Frankfort, Ind.; H. C. Wil- son, '14, Monmouth, Ill.; F. D. God- frey, '14, Chicago; A. J. Juhnke,: '13, Chicago; G. H. Sutphen, '14, Oak Park; F. S. White, '14, Collingwood, Ont. Can.; W. E. Toy, '14, Raymond, Ill.; R. J. Finn, '14, Chicago; H. G. Baldwis, '14, Chicago, J. F. Hethrington, '14, Harrisbnrg, Ill.; G. C. Taylor, '14, As- sumption, Ill.; W. W. Burg, '14, Kewa- nee, Ill.; H. B. Porter, 'M, Rockford, Ill. Mr. William Shillander, 1109 Ayars has gone to Gladstone, Mich., to reside. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Robinson, 1225 Ridge avenue, have gone to French Lick, Ind., for a week's stay. Mrs. Georgia Orr moved last week from 1945 Maple avenue to her own home, 717 Washington street. Mrs. Milne, 1719 Ridge avenue, is at the Lake Shore sanitarium, convales- cent from a severe attack of neuras- thenia. Mr. J. W. Knibbs, Jr. and family, who have resided for four months at, 1001 Grove street, moved Monday to Denver, Colo. Dr. and Mrs. Freeman and daughter, Irsel, of Leeds, S. D., spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, 2014 Pratt court. Dr. and Mrs. William R. Parkes, 1428 Maple avenue, have gone to New York to attend a medical convention. They will return Nov. 23. Mrs. A. M. Wright of Orlando, Fla., who has spent the summer the guest of her son, Mr. Charles H. Wright, 940 Forest avenue, left Monday for bome. Mr» and Mrs. Robert Mercer of Montreal, Canada, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Harding, 1214 Ridge avenue, have returned home. Mrs. Frederick Meyer, 1204 Asbury avenue, will give a musicale Thurs- day, Nov. 21. She will be assisted in receiving by Mrs. Edward W. Bailey of Chicago. Miss Clementine Van Dour, who has resided with her sister, Mrs. Pete Lamberty, 1911 Asbury avenue, for the past year went home to Kewanee, Ill., Monday. Mrs. W. H. Liscon and son, Wil- liam, who have been visiting Mrs. Lis- con's sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles H. Sleeper, left Tuesday for their new home in Missouri. Mrs. L. C. Ward and children of Newark, N. J., who have been guests of Mrs. Ward's mother, Mrs. Walter Dwight, 1111 Grove street, returned Monday to their bome. Mrs. Charles R. Murray, 1714 As- bury avenue, gave an informal dinner Tuesday to ten of her friends to meet her aunt, Mrs. B. Forrest Samples of Dayton, O., who. is her guest this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bystedt, 703 Oak- ton street, celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary last Sunday. The most interesting feature of the occasion was a mock sermon, read by Mr. J. A. Shellberg. Mrs. John R. Case and her daugh- ter, Miss Elizabeth Case, have re- turned to Evanston after a year and a half spent in Europe. They will be at home for the winter in the Parker apartments, 420 Church street. Mr. Charles H. Hart, who has been the guest of his mother, Mrs. Elsa T. Hart, for two weeks, left Mon- day morning for Indianapolis, where "The Spring Maid" company played last night. From there the company goes to Louisville. Mrs. W. E. Roloff and son, W. E. Jr. left Saturday night for Seattle, Wash., to join Prof. Roloff. Master "Dick" Williams of Martin- ville. Ind., is fisiting his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Richard 2526 Harrison street. Father H. P. Smyth, pastor Mary's church, will address the mem- bers of the Catholic Woman's Club next Wednesday on his trip abroad. The second of a series of neighbor- hood dances, in charge of Mr. F. M. Roesing, will be held in the parish house of St. Matthew's church next Monday evening. The Woman's Home Missionary Soc- iety of the First M. E. church will hold its regular monthly meeting in the church parlors next Thursday, No- vember 14, at 2:30 o'clock. Charles A. Barry, Forest avenue Lincoln place, was a witness before the Wisconsin legislative committee which is investigating the fire insur- anoe conditions in that state. The Wilmette Improvement associa- tion has made a request of the North End Improvement association to use its influence in getting Ashland Ave- nue from Central street to Isabella Street lighted for the benefit of in that vicinity who use the Central street cars. Mrs. C. W. Hillman has rented of apartment at 1734 Ridge avenue to Mr. C. H. Savage for the winter. Mrs. Hillman has gone to Indianapolis, from there will go to Philadelphia where she will meet her daughter Miss Marion Hillman, who is visiting in the east. An organization of Camp Fire Girls, which is similar in a way to the Boy Scouts, has been organized in the north end of the city. Mrs. F. H. Pattee, 2436 Prairie avenue, has been chosen as the instructor and chaper- one of the new society. The class was formed by Miss Gertrude Green, 2328 Central street. The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary society of St. Paul's Eng- lish Lutheran church will hold their regular monthly meeting in the church parlors, Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. Arrangements will be complet- ed for the annual thank-offering serv- ice, which will be held next Sunif evening at 7:45 o'clock in the church. The Men's League of the Second Presbyterian church will entertain the men of Hemenway M. E. church at an informal dinner to be given Nov. 15 in the Bible school building. Mr. Fred- eric P. Vose will act as toastmaster for the evening and informal address- es will be given by Rev. H. C. Han- non, Dr. A. S. C. Clarke and members of the two congregations. Mr. William Hard, who is connected with the Delineator of New York, who formerly resided at 2400 Hartzell Street, has returned to Evanston and taken a house for his family near the corner of Greenwood street and Maple avenue. Mr. Hard will be absent most of the winter in Texas; in connection with the legislation in that state in favor of civil rights for women. THE TIME IS NOW HERE! ART EMBROIDERY WORK FOR CHRISTMAS Newest and latest designs just out. We stamp them while you wait THE OATWAY EMBROIDERY CO. 131 N. Wabash Av., 4th Floor, Telephone Central 3851 Between Washington and Randolph Sts. Mail orders have our special attention. ANNOUNCEMENT WILLIAM H. KNAPP TEACHER OF VOCAL MUSIC Voice Specialty Director of Music, Church of the Ascension, Chicago EVANSTON STUDIO Northwestern University School of Music Chicago STUDIO Cosmopolitan School of Music and Dramatic Art, 9th Floor, Auditorium Building A thorough schooling and wide experience in voice the methods of the most successful teachers in America and Europe Residence Phone. Evanston 3424-W. 828 Simpson Street For nearly 60 years Chicago Headquarters Grade Rubber Goods "Quality"--"Honorable treatment Fair prices W. H. SALISBURY & CO Oldest rubber house in the west 10S-107 S. Wabash Ave. Chciago