wmmmmmmmmmm ^SSmtKBB^Si' TOT tAKR SHORE mtf*mMBk% DECEMBER 1 1919. SANTA CLAUS DR. JAMES HEARS FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIPS ____S33S! Unuted Doors. With slight trouble and small ex- pense an unused door may be most advantageously converted Into a book- oase by having a carpenter set up a vertical board on each side of the door-jamb and upon these boards--to saving of the door-frame itself-- the cross-piece upon which th© k-shelves are to rest. Then have r woodwork painted or stained to ten the door behind it, and hang a ain of canton flannel, denim, or a re ornamental and servicable ma- ial from a rod fastened Just inside door-jambs, if the recess be good d deep; If shallow, as the door-set- gs are apt to be in our newer uses, have the rod fastened across outside of the door-recess. A r thus treated will accomodate a prislnK number of books. A SMALL FIRE. A small fire occurred at the home of B. Sherbridge, 1326 Chicago nue, late Wednesday afternoon. ave- The fire is supposed to ha** surte^l sparks from a passing engine, put out before more than $5 had been done. I pi Ms Install a Billiard Table in Your Ham* "FOWLER" H >u can buy on ments or rent 0>J/TRIAL -rent to apply on puflMftse. The Factory Is the Place to Buy Holiday Specials No Gifts More Acceptable Than Furs Note the following values Skunk Scarfs and Muffs Make Your Holiday Selections Now Skunk Scarfs Skunk Scarfs Skunk Scarfs Skunk Scarfw Skunk Scarfs Skunk Muffs Skunk Muffs Skunk Muffs Skunk Muffs $20.00 . 22.50 . 30.00 35.00 42.50 32.50 37.50 45.00 60.00 Kolinsky Scarfs and Muffs Kolinsky Scarfs Kolinsky Scarfs Kolinsky Scarfs Kolinsky Scarfs Kolinsky Muffs Kolinsky Muffs Kolinsky Muffs Kolinsky Muffs .$22.50 . 30.00 35.00 40.00 25.00 . 32.50 . 37.50 . 40.00 and his crew were forced to combat. Monday should have seen the weather beaten three-master home in the river. Monday came and went. Tues- day came and went. The Rouse Sim- mons did not appear. Description of Boat. The House Simmons is a ILicc masted schooner of 1<0 tuua For thirty years Capt Scliueneinanu has sailed her up to northern Michigan for trees that have made Christmas for Chicago. The annual arrival of the Christmas boat has become an event--as regular as the arrival of Santa Claus himself. It was a sight, that no one seeing would ever forget; the great schooner sweeping into the river with the snow-covered cedars, balsams and firs standing in rows along the rail like soldiers on guard. It was a ship of ice and snow with the dark green peeping out here and there. The spirit of Christmas and the Christmas season was bursting from its hold. The home of the House Simmons Is St. James, a little town on Beaver island, off Charlevoix. Its owner is M. J. Bonner of St. James. Capt. Nel- son, who sailed with Capt Schuene- mann and his crew, was the skipper of the boat in the summer, when she made trips to northern Michigan ani Wisconsin for potatoes and lumber. From His Point of View. "Stop that! Hands cfT! How dc you know I'm the passenger thai stepped on your foot?" "I don't know it absolutely, but (biff) I'm giving yoc (biff) the benefit of the (biff! bang!] doubt." Will the Films Stop War7 The cinematograph as an institu- tion has cone to life since the last im- portant war. It remains to be seen how a battle, or the awful fringes of a battle, will look upon the screen. For assuredly films will come into play. Soldiers have always said-- and correspondents have in a measure agreed with them--that the truth of war cannot be teld. Flow if the truth of war were now to be seen? The late Colonel Stanley has pho- tographs (daguerreotypes they would perhaps be called) of the dead and wounded taken after the Crimean en- gagements, but they were too horrible for exhibition. He showed them, long afterwards, to those who could bear it. sometimes to those who could not--and they wilJ never forget tfcem WALTER KRAFT TO LEAD PURPLE TEAM Walter Kraft, right cud for two years on the Northwestern football team, wa» yesterday chosen to lead the Purple in 1913. the meeting was held during the afternoon in the Pat ten gymnasium Oscar Gruhn, the star half, also was a candidate. The final vote gave eight for Kraft and seven for Gruhn Kraft has been a star in Purple ath letics. He has been the mainstay of the track team in the one and two-mile runs and is a good baseball player. He is a graduate of Oak Park high school. He is attending the engineer- ing school and is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. CHOIR TEAM WINS. St Luke's choir won its final game v. ith St. Paul's choir, Rogers Park, Thursday morning by a score of 12 t<» 7. Within the first two minutes of play Loag, St. Luke's Tull back, practically (inched the game by a remarkable 60- yard dash to a touchdown. Then by line plunges Alexander, St. Luke's quarter back, pushed the ball over for another touchdown. Both goal kicks ailed. In the second half St. Paul's scored a touchdown by forward passes ind end runs. NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS To Fashionable v Ladies Do not be embarrassed to choose are in the progressive move. BETTE FOR if you Tbe speedy inercassfW our shortly established, tff «n» enVrieac^BnWh CTade^ailorinK. of oar MMt iaterests oar pair for «nfafecesj. The eioqo Ithoagh of our mcdiv-Tun to co-operate oar work re- eoeela n nipt, fitting, and the oar styles for each figure. t residence we ssake ect Fitting Garments by photography aeeordixg to oar order blank You sa-re all the profit that M. Mtgnon's last en ployers used to make on his wark as scatter, fitte and designer. MIGNON & SP1ZZER ton IMS. Mrs Ml 5 U. WAIftSI ML Caracul Scarfs and Muffs Caracul Scarfs .. Caracul Scarfs .. Caracul Comforts Caracul Muffs . . Caracul Muffs Caracul Muffs Black Fox Scarfe and Muff* Black Fox Scarfs........$20.00 Black Fox Scarfs.........22.50 Black Fox Scarfs ....... 27.50 Black Fox Scarfs............ 37.50 Black Fox Muffs...........22.50 Black Fox Muffs......... . 27.50 Black Fox Muffs............ 35.00 Black Fox Muffs............ 42.50 Hudson Seal Scarfs & Muffs Hudson Seal Shawls...... .$22.50 Hudson Seal Scarfs......... 22.50 Hudson Seal Scarfs......... 30.00 Hudson Seal Comforts...... 67.50 Hudson Seal Muffs. . . .$30 to 45.00 Natural Mink Scarfs & Muffs Natural Mink 4-skin Scarfs..$32.50 Natural Mink G-tab Shawls.. 45.00 Natural Mink Fancy Scarfs.. 52.50 Natural Mink Fancy Scarfs.. 60.00 Natural Mink Shawls and Scarfs, from........$60 to 200.00 Natural Mink Muffs......... 52.50 Natural Mink Muffs......... 67.50 Natural Mink Muffs, from..............$75 to 150.00 Natural Racoon Sc and Raccoon Scarfs Raccoon Scarfs Raccoon Scarfs Raccoon Scarfs Raccoon Muffs Raccoon Muffs Raccoon Muffs n Muffs ed Fox d Fox Snake Scarf. d Fox Snake Scarf. d Fox Snake Scarf. ed Fox Fancy Scarf. $30.00 35.00 40.00 52.50 Pointed Fox Fancy Scarf. .. . 75.00 Pointed Fox Fancy Muff..... 40.00 Pointed Fox Fancy Muff..... 45.00 Pointed Fox Fancy Muff..... 52.50 Pointed Fox Fancy Muff..... 67.50 Russian Pony Coats Kusbian Pony Russian Pony Russian Pony Russian Pony Russian Pony Coats........$ 50.00 Coats........ 60.00 Coats........ 75.00 Coats........ 90.00 Coats........ 100.00 Hudson Seal Coats Hudson Seal Coats.........$210.0o Hudson Seal Coats ........265.00 Hudson Seal Coats......... 285.00 Caracul Coats 1 riiaCul Coats $100 00 Caracul Coats 135.00 Caracul Coats . 185.00 Caracul Coats . . . 200.00 Caracul Coats . . 250.00 Natural Hudson Bay Sable Scarfs and Muffs .Natural Hudson's Bay Sable, Two-skin Scarf..........$ 6S-00 Natural Hudson s Bay Sable Three-skin Scarf........ 100.00 Natural Hudson's Bay Sable Three-skin Scarf........ 135.00 Natural Hudson's Bay Sable 12-skin Comfort......____225.00 Natural Hudson's Bay Sable Four-skin Muff.......... 135.00 Natural Hudson's Bay Sable Seven-skin Muff......... I60-*! Natural Hudson's Bay Sable Seven-skin Muff......... 19O.00 Blended Hudson Bay Sable Scarfs and Muffs Blended Hudson Bay Sable Two-skin Scarfs...........$ 67.50 Blended Hudson Bay Sable Two-skin Scarfs.......... 75.00 Blended Hudson Bay Sable Three-skin Scarfs......... 82*0 Blended Hudson Bay Sable Three-skin Scarfs......... 90M Blended Hudson Bay Sable Three-skin Scarfs......... 115.00 Blended Hudson Bay Sable Eight-skin Scarfs.........200.00 Blended Hudson Bay Sable 12-skin Comfort........... 265.00 Blended Hudson Bay Sable Pour-skin Muff............ I15-* Blended Hudson Bay Sable Four-skin Muff............ 135.00 Blended Hudson Bay Sable Four-skin Muff............ 125/10 Blended Hudson Bay Sable Five-skin Muff............ 150-W Russian Sable Scarfs and MufTs Russian Sable Two-skin Scarf........................$ 65.00 Russian Sable Three-skin Scarf...................____ 85J0 Russian Sable Three-skin Scarf....................... 110UB Russian Sable Three-skin Scarf....................... 13&O0 Russian Sable Three-skin Scarf............. ....... 16540 Russian Sable Three-skin Scarf........ . 175jO0 Russian Sable Three-skin Scarf 225.00 Russian Sable Four-skin Muff.. 225.00 Russian Sable Three-skin Scarf 275X0 Russian Sable Four-skin Muff.. 275J» Russian Sable Three-skin Scarf 300.00 Russian Sable Six-skin Muff .. 45OO0 Russian Sable Four skin Muff.. 165.00 Russian Sable Six-skin Muff... 675J0O A choice Selection of Sets Appropriate for Mi«es--10 to 14 Years Christmas Delivery Guaranteed on All New Garments and Fur Sets to Order GEORGE W. PAULLIN Stewart Building, N. W. cor. State and Washington Sts.