tosses* mediately and the baiWlD#i:^:., carrying- o^|^I§$iflj|'""" the lie schools* The hate never mostly on in* taw nnA m l*iwltV\\ivil ihmt * offlciab^^ - owners*! quest* a times for the termn of tn* oroinnncfe - The ed ft i alone ftndft viftiMt next week. •" â- *-^^^%^fl|^P|ipi^ "We have botoC ^ trouble here in comply with ths traiMb^ ana fire •on to^n|^':,,^3iO^B^^lli^^ ordinances chaag* from Um^ and unless fto ^ stsntly inspected« soon fmtnd not to comply wltl* dlnances. 'â- . •^iM college development* i-Y--r:-v~*jf ^ •â- >' 'f$ The onr sttentfon to s^ those con At soms s4 ffces* ^^^"'fJlh^'l>*yi' iur#: packed to ^hsfr tnB iJSpselly-irhich mates it Ihtels^iy ths;*s&d§^ k il»%a^itton of anniversary of tho laying of the cprnex s^one of St Nicholas' Roman Catholic church; Ridge avenue and Washington ' street, wUl take place on Sunday, and Tuesday, Not. 24, 26 and Sunday there will be a pontifical igh mass celebrated In the church byy^hop Rhode, aseleted by a num- ber of the clergy prominent in the ^<l his Tariw oonusittsos are ss^ be^uni here's nc^ der onr hal]s,]oic» btf wtthths SP? win omp"; ;t^ j'p:j:M;j ?Kv'fe^3i .€' i'"yS'-"^'<nitnsBSd:Sa *u--fswj?->v * * ^-.'JpS»*e^pss*ms.>.' flg ........ retained .wdflt^H to IVOT. '^P^W^P^^^^S.;^. '^Hyi s^istf'lpd ,/ashing Ms«hinss or Rsng«frt OUIt «X- id. if its work.^|s«. jli^iMiiBiMi^ m^f^ift t»tiir;s^^ Write f« booklets, or ^sttst stlU, stsp in *p^>4 "ll^^rvr':A •T. â- r'SP^I*. . :Wi:i»nt': mm ?&&*. i'&*2@i!&£3*<^%-> •**z>=£^:- !^i iii-i* ':«^ In his in- wonld *M$*: oaore is h; :-»k:V. i?_^.#.*^a ^SS^ftW ife5'^ ..f.^.^^jriii^. ^i%^^f^. ;^lm- I" -V"^- â- '"i t+ , £< :«S;%.r:-*£. n 'iaf ItSS BKIIS«ir ATM. •VAKSTOK lfP:t>."': 'ifg(l§|;JK'S Ymts Ahns is r*&C*?<tor-t\l- s^-;".",. .,â- â- >-:£ T.i.>v_tv<v dsVioe inbuilt I itslioiiIdJKs---ubder tbeop- f jmtofgg nand./Yo d%,t **â-¼â€¢ *° I f«aoh all ovsrjne maonlne. Even nd carriaVe release Isvsr Is opsAtsd witbott tskinor LfcUUl 4 Wflt TYPE *|ITER snd Btorsof It, ____^^ tbrowgb sad thi T GpiiHli A Bros. Typewriter i In ftbslsad. The writing Shsi's ton vsara ahead »• for yon. 8esd: # tbs Book and road U. , ttilTIUItt.nPCfllTEl S, tHcsgalE { B n it •VAlfSTOII MNCeg. Tslepbon«35S3^R i&^?. !S!»feSS4 '#ri. ftmm mm g§*a sftiiH 'mt:-'^$^- » ;J^,;.;dk^.7.11;"^ .UMBlflQ plnml CMASj? Phone 27a 1€2» PHINTINQ ' Dono â- i; ««* " " BOW Aim â- â- ' " â- â- â- â- .â- ,:â- â- '.^.'•f r&r&iZiifr'-*' : â- -â- !- te»:>.«a«f-. tmi select from mv complete Iine min neih#IWP8i^furDittire, st< MPSd ^•#v t^-'- c TcLlSO ;^V ®^'? riW ttt: "l?&-??;,riS^ Sg^liS^lPf' .-v^^* fiftfti ^-?:ep:. ^gT#S^$g!-!y^^y^ ^ " '* iri^lSi £-j3*-?;"^-Ss-s ,^HH â- S*5 ip» v&r^ Bte. iI^^t"^? /- '.^r ^â„¢ ^tP^S^P^^P^^^^^^W^?^. %Im^?^L:^*^fi&&&. >e8&&-.-&?. â- ^:-,%^&:Mi£m '-r§|;Sa! B"-#; IS t*?J?^'7-^Tr(~;'7~? r^^^^f-â€"^^fjv' -*j^,'.;t..-â- ^-'"^â- jp-:^^^^'^^" i~::;^;^^^^^feS;^::i?fe