If You this MusUns, Sheetings SPUlow Cases Reduced During Jan. Clearance SHEETING/--2% ydVwide MU8LN--10 yftrdf of un- s^U™***^"^ fttea^I ItfuiHn, worth uary Clearance 76e, Ja^ttary Sale, yard, •,........ *£7*fe Clearance Sale........69c PEPPEREU SHEETING-- s MU8LIN--10 yards, worth Unbleached: $1. January 2 yards wide, ! Clearance 8ale........79c 24c value, for, *...*$£•' mu8LIN -- 10 yards of 2% yards wide, bleached Muslin, soft fin- 26c valiie,^or7;;.>f85^Ti|8h, worth 90c. January 2% yardsJndOf • Clearance 28c i«pa>'t^.v^?J8J%i';J.^I*» &?•■•;.....••-----•*• 45 inodnileached, MUSLIN--10 yards Lone- value, for.....t2»/aC dale Muslin, worth $1.10. 2Vards wlde/4^ V ' ? January Clear- ^6c vaiae, yartL.. .JB8j/ae ance ••'•• •••••••••••• 2% yards wide, r MUSLIN--10 yards Gam- 23c value, y«rtb^*a2{4o^*1irlc Muslin, worth $1.25. 2% yards wide, -.,.. > January Clear- 34c value, yer4.., ;24>£c U**& **,#............we _____ _ ' - ' . _- ..'..._.•»*»' M« T ~At~.m' fin. Winter Dress Goods and Silks Reduced DRE88 OOOD8--35 pieces FOULARD SILK-One lot of all wool Dress Goods, 0f satin Foulards, fine pat all colors and qualities, terng regular price «9c. 8a1e .....*............39c 8UITING8--One lot A fine all wool Dress Goodl the latest shades, bea goods, worth up to $1 yard. Jatnwry Clearance 8ale..... DRE88 GOOD8 -- Out lot of all wool Tricots, mcy shades. 39c value. Jaleary Clearance * 8ale for.............-18140 8ale for...........»• • •**• FQ D 8ILK--One tot wide satin Fioi* .50 value. Ja«^ ice JlNE -- 29 iach, fet quality Messa- „«„ _~k, all shades, $1$0 value. January Olearaiiee 8ale ^ for ......»«• •"». • «»•••• »«wf. RIBBONS--One lot of No. 80 and 100 fancy^ flowered and plaid Ribboas, worth up to 35c a yard. January Clearance Sale for ; ..12c RIBBONS -- One lot No. 100 and 160, plain colors, all silk Taffeta Ribbons, worth 26c a yard. January Clearance 8ale for .........*....... ..11c VEILING8--Choice of 100 pieces of fancy Veiling, worth up to 39c a yard. January Clearance Sale for...........• ..TSejP ,JA30T8--500 Ladie»' fan- cy. Jabots, worth, up to 75c. Unuwf Clearance Sate..................'c FRENCH CINCHAM-One lot of Prench Tissue Ging-* ham, regular 36c quality. January Clearance.. .MVafi POPLIN--50c blask, silk finish Poplin. Special, January Clearance 8alef for............W/& MADRAS -- 60c light striped Madras, for men's shirts and boys' blouses, something new. January Clearance 8ale, yard..21c Curtain Materi^ Nainsook & Lawns CI#ft||0*OC1|JK« -10.000 yards of Smbreideriee at one-halt rejaiMaVPri*** in six lots: __ . . and 10c > * »»^9se Btabrotdery ^^^«pio2pea ^ .yard- itor.............eT^r* ')£ikM>.a*-*aJl FmfcssjHery worth • ■w. ..:-■■■.:■ s-..- •■■.- ■<.-^v,;-*V.'^i^ and Corset Cover Embroid- ery, worth ui ' to 69c a ya'd* *or * • • • * s# t___ »• • • •••••• * • «,.•»•, *-*AlI Coroe t Cover Embroidery, worth 'for ■'■■+*'*>'#v>♦•».»•••..T»55pe. Lot No. 6--All Corgot Cover Bmbrofdery, worth up to 88c a yard, ■ - ^:^ . LACES--One MM:$#. worth up to lStfe a J**&m January Clearance r;^^ pieces of ;a«t<l*|d> ^ifg . yard. January m^^IP Clearance Sate....»;i^|8| lot of ypb l^U^Mi ■ Dress TriBMnhux ,;M '^*«^^^^Jlfe:ft^l'......' ■ *■. ' i JWfce "' ■" fc*aisaajaji -.;(/';;« yS|f Pi fcil CURTAIN 600D8 --50c pieces of Voile Curtain Goods, beautiful border, cheap at 25c a yard. Jan- uary Clearance Sale for.............12!£« SCRIM CURTAIN GOOD8 --60 pieces of fancy Scrim Curtain Goods, worth up to 60c. January Clearance Sale......14i4c CURTAIN SWISS--One lot white Curtain Swiss, 15c value. January Clearance Sale.......8«/aP NAINSOOK--40 V Whtte Nainsook, worth up to 86c. January Clear- ance 8ale............»W LAWN--25c white India Lawn. January Clearance 8ale.......9'/2C LAWN--18c white Lawn. January Clear- ance Sale.........;..»'/*o LAWN--15c white Lawn. January Clear- ance Sale............•>** 0**88 QINGHA*8--Dou- ble width dress and nnree striped Gingham, l»^c value, jleiujary Clearance 8ale.......tytC RED SEAL OR188 OING. HAM--One lot of Red Seal and Golden Rod Drees Gingham, 16c yalue., Jan- uary Clearance ■ ^ * for.............8>4jo FLAWW1U.8--One W^j* dark Flannels, tie talue. January Clearance ^ . •ale for. • •»• •«• • • * •» »8to* Telle du Nerd--One lot of Tofie du Nord Gingham, regular lie valae. Jawiary aearaneeSale for .....»..••«.•••••••7*c BA»Y FLANNBL--Onelot of plain blue Baby Flan- nel, U^c yard ouaMty. January Ciearence - . tale for..............7*4© OV TI N C FLANNEL-- Choioe of all our 12%e striped and checked Out- lugFlannet January Clear- a yard. ..«.»....•••• *'!^s® .•'#i sale ior.....,........#•/«« *«»••«»«"» ---" *----- -- ------- _ »,•» -j v-...-.«--# • % .....'"- ■'-- 0 - ~^ ^« No mail or phone orders liiM. You roust Howliles for Different Days of the Week. «>»^™l*^»«t^*n>iM ••^•W'v?????^ ____A„ ,_ ,. QATiiRnAY.Jan. 18 I MONDAY,Jap.40, ^ ^ TIIOSSDAY, J«o. 16 9 to 10 A. M. and 3 to 4 P. M. Very best quality Quilt Calico, satine ^ftnlsfar A/kn 10c value for...........T^W 15c quality Pillow Cases, made of soft muslin, 42--45x36, Q size, each for..............^v FRIDAY, Jan. 17 9 to 10 A. M. and 3 to 4 P. M. MUSLIN--10 yards extra good quality unbleached mus- AQ* lin (worth 75c) for.......T^FC 4 000 yards best quality Cotton Chally, regular price 6c ^ i a yard, for...............^ Z V, SATURDAY, Jan. 18 9 to 10 A. M. and 3 to 4 P. M. 1400 yds. Curtain Goods, double faced voile, with 8atinci Aic* striped, per yard......AV«V 500 pieces of Ribbon, 5 ins. wide, all shades, regular Al-j^ 29c value, a yard........ WfVm MONDAY, Jan. 20 9 to 10 A. M. and 3 «b4 P. •«. 19 yards of Nurees' stripe Ging- ham, worth $1.00, SOr for................ .....&w\* 10 yards of Lonsdale Muslin, bleached, worth $1.26, rJlic for..........• • • • • • * *.....^^^' Bavaria Kyitti%1!illlfe Sells Us Their Surplus Men*s Sweaters at Half We jae* ptt^aae*: one lot ^^fi* Sweetera ?&&£&&. W*™&* Kttlt2Sf Ummmm* eoafi^re att ^-shape neck, Uho cut in plain Oxford and blue ana red trimmed, extra heavy \ .£* f\j% Clearance of Men's Fine Clotlies MEN'8 SUITS AND OVERCOAT8-- Broken sises of men's and young men's Suits and Overcoats, garments that are well tailored and have^the correct style for any young orold man. Suits and Overcoats m " -* ■■ that sold at $20, $22.50 and $26; to close them out we wifl sell them during the January Clearance Sale for. MENS SUITS ANO OVeRCOATS-- Broken sizes of men's and TOUUg mens Suits and Overcoats, sold WfJ- lar for $15, $16.60 and %^£^2S^ fine weaves, rough tweeoa, ^wuiaiaasy and cheviots. Over- coats come in plain and convertible collar, in many different pat' terns and colors. Janu- ary Clearance Sale...... We have a few miMra ^ aui t0 vav w ww----- sixes left In ManV Clearance 8ale ............ --- MEN'S SUITS & O'COATS JM*.****** w ~ rtw-,re«»t« that sold reaularl: ra a fiw||7r $124» and PI^L 0 January ■IS: >rics and col- 3.85 :?' AOYS* OVERC0AT8-^Buttons to 5^kH»d^Dnvertible collar style, of S^fnew popular fabrics au^co* ore, sold ryUr»tfM -- -#* aw and $6.»6, sixes 2% to 10. January Clearance Sale.. Imm TROUSERS, in mediumt and ^^imrt^JS* Here°yo^ «ftlst- sold regular at $2. Here y«» £v? a ehanceto get a good pair of *^rtre*sers, January \ 9Q Claefe^oe Sale, 9Xr~.-~*.**mi?- BOY8» KNICKEH80CK€Jl aUlTj8-- Plain double-breasted and Jlorfol* atyler m.nny different--weavea fabrics to select from, may have extra pants, sold w*°Jar at,-- ^.aae $5 and $6, sixes P to 17, January Clearance •«f#' MEN'S UNOEIlW€AII*--»rolwai in Men's att wool OTd^eai^nMa^r all the Staley Bfand^eolel "gitfar jt $2.75 a garment Jaaejary fk'^Q^ Clearance 8aleraiiax|ave»*^^e«««^ 50c Fancy SUk and Knitted Tte8at 5J5c A manutaetnrer waa overataeked on atlSi ao he agreed to make ne up a hundred doaen of the very newest etylea la otder totodaoe his atock. All theee Ttoe se4d for 88e and a few at 76c early la ««• ssassn. However, the mannfactorer was wiBIng to aacrtOee price because we eoatd nee tfce quantity. Your unreservod choice of the» 600 and 760 Ties at - :^i>-- :-■. - r^< -•..-. ■■!■* ■ *| ••-'■a ■pi ■a£ :'.A^Stefii.*»»;i*5riq i* ■• :-■ :^Ss*^iS't^iSSI^iM?#f•^S^fe,