K^Spj i Sf54 » 5JK; J J* Jm|3S '$! . ^Zi". 3JEJ 'JrVrfSS^ uup;afmm ^_--------------------------:-------------â€"---------------â€"*------------^........... ...â- â- *T ...,..,,:.. Jw»WBW . JHWMUflW . mT w*J!Paessjn*)j tod as ner guest Harold (Kerens of Pwrton, rsv James Baker of Hill street is relatives In LibertyvMe. T. Mr, Earl Smith of Woodbine are- wie has returned from New York. The Tuesday Card club met with Wf^r^,iyti^iK%f1f^i flees, ell Forett are- , IMS Hill street, over Sunday Mr. Mrs. Albert Tnork, 1441 Forest are- »ue, entertained fonrt# roncieom andc^ lMtJTrld|F....... Mr. and Mrs. >onn A. %p«i of S4Je Oakwbod arenas will entertain, tbeir Bunder school classes Baturday'eTeji- tnf naxt. Mrs. ^VWtfr:.J. Thmmston, 1W3 Lake avepne is entertaining her sls- terin-Uw, Miss Cnarlott Thrumston, of Los Angeles, Cat Mrs. Jtsj*|sji>fj^ nue. . Mrs, Arthur O. Brown, 620 Lake avenue, entertained at cards Tues- day afternoon. Last Thursday Mr. Ed. Schneiden- helm left for Pittsburg to visit his brother for a few days. ; A number of the Wilmette ladies attended the Wesley club play at Fine Arts theater, Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pope enter- tained the Fellowship club for dinner avenue we* celled ;<«J§ firs* part ofl and bridge Saturday evening, Dee. 7. account of Her mother's illness. Mrs. J. H. Clendenin of 916 Blm- wood avenue recently returned from Pittsburgh, nor former home, where; she has been for about two months. Mrs. Scribner of Asnland avenue entertained a few friends for luncheon Friday of last week. She has aa her guest Mrs. Aborn of Cleveland, Ohio* Mr. Frank Kutten has retired from the coal and feed business and will be succeeded by his sons, Joseph J. and Frank P. Kutten, Jr., who will carry on the bnsincss under the firm name of Kutten Bros. The Drama Reading circle will meet with Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue, Monday afternoon, Dec. 16. Their reading is in preparation for Miss Hunt's lectures, te"be given later In the Woman's club. v The Hiawatha club held a cotillion dance Saturday night at Jones' hall, which was the most successful enter- tainment ever held by the club. Much credit is 4ue Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyer for the splendid arrangement of the entertainment Mr. Meyer act- ed as floor, manager and performed his duties in a very capable manner. • The people of Wilmette and Kenil worth are greatly Interested to pre- venting the nineteen-acre Bagley tracts, which are located between Blmwood avenue and Kenllworth, from being used for storage, switch ing and, perhaps, factories. A meet- ing was held in the Wilmette Village hall to protest against it, and another will he *ML$fr.w*&J**-.*» **»• purpose. The home of Mrs. P. J. Kinder of Ninth street was given lor a private bazaar last rWednee^ Mrs. Bohanuon, who U quite well known here, dispUyed some very dainty and beautiful articles in em- broidery, crochet, hand-painted china, and numerous other things. The house is very picturesque, and With its charming conservatory filled with blooming flowers left a pleasant mem- ory with the seventy or more ladies who attended. , , â- â- .^_^gi_ The social meeting of "the New Trier Commercial association, which was to have been held the middle of December, has been postponed on ac- count of the holidays, until some time to January, the "exact date to he an- nounced later. At thir meeting there will be various kinds of entertain- ments, and many questions of jroblic interest will he discnssed. All Jnr terested to the f elfare of the asso- ciation are cordially invited whether they are members or not The Catholic Christmas festival is sow to session in the Heffron build- ing $21-633 West Railroad avenue. It opened its doors Monday evening and wm^jkejD mm^mM^mto*L _**• 17Ul iff sorts of Christinas toys can be found here. Several fine pieces of furniture are -'to0 be ramed oft Wednesday and Mionday afternoons wiU.be for the children, and all are welcome, Kaon one who enters is given a ticket bearing a number, ffcfali may be a lucky one. In drawing from the wheel'of fortune gold pieces, ♦bsge,' ete. â€"Mrs. George Barry, 912 Oreenleaf avenue, has gone east for a visit with relatives in New York and New Jer- sey. On account of the illness of Mrs. Carl Latham, the German Study class met with Mrs. Ralph Potter, 710 Lin- den avenue. The Rev. Mr. Miner of Madison, Wis., has been visiting his daughter, Mr. A. J. Coburn of Eighth street, the last two weeks. The Wilmette Public School Art league held Its regular monthly meet' ing, Tuesday, Dec. 10, at the home of Mrs. S. S. Dingee. A public scale is being erected in the parkway in front of the village hall. Walter Zibble of the fire de- partment will act as weigh-master. Monday afternoon the pupils of New Trier were given a half-holiday. There was something wrong with the hot air fans and the rooms were uncom- fortably cool. Invitations are ont for an "at-home" at the Country club, to be given Dec. 16 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emery Ward and Mr. and Mrs. George Dun- can White. It will be a cotillion. The following program is announced by the Ou'lmette Country club for De- cember: ^ Friday, Dec. 13â€"Cards, Lilies, 2:30 p. m. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. Saturday, Dec. 14â€"Entertainment "A Mock Trial," 8 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 21â€"Sheet and pil- low-case dancing party, 8:30 p. m. Friday, Dec. 27â€"Children's Christ- mas party, 3 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 28â€"Cards, Lilies, 8:30 pi m. Tuesday, Dec. 31â€"New Year's^eve partyâ€"a Germanâ€"8:30 p. m. Saturday, Jan. 4â€"Moving pictures, 8 p/m. The home recently built and owned b/ Mr. Harrle O. Stewart, $16 Ash- land avenue, has been purchased by Mr. James, who moved in with his family, Saturday, Nov. 80. The Stew; artt have moved to Spokane,. Wash^ A moving picture show of educa- tional and humorous subjects, inter- spersed with music, was the enter- tainment offered by the Men's club to members and friends, Tuesday evening, Dec. 10. Owing to the size of the club each member was allowed only two tickets. It will be interesting to the friends of Mrs. Mary Pierce Van Zile, now dean of the economics department Of the University of Kansas, but for merly head of the domestic science department of New Trier for several years, to know that she had charge of the department known as the "Cut and Cost of Living" at the cattle show held this lastâ- jreek^:::^-^;/,^ Mrs. Marian Lindman Ives, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lindman, and Frederick B. Thomas of Wilmette are to be married on Thursday even- ing, Dec. 26, at the residence of the bride, 925 Central avenue, Wilmette. Only a few old friends will be pres- ent and there will be no attendants. The futur1 residence is to be at 1229 Lake avenle, Wilmette. ONSINICE l/1aming 1208 C(J»TrI/aVENUE W1LMBTTB, ILL. PHONE*: BH. 36 Stable SOS Schultz & Nord . irsJipttni Wilffleffi 320 s4 TAILOJtffH new Process Cleaning and Dyeing .% k 009 West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 1^sU 1 XhIVL ;fie «& + TBACH8BOF TOCAmM Director t/Utuic, Churohtf VU Aoeontion, Ckieaoo '-. BVANSTOhISTUDfQâ€"Ni CHICAGO STUWO-G>im Warn School \ Auditorium A thorough oehooUnt and wU* . t&0 Httthodt (if thi WtMt BMCMMfM Res UUnee Phone, Evsnjtoa 34a4-W. ta» ATE BANK CAPITAp Makes loans on improved North Shore real estate from Rogers Park to Highland Park, and on farutSAiu Lake county.'. â- • ___ tfOT not k^geSfflk months innltiilssTott wnksssWtya rtgages Cn improved real five and one-half percent, in Send for list. " :x^;.; % Issues Certificates of is denominatiens el four percent interest.' ^ f Offers for investment* estate, netting the invj v sums of $500 and upi OFPICBfiS AND DLBEOTORS 1 J. Fred MoQuire, President " Charles A. Wightlnan, Vioe-Presideni Ira J. Geer, Ceunsel B.O. Seller Arthur W. Vercoe, Oaasier ." BanRing Rooms ,; Central Avenue end SberWen Mad Hlghlsnd giarfc, ssssesS; racket Lamp ftMtMtiines hi the kftchea or elsewhere yon need a lamp held hfahTwhfere *t will light the whole room, and be out of the 4*?Kavo Bracket Lamp to made for exactly this purpose. It to Z~J*1L bmoam Kayo Family--the beat kerosene lampa made. T^^tteSSt^tsa^eWsedf A stroag, subsuutisl bfscket, eesily JS^^S«mS^s^^ Isr^ursesss. A$ Om** STANDARD OIL COMPANY mm w*m mm E have been doing the cleaning, dyeing, pressing and repairing Jbr partk^ people i^KJ^M we care to .business has gr words, careful appreciated in t ter. lit other \ttM00t work is ess as jfi £very MP Wouldn't it pay you to us a trial? us 'â- '#; W0f 622 &AVIS ?'5i' â- *; tslephjqne mo -^w-m Subscribe for the takeWwre â- fie *;.t.v-:--J L>-v»^i?'-i-"V.^6<teVisas .-v ,. iaS&^!^?&: