Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1912, p. 9

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£he ,.___i'lilii^iiSife^i sent n^Ssilie^ Woman's ' ctab 10htoi^»y «TeiUng »t ' |g|..............,,..,, ,.... ,-. „,.;,;...„.,,-. P^>^^'y:-:A,^-\J^"'»/w;.vlj;;,' â- -.# j^f ^ The North Show 1« well wprei^ Of wutmuiB :W*uw*aj$ matic and wttl Uon of 1 son with . The Woman1 ,. ris vnHDeipur â- ' ^tosejjpj£BjsjpsijP!£' Hubbard, Mr*. Albert »«©•• land, IPfif |§|j§ George Robert Butt ceo Porter ( lira. Cornsttu* have mad* the meat ^olriis, Jirn ^itlwifw- cltisena not only of Kraaeton, but of the^eiitliO-nertkift^ "Th^ high :;$m&:&M>:i4Wim$* committee is to establish at the Wln- netka Woman V crab a terfor !"Thi« pnrpoee mr bit* setf-expiwsslbn" fb^ • art; - â-  eecondY to "UfgasfMes^Av..,â€",^â€"wâ€"»» , -t./^'-,*af;; class of plays l*w|$#^ main objeet I» p«>m; third, to cjreate a taate iter dranW of 41^ and lastly; to pivvlde entertainment and diTeralM ler ttoae WBOie tiM, opportnnHlea and nunM? are United. And ttola laa^iianed fteed la n« leas gnat than the otfesr three ea the ones- S.^^.^f^W'ariWwwt** enioiig the heavy subscribers to the ufpenaea of the second quadrennial generously are Jamer A. Cyj^ H. McCtor^^ * "i,; win* hate each donated *5#0, and John C. ghaffer and a K* W^tfrev who have given fioo the fund are Cyrua H, MeCor mlck,v^r^r^mof:. Lawson, Byron JU. :bW ft ^ drewel?, N. ijr, Harris The council will be held in Chicago December 3 to 10. #*^.!K: v^,-^r.•iPf--T%<W,â- -J1- -!H<-'-'"- ^ •'.;»â- â-  â- â€¢â€¢. .-« < ftil'in|jii^ of ex-, pens* w^d total abtett #7,000, and a further campaign tog funds la now being made. '^'Wr^%P^^^M The subscriptions were announced i#i^^l3ff^l^i;^ S^m Balcpm 8baWr president ef the coii» of having charge of the arrange- The new church Is loeated at tte tray' avenfte, and was coinpieted nt att Other subscrib- estimated cost of |40,000. It Is a beau» in the tateresU of Christian WiM-W tUm arises, •Why ahoold wejea*|rtto insistent demand for ':• ehtetta&nnent through dramatle art, to be supplied only by those .whose -*m& IS P»ttT%-vA^|?iJ:Vf|.. â- " "Snen -; H draitaatte 'phi#n^»«^ i>rof esatoaa wes% se bAa oeen sug- geated is not a new es^erimeat.. It baa mm^M^m-^J^-^^^ otter J'|fiis4filfiW^^l^**** named The Toy Tfceatef' to Tela ^ PosiUve announcement of the conv ' 'iena4§i*";Bryaii ;«wl Marshall, gorer- nor of Indiana, waa made and arrange- IIIIA^ w^re perfected for overflow meetings at which they wftl be the might think,«• *aa exldbttion for aasrfesv acting *«t s»s*^tiniate as-their new prospeetms tvtsttr nay be prodeeed; ttalply, and with arthv tle seriomsnene, playe of a j**f« ited appeal thai ere use-ally riafced by profcsataMU taj^s^ers, and Plays fj#; ed to a . aasatt ."SHftd' firtissaAe" 'SSsvito^' rhna,' Tads win abet eat the Toy tea* frosai,, Bvery seat 1ft C^vsaajat Methodiat church was nlle* lout before ^» be* ginning of services 8unday morning and many chain wereplacedal>o^M WaSP".;,,",pfSa'\.. .«pg9mS0 ; 'jgMKW^/lSSwMr,«*flW^PgpHF^' •jpSJ[^S':W# y/ff" 'â- â- SsgPba> was aniriKww to hear Pjabiip WiBHm tory sermon of the new chu^b^ {the Two ifcc^edf ^* m^ tiful ediflce and the "ett^j^lPi!^ le»elarfpal§ North Ksd are proud of ifcfcr;.^pf3if. Following the sermon by BtshoplMo- Dowell, H. V. Holt, pastor of the Wheaton Methodist Episcopal church, conducted a aervice for ralaiagT funda. A large blackboard with Sfttarea for each $25 subscription waa placed be- nttoutee $•.(>«) was ralse<L Thirt "~ tfo members joined during the day. '*""'.........ii ......."" chair. They contained black and | whte buttons, black and white thread 1 i-f en an£ *wli!?e darning cotton,r a la the ^e^^ tAS, o^es and dara«n« needles, â- â- f"M%:. idan, general secretary of the ^worth Ist^tof^!ili*;;:iletiio^^ preached, and this waa «onowed by an additional twajlti^tt^ munlty night and the church will be . open - to the pubUc There wfll be a^ reception, and refreshments will be served^ The presidents of the dUteiv ent organisations In the North wlU speak, and a general Inspection of the buildtng take plaoa. ^ '; This wm be the program for tbe week.i>:"" "*' '" â- ;,'-i.-'-$^Â¥^;%ft'""." "'â- â- â- <. %5f':-'~tpz"l'>-f and basinet; firanatoA minlstera and fonner pastors ae gnesta. . ;:r, "" vyeajfc^($.jf^-^ I seeratkniL of. fJunday school rooma: to speak on Zoning; 7:S0 o'eloek-^Sermon by the _ pec*, nm l^sjAW.Chsiisamlua. iJ.Vt Dec », at One of the features of the dediosr the Second JPreabyterlaa churchy toir aerytce Suiiday waa tkel wnaic. diers tis .....„_......, .,.„. __.„ WfW.. .,_.,,„ TO,.......„. Two sxxw women from the .north ihorefMlw; have and are doing anceef law,[ ati^ed and liwr is being" sol* ' eil:li^;"pte^i#^ W art ovtsider tt appears superintendent f irginfa, S* retary. ,v.. ,.,,..^. ,f Bring Homely Memories.p::i Lt,-. the hkga were of cretonne and were supposed to remind the soldiers of tfi* everrthe" bac* of mothei^ ro^^ ^re^l*^U ^^ ^Tlieaw: dRI)ord€v^ justJ:;a^oa>t;^5^Srr^ Michigan avenue and , TwenUeth street. The oveillow meetings win be to s^e other nearby churefa. A^r0^^u^M :-,:jii^^; i^ies^ 1!!^.^^s^^^L^^^^i Sune^y afternoon In the Olympic the* ater. >. T»s> overflow wiU be held in the Tounti Men's Christian association auditorium. Other speakers at the Sunday afternoon meeting will be Pro* fssetr- Welter A; t BausK^enbusch, Bocheater. N. Y^ and Profesaor B. A. Steinor,Ortnnell, Iowa...a ' 1%e.....rederel Counctt ' represents tlOrty^q^ denomination* 004 over wrcli __^^^........._ The choir conalats of Mr*. MdWI Bia- â- er McKay> aoprano; Mrs. Alice Ited McAfee, alto; Mr. Wmiam M Calktae, Mr*. Irene a ©dder m etnnnlst and atfn faatiltar to....... from New York, wkers esoosllest trafnv km choir work kaa Mrs. Kidder played tl organ, wbiek kt tut installed and beard for tiie firat time Sun- day. Mra. Kidder also played the safety pins, abao-bent cttton^ DSAdagest ;* -,|rew 'wi§^ p&t on temperance ind i«n|^ Jiu^a i>crM>nal motherlv letter written by .•nMiblsi'^il^ , ;^iap^s^:^NM^:;>l^^ ranged with Colonel Getty, command- aiit of the poiii for the soldiers to ac- semble in the chapel at 1:30 o'clock, and at that time twenty companies i|*nd troops of the Twenty-seventh in- fantry and the Fifteenth cavalry as- sembled, with the hospital corps and the machine gun platoons. / ';. ".'.:" Recalls Japaneee War. '^*"' Before making.the distribution Mrs. Parks told of the origin of the move- ment, and exhibiting: a golden Japan- ese bowl related the experience of the Japanese W. C. T. W in making a like distribution during the Russian-Japa- nese war. \ â-  v:; The women to^start the work In Japan were Madam Yajyma, president W. a T. TJ. in Japan, the first woman of her country to receive a teacher's certificate. Tlwj||g the war with Rus- ida she seeureflfcr the'army and navy 60,000 oomfortaSgs and received^m the Emperor as e token of apprecla- __ tion a set of bowls stamped with the ayif_flmperlal seal. jBhe brought these to America and presented them io -the Natic^ial W. a T. U. headquarter* in selling liquor that some the^'nia^ili^^^ have the con(UUoiui been . Proviously there has sonte fear by the would be arrested iSl^fc^Ss changed. The mea, apparently ;whi^fteef*^ iWh attteartlat o^ald is a vloltnist tt belli front the standpoint of '*. RCSUME SCHOOL- ___ Uttle netghborhood sckool wWch a^ Met year in the [PELEBSTUD ALLOWED TO Bead Master IJoyd Holalnger of Hatfield House relee^ Wednesday after he had heard the talee of woe octke nineteen Mvaaston academy eto- deata whoni he had amspended the eveninc before for "rongb b wistng^ in the ken, and reanoed tke jbjae of their three, days to one day. after dinner the boys tetfaedessUtoryBke of these vowed they jm/;tn<r iIne"::of'â- ii^'^WWm^S^^^ :Beer'-i*'«iehr^prtttel^ ,thdngnvwhh^s^|p drink* veanke^pi^^ V; 1^ :^;reopsniii^'of ;'t^^ canned ^an appeal. to:*prsij^i^^ people S^^g w ^^^d ', the territory annexed ;*vm0&(#*i*y. '-.'â-  They elaton this Is -the'(t&:T&:&fr*' v win erer ^beiable:)tor-cisoe ^and k»ep:tke»ieIoaedi' â-  â-  %?*^. .'<â-  ^^:--: For months Oeoiv A-Keajrner ha»i been securing signaturea to a petition to hawthe territory^« the present time &im^*^:^%* excepUon of a couple of nanMSt neeeav sary>to have the question put np to^-Y ^fOtev> v' -: /; i/.. â- â-  '.-..?. ..â- â€¢"."' \:^-Af0H--- . Favor Annexation. r^H;'- The members of the a>ans<onr Mu- nicipal association, who have a consistent light to nave the cloned to stay closed are tn sympathy with the movement toâ- *&&*;â- â- < the territory aimexed^ aa ttiey beMefn that this Is positively the only n^sssse by which the sale of mm W£*j$^ stopped. V-U;':v:: :.^^; • ^^';:^r^l%n:/1 MILK Wlnnetka Is after a niltt isispeetor.-r At a recent meeting of the BeUsf ane>H Aid society *'fa-it&m-m.Hmi0*#lr wan passed asking that the village endeavor to secure an tnsi?ector whose duty it shall be to make a free>asnt ^ ngular analysis of all mUk need fes_ the village. ThK^gh this ineen* the society hopes to detect any mflk before It become the nature of an epldemle aa H Bvanston a Short ttsso a#aV twelve typhoid cases, all traeeekle to one dairy, were dieeovered. T»* kten of th« Winn^tkA Belief ssnt AM an* dety is a good one citisena. ^£BMM-^^^^^m:mM

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