(*fc lifl! mmmmmmm ftfc &â- ;- [MM * AC ' ..V •!•. .â- ».'â- MM â- "â- :<â- DMA THIS ADVERTISEMENT AN& »AVE MONEY a * MA Eight day8 of |ifl«^icil8. T^fbi^se^lgg lo f^uc# sfdck to the very lows* begins . „„.„., Dec. 26th and continues until Mur400im 4lfi FLANNELETTE 8KIRT3. omen's flannelette etticoats, deep ruffle Iffloance, in cheeks and Ustripes, plain white and â- bine and pink, 69c â-¼al- â- nee ................39c tawO .ifeifc^ci; ^0&ffi$2&% if'â- 'â- *â- •':.'â- * ;-5^i?y I FLANNELETTE - ©OWN*. OWMren^s^Oowns1 good warm flannelette, In plain white and pink and lllne stripe, sixes 2 to H years, *9c values, 'S»;..>> *,•:« :^^4;»r*\*'>!^^-«'*;3SjC- S^|AT^it::fcOATS*,: f:- Women's and Misses' bweater Coats, single or double breasted style, made of all wool yarn, colors white, car- dinal and Oxford, $5 land $6 values, at... ..*&** $22.50 all wool serge Winter Co*^m&£ lining, Is*® ••»•«••*'••••-••••«• • '"*: *W||i-» mm^-m^S • * *"'• â- • .816.08 22.60 fine Broadcloth Coats, with good sattp lining. 16.98 .8.00 and $5.00 Winter Coats of wocl )aa*erial, now 1.98 10.00 and 112.60 Mackinaw and Job**? Coats, re* duced to........;.........,'M...........#^8i9S: 18,50 Wool Coats, double faced material, reduced||.,, 22.50 all wool Coats, diagonal materials, reduced to 14.98 ^2.60 and $25.00 Navy and gray ^%|nchilla .-&g^hi±h ^^^.O^yfeavy Kersey Cloth qpp|»;!ltaiff: been reduced' ^••^â- ' a l«f.to. ......3....;;'^^%;^^>.:'/i^VrK^iAI»' 27.50 Coata, diagonal, double faced, and fancy;:«ifc£pâ- ;? fe ' tuxes .......'..»"...................... **.. v ..- ZZ.av 35.00 Coats, in all wool, fancy materials, now re- - v.,/duced to...'..'...^*:.;.;ri;^.'..;i.........w.^...i^ 2WI8 10.00 and 115.00 Suits, all wool mixtnres, reduced to d\98 ofWomen 18.50 all wool serge Suits, black and navy, have been Open* Taisdai Dec^ 31 Until Store Closed All Diy Ne# _ reuuceu : to • • • • • • •> • •-».»•w ••.••..»...•«... isw " 22.50 fine French serge Suits, in >l*ck and navy, re- ijj--!-;": ,' fluced: to,v..» • • • ••• • *•-* •â- « »â- •«•,•'* •'â- •.• |â- ».••••••.•,- n*sw• â- 25.00 Suits and fsncy all wool materials have been *â- -"* reduced to ..^..•.••........•....•......••'io»*8 - 27.50 Suits iii all wool diagonal material have been reduced^ to ....<..............^........... 17.98 • 35.00 Broadcloth SuiU, also serge and fancy mix- ~'V :v--'-^v^.tUIlB^^iod|ieOO! .tO .i....#^,;».:.y..:>i-.,:#..» ••••'•'•' 18.88 ^~0~^7^7;-^i|ll|EN'8 COATS REDUCED.';"^.....^X""' I 5.00 and f(J.OO Children's all wool Cheviot Coats, : ' ' "'*--S&sizes %rjp$;"now;?i^^.v^x;^T^.-.^../.....» 8J8 8.00 Children's extra fine Quality Chinchilla Coats - reduced to ............................... 6J8 10.00 Coats in wool Chinchilla and fancy mixtnres â- $. reduced *o.>...;...*..........>.#............ 748 TURKI8HTOW Bleached and nnbl»i|8n- ed, wortb 18c, <o»^.8«i Best Quality, atr^od, 12%c quality, l|ryards > If "pi ^ m '"'I ;, n? Ss£':Sits3P^iW*'W8yHM8>-. Children's Brawers of good ntnslin, tucked ana hemstitched ruffle, edg- ed with lace and em- %,to a* |l. «^PsO' MEN*8 UNDERWEAR. Heavy fleece lined Un- derwear, regular Worth up to SOc a yard/" for, yard .......-----.9e mmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmmm 8WEATER COATS. Boys' grey Sweater Coats, with close fitting value, at ^.........7*e MU8LIN Women's" Gowns of good quality muslin, tucked and embroidery yoke, 69c values... .39c BLANKETS. â€"|f5--- 11-4 heavy double faced Blankets, grey and tan, regular |1.60 value, for ....../...... #t^NNitinrtE:#^;- QOWN8. Women's flannelette Gowns, in blue and pink stripe, 890 values. .39c HOCKEY GAPES. Boya' and Girls' Capes, made of all wool yarn, plain colors and combi- nations, 69c values.39c ........jo?«......... ...........__....... _ _............^._i£@Wi0 i&e* ^§m now reduced to .......................i mi lljSS 12.60 Men's and Tonng Men's 3ults and Overco ts --|v*;l M **f; PlUOMT CASES. 16c value, for.... 10^40 1% yards wide, for fur- nttnre eoveringa, regn- lar 618S value, yd. .73c 5^5 and $6^0 Youths' Suits and Overcoats have Suits "and" • "a£ ^' .â- .â- ; jl '...% reduced this sale to. 9.00 and $10.60 Boys' :>t%'. T lOlli"it.iliifs_iT'3.7' 4.50 and 3.96 and iJOO anil â- ^â- ^t^:lw-J«a# StUta and Over- reduced to. . .. **4j» Suite and Orer- T reduced to..... $m SuiU and Over- ^ reflncedto...... .-8^1 __ ... Boys, ages 3 to -^r •». -_--o^- - . v-.^ a*» •:**#»•»*>• ».*«^4fc».»*^'»'5,ri v; ^1S 3-»i to $4.46 Overcoats for Uttle Boys, sges 3 to 10 ., .^w: years, now ati«....;....;.;lj....'^;'...v...;.i -^,4$^ 8S.68 Trousers, for dress wear, now reduced to......S3J8 ^i*S g»d f^S» **a&*m&*dross wear, now........ 849 * 2*22 Som,e,^*>r 4t«sm jwsar. now radoeed to..... M2.19 ,2^0 Trousers, far a^esa wear, now redaeed to....... 1J6 2.00 Trousers, for dress wear, now redneed to....... 1>6S 1^0 Trousers, for dress wear, now rednced to....... ij§ 1^6 and $1.50 Knickerbockers for Boya reduced to.. 1.10 .50 and 69e «Kaickerbocket* for Boys reduced to... JS CURTAINS 42 inches wide, J bian color, 69c 'yard ....".. i,.. TABLE CLOI Worth 50c and 60c, tur- key red, for, yard. .86c OUTINO FLANNEL- Dark striped, lOowMlIh ity, fori yard.:...>.^8c CRiTONN^^pI;;:"1"! One lot, yard wide, Uant colors, 26c valne, at ....».»• ♦.^â- »,*'i»i.*:% #. SKIRTING FLANNEL. All wool,.with regular^rfee 71 yard/1pi-;"-«: %^sps/ . asjmky ... value, for, â-º.«'• * • » 0-0 **|lp, Regular 76c value. for *i>m. m m m^ m « . . . •'.<{£ .4Sc DRE8SINS rWissag.^inolr|;^* vane,. for =;;£ ^... • â- SHOULDER SCARFS. Made off plain â- n* sntD, a regular S8e vans, for................880 HOOKS AMD EYES£ 18 inches widsw wosthlu-i extra 76tti SHA UnMeached Flann»], DARNING worth l«4c yard. 7Vic , r, largr sixe; grey, fin and white, fegmlar $2.96 â- for'.^I^IISLIS MATS. ::;' Men's sad Toons Men's Sift Cloth Hats, for dress wear, regular $2 vatae, at..........81.89 TOOTH BRUSHES. Wefth up to 26c, tor Sc BLANKETS. 11-4, very fine, wool fin- ish, in white and grey, sold regular for $2-50, for ?.............S1.IS SERPENTINE CREPE. DRESS MBSSA ?!&&&%& 29e value yi^i^.. .180 CORDUROY vIlvET, 29 mebes wide, in Mask and Use, $1.00 valns, yam •â- .••^.,j.-:^..^...«..^rb t m GINGHAM. Silks, regular $UK â-¼aluevfor..........88* CAMBRIC Light striped, worth 20c value, yard....9%c 20c, yard ........K»>ic now reduced to. 'oak Sideboards now reduced Is.;..... 16J0 17.00 fancy Chtoa Closets, unusual values, now.... 13J50 12.60 golden oak Dining Tables now reduced to.... H45 80.08 quartered oak Buffeto are now rednced to____1*5* Beds have been rednced far this sale-.. 19LS* L0* Brass Beds have been reduced tHe sale...... 18ls* eed this sale...... 9l7S ^1»^:«^fc**JP»*Bd^^ Tj6$| â€"«â€"-. Ubrirj Tames are now fednced to 1*8*3* 8.00 Parlor Tables naro :^- sale to ..>.^...... 14.00 Dressers, oak or to £...___......^...... afi* solid oak Dressers have be. 5.00 arm Parlor Rockers have sale to................ 3.00 oak Diaing Chairs have to................. 7* net yd. Iinol__________ .40 per yd. Ptoor OH Cloth haa -•'^?;peryard . for this .have Cne lot Red SeaL 12i ounltty; yard •....', DRESS GOODS. ;': - 60 pieces to pick frosa, sold all the way up to $L25 a yard, yard...SSs 8ATIN FOULARDS. t Yard wttte, patterns, $X26 '-*.*'**,J?**:«|^fe;: coRiET cotvers. Corset Gov- ers of Wool In sties, grey witt white fees, value, per SWEATER COATS. ChOdrea'a Sweater Coata, in plain or fancy w^aiua, cotats wallav red and Oxford, fXS* " 8* so lie tern* ;|?.i%*^*.SJS!0. 76c a ini*; ynrd...87c .i&^BlO ;•.»«--*• i»«; M±