»"**•"*$>l'- v«sF ?W iafffor OiH«-**IIPWI?;^ Tan 8 to St Jotttt'S;|fP|fp5 Eleanor BttlS\-lwfk|flfc'Kftt* yr^.treet. 1» ^WWHT Xfc Mlcb. |£ Harold Bennett. ^^^^^ left Jan. 7 for 8fc f©W8* ^L^a Perkins. 8818 ^ te'in the east atten^ **% ^architects. :^»ffiM; ^ Edward Austin M ::mgg£w g fll returned Jan. 8 te'^t^BiM^ip military'academy. Ktoa Pauline Agnew, 807 p^eet, who has been ill With J*IpK*P EL mtis, is out again. Mrs, L. C. Lewis of Chicago s*t of her niece, Mrs. Wellington fab, I111 Maple avenue- Mrs Morris Lemmon of Csjndsjn* It J., is the guest of her SOD, Mr. jsnes A. Lemmon, 904 Colfax street. HiM Alice B. HaTriaon, 328 Dem> & street, has as her guest haf Mother, Mr. Everett Harrison of Iflfcnsfteld, La. g>. The Woman's association of the Csveaant M. E. church held their ninthly business meeting Jan. 8 in toe chsreh parlors. Miss Mary Stence of Cleveland, O., wlo has been the guest of her sister, Mfg. H. L. Stevens, 819 Lincoln street, returned Jan. 7 to her home. Miss Catherine Wilson of Lexington, *£., who was the guest of Mr. and lfrt. T. K. Webster, 521 Grove street, flr two weeks, has returned home. Hiss Eugenie Buf&ngton, 1140 For- est avenue, returned Monday to her cdlege, and Miss Sarah Louise Buf- fjgton left Tuesday for Wellesley. Miss Florence Myrtle Frost, 810 De- vh street, left last week for St Clara's college, where she will resume ssr position as head of the depart- ment of history. Miss Violet Patten, daughter of Mr. aid Mrs. H. J. Patten, Forest avenue 189 Davis street, left Monday tor Wa* Mrbury, Conn., where she is attending wmtover school. Mr. and Mrs. David P. McLelland, 1J03 Judson avenue, and their chil- dfen, Louise, David and Virginia spent tfclr Christmas holidays in Madison, lid., with Mr. McClelland's people. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra 8. Smith, 8131 Slerman avenue, have gone to Palm Beach, Fla., to spend several days. From there they will go to Ormond, being away two or three weeks in all. Mr. Wilder J. Bowers, who ia at- tending Cornell university, has re- turned to college after having spent the holiday vacation with his mother, Mrs. Edmund T. Perkins, 1318 Oak avenue. Miss Mary Annsby, 1338 Maple sve- sae, who has been ill during her vaca- tion, returned to Westover school last Monday. She was accompanied by Miss Antoinette Wilder, 1211 Hinman avenue. Miss Gertrude Hawxhurst, 1818 JuaV ■* avenue, who is attending school * Rogers Hall, Lowel, Mas*, left ****? after a delightful vacation ■Wat with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. '• at Hawxhurst The Woman's Aid society of the °B»8Tegatioiial church held its frit •••ting of the new year the morning *j*»-8 at 10:30 o'clock. The society "•wider its management the annual *"*b dinner given last Wednesday V?*Z Mrs. \r. M. Green is presl- HlVlsJii' 718 MAnnU •treet, is in Green Bay, Wis., for two JAJIUARV Iritis. **• Wuiiam M. Green, 2888 Central ■*»*. owing to the press ef "•• been compelled to resign as dl> ***** and chairmam of the j****** committee of the North "■•••lenient association, 1 J?" *m*d for two years as) < :**■*■ important committee__ tS^_>>Te bee* **T e^t^lT; Ha *■*" M was s matter si regret to the on to lose him lav tarn caaa- *•* board of dlrectosm ass «#- w a (manssaa, Jr., 8818 ^reet, to ssMeeed Mr. •• ehainnan MrJ *toi Of the *ft*ttal *to and tt «fty. . tot HartseU Citenpaign. n- ilV#^i8#^ Camera nop, si* ©avis street, is ia his place e*am after his recent aeddeat. ^ ^^aS«B??*»|BWrlBSSBf '^the' Auction Bridge cloh at luncheon Friday. ■'v'^fjiij8rii8^^ lunch- eon, Jan. 8 at her home, i814 Church atiwVt CsVeiw^weto laid Mr tern Miss LoW Peterson of 623 Davis stieat bis rataraol after a Christmas SfrwWhfera^u at Racine, Wis. street, entertained the Gamma chap- ter of Theta Cat sorority on Saturday externa** Jato 1L ^ Miss Bva Kraas, 828 Monroe street. ;<i:,$lf %$Mt luncheon Jan. 8 at her home to eight of her friends. Tmriab*was beautifully decorated in red and green. Cards followed the luneheon- Mrs. Walter J. Warder of 1027 Ridge avenue wm leave Jan. 15 for a two months' visit in Tampa, Fla. On her way home she will visit for a month wiUt h*r so*. Whiter J. Warder, Jr., in New York. ^ A young people's chorus has been organised at the Covenant M. E. church and resumed its work Jan. 9 at 7:30 o'clock, under the direction of Mr. Leon Grey, director of the North- western Military band. Mrs. J. J. Van Every, 813 Sherman avenue, has been entertaining her daughter, Mrs. Robert Keith and her baby daughter of Baltimore, Md., for a month. Mr. Keith was here for two weeks and all have returned to their home. The &hi Alpha, Gamma and Delta chapters of the Theta Chi sorority will give a formal dance in the Florentine room or the Congress hotel on Friday evening, Jan. 17. Miss Sylvia Mueller of Gamma chapter will lead the grand march. Mrs. Charles E. Graves and daugh- ter, Mrs, Harold Bennett, and Mrs. Bennett's little son, Charles Graves Bennett, will leave here on the 28th of January and sail on the 30th for France. They will spend the winter on the Rivera. The Women's Mission and Aid so- ciety of the First Baptist church held a meeting on Jan. 8 at 10:30 a. m. The general topic for discus- sion was "The Winning of India to Christ." Mrs. Mac Lelsh told fully "tfow the Work Was Done." Mrs. Barbour spoke on the "Need of More Workers and Better Financial Sup- port" A surprise party wss given in honor of Miss Lelsh Tackett at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Remington, 1121 Grant street Those present were the Misses Margaret and Alta Anderson, Elisabeth Garrwood, Esther Peterson, Lillian and Hedwig Dahl- lof , Helen Hughs. Edith Watson, Etta Hendricks sad Mrs. J. P. I*af. The evening was spent in music and games. A dainty aupper was served and enjoyed by alL The branch quarterly meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary associa- tion was held Jan. 10 at the Covenant M. B. church. An interesting program was arranged and Mrs. Kuhl, the general conference secretary, a mis- sionary from India. Mrs. James Pat- ten, Mrs. Fted 8heets and Mrs. Lucy Ryder Meyer took part Mrs. WO- naai Boyd presided. The ladles of the church served luncheon at noon for U seats. Oft FHsmy evening the Delta Tan took place la of tl»» Blackstoee ____annual affair par- ___ _ ay umwsfgradnatos and alasnni of the fraternity. The grand lad by Miss hfadelyne Ceber Catron, a _ uf nsmms Alpha chapter of Dams Taw BaWa at the University of these iciussted to J. are. Oat*. O OflhertaM. M Me- Uafs»jr.K.AuMcKln- Harry Vast Fatten* Alvrn .weeks. .__ Mr. Harry McCullough of Hatfield house has gone to Florida for the winter.,^ Baststan Dryden, 1814 Ridge avenue, has returned to St James school at Phrlbauit Minn, . " ■ ' ' Mr. J. F. O'Connor, 888 Seward avenue, la spending a few weeks in Rxcelaior Springs, AtIl Mies Piiley, of Toledo, O., Is visit- mg her slater, Mrs. Frank M. Comrie, 1734 Orrington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bosquet, 820 Judson avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Croteau of Montreal. Mrs. A. M. Fuller, 1082 Hinman ave- nue, and grandson, Franklin Fuller, left Jan. 8 for Florida for the win- ter. Mrs. Margaret Owsley, 1554 Asbury avenue, is enjoying a visit from her daughter, Miss Lois Owsley, of Mont emir, N. J. Mr. C. W. Hayden, 645 Hinman ave- nue, has his sister, Mrs. B. Henshaw and her two sons, from Kalamazoo, Mich., as his guests. Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Hardy, 1233 Craln street, and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hardy, 1214 Ridge avenue, have gono to their winter home in Augusta, Ga. The Noyes Street Mothers' club met Jan. 8 at 2 o'clock in the auditorium of the Noyes Street Bchool. A report of the Tenth District Federation was given. Mr. George H. Clark, of the firm of MeCallttm A Clark, and family, whose home was recently burned, have taken an apartment in the Elinor, 1115 Davis street. Mr. Cornelius Reece, who spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Reece, 1118 Sheridan road, left Jan. 8 for St. John's Military academy. Registered at the Avenue House; Mrs. Yan Vleck, Mtddietown, Conn.; Edwin F. Fox, Chicago; Judson Cohen and wife, Joliet, 111.; Slg Bernhin, Columbus, O. The Rev. Harvey D. Calkins left to- day for New York on business con- nected with his official duties at the Methodist church. He will be away a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Colby Davis, 1723 As- bury avenue, have their daughter, Mrs. John A. Robb, of Philadelphia, Pa., as their guest, who will remain until Feb. 1. Prof. Walter Shelden, head of the department of chemistry in one of the Denver, Col., high schools, is here on a visit to his aunt, Mrs. Harvey D. Calkins, 1806 Sherman avenue. The Misses Steele Janet, who is principal of the Hinman avenue school, Margaret, who teaches in an Branston school. Jessie, a teacher in Winnetka, and Martha, teacher in Wilmette, spent their vacation in Ionia, Mich. Miss Cora Callow of the Business college, who has recovered from an operation for appendicitis, resumes her position in the college today. Bfiss Nora Hart of the Gregg school, Chicago, has supplied during Miss Callow's absence. Mrs. Paul Fehd, 636 Custer avenue, left for Pasadena, Cal., where she was suddenly called by the severe illness of her son. Her daughters, Amanda and Margaret, and Mrs. J. J. Beck of Glencoe accompanied her. They intend to be gone some time. Miss Nema Pnipps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Park Phlpps. 2010 Orflngton avenue, who is drama teacher In the Conservatory of Music at Albion col- lege, Michigan, left Jan. 7 after having spent the holidays at home. Her sister, Miss Helen Phlpps, who is head of the violin department at Wash- burn college. Topeka. Kan., has also returned to her work. A Joint committee of the various or- ganisations In the north end of the city that have in charge a skating pond are arranging to have a lot plat- ted at Jenks street and the Northwestr ern railroad for the benefit of the en- tire community. The matter is being Imanced end it is hoped to have the pond in operation in a few days. Avenue House: A. L. Cummings, Chicago; a C Allison Schioeder; a A. Locke. Chicago; H. W. Brickson, Racine. Wis.; Helena I. RohtosT, Chi- cago; Mr. sad Mrs. C. F.'Blunc. Jr., Detroit; J. R. Beveratetov Goshen, lad.; Mrs, Herman Walter, Kewanee, Mr. Greenwood II Murch, 888 . bum street, hsAgohe to 1lisston,-M Miss Loulsu*1p&^ nue, i» cenflned to her heme through illness.*':S';y&'. K% ,^/i Vi\?.-.%e * Mr. and Mrs. JBira S. Smith, ,8136 Sherman avenue, have gone to. Palm Reach, FhVvA/;.'ttiii;--<t;:* -"■■' <JM'M ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Cook, 12S Demp- ster street, left Wednesday for Palm Beach, Fla# > Miss Margaret Weiland, 1817 avenue^ has gone to Bellevtew, Ky., for the winter. '/.,." .- * '>^0^ Mrs. J. 8. Talbot, 581 Grove street left on Saturday for a two weeks' visit in Terre Haute, !nd Mrs. Howard Carter, 726 Forest ave- nue, is entertaining Mrs. D. P. John* son of Newark, N. J. Dr. and Mrs. George T. Banzet, 488 Greenleaf street, are spending a month at the Congress hotel. Mrs. Thomas Russum, 806 Colfax street, went last week to spend three months in California. Mrs. R. M. Conger, who has been on a southern trip lasting three weeks, la again at the Greenwood Inn. Miss Jessica Calvin, who spent the vacation wi^bej^ parentsiat *?|£Hhv man avenue, left Jan. $ for school at Miibrook, N. Y. Mr. Stanley Ericsson of 1188 Sher- man avenue is spending two weeks in Sheridan, Ind., as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Brenneman, 1101 Davis street, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Olga Helen, to Murray A. Ladd. The Misses Mary and Margaret Fa- bian, 1509 Ridge avenue, are guests of their cousin, Mrs. S. -A. Wlllard, in Burlington, la., for a week. Mrs. C. E. Clifton, 581 Ingleside park, left Jan. 9 for Toledo, C, Where she remained until Monday, the guest of a college friend. The Visitation Alumni auxiliary held its annual luncheon oh Tuesday, Jan. 21, at the Bvanston Country club. The luncheon was followed by a musi- cale. Mr. and Mrs. Grunell have returned to their home in Alabama after spend- ing some time, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Grunell. 2684 Sheridan road. Mr. Charles R. Murray, 1714 Asbury avenue, has been entertaining his aunt, Mrs. Mary o. Byrne, who is en route from Cincinnati, O., to Burlin- game, Cal. only the sstvieatncl^lPsto^Ji ofo^iais notify us ta stop :m^m ...Y$ti is* & HUMPHREY TALKE AT NORTH END Y. M. G. A. (Continued from Page 9) .asm Wis.- Theodore Notts. Kewanee; Wis.; Bdwia V. Fas. R. A. Metendy. Harry White, at K. Jones, Chicago. past seven or eight years under such conditions we never believed they or any street car company would give anyone, and we knew that the con- tract could not be carried out "All we want to say is this: We nave no fight with you people. If you lived on that street car line and had suffered as we have suffered, there is no man here who wouldn't stand up and fight, as we have. We don't need it, and we dont want it, hut if you have a proposition to put it anywhere else we will be glad to do anything we can to help you." Position of County Traction. W. M. Green read a letter which bad been received by Mr. Howe from the County Traction company, f oHow- iug the conference with the commit- tee, consisting of W. M. Green, John M. Thomas and Charles M. Howe. The text of the letter follows: "Charles M. Howe, "Rvanston, 11L "Dear Sir:--Referring to the con- ference with your committee regard- ing our position on the traction situa- tion: give you as good service as any rail- road, and there Is so much less noise, so much less dirt and so much less trouble that there la really no com- parison- "Our position is just this: We own our property. We know that the Chicago Traction company must have frontage consents on Sherman avenue to get j their franchise renewed. We w to the company and wess toil that if people did not want tha car Una la Bvanston. of course they would not put it through. They also said that they would give ua*e* aew track and the heat kmd of rolling stock. Wa replied that we had svflssed for tha tfyottlia-s4«»e^^ andvCitisens c^ IWwstoa f»V9^ w'. ,SjTi^Wtnfo~#ff* whie*we<««ender;i earn a waso^iaole re vestment, the County pany will rsbtt^^ and build proposed extensions to anston, with new heavy ...... •olid foundation, and pave the occupied" by; «toA»ilpi^l^ outside of th«vom*#e^ brick' .or c*iBiSow^w<iW:ii»^^ entire bvurlwiaV^ rebuilt, and i new*'ca^^hsitt;'wtowf*Sft pair shop, where the cam can be ' thoroughly cleansed an* #M3t#a^^ - will be located within the limits■■ot«f.-^ ■, anston. . ■' ■ \V v;.». >;^'■■:w«&&iW:K~K' "The citizens of Bvanston can se- lect the type of car they desitc s* tk*> company will agree te esmfp .^jppn with new cars of the latest desig% » We will be pleased to furnish ad- ditional detailed information, or a committee of citiiens, at any tthn ' -nrp^'tru1j^«0Sjss^;;.::-:;:^ *8mi* 0. Schmidt, ..■>* '.-■■■■'•■r-J '^fVimu^^ii>'i' W. M. Green suggested the possible ity of Evani&m owning its own street car system, and read the following extracts from the Mueller law, citing the procedure necessary for such own- ership. City may own, construct and oper- ate street railways--power to lease- proposition to operate--ortinance authorizing lease--petition power of city council--city may issue bonds. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Illinois represented to; the general assembly: That every city of this state shaU have the power to own. construct, acQUire,^j0n00j^' maintain and oi>erate street rsilwd|s within its corporate limits, and to lease the same, or any part of the same, to any company incorporated under the laws .of this state for the purpose of operating street railways for any period not longer than twenty years on such terms and conditions as the city council shall deem for tlm best Interests of the public. But no city shall proceed to operate street railways unless the proposition to operate shall first have been sub- mitted to the electors of such city as a separate proposition and approved by three-fifths of those votings there- on. It shall he lawful for any asjsh city to incorporate in any grant of the right to construct or operate street railways a reservation of the right on the part of such city to take oyer pert or all of such street railways, at or before the expiration of such grant, upon such terms* as may be provided in the grant; It shall also he lawful to provide In any such grant that In case snch reserved right be not exer- cised by the city, and it shall grant a right to another company to operate a street railway in the streets and parts of streets occupied by its grantee under the former grant, tha new grantee shall purchase and take over the street railway of the former (Continued on Page 16) THLEVAHSTOH J>"pHONC 289*2899 ~ 8>OBKJIT BlAYtOCK, *UM*at* aW ■: •. BY MJSUSTUS Titti§a¥ A Rural Play Pa* at Half ::x*^f^^>