J3 THB LAKE tHOJlB THUHSD, Will oil Northwestern Team riday Night at IC*ilJf» Evwly Matched Trios Will Discuss Mgartgry Question of National Interest* Soiittl Nellscoverer to Talk ; to Evanston Audience. f 7TH 4NHINM, A FFAf R WERifEBRUARY FOURTH Will Spoak for Benefit of Fund to Start Expedition to the North Pole. Interested In forenslcs and *e declaiming of silver-tongued ora- ffrrs wfcl have an opportunity to de- it tnch tastes Friday evening. If, at riak Mall on Northwestern lvcrelty campus, when the Michigan rnlversity ; debating team meets Jlorthwertern's picked trio. J, Discuss Monetary Question. ■ The fiibjeet under consideration feeds: "Resolved, that the plan of fcanklag reform proposed by the na- ffonal monetary commission on Jan. 4 1812, should be adopted by con- gress." Northwestern will present the affirmative side of the argument, SI Michigan will have the negative, is is the seventeenth annual eon* test of the Triangular Debating league, composed of university of Michigan, University of Chicago, and Northwestern university. The presid- ing officer wi|l he Mr. J. S. Broek- sjait of the Harris Trust and Savings hank of Chicago, and the three Judges are: Judge Edward O. Brown, Illinois appellate court, Chicago; Prof. Charles A, Tuttle, Wabash college, Crawfords- vUle, lad., and Dr. Richard C. Bvgfaes of Madison, Wis. 1 Both schools will be represented by teanurlfcat have bad experience in the line of debating. Michigan is sending lohn 8. MeBIroy, who is a graduate of Central university in Danville, Ky., gad is now a senior in the Law, school at Michigan. Solomon Blumrosen, the second member of the team, la also a senior in Law and a graduate of the College of Arte and Science. Floyd W. Moore, the third man, spent four years at Albion, Mich., during which time he -was interested in debate. He la now in the graduate school special- ising in economic questions. _ To confront such an array of vet- Northwestern has picked three of ability. B. Dorrell Hester is e> junior In the college of liberal arts and waa a member of the freshmen de- bating team. V. M. Ilahi-Baksb of Bombay, India, is a student in Garrett BibHcal Institute, He has had eaten- eive debating experience. Bdwln C. Austin is a freshman in the law school pad Is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin. ' The teams are evenly matched. The aaostlon |e one of Interest. All indi- cations point toward a very lively dis- cission. The speakers will be al- lowed twelve minutes in which to present the bulk of their argument pad five minute* to make repairs in the weili of defense after their op- ponent* have attacked and withdrawn. One of the most interesting lectures that Bvanstoniane have listened to for some time will occur on the night of lecture engagements prior to, to »^»P^^^^;^!'-. :f i Moving Pictures Ohown In addition Jo the' tattfe Amundsen will have a display of mov Ing pictures which could hardly be equalled for uniqueness. When on his trip to the south pole, he carried with him a moving picture machine, dnd will show scenes from his expedir tioh tt-&^7Vti*r-,t&* from the lecture wlU be devoted to a scientific expedition to the pole. He expects to start out on this expedition when he arrives In San Francisco, which will be acme time in July. • ..', (:^t..',. ■;<:- Many Honors BeoeJvsdsV A banquet waa given in honor of the explorer In Washington last Sat* nrday, at which Capt Amundsen sat at the eouth end of the table and Commodore Peary at the north end. President Taft and other prominent members of the diplomatic corps were in attendance. The captain is the re- cipient of more orders of honor than any other living person, be having re* RUMBEfl "i 3" TOVES HOODOO FOR PRISONER I Number ^3" has been said by some jseople to be lucky, and by others to lutve a eineter hearing on all their ac- frioae. A certain Dave Johnson will aoaslbly assign «he latter eifect He y arrested in Bvanston by Officer Hubert, whose number is 13, oh lift* of ^aanary, 1913, for va- Jnstioe Boyer made quick work>of He said that Johnson was anpactaMfoseadfroniBv- to the Bridewell, so he gave thirteen" mhinfao to act out •r ho maid send him to thirteen ^feeA haaa taa ba4 worked real hard, the* to the k^ of Jhm knewfeofc* had been eight amathe otace he haA la a planga Into water wtth •a -***- *1eemi foTy , .'■'-■'/I MX^S&^mKB^MBBKfm WBim -*-- ":V smwmP ' ' R||§|||f • WkMw --- :tt: ^^^mmKBKKI^^^^ 3l|SSv!3" ,,,*«*•',.; \ m fffna wm |ll|;g| ■; '■m^wsm4 1 Ibbm^^I ^^^BHIIsl "tr"^-^ J p8S®>^-JS?PS^S^S^Sl; • •" 1 mm wmwrnm ^WM&Stk . r^^0^^S.ma ' iSiillSr- CAPT. ROALO AMUNDSEN. * '^A, ' / ' '■ ' . : " ■ . •.' ': Feb. 4, at the Congregational church, when Capt Roald Amundsen, the dis- coverer of the south pole, will give an address on "How I Discovered the South Pole." The preliminary ar- rangements are being cared for by Oscar H. Hangan and C. J. Oolee. The speaker is now In the east filling ceived over 300 during his career. The Sons of Norway in Bvanston are assisting with the arrangements. Tickets for the entertainment will be on sale at Mason & Smart's after Jan. 18. The admission will be $1, $1.60 and 12. The lecture will start at 8 o'clock. [ j STRAGGLERS PUT UP AT POLICE H88TLERY Mow that the winter months are coming on, and the cold weather has arrived, the Bvanston police station is filled each night with stragglers, who are on their way to Chicago or from Chicago to Milwaukee to put up for the winter. Bach night from eight to tea men make their night's lodging In the Bvanston "hotel." in a good many cases the applicants for quarters are men who are hard-working, but down in the|r luck, wiUle occasionally the officer* find;>star boarders" on the Jaunt most of the time and try to work the police stations along the way lor sleeping accommodations. When these "repeaters" are jrecog- nlaed they are locked up as vagrants and are allowed to contemplate their offense In the police quarters for sev- end days* The men who stay frit for one night are taken ea«h morning to the Jyerder of the town from which they oxpect to make the o«xt day** journey^ eecorted by an onlcer, who done net leave taem until ttey pat^ over Umi llae. 'Beeh aumilng two pro- ef the lodgers can be from the Bvanston station, guarded by an officer, who them to the northern or H limits. ■ state bank; ■ ^;:v^^MP|p|^ f Make* loaai on improved Nc^ta Skata re^ f^Ute from A K/gen Park to Highlaad Park, and; ©a ........ Iv^ounty. '.-. '^^:,f,"'i^*vf& ^IaaueaCertificatcaef in denommatiaoa four percent in fl Offera for invent eatate, nettiag the aumaoflsooaad aadgatil •*»■▼•*» -amgajsaj enrg^sg|Tgajsajalg>.'"Bs^aw^v*eVv, smhT Send for liat. OFFICERS AND DmBCTORS _ J. Fred MoGnire. President OhaHesA. Wigjhtman, Vioe-l IraJ. Geer, Counsel B. O. Boiler Arthur W. Vereee, Oaihier 8CMP^T?>R BOOKLET. ,ve thousands of cured pa- tients. Send for oto^ookjat of testi- monials on Innanimak|y Bnenmatiam. Magnetic Mineral VHtehJ Thomas! Jasper, 113 No. La Sale street, Phone Main 1377. ►E have been/^a^^ftotp|| dyeing, pressing and repairi for particular people years than we care to "lie business has grown ste^fe^ ^. words, carefuL^nd intetlfgent appreciated itwhis businfjgeVs^in every^ other. Wopld^'t hv0^^^cQ\\ ui up and give us a trial? 622DAVIS\:Wlmm. m: TELEPHOlfiliil w BUILIWW «»tHMITt, residence, 1301 > Owner, BeUCeBlns.