Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1912, p. 15

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The Lake Shore News, Thursday, November 14, 1912 What People Are Doing in Evanston At a tea Saturday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. John Newton Dole, 1104 Michigan avenue, Miss Josephine Dole and Miss Fayette Cable, daughter of Mrs. Herman D. Cable, 1742 Asbury avenue, were formally introduced to society. Miss Dole was in the receiving line and, those who assisted were Mrs. Leslie R. Harsha, Mrs. Frank Shaw, Mrs. E. M. Sherman, Mrs. Laurence Onderdonk, Mrs. Seymour Ballard of Winnetka, Miss Mary Van Dusen of Minneapolis, Miss Rachael Kincaid of Kansas City, Miss Mary Nickerson of Boston, Miss Ruth Joslin of Chicago, Miss Pauline Dole of Chicago, Miss Katherine Donelson of Chicago, Misses Gladys Spry, Eleanor Spry, Marjorie Richardson, Katherine Harper; Elizabeth Tennis, Louisa Tennis, Isabel Dwight, Helen Hancock, Mil- dred Armour, Louise Pierce, Carolyn Dawes, Theodosia Clark, Ger. trude Llewellyn, Lorraine Mead, Miss Julia Haines of Indianapolis, Miss Mary Alden of Rochester, Miss Margaret Gillette of St. Paul. A dinner and dance followed the tea. Mr. Alvah H. Callow, 831 Foster street, spent Sunday in Elgin. Mrs. Frances C. Diefendorf, 1554 Asbury avenue, is visiting in Cleve- land, O. Mr. and Mrs. Cutler have moved from 2001 Orrington avenue to 640 Hinman avenue. The Country club will give an auc- tion and progressive bridge on Nov. 15, at 8:15 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Murray, 1714 Asbury avenue, are at home after a visit to New York. Mr. George S. Bridge, 578 Milburn street, is home after a two months' stay at Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kirkpatrick, 1906 Lincoln street, announce the birth of a son, Oct. 28. The Young Women's guild will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Miss Amy Sanders, 1227 Elm wood ave- nue. Miss Beatrice Barnard, 1853 Sher- man avenue, supervisor of drawing in the Morgan Park public schools, spent the week-end at home. Miss Katherine Brundage of Free- port, Ill., en route to Lansing, Mich., is stopping over to visit Miss Mar- garet Moore, 1300 Main street. Dr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Frost of 1632 Hinman avenue have gone to Prince Edward Island to visit their daughter, Mrs. George Morris. Mrs. F. O. Banich of St. Louis, Mo., has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. K. V. Grinnell, 816 Main street, and her niece, Mrs. H. M. Ford, 2096 Or- rington avenue. Miss Margaret Kirkpatrick of Bloomington, Ill., who has been visit- ing her brother, Mr. H. B. Kirkpatrick, 1966 Lincoln street, for two months, returned home Saturday. At the annual meeting of the gradu- ates of Oxford College for Women, held in Field's tea room on Saturday, Mrs. C. M. Moderwell was chosen president; Mrs. Rose Ward Patterson, vice-president, and Mrs. B. Morton Hair, secretary. Members of the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority of Northwestern university completed their annual home-coming week Saturday night by an initiation at the home of Miss Edith Meers, 2301 Sherman avenue. The initiates were Miss Marguerite Symonds and Miss Florence Ayers. Thirty members of the sorority and alumni were present. A meeting of the teachers and offi- cers of the Sunday school of the Cove- nant M. E. church was held Friday evening at the home of Dr. Finley El- membership secretary, Everett Elling- election of officers for the coming year took place and the following were elected: Superintendent, A B. Smith, 2324 Hartzell street; assistant super- intendent, J. M. Grantham, 2415 Hart- zell street; secretary-treasurer, Miss Leila Trivess, 2704 Harrison street; membership secretary, Everett Elling- wood, 2209 Central street; librarian, Mr. F. W, Knack, 2620 Central street; assistant librarian, Alexander Mc- Naughton, 2421 Hartzell street; organ- ist-pianist, Miss Ruth Risley, 2316 Harrison street; missionary superin- tendent, Mrs. H. F. Ward; missionary secretary, Miss Adelaide Harvey, 2527 Thayer street; temperance superinten- dent; Miss Louise Hollister, 2106 Cen- tral; street; temperance secretary. Miss Matilda Wittbold, Central street, near Reese; home department, Mrs. H. J. Pearce, 2626 Isabella street; pri- mary superintendent, Mrs. L. J. Phil- lips, 2728 Woodbine avenue; begin- ners' department, Mrs. F. W. Knack, 2620 Central Street; cradle roll super- intendent, Mrs. Edward Monson, 2734 Hartzell Street; birthday secretary, Miss Isabel Dale, 2327 Central Street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Croxson, Pio- neer road and Colfax street, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, Nov. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Shimm, Col- fax street and Evanston avenue, en- tertained Saturday evening at bridge. Mr. G. L. Burdick of Des Moines, Ia. is spending a short time with his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Faulkner, 2429 Central St. Mrs. Goddar, who has been her daughter's, Mrs. R. P. Lamont's, guest for three weeks, left for her home in New York Saturday. Mr. Harold Bennett of St. John's Military academy, spent the week-end with his parents, Mt. and Mrs. H. C. Bennett, 2508 Hartzell street. Mrs. H. F. Lisk, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Rankin, 1722 Ridge avenue, has gone to Hud- son, N. Y., to spend the winter. Mrs. Walter Clarence Peacock and Mrs. Clifford Chickering were hos- tesses at a luncheon and musical Monday afternoon at the Blackstone. Mrs. Edward Kuharski and children of Rockford, Ill., are visiting Mrs. Kuharski's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cleveland, 1508 Hinman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Norris and daughter, Miss Helen Norris, 2407 Harrison street, have returned from a week's visit with their son, Mr. War- ren E. Norris of Aurora, Ill. Mrs. C. W. Hillman, 1734 Ridge ave- nue, has gone to Louisville, Ky., to join Mr. Hillman. They will go east and remain until the holidays, when they will return to Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Tobey of Chi cago, formerly of 1423 Elmwood ave- nue, and sister, Mrs. J. H. Lewis of Ba- tavia, 111., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willington Cobb, 1111 Maple avenue. The Misses Esther Landin, Florence Carlstrom and Helen Ericson, accom- panied by Messrs. Oscar Cedarquist, Ed Durband and Howard Johnson, spent Sunday at Hubbard Woods, guests of Mrs. Werneke. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas of 824 Sheridan road, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Florence Eliza- beth, to Jesse Raymond Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claburn S. Jones, 5903 Winthrop avenue, Edgewater. Mrs. Harry W. Foglesong, who has been staying with her mother, Mrs. Annie W. Burnet of 1106 Ayars place, since her return from Muskegon, Mich., left Thursday to join her hus- band in Philadelphia, where they will reside. Mrs. Joseph Pearson, 2353 Ridge avenue, was hostess at a bridge party given at her home Friday afternoon. It was given to obtain funds to fur- nish the children's booth at the bazaar, which the Woman's club will give in December. The marriage of Miss Mary Alice Rice, an Alpha Chi Omega of North- western university, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Albert Rice, 1300 Winnemac avenue, Chicago, to Mr. Kenneth Devos took place Saturday afternoon at the Buena Park Memori- al church. The Music Study club held their an- nual afternoon entertainment Satur- day afternoon, Nov. 9, at the home of Mrs. Paul Tietgens, 1622 Forest place. Mrs. Burton Hanson read "Enoch Ar- den" beautifully. In many parts of which she was assisted by Miss Mar- garet Cameron at the piano. Mrs. Ora M. Fletcher, a soprano soloist, sang very prettily the waltz song, "Nymphs and Fauns," by H. Pember- ton, and as encores, "I Am Titania," from Mignon, act II, by Thomas, and "Who'll Buy my Lavender?" by Ed- ward German. Mr. Thomas Refoy, 1317 Oak Ave- aue, is moving today to 1464 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. A. Starr Best, 1836 Orrington avenue, left Monday for Neww York City for a long visit. Mrs. E. O. Williams, 2607 Park place, entertained a number of her friends at luncheon Thursday. Mrs. Edward Howard of Janesville, Wis., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Colby Davis, 1723 Asbury avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Pond. 2819 Sher- man avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wylie of Ithaca, NY. Mr. and Mrs. Winchet of Dayton, Ohio, are guests of their son, Mr. Louis Winchet, and family, 1214 Forest ave- nue. Mrs. Ralph Starkweather of 1223 Grove street, is enjoying a visit from her aunt, Mrs. Lewis Stewart of Plano, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Shimmin, Pio- neer road and Colfax street, enter- tained at an auction bridge party Sat- urday evening. Miss Catherine Stackerl of Sioux City, la., is visiting here as the guest of Miss Ethel Kirkman, Ridge avenue and Lake street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Croxson, Pio- neer road and Colfax street, are the glad parents of a little son, born Thursday morning. Miss Ruth Bush, 2310 Harrison street, entertained about twenty-five of her little friends at a birthday party Saturday afternoon. Sister Nicasia, in charge of the oper ating room of St. Francis hospital for many years, who was operated on Sat- urday, is in a very serious condition. Mr. Arthur Tucker of Waukegan has been visiting his aunts, the Misses Beake, 1707 Sherman avenue, and his sister, Miss Eva Tucker, since Tues- day. Announcement is made of the en- gagement of Miss Dorothy Congdon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowen Congdon, to Ensign John Gates, U. S. N. Mr. and Mrs. John Fiegan, Sheeler street, announce the birth of a daugh- ter at their home in Gross Point. The little one is a niece of Miss Catherine Fiegan, 1464 Elmwood avenue. Edward T. Lazear, son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lazear, 718 Emerson street, has received the honors of the senior class at Michigan univer- sity by being elected its president Mrs. T. N. Johnson, 1015 Sheridan road, leaves this week for the east. She anticipates the pleasure of a win- ter's residence in Arizona, for which place she will leave in December with her son who owns a large ranch there. Mrs. E. Forrest Sample of Dayton, O., is the guest of her nephew, Mr. M. H. Wilson, corner of Forest avenue and Greenleaf street. This week Mrs. Sample will be the guest of her niece, Mrs. Charles R. Murray and family, 1714 Asbury avenue. Dr. and Mrs. George W. Whitfield and daughter, Julia, 1518 Hinman ave- nue, have left for Ocean Springs, Miss. Dr. Whitfield will remain there until the first of January. Mrs. Whit field and daughter will spend the win- ter in the south. A meeting of the members of the Epworth league of the Covenant church was held Friday at the home of Mrs. Fannie S. Britton, 2327 Prairie avenue. A new first vice-presi- dent, Miss Jane Blackburn, was elect- ed. Beginning tomorrow and lasting for six weeks there is to be a contest in the league for new members. Miss Edith Mathis and Miss Matilda Witt- bold have been elected captains. Rev. and Mrs. Amery S. Haskins and daughter, Jeanne, of Irving Park, spent Sunday as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Finley Ellingwood, 2209 Central street. Rev. Haskins preached the farewell sermon at the Covenant church yesterday morning as this was the last Sunday that the services will be held at the Y. M C. A. building. He was a former pastor of this church and a great many of his old friends Were out to greet him. On Tuesday evening, Nov. 19, there will be a concert held at the Covenant Methodist church, Hartray avenue and Harrison street. A number of noted artists will appear that night and tick- ets are now on sale. Seats on the main floor are 50 cents, while in the balcony they are thirty-five cents. Tickets may be gotten of Dr. E. E. Faulkner, 2429 Central street; Mrs. Harry W. Whitehead, 2315 Park place, at the Central Pharmacy, or at the North End Department of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, 1554 Asbury avenue, have moved to Wind- sor Park, Chicago Mr. Walter Leonard, 811 Clark Street, sailed on Wednesday for Stavan- ger, Norway, where he has been ap- pointed, American consul. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hilton are home from their honeymoon trip and are guests of Mr. Hilton's aunt, Mrs. Abbie L. Brown, 1505 Oak avenue. Miss Jean Richardson, 1217 Lee street, has as her week-end guest her sorority sifters, the Missss Florence Seston of Greensburg, Ind, and Irene Henderson of Dixon, Ill. Mrs. Minnie L. Kappelman, 2414 Hartray avenue, left last week for a several weeks' visit with her niece at Omaha, Neb., and her brother, Mr. J. F. Kleise, a pioneer resident of Evanston, at Fullerton, Neb. Mrs. G. A. Faas, 1639 Orrington ave- nue, left Saturday for Bowling Green, Mo., where she will visit her cousin, Mrs. Ira Miller. She will also visit her daughter, Mrs. Dr. W. W. Wick, in Carbonado, Wash. From there she will go to Pasadena, Cal. Mr. Faas will join her later. Miss M. Alice Cory, after spending four years in Paris and London, has just arrived to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Alfred L. Lindsey, 2326 Orrington avenue. The past year Miss Cory has been doing profes- sional work; in London. Sue was a pupil of Oscar Reszke, and of Jean de Reszke in Paris. The Country club was the scene last Friday of one of the Thanksgiving season's most delightful entertain- ments. Mrs. Delia Henry Pick, vocal- ist,and Miss Herren, dancer, enter- tained. Friday evening auction and progressive bridge, with prizes, will be played Friday evening Nov. 22, a two-act comedy will be given, "My Lordin Livery," when Miss Margaret Easter also will give a song recital. A brief course of lectures on the fundamental principles of religion as outlined in Luther's Smaller Cate- chism is being given by the Rev. Lloyd W. Walter, pastor of St. Paul's English Lutheran Church, corner of Greenleaf street and Elmwood avenue, each Tuesday evening at 7:15 o'clock in the church parlors. All young peo- ple between the ages of 12 and 16 years who wish to attend these lec- tures are welcome to come. The course is free. The approaching marriage of Miss Edith Livonia Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beecher Case, 1943 Orrington Avenue, to Mr. George William Pearson of Evanson, has been announced. It will take place this evening at the family residence. A reception from 8:30 to 10 o'clock will follow the ceremony, which will be witnessed by immediate relatives and a few intimate friends only. Lee Tolman, 919 Hinman avenue will be h ome from California on his vacation next month. Mr. O. Rogers of Dixon, Ill., is visit- ing his brother-in-law, M.W. Dale, 1040 Lake Shore Drive. Miss Flora Hyde,2142 Maple avenue, left Evanston last week. Monday she sailed for China from San Francisco, to teach in a girls' school in Ching Kiang. Miss Hyde is one of forty young Women sailing on the same ves- sel, engaging in foreign missionary work, under the W.F.M.S. of the Methodist Episcopal Church. An artists' Concert will be given in the Covenant Methodist church, Har- rison street and Hartray avenue, Tues- day evening, Nov. 19, at 8 o'clock. Four distinguished artists, Miss Sarah Wildman Osborn, organist of the North Shore Congregational church and a well-known concert performer; Mrs. A. W. Macleod, reader, a mem- ber of the faculty of the Cumnock School of Oratory; Miss Carol Robin- son, who is a favorite pupil of Mme. Bloomfleld Zeisler and a successful concert pianist; Frederica Gerhardt Downing, contralto, who is now sing- ing in the First Methodist church and is conspicuous In oratorios, concerts and recitals. Tickets are 50 and 35 cents. Finest program ever given in North Evanston. W.T.0RR DIES IN CHICAGO HOSPITAL Willard T. Orr, who, with J. Fred Mc- Guire, organised the real estate firm of McGuire & Orr in 1890, died yesterday morning at the Henrotin Memorial hos- pital following an amputation of a log. He was 47 years old and had been ac- tively interested in the operations of his firm, which for a number of years has been especially prominent, operating in Evanston, Wilmette and other North Shore suburbs. He has been a mem- ber of the Chicago real estate board since 1905, and has served as a direc- tor of that organization as well as on several of the prominent committees of the board. A special meeting of the board has been called for tomorrow morning to take appropriate action on his death. Evcrsofl 70 W. I* Chicago PboM Central 6737 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Half Electric Needle the only Cure. £acej Neck, EyeBrow*. Molee and VI eire-ef the 6-Neeele ^ In bid!esMi»W 6 time, andJwgpvSfiO to is the lim^J^thfcne n«----- Oar M^tll^Bwte Ye>a Le« UO Fi-^HOMABSfOR SCARS. We «aeHSAe» te deetooy eveey-hair we treat. StenM •«r«f<e*«»irwe wfll dadiy re- â„¢&t£S*£!ag*te$fe* ****** We narantee eatfafaetlon. f 1 win convince yon. Con»alt«tkm»invited (Free), ^rite for Book- Mme- Stiver 1407 Andftorhnn Tower. CKleaso. Telephone Harriecn 4223. HOT OIL SHAMPOO FOR DAWD^Uf f Thie to a wonderfnftreatment. A trteJ wflj convince you. BxJuslvely atJfce Pariois of ATHEMMfi COl \turyBulU Telephone MsjtfT ap] jientiflc facial rnlslage. H-. dressins-, etc THE EVANSTON 2898-2899 A REVELATION IN MUSICAL COMEDY TUNEFUL with Tingling Tales AN ENTIRELY EMBELLISHED EDITION Fred^8trauss Dye Works i ^f^^ ------KSTAnuamn teae------ VSrpBTS AHD ORIENTAL RUGS CLEANED^AND riYED x 2m s Chemical Labsratofy ConseeUd Bruches: 2451 Lincoln Are., Tel Bvaeetoa, IS I S»M>«ial /eiag sadwCleaaing'of every description and Retail _ __ 4S04 Sheri .,._.„_, __ '*««â-  Ave., Tel.i____ taJnea of ladiee/ evenl»« go«M and eloaka. Ilmpaclea a»d cvHates aapaeJaAtj. ©love* cleaned oa aliart notice. iveasveea 373

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