l^f^pi^lff ^ . fSPP|if| mmim Msfcbif tore of the iieJaMsniop... 0* _ takon^to■ tMk gpyliii iftrtstsr i» «*at eft*, jrtoyy prises d* tft*«im«h wtftai: w alkrw m* to b*W tk* pleasar* sssfa* bin in thi« worfd, a* i am ■i'«|?T'<";: .. ...,,., Tlme-TeWnf M ;*MffV-: ■£? Apigl comparatively few of the MtffTf* of Tnrfc»r own watches, yet th«yJuiTO«alB««»km«wmyofapproxr tflMtfsg tho time, and soma of them h» it with ooMldermWo •odnrscy. Sfksy loos* *w0 cardinal point* of the S* iiiiTiii ■irf '*--^ ^"-"-f .';#I^H' hands together In each a manner that *fk* foreflngere point upward and in iswostt* directions, they obserre the In the morning or ere- er th* other wffl point directly at the A oomparlaon of the two shad- will determine tho houra he- waitt aos Bfuwa rwults •TT9 to* +*** ********* **> pro" fOn^Smythera^*^-111*^; l&*5^ *?!£££ ii^c*«» <* !•• - . Ferfcane a Trnnlo ComeoTy. ^ A wrttw onee aaid that the world is a eoniedy to thoee who think » tragedy to those who feet He dcWt •a/what it!* tothe fellow who trie; to i$to/*.>ty&iw&&m*% A »naiiwirjriity*a^ ANMOUNCKMCNT. School .FORSALE 'Bom C*s*mi4f*s>mr ?A.OD .....'--niiMctew'.a*. v-ifr.; Upholstaar and Cabinet Maker MATTRESSES AND CU**!,***^ | '- - ^v- ANTIOUt FURNUyRaAarPAIHED ^ .,. :;m> Td»fc»H WliMtt* 235 Qpaislte C. t W. W. R, B. lifit Hrttari WftOel, IH, ••'&' WM. t. W«hw«t«dt, pre** 562UNCOLN A Supplies Aursmobiles Stored, Machine Work 4 Re-built *<:,:$ ■£ DisTRiKOrroRS m* Stud«baker9 American and Borland Electric Cars THE WNEST4IA*A«irOT Pi If flaw " While strongly compe^ undry indui ■-' . ,-.■.• 3 4:.■• ~f^ ;.S-'...;.V"%^|%^>, nbt only to ittake their plants the ve SfSlliiiScaini^ ...loT^liiifonning... the public " IflfiW^ enougfi btit ||ll|#||||§^ man will tel youA ^.^^'^ '•'3^||J|Si:;j5;J^-";;/';":':Thc fact ia theic lAwliry'men'a^c so thoroughly ^w ;..;,^'1|^S^^X viiiced that wide kLmWfeot laundry condition^ mea^t g fe^1;^fe>v?g»W#*i demand » thL&at service, that they have I0--IM:. willing to^^;tQ.c|n8iderable exfjense fer the general:-.*--n^g;: $$^&-^i-:i^^ yeta;ico1i^e^/turn over a n«wjea| give any of the following laundries a trial order: Nelson Bros. Lamdry ^^^^^W Laundry F0KSS£it6 &. LARSO HAND UtUNDR CliTlliS AM ^(fjpf KOUTT 662 RAILROAD AVENUE .PNtti^'«|w';-:^» WIMNBTrKA. ILL. p|^fj|5^p|p^^p||||;|g::r ;^*inrouLP yoo. Liicr a ^ ■ Bungalow it Winnetka? ->;>!'i|^:^ I have one that witt nfoateyoti. aia room* and a bath-room on one | Hot water heal, fine oajidmne emm and chxiJcsAj&gbf\\ in. ele0oo6oftBosanbm£oioVtfihioiM fireplaces maal^^eajovmthe winter; tmA the lalgo aei»ened%ffeh that yon tike to lounge in in •nnuner evening!. The lot hav a frontage of 90 ft. and very deep; and it filled witbnatnraiandorna> mental tree* and .hrabs. Wet, •*> 16500. %.1'!)JJ- HubUrdWoodt-Tel. Winnetka 2f8 French Laundry II(tifBiBiil^B^ if.. # Thig, our fifteenth annual January sale, wi Mt^C0; b* Wade notable by <$$gj^^ Diflcrimuiating Pur buyers have more and mole, year by year, appreciated this anntial opportunity. The reductions are actual, and, in many instances, the prices are^Jowef than cost of raw material. It is well known that our regular price* are generally lower than ether so called Clearing Sale prices. We have made unusual reductions. tf»i» |eat| having determined to reduce stock to a minimum, on account of extensive alteration* made necessary by our ever growing business. " ' _ ■\:/'-y:^mmm^MM&^ The Mme comment applies to "* ^ * •■-■ :^..r '.* -■**■.**:■>:&<**&» ^^^^iri**«i|tf to order and Kofisaky Scarli and Mnffg ' $25.00 Kollnaky Soarf*.,.... .?1»30 Wmr&m Kowiiaky ;mmx&*'w* 60.00 Kolinsky Scsrf8,...,V.3W» 30.60 Koltaslty Mnffs...:..;. 2\m 35.00KolinskyMnffa.;,.,... 25^)0 37.50 Kolinsky Mnffs........ ZFJ60 Mink Scarft& Molfo 133.50 Mink Scarfs..........S20.00 45.00 Mink Scarfs.... ^WiM Mink fikart8v.;PJ|l,-4':«KM». sf 9K0A Mink 8carfa.m> .-^ &J60 100.00 Mink Scarfs...^. .^it ?OjOO .126.00 Mink Boarfa^v ?.C i XmBOM Wto -Mink ^8e*ri»*KIM M$1BJ09 60.00 Mink Muff*. *,-«« »»« «»««. * iS rauu fi^fJO Pointed Pox Mnffs..... W^JO mwim scnr%^^::^^:ipw 574o; 66.00 Pointed. Fox Muffs...,. 52J0 " "iinTi„.:: •adMolft 90.00 Mink Muffs..'!.', .. 45.00 %,, S7J0 ... saso 100.00 Mink Muffs........... 75X10 ?115.00 Mink Muffs......... #. 85.00 125.00 Mink Muffs........... 96.00 150.00 Mink Muffs..V"li|^^p0 BUck Lyme Scarfs & MoJft S45.00 Black Lynx Scarfa....S32^0 52.50 Black Lynx Shawl..... 37^0 75.00 Black Lynx Shawl..... 57.50 87.60 Black Lynx Mnffs..... Z7J» 45.00 Black Lynx Muffs..... 32J0 67.50 Black Lynx Muffs,.... 5Oj0O 85.00 Black Lynx Muffs.... S730 :: 16.50 Cajtumi Scarfs....,,.. ' 12M 22.50 Caracul Scarfs........ 1ftJa 25.00Caracul Scarfs........ 1&SO Mw ICaissenl «carfsa ^. "Ml. 21.50 lll^.50,>«lalacnj::|ltta%.|;^:r^ 16.50 Caracal Mnffs......... 124k> 20.00 CaraclU Muffs........ 154» 25.00 Caracul Mutts......... 18^0 30.00 Caracul Muffs.........-. 22J0 $30.00 Pointed Fox 35.00 Pointed Fox Scarf a.... 40,00 Pointed Fox Scarfs.... 52.60 Pointed Fox Scarf a.... 40J» 35.00 Pointed Fox Scarfs.... j&JBQ 8150 Pointed Fox Mnffn..... 30JO 40.()0 Pointed Fox Mufrn.....3^50 acgaTn ana Maffi - I^.M NaUu^l Hudson's B»y Sable Two-skin 8ea*f ^........S60A) J90.00 Natural Hudson's Bay Sable S:*weiaiUii WeMyJfi^J&t&WUto 3135.00 Natural Hudson's Bay SaWe ? Three-«Wn Scarf ;..:...SfftjOS $135.00 Natural Hudson's Bay Bable ^PSAakfti ScarlS^bv^^it^ia S85.00 Natural Hudson's Bay Black Fox Scarfs and MtrfYs fl#.50 Black Fox Scarfs..... .f 11.50 22.50 Black Fox Scarfs___.. 18.50 27.60 Black Fox Scarfs...... 22£0 35.00 Black Fox Scarfs.,..,, 27JO 45.00 BlaciLFox Scarfs...... 36.00 20.00 Black Fox Muffs....... 15,00 22.50 Black Fox Muffs....... 18.50 25.00 Black Fox Muffs....... 21.50 27.50 Black Fox Muffs....... 22^0 35*00 Black Fox Muffs.. ,v..• ♦' 37.80 S KassigA Se^kle Scarfg andMnffs ^ I 90.00 Russian Sable Two - skin Scarf :..♦..*...*;....852.50 mM Russian Sable# Two- d€# skin scarfs ..........,... .10000 185.00 Russian Sabjc Two- aldn Syarf . .-^jSi^;.. 150.00* ^^MQPMBam Safte/Two- sltsr^carf v...^Tm.....150^ 300.00 Russian Sable Two- skin Scarf-----.____..... .215.00 375.00 Russian Sable Two- akin Scarf............... 265.00 400.00 Russian Sable Two* skin Scarf ..........;....27o\0t^ 325.00 Russian Sable Four- skin Muffs ......i..i.....225^i 375.00 Russian Sable Four- skin Muffs ............... 265.00 600 00 Russian Sable Six- "■ skin Muffsr?0V i>>V,.. .-'it. .400.00 900.00 Russian Sable Six- ^ .,, Skin Muffs w.„ ..^-..„,,..600.00* Fur Repairing and R Sktrak Scarfs $30,00 Skunk SeuetBm^%$9Q^i :■ ,35.00:Skunk 'Searfs^«m,*2W0- 40.00- Skunk Scarfs; i'g0W$*\&**: #5.00 Skunk lca%;i!iilj:87.59 ■'■' SO.0O- Skunk Scarfs. :'i W^W^i 1QA$ ' 32^d.-Slmnk.':liuffs|^i>i^^-r M Skunk 'Mun*sli|?iiSii&: &Mj nral Hudson's Bay Sable LOO Natural Hodsoh'i Bsy Sabte Muff ;.. ..* ...;. «■»,.»,«,.«,. ( • »>.»J)120jB-' $200.00 NJUtuld Hadson's Bay Sabto ■■•i-.i Mnif ^,*..;>w»,«>i.:f^. ».p,_^*»,»».-JS135^^0 $350,00 Natural Hudeons Bay Sable Muff ^j^0^tnJKf:, 9m&mJbmt&m0^ $ 50.00 Russian Pony Coats..832.50 60.00 Russian Pony Coat*.. 42^a ? Ot.50 Russian Pony Coats^ 9040 85.00 Ruasian Pony Coats.. 6A00 100.00 Russian Pony Coats.. 67.50 129J0O Ru**ia% Pony €oaiMP M .§-.,»*; -*^%>--i' •PW 50 60 $150.00 Hudson Seal and Ade; x SUferhd Kki:;:iMaxm ' .00 SaW^Bqi and Muff .*. $265.00 Caracul 54-i $285,00 Hudson Steal v»oa*». .'..'.»■..■* *(%. »;>i ,«.«%■■»•■« 4"'* •"■» • • $265.00 Hudson Seal Model $400.00 Russian fitadfle-Tiireo-l^ :^|skw ,Scarf *W^m^t.JK "276.( $9<MM»0 Russian ^i^i^KSP^- iisskin. Muh^^^*^^^.^|^:'90O ........----- -^ ^920J» 36.00 Beayer^Snawt^^^i.: £M£ 25.0L $30.00 Beaver Shawl 36.00 Beaver Shawl 39.00 Beaver Muff sr 35.00 Beaver M%ffs.. M Ssili-^?^"?" ^^4- •*;ii^i $100.00 Caracul Coat*.>r. 125.00 Caracul Coats..>■ _ 92.50 135^)0 ClH»clB3^iatS^S^ 96^*> ,^00rpu^:;ipba^ IK Hada^M Soert CcMtty $215.00 Hudsc^ Seal Coat*..OlOOpf 235.00 Hudson Seal Coat*:. 1»*»; 265^0 Hudson Seal Coats,, 205. ■WP, MttiNAii •P-f N.. W. cor. Stote 6f Wwhin^ton 3trec«