Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jan 1913, p. 15

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,. w. E. Paddocji l^^lock of 1830 She; fading .the holiday^ Canada. | ^dancing club, co Owelty couples, gave a ^1 Year's eve at Si. |jth house. |p| Walter A. ..... street, has i*eturne4 *^5» |^i -Jal^aT spending &e Ibqli y§ Barents. ...' ~-^" |f. and Mrs. Bead**!* i, and Mr. andrMfgi;ii Dewey avenue. ■■9m^^w^m dar. la. /:::;§|||llM^ ie Misses Pauline and 2115 Harrison street, of their friends evt a y evening. _ v^jpg lends of Mrs. **;lm| Shetmao avenue, idjlj^liil^ thai she is recov«^^B^;|ipfii|ft at St. Frahce^|i|n^ " K. S. KeHenb^ger* 20QJ street, T«turne«, home #|il«c Dayton, Ind., where »h* was of her mother, and Mrs. Williajna and family of Msrimsvine, Ind., left ^ ^asl.2, after spending the jrl| Mrand Mre. F. a Ridmrds, Bajrisonstreet. ft-. William Walt^ i&d aSn. snaf, 1507 Hinman avenue, have to nsttle Creek, whore istered as guests of the Battle Webeter, from the A,yMW», 2315 aa thfir guests sli^ui. La Vivian t*Chapelle league of the Cove- „_'. wrilj .*#fc;fsf«>cial In the churoh parlors. ^IWvllBU^ir^aa va»d"^fc Harry Whitehead, 2315 ^ ^^^Becfe, Mr. and Mr*. ajnon^tn^ptosent. W^f$%, ■} - • the Avenue nouae: Bvanetonr 111.; Mr. m,:i!^.T.,. ^^ Mis« CkrfBn, Bvanaton, "~**i<-,M'^-t - ; Evanston; J. H. Coyle, Im Davy. Elgin, m.; A. _awr^oe> Chicago, 111.; F. S. Lot- will hold a public installation of offl- ;'e)i^^|^o^^k»A Jaii. 2. %The ~r'>-*-1 l^U};^^ G. the retiring patrdn is Otto -<l The incoming matron is Emma ■ss* parish house Monday evening, Jan. 20. Mrs; Ernest G. Yates is visiting at the home of Mrs. Nelson J. Bennett, 1418 Judson avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Yates have been in the west during the past year, and; he is now on Ills 'way to- Berlin, Germany. . Mrs. George C. Clark, 1423 Chicago avenue, entertained at a party Ne% Year** evei in honor of'; bW'.gliel^ Mrs. Webster. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ruttan and Mr. and Mrs. it. J. McCallum.:* ^ '■ :-0,, . , Mies Emma Hahn, 1000 Foster street, *:,w*©.'-l*return<etf-- 'Who. •■.$. .-Si* months' tour of Europe in December, left for California on Monday, to go from there to Honolulu. Idas Hahn is a sister of Mrs. Charles Lin8ter. v.-^ *,\ • ^' *■ v-'$x&r--%r Die Larson, Edmonton; Raymond Waite, Chicago; M. C. Hints, Milwau- kee, Wli.f «enry BL :§&fc*$ti$: niette. 111.; Mary B. Hubbard, Glas- gow, Mo.; D. F. MacDonald, Culebra, Canal Zone. Principal and Mrs. Nathan Wilbur Helm on Wednesday, Jan. 1, ejiter tained those Academy studenta who were not able to go home for the vaca- Uon. Principal Helm has accepted an invitation &-*&"kfr&-&\*T1&: Problems of Secondary Schools" at the Methodist Bducattoiial association, in Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 15. umnae assoeia44on T|eoboidi;M;^^ ■■■- jpg^F&jg^ jtt H^ouseTBtui^e^S^tutd^to0alva,IU., wiero,;;s)i!o^ ;; :0:^l : .-.'Pis*'*f^^ Michigan avenue, has returned after spending the. Christmas holidays in New York. ■ j|slr**3Ji^^ ;wi©& ^^:$$0&y^^ land^ a*e#viiawte^ i&&: __];■■■'■*-• "':■'".;■,:'«..-"'--'v.'.' •'■.;'iv'ss:#i:':-;;tv":'■"'• 'Wife '^'i••■■--.i' '-^«*8-it .'■ •"**.'::<-!««": >■:'-■•- -:i Mdthodist church met Wednesday Mwt J. MitcheU Hoyt, 1575 Ashlatfd avenue, has returned from a weeks^; visit to her mo^er, Mrs. Margaret Patten 'il6ii^||is|K .e|vii^ monthly bustneas meeting Wednesday s)fornMfca#;*^^ ^fFhe 1912 els** o* Northwestern &bF vSrslty are holding their annual re- union ^sft%jo»s^^ Watt, 1930 JBtoeft^ «':sMB^:aiindtt^;^e..... avenue, has been day of Mr- it have ;bi^|ulBvsiyB|:f^; entjs, Mr. and Indianapois, ersjl"3NrtiiK-;'A* -,,, _.. place in Labrmry haU ....... mander of the post, acted «s nmwj' twninfiTTi patron m Mrs.' *----«w~-» «^~^.»---- -- [Henry V. Sotaners. This wiU be fol-J Mrs. Elisabeth Hotchkiss, t«3» Or- auOtarium. ■ ^^$^§0m^MWl ^ sir. Maurice I^igh, a iMtrttone sin# enia graduate of the H»rtlW*estw* unhreraHy School of Musto and a great concert Soloist, services <& tte Q&m&t %g& Schmepper lw|, of Huron, S. IX:, Km Waite and daus s* Chicago, and _ ^ ^^^. sf Waukesha, WiiL, Wre the; gqests Mpt. and Mrs. 239 Harrisons strMt; ■Ssgrs* - ■ .^^.'-'i.H"4*-*'?^^* ^Iforth ^ajji"'^** > dance at .__._ Friday evening Jan. X Mrs. E**ir<AUd. *^ U^ % V. Mrs. 241ft Harrison «. Wl Hin- f lowe4 by a dance. JL large New Year's eve trending Um^mm'mm^oek *t *&• First Methodist church when Miss Gladys of Mrn and Mrs. was marHed to James The ceremony was top Wllliani Fraser assisted by Dr. Timothy P. of the church. The vis niatron of honor were Miss Winifred Ererss; Miss Adele Loehr ef Carlto- ^Hfe^Mlss Tera Harries at Chicago and) Miss Edna Dienst of Aurora, Ken- dall Bragg of Bvanston, a member of "^^|sign« No. the bridegrooms fraternity ^^^ was best man. The ushers were Ho- bert HavUand, Cbirence J. Luther and True AxtelL After the ceremony are- rentlon was held at' ttie home of the Harrison street.^ esnunittee. The Ep worth league ssat M. E. chureh;;_1'_____ ahr weeks* contest for nnw Ian league; ws« divided as »*i the -Bees,- under thn •f Miss Bditn Maihtt and sfms taam wmhoM, with h« tkat the aide reee4v& ^s 'Ants* ____________iar tka other. TWrty-tiarei s*^ sieinhers »**• been ohtitned. srlOi ttf '**&&. . * *»* mi.-m.:'0^mie^Mrm^____ •Bees- the tii« «* ft» tha ss^wst >teth i ^as Jan. it^-S&^'^im?* "*«'--"*■' |,nMh ta-8-^^ Ofsstfn^BsMjsf5^^ 2tl5 Hantaan a ansiheT tf trtenssj at a party Yw*i eve. |)«rins; ts» Brst it oT Oft Immediate fsntilfes and for the members of the brids^ warorlty. Pi Beta PW. Mr. and Ibi. MeJCiy wm he at home in Rlch- n^Ds^, Ta^ after Feb. 1. r^M^tis iarth end department off the |3E':Citi'Nif Tant% pbjht two gimen were tte avesdng's featnrea. fit the pfellminary ganse.' the Spuds won frote the Paodles by^ aV score of 44 to ». In the secand ganie the North Ssiloiivils^^ vfaning from thess in a of »to 1«. **• «aslnoss ot tio kept up n winning Hsjadtn Park ^ eo stent at oftto •yK by Vn- rington avenue, and Miss MindweU Mc- Gowan, im Orrington avenue, re- ceived word of the death on Christmas day of their brother; Mr. Charles R. B. McGowan of Modesto, CaU at the home of his sister, Mrs. James H. Rhodes, in Oakland, Cal. Mr. Mc- Gowan leaves a widow, two sons, two brothers and four sisters. Miss Inabel Branch. 2101 Harrison street, entertained a number of her friends at a party the afternoon of Jan. 2. Maiiy games* were playe* and first prises were awarded to Nanlne Watt and Elisabeth Ritfey. Those present were Mary Yalentlne, Mildred Jay, Nanlne Wati; Mildred Bodach, jos«phme BaBuff, Elisabeth Risley Marguerite Qradler, Margaret Mohr, Edna Wallace, Dorothy Rose and Btha I*walioiy. :■■/-'.:,:' "-"^' " The nett meeting of the Ladles* sociatlon of the First Presbyterian church will be held in the church par- lors on Wednesday morning. Jan. 8, at 10 o'clock. The ladies of the Sec- ond ft esliyttrian church have eortend- ed an invitation to First church elation to attend a Inncheon in their chsa^ parlors on Jan. IS. Tbnoe Who win be able to accept this invitation ktad)y notify Mrs. Robert Gaultatthe next meeting, or by telephoning U05. The Pentstphs chapter, a ■ Jst. S^ ksM a pohlie Instslhitton of at Mstit**^ ball on Jam. 2. Mrs. AsaaBaHnesd. Milroy. grand Mrs. Vivian Scott, The Political E*aatlty its nrst polirde Maro to bo given by Mra, Jeronw HnR sA:-^;,JMhlrs|.-... .. ... , , . aft t o*clocai Tbo pwhtte Is cordially invited. s|ss%r.1irf|^Bo^ Frank; £:il3a^;^ Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wiedman re- turned Saturday to Terre Haute, Ind., after having spent some time as the guests of Mrs. Frederick: Lord, 1113 Maple nvjsjaii!a^:'^v.- .}■'■.' '*; V^i Mr. Harold Bennett, 2508 Hartsell reet, left Wednesday for St John's Military academy after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Bennett;..,' Avenue House: H. R. Sheldon, Ed- win F. Fox. Dr. R. Melindy, Harry Senrich, Chicsgor A. P. Stout, South Haven, Mien.; Mr. and Mis. Jackson J. Calin, Joliet, DL, ^ Miss Ruth Hypes, il2« Michigan iiil i7^i!j^s« IMShM js-si avenue, returned Tuesday morning to Wellealey after her holiday vacation. Her brother. Mr. Loomis Hypes, went back Sunday to Princeton. Mrs. Kenneth De Vos entertained the Alpha Alpha chapter of the Alpha Chi Omega, sorority of Northwestern uni- versity Saturday afternoon at her home, €30 Aldlne avenue. Chicago. The Chi Alpha, Oamma and Delta chapters of the Theta Chi sorority Wilt give a dance on Jan. 17 in the Floren- tine room of the Congress hoteL Miss Sylvia Mueller *t the Gamma chapter win lead the grand march. ?t Mrs. Frank Remington. 1121 Grant street waa hoetees Tuesday night at a| ing wm last from Id a. snriuim party given at her home In honor ot her sister, Miss Lelah Tackitt ia^i^*B^^lT^^#w#» Jndy frien^nahared the honors of the even- nne. was hostess at a 4 cAdoch tea kfternoon in honor ot. her Mrs. John Boyco Ssslth of New York city. The annual meeting and the offlcers of the North ory board of the nitnols Home and Aid society ... _^ ...,,., ,... day at the B^anirtOT liome, 8» Rldge^ _ annual reports ifro|it"tlio/:'o|lh^i^ chairmen of commtttees were t^^^ffW^ : ■■■ jos^pbiiil^^ir^ mtm^mj^gt^ -The^^BnTden'of -M ■^^^^mi product at the I^ranstM theater th«i week of January ii f Att !!» have boon s^ ?«%** and reservations are ^^tm^^F1^^ msde in the body. Under the excel- lent direction iuad uianagsirtent of Mrt Blaylock n most iraccessful sw«bW{ manee is predicted.'; '-■■;;:r$W¥W¥&i&& Invitations have been Issued lot"vm^ wedding of Miss Elaine WWM.*Uam. ter, daughter of Mr. and sstnr^B^p Fowler Hunter. M 11^ Wililami 1w Reris«Blsef^iieo^ .^viffl.-lia%s| place on Saturday evening, Jan. Stl Luke's iS^.tgm^ will foUow the ceremony at home. Hit Judson aven Mrs. Nlcoi wm be at home 15 at 722 Bittersweet plaos. Ttwlwaneho^arterly Women's Foreign tien win he held Friday, Jan. lt^.a»y:||» the Covenant M. M. A wary interesting ss^ogrsan provided for and Mrn Knh|. eral conferenco aoeretary,...... from India, Mrs. Jsn^es Patten, Mrn. Fred Sheei Mayer wttl Boyd v#ffl presldo. "lis WjBBJ|BmS)Vi^BSk W'^P^r.'S^'S^WjW- SIWS^w^^^^^S"^^ , •'■- '"• S" ■■::">.&Sites;:*, . «:;»2slSiiK'^5^

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