Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Dec 1912, p. 15

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Pali!!? ,!* } i>m ;".^I- , aveiMie,#'MJr â- 'Slfetu^ greeks, is horn* Smith, ^*311 vT^^m nflAdto^ tne WWW......... Fm "and M^^#MBS'*^?S ttV«nue, tb Clev< Brummitt iiwlsod The Rev. JDaikv »• family ar^&Cttpytoi tbfe home Of fornia. •â-  *V ^r â- â- â€¢ ^£ :.£ , Mr. and Mrs. Clemen* A. . ,..,,._,,._ daughter are visiting ^&^K, pother, Mr*. J. aC^mt avenue. .• ' ':'^%^-%TO > E. L. Neilsonv220t!P»?rM^f %as called to Cin&n*»tl;'f-*0$* -ago owing to the se#t» ^l^|| l»« f JS of Evanston. i«$i^llf,' The following are r eigister^ #, tbo Avenue House: l£f1*oye^ Mass.; J. C Kenleft Little|&e&:$fi# V. A. Reed, Janesyllle,Wte^W0ft- Wheat, Freeport, I^^s^'S^^B^Pfi • John Bmmett CB^"':Wd;jSS;|»|i' Woodmansee of Dirydett, MJch^â-  â- foffl be married at tW^rftl^^^Np^^MIr | After Feb. 1 the^^^f^^h^ |-463ft-Orria«toa-avenue, '^fi'^r '^*y :i,4-*, Miss Ella M. Ca^r^ jtp^ her ^.slstelr^ rtbn B r. Kiiifiit, iosi home from a trip Re« Allen,'1022 Grove -•fcfi^l&Wf^ S||*^^i^?;^|€pT^ will ne Sunday for the Christmas . Mr. aiul Mm. F. B. Cutiniiifham and their toni Mr. OUTer Oanalnilutai, are «lTln« ft dmiice M<mil»y eveninf , De- nue; hae her tnother, Mrs. H. M. John- son, of Newark, N. J., as her guest for j^^l^te^'ii^l-^' ^ . ,3*. i\fâ- - f -'•â-  â- â€¢ -' Ijltllaojr Graves is hemej for the ChrtetHHtt vacation with hie parents, Mr. and Mre. Albert H. Graves, 680 Jdr>^va^c^irfc:;.<|tturtea. E. Cunning- ham of Rawlins, Wyo., are gMfti of Mr. and Mra. Frank 8. Cunningham, 1818 Forest avenue. i; ; Mr. and Mm. Ralph Adams and lit- tle baby, Lila, of Mlsaoula, Mont, are hc^e for Christmas with Mr. Adams' pareiita, Jlr. and Mrs. Beniamln F, AdemsV*OfrG^ Mr. Blner H. Adams of greenwood . the tdclal, service department of the Bva^lton "Womah'a club on Tuesday fef iMiss Nettie CapTbli,-91|K^» . _ | street, will ieave^«*o»|^>%(N#^ South Bend, IndV Miss IBlljk Capron was associated with the Press for fourteen years. Josephine Turck B^er^Vdrehih, "The Burden of' ^9lJB^0$^0l^ mended by such '&^^iM^^%JIK^: Eaton and Mr. WUl^^^m^m^ ot the Illinois theatejvâ- '-lij^iijfBfe%^j a production at the i|b^8t^^p|ejafar " Mr. George Km#att|||^# f%iToat Railroad avenue, sxrfilpB^^iaWaly. Dec. 14. for St.* A^ir^^ilibo^d, where he will perfect Iltl fcOlf Jgig£' and on his return to Evanston will take up his duties as professional with the New Westmoreland Country cIub- . â€"kM- <..i.wz>->. '. 'â- -' Mr. Walter M. Dean aitl*family of San Diego, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. George Ousley and family of Wionetk:*. will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dean, 1106 Church street^ for tbeVl Ways. the UniTersity clnb are at Washington for several days on bnsinees. Mrs, Alfred B. Andrews, Fofest are- nne and ^ain street, is expected home for the holiday*. She has heen vttit- |ng friends in the east and south. PonUlpha Chapter, O. B. S.» hM their last meeting of the year Thurs- day evening. Dancing and cards were enjoyed and light ref^hments were MPTTlBd*,.,. .„-.,.^«':.;.-..... „j.. ' w-,;.A^..;'i' Miss Florence Myrtle Frost, 810 Da- Vis street;> is? Home. ft>r iaie holidays from St. Clara college, Sintinawa, ^^^Jw|^re^ had-aHowed, as thi« topie inmost im T. Webberof '&'$;* iere W^as |i $8 r: ot the public; works department spoke of the proponed sys- tem of placing waste paper In canvas bags for collecttonâ€"inoidentally it might be mentioned that the public works department received *6 cents .s^':«Miia|«B|>^ SkHT/'^lsMai^^ J94MMBtf^'/WasitoiXv: ^iAaftitV- goes toward i£| expenses, it each house- hold would place newspapers In the alley, confined in such a manner that tkey do not get free to blow about. | tons would be collected, and the com- munity would reap the benefit of this waste product. By using the canvas bags scattering of paper by collection or by blowing about would be avoided, the fact of our city being made un- sightly by papers b lowing about, finally lodging against fences or in shrubbery, was spoken of. This mat- ter has become such a, menace to the good looks and health of our city that it now engages the active attention of our public works department and that of mtaxj other publicspirited citisens. ;;. . -â- â€¢:â- â-  â- â- ; $-:--t^:7?w<--,,LC%': While Mr. Sherer was speaking there was a whisper that even the shrubs in our PnWic Library grounds Were at that moment heavily deco- rated with dirty papers and rags. Housekeepers were urged to look into the disposal of their wastje papers. .^>A>' • â- â- . M. Regarding the cleaning of snow this boulevard and Mr. Djrigm?«i Booh tot wipter, Mr. Sherer said the snow ^L:^ .....,^m^.m^^0^^ in certain stages of the disease, past- ing in and about their communitletT. Iflne.Jio^i^ tratlon was held up to be important fpr many reasonsâ€"as enabling statis- tics to be obtained regarding popuia tioiy to assist in prevent^ ehlldr^^ »Jlt !^hterins4 the industrial ;woji4,- •: .The:. members ^^^1^;^ ta|fe';lbotit this law and urge a favor- able passage of it this winter^ any beautiful slides were s :e#: ,. .....«m.......... preseat mei of Harrison well known *he solo roles at ... . . ,.. ........... , Vi .Yorkgipiii-:ltsw^^«|i^^ **«!'(^ â- â- â- .:'.-S.>>.\. â- '..jL-.h ', s n|ej-bf;;|awii,;: :tewlatiing-^i|J^ 'ei^ore|j^:|^^ us rosy .and ruddy and by poor hous- ing and new kinds of food Improperly prepared, run down .in^hea^.^s^/.are^^^^, ^^^^^^___^r-,. ^ ter building laws,\mb^em^^t;'icar^ â- ' •â- -'^ r ^~" -*^»;--^.*w.-i^ .ifi|:;:;nut: "'of â-  tfcbsf t^-. f&te,; :freim-iir schools outdoor sleeping tents on flat city roof9, fresh-air homes in,tb<8':0qa#£. mer| were subjects amply^ iUhstrated by the beautiful slides and the touch- ing up of various points ^ t|e speakerVf j|U ;«eit;^:l^ms^t^^:;.^ wished'Still more could be done among those unreached. And, after ail, it was a momentary relief toi tA freni our great cities' needs to a sample of something we have in Evanston. â-  These samples werej thirty-five children from Miss Holem's room in Larimore school, who, at the close of the meeting, stood up and sans; their songs with so much enjoyment to thlmselves and i| the ^^^^^^h^eh^rnl [ii trainikf and Manjr good voiceB, was afterwards voiced that it would be not a bad plan if these children would go about their neighborhood I :$m ^tne#dere^ Ihoili m ,eniB%-;iMri&^ .ittUj»;\a^BiSi^ tic*eteh^j|e^ 1^i||rtl»n^^ ..... ~ een^^-f^Bo^^ club *i at i&m' mW^j^^SSS^m and Adams,;.Cjhh^go;; ,5,,^,^ljf«»^fSte ^W^Msfi^ 'en's ^HoineOiilieBtoh^^ .lnihech^reh:periore^ ^P^ented:rhw::iUian^H^^ wm ^m^zzm mmm***^** plows are startesl out at 3 a. m., and keep it up until they have been over all walks, after such general work is done there is, after e heavy fall of snow, much to he done at the. corners, and if therf is much use of walks before the plow passes by, there Is packed snow left that cannot be removed. So, after all, the audience knew that, in most canes, to have the walks efficiently cleaned individual residents must see to it that they do their pari by. putting on the finishing touches. Much more could have been suggested if" time Miss Georgians Ousley is home from Smith College. ,*>*i M'â- '.";"â- â-  * ' Mrs. Frank O. ChalbeTg, 1427 Elm- wood avenue, entertained about twen- ty guests at supper last Sunday, in honor of her birthday. J<(EH| Tuesday evening she was hostess at a small gathering in honor of Mr. Gost Lan- % den, a visitor tron^i^U^m^k wfca is ; on his way tQ'XX0!im^^^'^r' Miss Alice Keith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Keith of Kenil- worth, was married Wednesday at the home of her parents to Eugene FbH- Mps Hall. Miss Dorothy Cterroll was I tie maid of honor and RoyM. Keith was best man. Lester 8. Cartott, Boh- r ert p. cross and 33.^;|fejD^Brinid irere I the ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll will 'ivy in Saskatchewan, Canada. A. F. Dean, 1106 Church street, was ; a prominent witness this week before the Illinois legislative committee that â-  is investigating fire insurance. R«P- \ resentative W. Tudor Madoc is chair- man of the committee. Mr. Dean is Western manager of the Springfield re and Marine Insurance company end is the author of the rutins system used in fire insurance in the west. William Warren Moore, son of Geo. H. Moore, Orrington avenue, who is Bow connected with the Fire Under- writers' BJlectrical I bureau of New T«k, wiU return to Chicago and as- «aiie the position of special agent of tte Liverpool, London and Globe In* •arance company of whi^h his lather =;w assistant western manager. Warren *»re Is well iqaown^-Btsissei^ **ere he has resided lor many yenrs. ^e gradhisied from Armour Institute «»d took, the es^tera position in Sep- tember of last year. He has perfected Ids training in the technical worst of ^ insnranee and for a man of his *ge has acquired an enviable tion» â€" â- -.^ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Danville, lllw-ennonnce the engage- ment of their daughter, Margaret Jane, to Carl Morris PlochmSn of 1137 Elmwood avenue. The eighth grade of the H. H. C. Bflller school gave three scenes from Dickens' ••Christmas Carols" Friday afternoon. The sixth and seventh gra^""siid-i^"in~tB °'^® W* were the guests. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Pearsons have returned from their wedding trip to New Orleans, La., Biloxi, Miss., and other southern points, and will be at home to 4heir friends m their apart- ment at*theiBUmwood. -y Miss Katherine Knight is home from Smith College, and her hrottier, Mr. F^emcte Knight, who has been made master at Hotehiliss/ is also home for the Christmas vacation, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ne- well oLKntelrtV 1W Asburf |venue. The friends of Biehard P. Hagan. twice representative to m legislature, will be pained to learn of «ie death of Bis wife, Sarah Hagnh; onDec. 17, at her home, 4S13 Jforth Paultoa street, Chicago. The funeral (services were conducted Jmto?ym*â„¢*» ** 1:*5 •* e^ittcted tins anernoen •»!•*â- * She. house, interment nt Rosehm Mrs. Hagan was n member Of Vesper Behekah lodge- A meeting of the Biheon Park Asso- jtffrm ttebthall dub was .held at Ev serenading their friends Christmas eve. No doubt many a sad and lonely ertsHull. 1601 Devon avenue, onTues- day evening. The dub presented their center litdfbnca> Dnve â„¢u*<*' with * toe pipe as A token of their .ppreciatlon of his work on the team. Mr Mitchell is leaving Bvanston to isV*sisiu«^^^ eTett- dance, was given. '"^J*^* H^.% stth*ett, P. * ^^^ J. Brady. C. TOnnti A. Woods. O. Me*- calf, T. Asbcroft, J. Ivanson, J. **9. rttattgte^^'lH*^^^ »* Fatrteirn, Jack Gorton, X***â„¢ O. Matthew. * Bntt. h ««^^ Matheiwm, a lfi*l*ls©n. T. Bonie. G- ifi^Nony, ^^mS^S^TTi A, McDougan, X llel^iaenn, o. » Campbell, D. Gnnnv portent, at times, to the comfort and health of our community. List ua as a department show our influence and help by seeing MMMvi?1* are properly cleanedâ€"and talk about the general subtject as opportunity offers. Mr. James R. Smart ga^ « v^ry interesting talk regarding the found- ing of the Olympic Club for Young Men of Evanston. All were rejoiced to hear of these public-spirited citi- zens, who, by labor and money, had eome forward of their own inclina- tion and supplied a community need. It was plain to all that the members of the club were progressive and pub- lic-spirited and intended to make their club one of the best in the city. The Woman's club, a sister organisation, follow with interest the work of this club and looks forward to seeing these young men take up some helpful work for the benefit of their home city. If the vigor and talents of this club would be actively engaged with that of the other organisations In the city, Evanston would be a still finer place to live in. . Mr. Smart's talk was followed by an address by Mr. Sherman O. Kings- ley, who explained the intent of the fond for parents' law, but for the most pert is a fund for mothers or a moth- ers' pension, though the Illinois law is broad enough to include in certain cases fathers also. This law enables mothers, who, on Investigation as to worthiness, may be allowed a certain turn for household expenses, to en- able her to earn for her children and not be obliged to leave them uneared for or work out, bringing in probably an taadeojuate sum, or of being Obliged to give up her children to eome nubMe htstitntlon. The mother tfcus can continue her fob of uome- jnaking, the public funds supplying the income. This method. In most eases, la more economical to the state than to break «p the family and to eare for the children In puhtte homes, and far an* away more humane to a .other, who bore the children awi| whose Mfe wens* be saddened and per- baps reined by taking from her her natartl duties. V* «•* our into* est to assist the passage of a hffl enabling Illinois to found m the comt- try a eoleny ftsr epflepties, who thus in â-  * ^i »sooe couM ho dren passed -ly|y|Go slowly as you s1njg,^&osew^ not think- ing about may gain a little cheer in their homes, when they hear those lovely carols wing by your childish The social service department ad- journed with a feeling of gratlflcaUpn that there were so many earnest, tal- ented people, whov were willing, in these busy days, to leave their own affairs of business and pleasure and come and give us such a splendid pro- â-ºsT*mt:'T"^4-. V'- W{?.'. 'y-'A.â- >â- â- .:* • '^'.h;- '[.-:{ The new civic, improvement com- mittee is composed of the follpwlng ladies, members of the social service followmg ladle* were nhattjiu^^^ I eleoiejdj^Ml*^* iffi'vC â- ' fcSandera,i:nr^|rle^^^ ,dent^«s.":N,'^-Benne^ Mrs., it.' :A ilBaieife ttfm^^mmii'"" department: Mrs. Charles H. Limbach, Mrs. E. 8. Barker, Mrs. L*. B. Hildreth, Mrs. P. K. Jackson, Mrs. S. S. Poppen- husen, Mrs. M. S. Davidson, Mrs. V. C. Balderston, Mrs. W. A. Locy, exofllclo. This committee will originate means of helping the various organizations and public bodies already engaged in carrying out clvie"improvem«mtSi Aiwlpriiilillii gg|rim"^ari^ ^.;^;.;».,,,.^!.Xmsn :DfSJR *^jsfea^ Z^VlW:?i MM By liw CriwM n«tar 4 Ili« Nu Um "THE SiEASOITS Hlt»«( Kilig's Cliristmas and NetirilT^I Table D'Hote WCaaram) I......... |.»..l^. rvsDitknar Music* pfcttlarPrifes. KING'S RESTAURANT .5th Ave. B*tw*ea BUdlMe

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