Hip! giturned from a'W^M Hindermiii ■ "" ^ is visiting 'inr^M jfaa. a Keilyp ]^Mtas returned ' Iton, Iowa. »4'*§*s Hiss Bath Mttc [street, to «>endinf ,:* rtbers »oIS- ^ Uj. 0. W. Pearson; [has ■'|*nnMld from sp lUia Gladys JackaQ _jue, is spending m'^^^0mj0M lioft in Rensselaeiy.,^^^^^^^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank fa jfUdred, 2525 JOarflell Se returned from^'JimPml^^m Kytc. and Mrs. I^nce^iWWiigi^ filing Mrs. Turner?! 4** Mrs. P. Oaynoi^^ »Tenoe. ' .fitt II& Robert smith < ^ent the holidays ;yr^^j^!0^aA0 STand Mrs. MUton^f^|hi^iiM( Central street .. '"-^^--"^S^^^^ if* and Mrs. Wfl^BrtiH^WPjS^. jlgftfosville, Ind., .ar*^^::Jtte^^# Mr and Mrs. F. D. W^i&^^mB^f rkwnftreete . -'li^ipit jjr. Paul Johnson of Slwp: Hawiiwi itreet has returned to Indlanapollv Ind, after spending tii'-iw^W^^^^ «• mother and slate^ii^t^l^,^ Ijfci. Warren E. Tio^li^m0W%. Ireh, Frances and Marlon, of JMirora, Ifljare spending afeWjda^^ rXNorris, 240f BDarrtaofli May . 3 l^firSlL... .... fa^f^^'iiaa: !^':fti||rifiiMie^, a*. l&jMl^tj^^ city i&fi^fciada^ Carter of Michigan spent ii*W$ ,r.„f^ J^'*^ iweft of Mr. and ;||y|^^ttKchp2ai4 Lincoln fcel^ her Miss Blossom Burch ||\-i^Mip^;1ite. ............ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bessey Smith, Hartsell street, have as their Mr». Smith's slater, Mrs. W. W. of Nebraska. ; j i||gfSJi$^ been her slater, Mra. Thomas k|B?2 Sheridan road, left Tues- day for St Louis, Mo. Mr, Percy Kidder, who has been the of his brother, Mr. Warren E. Kidder, 2307 Harrison street, has re- turned to New Orleans, Xa. Miss Florence Trivess of Chicago has been spending a few. days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Trivess, 2f03 Harrison street. \r:^;:j^lto.;yi.:M. Norris and chil- -^....,.,dren of Aurora, IIL, left Monday Mrs. Charles Q^mmt^^^m^^imm^, the guest of her^^fe^JI^^SS1 Bassoe, 2207 CoUax street, has left for her home in Los Angeles, CaL Mrs. James K. Paul and siite^lllil Blanche Lowry, 2|^':JB?a^|ii^9l|fc^pi^ leff last week to spWl " ^" with their mothei^!iirl^^||ipH^fi of Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Bounce the engagement of their daogh ter, Frances OnriMi&MM&MlMm aid Shotwell, wii'^^^m^Sm^ weB of 630 Univejliljiiic^^^^ . fhe regular business meeting of the Woman's association of Covenant M. R Church has been pbmpohed from this Wednesday ^^#^fij|jf;]BjittW^ Wednesday on ,aecoj^^:^:^^"HBW,. Year's celebrations..^^^fem^"' Mr and Mrs. Merritt Mott and chil- dren, who have been spending the week as the guests of Mrs. Mott's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman, 2303 Harrison street, have returned to their some in Rockford,;;IllJ^^^^^r Members of the local Phi Delta Theta fratefotygrheye re- tarned from spending Christmas at their respective homes and are taking m their biennial convention which opened this monitag hi~ Chicago at the la Salle hotel ;!l^XS-^':j|^^:i 1 The Egmor^J^^^I^'pme^ ■ant M. E. churchr^illljpgli^~. social" Friday evening la the chnrch Parlors, a great niany things hare vmgffifc after spending the week-end with Mr. ^Vank Y. Norria, 2407 Harrison street Prof. James A. James, who is'at- tending a meeting of the National Historical assoeiatton in New York, will return the latter part of the whet planned by the soeial <^nnmittoe, and a good time te iif^ly to be had. The pnblic is mvited, and eapeciany is ■ tte invitation" -^^-^-^-^ ^^--^««-^ the P««Ple of the church. fe" Invitations M^j^SJi^W^- •ad Mrs. John Newton Doyle Cor the ■arriage of their dan^iter, Jnlla Li- ■«« and Mr. Warner Green Baird of Chicago on the evefting o* 3te»day, ^»- H at 9 ^d^^:MlJfSmr "*& :,*ace, H04 Michigan a^eane. Mr. and tiba, Baird wui be atr home after May lftTit-1420 CbicaKo Was Gladys Efeald had Mrs. Frank Bftrald,,aa^lM>r matron of ** her wedd^ T«esdajr nl«?it, ^waatSiia^aclemsa*© -^ H* . RW»eftaliiS-^:ls^«iKl^f:^ "wmaids were tlrt ]ttsaea Adele *«kt of CarllhvIBVBo^T>«e»at of *I»i&ed" Bversx of *«*«" Bragg acted the nshers werefMeeara. Cla- ^_ J Luther, Hobert Hariland awl ^»s A*efl.|5^^^e*tt»«»5r,^0|t J^« in the First llethodfet drarca. "shop WfllisaB i^m^er XcDowfdl, a» [;:■■■■*!« by^nt.: Tfmotky Preacott B¥oat; K. 1RB" tin* - a»M>«f^|i^j-iipg^ilii^:, ';: ;*• service a reeeptloa to A> -^™* rtimllliC T Kwi**« sOMrity-Fl ^^afjaSSreaiiw w**^ pareats, 75» Hiamam ■f;i0.^Mt^Slil^'2327 Central street, has returned from a family reunion at Omaha, Neb., where he was #ie gnest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dale. •:■ • 'k-:- '* ;^||io Miases Theodora, Bather and Mafjorie Grantham and Mr. James Grantham, 2415 Hartzelt street, will entertain this evening at a New Tear's eve party. .^-;-.-'-:: ■ •'•■*j - -; The young ladiea' gjinnastlc classes of the northern end of town will begin ttiefr classes again Monday, Jan: 6, after a two weeks* vacation, with Miss Lydia :L. l>iclisenring as directress. Mr. and Mrs> Cosmer of Greencaa- tle, Indi, are the guests of Mr. and Mr*. Xj. J- PhilUps, 2728 Woodbine avenue. Mr. Cosmer Is superintendent of the campus at DePauw university. ^ Mr. and Mrs. George T. Palmer, 1225 Hill street, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Leila, to Joseph W. Graf, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Graf, 1240Haregory aTenne Mr. Lester MacNaughton of Argyle, who is attending the University Local Organization Makes Rec Hiwmtt for Var%«| {0M sMm. Mmu Choice Between Candidate v Taylor and Jail/ WSisjTtei^ Fpr Next Meeting. spi^ll^^^fflwifsff t= 222: Wa nerv^shatteriMl by thsaotth^^ f eott76t a debateh aad^ , tion which he raoeived at the handa of Captain Clinton, Jaffries at length confesses having .^nunitte^ttlw etlB^a#l||ainj|^^ but hU wUe, Annle? knowing through her father something of the methods employed by the police, succeeds m interesting Richard Brewster, the family lawyer of the Jeffriea, in the case, and with his help proves tha In- nocenoa of|ijsi. husband, w ;^ f'0'^i • ' The new leading lady of the 8tock company^ MUs Isabella Randolph, makes heir delmt to an Bvanston a«d> ence tonight, and wiU doubUesa justi- fy the high, recominendations under which she comes to the company. *,; 3$$^^ Bvanston, Kenney * R.'s 6V J436 Pralrte twanftv T>r. J. W. Mahood of Michigan spent Christmas with his family at 2329 Hartsen street Mr. Mahood is an evangelist and writer and pleased a large audience with hia lecture Sun- day evening at the Chrt^e»ant pL K. 'ehnt*^,'g5:5^ys-'%:f..^' '*'.. ~r-'--:^. ^^jj^Mli^tmt^aimA Place; l^t for Sioux City, hu. Jfew Tear> night, where he has accepted a position. A fareweU party wiE be given him tonirfit. A jaige nnpher of giiesta ftom'.'Hm noithaaore will l^-ninesesdbi^^:^;"- ,;-.v^K- ^j^wd :iiieetmg o* &* He^ghhor- hood club of Central S*«et school wiU be held the fliird Tfcntadar of nejrt mc«th. President George a Va- teatino anaooncea that Rev. George Craig Stewart of St Lata* dmrch #m be the apeaker anal will gfre some of Wa Skjafcda aWiea and teadings. Aekerborg; Sidney Goltra and Craw- ford Warraa haVe returned from Naah- vlfei Iteaw where taay have heen atUaadiB< tl» national convention of Sterna Alpha Kpsflon. Tbm neat cast ventlon, wMca wRt ml» Pl**o *» *&** wfll bo held hm Cafcaff>, whfc* wan tMOhoaor after a sp&tted contest with At a meeting of the Bvanston Demo- cratic club, held Monday at Wood- man hall, an overflow crowd being present, the dlvison of the spoils which belongs to the local organisa- tion because of the Democratic vic- tory in state and nation was taken up. The big plum which the change in administration places at the dis- posal of the Democratic party, is the local postmastership, and the clnb last night did hot take any definite action on this office. The principal candidates who are np for considera- tion are Mr. James H. Wells, who lives in Evanston, and wan a drug- gist for sometime in this city, and Mr. George Taylor, the groceryman, whose Place of business is on the corner of Davis street and Chicago avenue. Childa Holds On for a While. Owing to the fact that the present term of Postmaster Childs does not expire until about a year from this time, ft was not necessary to take any definite acUon on tWs ofttce at The men recommended by the local clubs for the other offices are: For at- torney of state board of insurance, Mr. A. A McKinley of the First ward; for inheritance tax attorney for Cook county, Lewie w. Parker of the TW*d ward; for assessor* Charles H. Rose of the Sixth ward; policeman of the Sani- tary district, John Gatrell of the Fifth ward. These recommendations are conveyed to those who have the power of appointment and it is believed that the men ieCoiuiniende4„^ offices. .. ..-..■ ■/". :^^.,&^- ^., Taylor Waa larijr Dmoent. ^ The meeting was In the nature of a love feast no opposition bemg de- veloped on any of the» aMve^offleei. The nominations were, made front the floor of the meeting; and were nuni* imous in erery case. Another meet- ing win he held in the course of a week or two, at which definite recom- mendation wffl he made on the post- mastership. The two candidates for this office are having petitions circu- lated, and wfll have them presented to ifr1wmm£--.y-:':-'^ .... Mr. Ck»i^ Taylor, apie ef &&***! didates, was the Hint Bemocndic N.'"Wv:university .'suoii;h)is';i to:^^ 0, block 9^1^^ Dec. ,i«^^|S# N.... Mr. university 'to' city of '"^^ Bvanston, solely for a nitra- tion plant in connection with its-wa^;wo?is^**.... • •»•;.> -lilip1 Bvanston, Arnold Jb W.'s addn lots 3 and 4, block 3, Oct 24 I --BliMbetb T. Lambertson to 'ESmma' 1»..' Graces.»., •«* •«• * • North Bvanston, lots 2, 3, 10 %ad^"J^^.lSwaifc.;^- tihi^*;-..,, v5^ncumbj^yu»<^ ..■ vOct; ■p^^' ■-.'•'i»f $* By CHARLES KLKI! AothorloC "TH« MUSIC KA8TBR ; jPHjJIiMp: ^aaaspll^J^^y*, '}$S§:: K-w^^who is attenaing tne umwnvj ~T Z> WA w**mt w**L bavinK east his Ghrlstnias holidays with his cousins, Mr. sad Mrs. W.JBL. Puttee, bis rote for this Denioci^^ thirty-two years. *sr twe»l|4I^ years Mr. Taylor hm heen *: JndgS of election, and ft V^^^[ Democrats have lies* ** ^^^ beiouJidiiWnen^ election of hla faith. ': ji^rd-^^S^rS ; to do with win- aing the victory. P< W %r: the ..evAwroic Daring the week beginning Dec 36, with extra holiday matinee Mew Tear's^ day, flie BTvanaton Stock com- pany presents the Mew York Hu* son theater success, -The *hfrd.» gree,- by Cnarles Kline, aatfcorai ^The Lion and the Mmm^^M^ told, the story iff ^Jollo^sa^y^oflaitt art8tllcratle NeiT Tjf* *»&* «** at Tale contracts a saawlsfa wlta »e daughter of a Me# Haven policeman. Cast off by Ws family, yams; Je*rlss eaters upon the dowaward path of life, sjfff«'"fif*;;»P» to *"*•* "^ through all his degradation his yoaag wife clings to hlsa. TfcwTnsay oijen* with the discovery of Hebert llnder- wood murdered in his own It is Inaawn that yewnsj threatened bis former friend, and be is suspected of the crime.- - «a» " is gi»ea Clinton, a poUce ^^.^^ is that be has •merer failed to get hla nan.* After a setere grflHtg be gfves Jeffries what is kaowa in gelice safv lence, ••flsaJWi* ------- . ---^-.---^ 'aWawT ^fJf*ssai^ w*^.i^-^^^SSSSS7msri~m La Safe Sfcation {c^os^ isbt 2*8a.nLr-7 &44 ^mi-~ll Departure from (63rd St Engl< to Saiitli fim^m^%3&a.mw--ldlS■>' m?599fr ll^B pi mu Eartor ears, sleeping car service. ;/:;-.:,; ^^,Mmm, Automatic Block Stomal* r.:. ^:M^'-%W"M:^:n-,-^ Tickets and leaeitaiions CMtrml*H6; 3210; ftOfff «>RE«EALT»: ESTi4TEAF^MO ta#L CkJcss*OffteMfN. t^gmneS aisSwtfriiK IATION IK laifV iML) latest*** :*1SK^ SSt-.'iii §P^|®'SfiE>^^5;| ■X*:£" •.r'.iii«c-.--SSjSS ill