The Lake Shore News Thursday, November 14, 1912 What PeopIe Are Doing in Glencoe Mrs. Ernest H. Dillon friends In Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Darling are In Brazil, Ind., for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Miller have re- turned from a month's trip through Canada. Mrs. Kathryn Booth and Miss Mate Lyon were the week-end guests of Miss Murdow. Mrs. Charles Mortimer and father, Mr. Evans, are visiting in New York City and Boston. Mrs. Nelson Jefferson entertained with a luncheon Saturday for Mrs. Judson of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Becker and son and Major and Mrs. Coombs have returned from Pasadena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bennett enter- talned with a dinner Friday evening of last week for Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lamprecht. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. George Schuyler of Ravenswood were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Dopfer. The Woman's guild of the St. Elisa- beth parish met with Mrs. Sylvan Newhall Tuesday, to make mince- meat for the Thanksgiving sale. Or- ders will be taken. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Clarke and daughter of Plainfleld, N. J., who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I. Hicks, have departed for their new home in Portland, Ore., taking Mrs. Clarke's mother, Madame Hicks, with them. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church met Tuesday with Mrs. John Heath of Winnetka. The officers elected for the coming year were Mesdames W. A. Fox, presi- dent; St. John Power, vice-president; J. M. Chappell, secretary; W. S. Hamm, treasurer. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church held an all-day meeting Tues- day at the home of Mrs. W. H. Hamm, Hubbard Woods, to work on articles for their sale, which will be held in the Walter's block, Friday and Satur- day, December 6-7. There will be a sale of aprons, fancy articles, cake and pastry. At the Woman's Library club this evening the Tel-Electric company will give a concert to the club and their friends. The artists taking part will be Franz Wagner, the celloist; Marion Green, baritone, and Ludwig Becker, violinist. The Tel-Electric company will bring out one of their grand pi- anos. Mr. Pond, the manager, will be the accompanist. Rumor Discredited The rumor thai the Dental and other departments at Lake and Dearborn streets were to be moved because the present building had been sold was discredited by Dr. Koch. "Nothing would please me better than a new building," said Dr. Koch, "but I don't see anything of that nature in sight at present." DANCING CLASSES. St. Mary's hall, Thursday afternoons and evenings. Children's classes at 2:30, adults 8 to 9, followed by two hours of assembly dancing. Orches- tral music. Dorothy Margaret Yingst. ANNUAL CARD PARTY. The Pythian Sisters will give their annual card party Monday evening. Nov. 18, at 8:30 p.m. sharp, at the Knights of Pythias Hall, 610 Davis street, Evanston. Euchre and cinch will be played. Admission, 25 cents. Refreshments and dancing. NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Kenilworth Want Ads You may now send your want ads for The Lake Shore News to the Kenilworth Pharmacy and they will be in- serted in the next issue of the paper at publishers' rates. This is the very best way of secur- ing help, of selling what you no longer have use for, of selling or renting your house, or in fact supplying nearly any want you may All classifications, except Real Estate, 5 cents per line. What People are Doing in Kenilworth Church of the Holy Comforter, Rev. E. Reginald Williams, rector. Nov- ember 17, the twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity; 9:30 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., morning prayer and sermon by the rector. Advent is but two Sundays off. Its call to every churchman is to bestir himself and make ready for the com- ing of the King with Christmastide. It is a call to earnest preparation, that we may Joyfully receive the ineffable gift of the manger cradle. There will be special services on Advent Sunday, December 1. The recent presentation of Walter Browne's morality play, "Everywom- an," by Mrs. Clarence Warren Gasque and her players, has proved to be of more than local interest. Already sev- eral requests have been made from Chicago and elsewhere to present the play for the benefit of charitable and other institutions. This is high praise for our local players, several of whom had never before appeared behind the footlights. Even Mrs. Gasque had ap- peared in but two other plays, and those within the last year or two. The village is justly proud of its amateur talent. What People are Doing in Gross Point Mr. John Bleser, Jr., spent two days at Fox Lake last week on a hunting trip. Miss Lona Heinzen was operated on for appendicitis last Thursday. She Is getting along nicely. Mr. John Evert, Sr., returned from the Evanston hospital last Friday and is now at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Ketter. Mr. and Mrs. Bruning, parents of Mr. C. L. Bruning, arrived Saturday from Allegan, Mich. They will make their home with their son umil spring. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Braun have taken up their abode with the mother of Mr. Braun on Reinwald avenue un- til their bungalow on Lake avenue, on which excavation will begin this week, Is completed. Instead of the usual card party the members of the Ladies' club were treated to a theater party at the Ev- anston theater last Thursday by Mrs Anton Engels, Jr. After the show lunch was served at O's restaurant. The marriage of Mr. Wm. Keil and Miss Katie Reck of Chicago took place at St. Henry's church last Wednesday. A reception followed at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents and dancing In the evening at a hall en- gaged for the occasion. The young ladies' sodality will have a bazaar at the Foresters' this even- ing and Sunday evening for the bene- fit of the new building fund. There win be dancing this evening. This afternoon there will be a social for the married ladles and Sunday evening a card party. The young ladies are trying hard to do as well as the mar- ried ladies did at their bazaar and they fully deserve it If hard working I to this end counts for anything. Anniversary Sale Saturday, hoy. 16 George B. Barwig Furniture Hous 3336-38-^.42 N. Clark St.-At Clark St. "L" Station-Phon. Late VU» ,1-1*% H0ME OF GOOD FURNITUR This week we have our Eighth Anniversary. We invite you to celebrate with us. giving you furniture greatly reduced price*. You Know the/Wonderful record of the opening o| our four-story building when thousands cjme to enjoy ««f }] great exhibit of FurniftuA, Stove* 4nJ Kugs, >»d too* a*» vantage of LOW PRICES on FURNITURE OF QUALITY^ Our 8uccesa Is Highly Gratifying. To surpass this record we are determined to excel these val- ues and Qlve, In acknowledgment of our apprecia- tion of your purchase, a beautiful Water Color Picture, In Circassian Walnut Frame, with every •10.00 purchase; full-size Blanket with every $20.00 purchase; Child's Three-Piece Mission Suite with 9V9ty $50.00 purchase. Don't forget that you are entitled to a coupon with every $25 purchase, giving you an oppor- tunity to receive a $75 China Cabinet absolutely free. See it displayed in our window. Thanksgiving Furniture at Anniversary" PrtcM* See our large line of Fumed Oak Dining Tatoleev Chairs, China Cabipejs and BufTets, latest da*^ signs, at 40 per cent discount. , George B. Barwig, at the Clark St. L Station,, J solicits Charge Accounts. Most Liberal Credit By»r J tern. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Out Store is X)pen Every Evening except Wednesday and Friday. A Discount of 10 per cent on Regular Prices oni Complete Outfits. ' THE FACTORY Isythe placets buy r- FURS Unusual values offered this week in high grade fare. All intend- ing purchasers should inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Here you will find only furs of superior quality, at prices asked for inferior grades elsewhere. Russian Pony Coals, shawl collars, plain satin lined..................... Caracal Coats, shawl collar, set-in sleeves Hudson Seal ohea long, ma plain new specially pfijed 1 225 to*ftf65 Skunk Scarfs................$20.00 Skunk Muffs ...............{3230 Skunk Fancy Scarfs.........$2250 Skunk Muffs, to match......$3730 Hudson Seal Collars, Shawls and fancy Scarfs ......, Hudson Seal Muffs----- aatural Mink Scarfs, atural Mink Muffs - Mole Comforts..... Mole Muffs.......... .$22-50 ... .$30.00 $32.50 up .$5250 up ___$60.00 ...$35.00 A complete assortment of soarfs and mnffa in Pointed Fox, Blaek Lynx, Raccoon, Blended - Hud- son's Bay Sable, Natural Hud- son's Bay Sable, Persian Lamb, Caracul, and all other dependable furs, at reasonable prices. GEORGE W. PAULLIN STEWART BUILDING N. W. COR. STATE AND WASHINGTON STREETS Men Who Appreciate Fine Laundry Work There are an unusual number ofvm^nr ip Evanston who demand the best^lkiere is in laundry work. This is because they wlaj/finelinen and know the difftrenjfce between goodjgftd> bad- Men of this /$o/Vspecialiy-Uppi ecute th^ work of Evinsfccfs high grade laundries, whose facilities lor handling dress--«shirte? soft shirts, collars, cuffs, white vests, etc > are unsurpassed in this Country. These laundries can perform r» real service for you. Evanston Hand Laundry _; French Laundry Nelson Bros. Laundry Co. Washington Laundry Mutual*