Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jan 1913, p. 1

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tinder Estate Bo m Lake Shore News Imn ,„ r lleOlfflcMlttlnJ^ppli «¥«?8Si .campaign r against the. Illegal grog tin ^_ 0l^:1^1^, Buv#gain«t i, only within the foownlle limit i by the state Honor ofEvanston. Newt Investip |ea employed-!^ . found no ltsS^. [rtire liquor is Bald to city limits, and where hold retail the files of our ,..........,..„........, {certified copies ot th^ taMmtt$li [documents. - r/^*'1^^iSfc;j^.i^jf ;iv; Consultation. with th« ^Maf ^»f po- |ttc* and the past axpexiaaca of tke f#rtnnate,4oo, inw^ri^theaeiTiots bidterlc places in Virgmia as screeW and guided by Mr. Levere's de>; B^^ & nta* &* Ttt*r«*m to g^ characters of history, like Wash- lajton and the members of his family, layette and omers, one ^ed for an hour In the days when tb* old domin- beginnlng Its wonderful career * ltae of preeidenta and legislators for the new ifcri .^I4*are%,*iirt|s|i^y upon the scenes anbleet frecent, ly oWlged hm» to suspend for a brief *ime to allow for the explosions of general hilarity which greeted them. "*' Mt Monday night Father Smyth [I give an lllustrsted lecture on the jf and those who attend ily rewarded while accom- ed clergyman .allowed by the igtng to the cradle of Christian! Municipal ■ association s%ow«4 th. ^ §*^^<^ Usability of .fcrjjlgp^ *» to. trlaLbere^ ao^*^ iLainb was caught [indwhisky atl814 iton, and .^_jt in the nets _,,_ ^^...^^^^ skg well withto the city limlta> tbet [wefe not brought befora an Bfaaatot coft and Bvanston iorT; bnt w«re [hailed before Judgf Jr|«Bhito lii tilt [Harlem court ani obJl^cted- »oth [met are helng_:.|^^^j^Jif^: estate bond not »o go Into the buei-, aesf. again, and' both stooha of lienors |we?*«miltegied^^ ', # Mora .Meji... j|linnjj^mj|§^ . One man who has been caught by the men operating In connectlon with this newspaper has agreed to tell of other men who have broken the law in the same way,:.wii0i&>§mifr:*to^ ^ who wm awaair to tke trutk oi . arge. As fact aa th*W ebargee «ai| be substantiated aM th« pw»er sni necessary witaeeeeaeeeured tie offenders win be taken Into eoi»» other part of the county at a. dlata&ea from Evanston, where It wlU be aji expen- sife matter for the def endente to take the witnesses which they have) alwaya heretofore been able to |urniah to ap- pear in the local court* and they, too, wfli be put under bond to stay oit of o*§ness. coiutantjtnd eiomr watch ^thenbelmh***i#| •*# Place where *e**vieiiott of thla Wad and a bond aettire* and at the *«ry first fall from grace he wis be !***« back Into court end the bond forfeited. •treat i*«itt^ ^ REGULAR MEETING *ELD A heated discussion by members of th*e village board end by residents of Wilmette was indulged in at the meet ing of the board of trustees of Wtl* matte Tuesday evening. Members of the Southeast Wilmette Improvement association went to the meeting in a body and protested against the action of Chicago speculators who are buy Ing up property in Wilmette and build- ing email tenements upon it to the detriment of the Wilmette property holders. President N. M. Cromholn of the association apoke at length on the proposition, as did C. F. Goodrich Of 526 Qreenleaf avenue, treasurer. 1...,; Waiitad' Tfua^^^;;;;A«t. fM^ I ifhey were desirous of mtring;5 the trusteesr take tome action upon the matter. Mr. George English, who pre- sided in the absence of President John D. Conifer, permitted the discus- sioa of the question between the mem- bers of the board end the property ko«e^ Attorney friaries H. Jack- n~«i. .»_* Am stores wfli close their ^ttorneyi gave the trustees the legal ports by olllcers of ^ the village for the nwrnth of l^amber were read and ac- cepted. U wm i^ecommended that Siitaenth street be opened. Thia mat ter waj( referred to the February meet- Ing. The salaries paid during ' bejmg approted by the auditing coin- mittee, were ax^pted by the boardf; "■'■■ ^'"•'■'■'■' #aiaM-^ila¥^:i^§j _ ^ meeting adjourned the __^. took up their grievancea with th©^meinl>ere of the boa^ WUmette Improvement as* ^ ^jn;;5w«i' ,vir/. ^im^^'-^tbiK c<mdemnsjtlon of the InacUvity of the trustees In not taking action, though It was explained to him that it was without their Jurisdiction. When in- terviewed by a reporter for The Lake Shore News he SUted that he would take the matter to the highest courts, aid that his organisation was pre-J pai^ to fight the speculatorli from "Chlimifr-id-*;W^ ; ";i '^■ie^»::fiy^ tion was not taken up by the trustees. Membera of the Southeast Wilmette the company shall be granted the privilege to build the staUon, and stated that tb&ey iMf not believe the board could prevent them from so do- ing. The caae of the village against the company for running into WHmetto without the permission of the village will come up for trial Jan. -21. '■■vi■^f»r^*^a^ President 0^&:$on^-::ya# a# sent from the meetingpn account of a slight indisposition. : Thd members present were George English, Jf, P, Gathercole, J. F. Stone, U EL Wade, George H. Hulst and Arthur Sibold. doors at 9 p. m on all nighU except .uttw of the question. In his opinion a^.4.* ««4 amkitkv.' on the tofner uu, n«^Mifir nvftAM «(Mld Dot leek w_____,. ^j*mp&&:iter closing «» l^mday nighU irill remain as it has bean for yeara, 8 o'clock. The dutlea of the druggist require the utmost of skUl and exactness, and the houra of business being exceeding- ly long; the change in the winter schedule will be welcomed by proprie- tor and clerk alike, No doubt the gen- eral public will be able to adjust its requirements to these houra. :;"-:^p^lecoliitii;^^ |ee^^jmWj#geiri#^ :,unifer^^bj^d^p^ ■fewiafiiSiiSliR^ .thJa^ouM:;bl^^^ :tidera^yvb^hM:;i^^ ^ z. ^miw ■■■i-,^«m^^ ;;':,1T^';;!kin^i:nuni^ ^COSt^^5?^^^ :^sidenca»;^ ^^^01;; ^|^P ^aj^entiflr^:^■: **"j;S^&r■ A^eiratlo^|i^|M additlqin*i%«i^ :l|l';'l|*^ s Work to Lett All ef If 13. this it but a etart « the work vmch this newape^^ te aet for ft* se^for the year 191S, and wbUe it la "ft & modest begineJmg, the edltora 4 ne paper are of the opinion that It *& lead to c^her |it4 ^Mkre Impor A Inew T1i6»eyT8loo^ building Is In the oourse of ednatruo* tton oii the northwest corner of HaP street and Htaiwood avenue. The owners and arehiteota *i* H*11 * Westerlund of Chicago. The plana provide for twenty-one apartments, of three aud four rooms each. Nine of the apartmenta will have four rooms and the rest three. The building is already under eon- ItrB^jbn and it lis expected will be finished to time to aocommodate tte >&*:*&&.■ of ^«^ire4a^ the gat will be three storlea high* anu Wfli occupy considerable ground. iaa;iiw*Plttti^|wi^ recess thread the board, but mutt the cottf ta to get an iiUunc ', tion. It is uiMleratood that the asso- ciation la prepared to go to conalder- able length In the courts to put a atop to this, nuisance. ^ -ffk^:cf:.-: Chicago mail Causes Grftvaitce. ' The partlcuUr grievance complained of was that Ward T. Huatoni of 126 Clark atreet, i^mm^'M^M^ the southeast corner Of Sixth street and Greenleaf avenue, and pfopoaed to erect small tenements on S|arth street to the detriment of property bolders on nearby lots. The l»oard of trustees pacified the peUtioners by passing a resolution requiring that in the future ail permits granting the On tonal afternoon at the Con- life^; the pastor, tha [veen, gave a hurried re eVamstm mmsTEii i»bt to build aiore^lm* mie buflo^ remaina by the if* Gatagee-p^i M* <?M. COm'cial JBQtim^H t* 1^ Barns ^aM^e^lll^ :'§0SM mM M *M0^ ^Tour United l^atea*0 He aaid ft was a good thing to see ourselves as others see ue. "One valuable thing about the Bible is that it holds the mirror up to human nature; It shows us what man- ner of men and women we are^ it la a good thing; too, to know what tenden- cies are at work in one's country. That is the task of a statesman. JSany years ago De Tocaueville wrote » book in which he pictured the Amer- ica of that day. Later, Mr. James Bryce. who has Just written a book on South America, wrote two splen- dld volumes entitled, *The American Ikmimonwealtb/ Though written two SP^sm^s^^S^^r:z --i? -**«wt«, ww<», feauie uiu evv «• »«;year. win have cleaned the city mIU immediate emUOaa of the dla- trsce which htw ao eing exiated. We are not ofrering a. word of a^ame to me local pottee msimMaL smteurl- PoHce prompta the SehaJter kaow where Bvanaton ^Hafjfcr :lNNtttJrj»-isiaf ratheplaeea 0r McBaveen of the weal Congrega- tional church baa been Invited toigfre tbe Bark leeturet at ^ *?**?£ jogtoftl seminary, located ^J^1**"^: on a tot should be passed Jboajrd.^..,.^-/ i' %■: ;^;*r ■• .. Milwaukee Servioe Caeelemned These parties also petitioned; to nave the service on tha Milwaukee Electric road lmpi#ed. Thay com. plained of poor care, bad roadbed, llm ited tralna that did not stop at all cor- nere, freight traffic, the use of the parking as a place for storing lumber and building paterials. and ▼»»gf other lnfrml^menta>t the|city ordl- nances. Tbii petition wm referred to the committee on judiciary. Conveyance Ordinance Passed. Trustee Arthur glbold presented an ordinance to rcetrlfia the persons en- gaged in the business of tranaportlng |§^a|a|||||t|^^ 8 HONUHtDPn.. 1rr^^^k^ne patronage oh tbe Platforms of tne railroads. The ordinance also pro- vided for a license for each such con- veyance, with a charge oTW a year, .B4 the pluvial©* that a, bond of $250 of American life we have." »,.. McBlveen pronounced Charles IMckins •'American Notea," and Mrs. Throllope's "Domeatlc Manners of Americans" as hooka that deal with fancies rather thaii with facts. He referred to three recent informing atudies of American life that had been itten by Americans: Dr. Bliss ferry's "The American Mlnd,M Mr. jferedith Nicholson's "The Provincial American," and Miaa Agnes Repplier's ifTbe American and Othera." i Dr. McBlveen said that Mr. Ben- ___ wa^iiNw Other Mte^*MmtM<>l "tender the Imem^"' ~~" *'" cost $50,000,. is included. ^pM]fs|PP» only include thos#|e^!!(Wfi-s> is^ made, the JP^st ^W#l * 'Scientist,,; aj^^W^iWNrilL ..^ -,ws,,.1(., ^rcb^Shic^^Wthj^ 000, are not included School of Ascenslott-of <>ur I-or4ifP # also built at a cost of ISJMWO*;imt"^l#- also is a ff•f^Pftti#^r1l^.^;.^' eluded in the above J^rt,^^:^ versity dormitpriea,". whicb fHII ^0||||?: 1356,000, are not included In t^-fjpi^l^ work. .' ; '■':'A' •■ Z »;3gS^^ Compared to 1»11 Wi"^ ^p The year of. .1^11 wi, alao ,T«13fg|: heavy It waa Just fifteen peimito bf||| hind 1012 in number, and _waa aeveff||| hundred thpusand o^Uara rt^ 0^* 1912 In the value of the buildings^ jjg Which the pwmits; were faaujs^j *** waa impossible to "get thf ______,_._... ...... ........... ....... %m?: tion, so'this dWerence cannotJ >r plained. Tbe miiBmeT;#.-«#«^:#W^ 1011 was 435, tha value of^pfop^g ? for which permita were ]W^!"«fc :w dwrch- m wp also preach at *** ford tm*refetty» Pf^^^J^9^^ jae. gg, and will deliver th*]ffJ0f ^^ IjmI fiane for the trip •.--«. mji» «« «»c keen fufly complatad, have not aa yes ewe* ?*r*^ ^•*-*! «« tit MrfBhwaa » aJspeetmsT ea>«»-» ^^J^^apeti of which wffl •Bftbta him #i&'JM*ifc;M:*** Ii*K -sS^-3%^ %tt had the seeing eye. Mr. Bennett iBronounces the American business aa too devoted to bia business. ^He ft the moat efficient and humane fruainess man in the world, but he kllo»U!OwztoJplay.,' Dr. Mo* Mtveen read some paragrapha in which Mr, Bennett recited his views about American children. Mr. Ben sett thf"*« that the American child 0 too independent and too Irreapon- m&r- ^^ s^ m*^:^ before the license would be Issued. the ordinance Is to provide for the prereatlon of ^ TUeklasi ortring ttat ~ - aetefal accidents la WB- """i paat year. ITPbai pro-, was adopted without a dissenting vote. ;,-^,v, s Just recently ._.. auditing of the^ hooka■■M;:flii;,ellf m Highland Park, After n very «nra> ful and thorough evsmihatloft & urn» found ihat there: waa a^sjtea* Jliaje^ ancy in the supposed |#ouii% »5|* what w*a*stiW$^ ence, which waa a dancft,. waa £semd to be $34,054.32, which amount muat bo raised to balance its, sessment fund. In the report of tl&i verely arraigns the city's PROF. *. Lste LEWIS TO LECTURE * Piofc ^ I^ae Lewis, city cbemieL gave a lecture Tuesday, Jan* 7, at t pw aw^toia the Illinois Federation «f Woman's cmmv_j^ the Masonic Temple m Rogers Park. His subject waa: '> "Short Cute*^. and wfli eon- jome of the fallacies of break keeping their hooka, it belnetn whereby, many erroiai; cam pass unnoiiced unless the ^^^ ful attention is paid ^?%^ Tba^fifB>s cipal fault la the method of It m aV monoy from one other purpose. In that dty leged funds from one have been used t* pay bObi du^ on some othar susiismaM..... it ||ot;eouected-vrftb"mAjfrtfe -.^ Another reason far J^lf^majlgmi ta aaftd to be bseause the ajjfir *•» nw«tu> r*ld mtereat W l|a sfcare of Up 9fe t TmsM :' •-^£g*K*G*&yf-F-'> %^%^§&?£MBS?i?' ^

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