IhwimIhiih^ W®i £L._..\> ;iil w ^ * ,â- ' -i__ fee3 &â- â- ".. I:-^l ,-rw.:!^i: >*»*»* "i*^ IIK1 BSSr^'SSâ€"BF5* «H._BF* ? * ^â- SSSfTâ„¢'â- "."' ."'« â- BBSF' Mfn^^liB^SS^B 'S'?^ "ii"*'^1,' * Urtj t«4i ................_._..__.._.,.,.......^||il *y: v^Slii .$ ^'o^^ plS^:^^^ : Stocks that are unsurpassed or shown J6*,^:iliw^iptf*ti^»t\tt!*^-., hours if possible /mVgp ."they see the windows i_»rWJ?h4 /': %;:â- / -^ '. â- ^|IP?J:»::the.^reat assortment*! stockT$fP^lllBi^^ store haeMiever been better prepared tomeOtetfir^l^ ♦1 Shoppm than It U right now. We want you to come-see the tbipgg weVe ^ t,^;; j« t« > tWn»i > m m««« ♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦»♦»♦»♦»♦»*; anoppm man it it ngro now. we want you to;comeâ€"see tae tmngs we ve ^ *< ;; :lflii^^ telling'you about. Come in'the morijing if possible, as you aie i o Glove Certificates 1 assured of better service during the morning hours than it *i>| btMr g! ! '" â- •" d-iPiff RhntHk â- &â- '^er^0* °' ^a <*ajr> â- ; I)oyour shopping now!" 1 â- tJ«^:i§^^ j. i Lgs^rs, ^ ^ ^$|i^ittKtA Clans ^mw»:w^^i^^ * &rtlftclt*| or Vft^SSSI i ^ mJm^tsto see all of his littltfriends frok along the North Shore Yw*ito^ ? ^Jtwllrt/%lr Akflnlii+#»1if' F<-#»#» He vlll htve a fwett^ tx>ok lor ill dccmable^^mm$^ > #^l|OOK /^DSOIUlCiy rrCC thcci|iiarenwhoc^l-Bestif^^ jj 3^'fllib»i^^'-v , .§||S|;^our mother and father along if possible^H||||r4i<p| f«?l§ f ^^*" /,^.i^^iti^,-.^^^.;^^4^, t^Aajftofafofy want to see you anywav. ' "., - â- â- â- -I- "'! -â- •^^^^â- ®'^;^m>^ ^*^ II fr â- T I Toyland Have Gre M Sections a Wonderldnd for the Children _ Xmas Tree Candles, i sorted sizes; per box," ;*#ft** _ Hook an Magic ^Lantern «nd SUdei, ^^ii!*!^^ iH\ ^i horses, complete large assortment to select from; up from.... .Me Magic Lantern, with Aim, up from,................f1»p| o - ., .. . iy â€" *p^- t-_„ -,_ftl '•'•"â- â- 'â- -â- •â- *:^.-* i. . i|»^f|"'5% >-• â- â- â- *- â- • Iron Trai. >:A*.-.-j- ^^;^.^fle|Jbn'Tdys, Boats and En- from .... '•^fi^ Values, **« "»n without wind- lng up; up from.........806 _-JL -.:â- â- ,- -.--1;1§L || ;;1^^r ::a^u^:|r^ •Si S1^' ^i-^^^^BiilillM 'l|. j ; the asking at our main of- ; | ; fice. Non« ;^v^t»^d|tl*" .j | ;";dreii. "MB WM^SM$^^ fc E§iW !f -..;: I i' Teddy Bears, sortment; up from. M ';'" .^^^M|ron ,,^or.I«aniir.wit^ utensils, nicely nlckled, up Mechanical Train on Track, a very jilce toy for :gjj^| boys, up from.................... »i# * .«••. •â- >.i»-'»-*^Sf -J nf*^"^ ' ...... *~».£i Assortment of Doll Go- a B C Blocks, n^ely em Carts and Engliah Doll Cabs; ^gged, packed 1 set in box; A iarge assortment up from............... .t»o up from ................zoo Up fT0VQl .......... 1 4 y'A Rifles, up > . . . . M Iron Cart, nicely „ . very strong; special.....48c Cb^ld's Writing Desks, In oak anlah, wRh blackboard; $1.26 . up *0;i».......... .'•» »VW<"W' t J>rum, nloely deoorated,-*- UP t0;... • •» «4. «•â- •♦,• j^Pf^!* v^-v Toy Pianos, nicely rar- ,., nlibedJ, Jariii ai*or> g ment; up fromt..».. i" Iron Fire Engine, nicely painted, wift three horses, up from........................'. •..?»..««!•«• * * • .••e* '**â- Doll's Folding iBed, rery nice for the girls, special...... w 8et of Doll's Furniture, like , cut, packed in box, special up %'i from ...»•â- * .>;'•â- > • •.•.?;,...â- â- *'• * * •'.**". t^kiTfhysrt^^md"^ to play; this one folds up like awbookj »P«c^ ,«J ». si4i WiV French Kid ;Bodr Dell, ln; asi -â- I WRfeiM- llswted wigl. mo^p eyesi ^^"KJ "' â- fwwrp. irssMsywi^ gi% , forted wigs, m<mng wro ^ Blaefcl>oarj on stand, „ i #^. ir«« Toy Carts, nicely painted, large assortment up jointed hips and arms, from â„¢"™™ " «fc Wagon and Blocks, a nice toy Iron Toy cans, nc^.^ ; .V|......,..^la^V2g<J ttp fo.v....i..- ..*M° up from ,v-* ^..«>e for children, up from------»c v.froi^ ...... •..-â- »; -: :, . - - -.' ., ..,/, â- ,, â- :â- . â- - ^ â- â- - ,J;!i^LJM^iyu,,^ Rich American Cut Glass Celery Dish, ae shown, $2.75 Talue for......**'*" French Plate Bereled Edge Plateaus, silver * i'^v^iif @^ift#flf;- Rogers' Silrer Pla|e Sugar | â- , Shell and Butter ftnife, J «B y r Japanese Hand EVKJorated packed in tancy box, up ^ ';^;:ilT -^ ^ ^ ":^7- ^.'^Knt aet, footed howl, ooe> from ...... A. ..^;i..f1^^tif4teiiV: l*vi$Â¥>4> â- :::^S â- ..'â- hu«» howl andjto sija|^ Pi' H M&! M Rich American CUt Glaw pitted trimmings, n .^ American han- 1*mericanX^Olata» ^ R^rry w Frnit BowL has up from ...... .,...**'», w magg 1f^fffyt.gM: md Cream'set, the very stand and asbestos lamp, ^ ooppir Pereotetovtoo*^ m wrsgâ€"wr . yi.wi> wwww ^^t____^hl_zi______________________died Cttt GISH WMPP7» M â€"w* vnaw »«*t f<« »w»# â- ..: ^- 'â- â- â€" â€"-------- wMrlfii* atai% d^ si« â€"«£o"w'n Iltti taino newest fhapjoil np ^hot wa^pan, coye^ scalloped edge, up sugar and Creum Set, •â- •â- ' * â- , J1gW tftws»^^-*^V^1^.iiiJssi-T-f|issltg*leSi.yâ- sjr.-.%basi*^ from: W.^^â„¢tfJa $i.2« ?*N^ P*r ^"^ tw â- 'â- ..... - _....._ ^ â- *;" ' " •â- â- ' â- '- ' - coyer ad-;|| sise, Uief wry beat on 'thjg ; p|. iM§S- hiarkeltir jra|uei^«Jt ?_*^ mi' MM M r-*c<^/:_____i