Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1913, p. 14

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n^Tw'w^ss ^fjfc EHtngwood, 8200 Central Street has returned from a professional Yislt in AdalT, HI. :'-';':/ Miss Nellie MMer of Kankakee, Ill., visited her sister. Miss Miller, 1618 8herman avenue, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. James Byers of Laurel Bun, Pa,, are the guests of Mr*. Byers* Stater, Dr. Amelia L. Taylor, 901 Lake •treat , Mrs, and Mra. B. P. Woolworth and son, Curtis, of 2018 Harrison street, returned Sunday- from a visit to Omaha, Neb;, and St Louis, Mo. Mr. Clarence B. Fair, 608 Dempster street, Is again at his place in the Church street newspaper department of Chandler's, after a week's illness with tonsilitls. Mr. A. P. Mochon and Mr. Fred Krauchmenhauer of Wheaton, 111., were over Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mochon's brother, Mr. O. F. Mochon, 620 Clark street -_.. Mrs. Bert Gale, 2127 Lincoln atreet, and Mrs. Ernest J. Ford of West Rail- road avenue'und Central street enter- tained Saturday evening at a five hun- dred party at the home of Mrs. Gale. Mrs. Mary H. Bovee, 1710 Asburyave- nue, win entertain this afternoon to meet Mrs. -L. T. M. Slocum, who has recently come from Bdgewa- ter, her husband having purchased the Linthicum property, 1815 Forest ave- nue. C Miss Anna Schumer, 736 Wesley ave- nue, entertained fourteen of her friends last Thursday at her home to meet Miss Ida Kipp of Kenosha, Wis., and Mr. Peter Klein of Granville, la. Hearts were played and refreshments were served. Mrs. John Robertson of Jacksonville, lit, who has been visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. W. Daly, 1125 Judson ave- nue, was called home suddenly on ac- count of her sister's illness. She will return later In the season and remain Cor some time with Mrs. Daly. ^!M*^ere4 at the Avenue House: The*. £3. Boyle, Chicago; L. M. Walch and wife, St. Louis, Mo.; F. W. Moore, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Marie Held, Palmy- ra, Mo.; J. S. McElvy, Jr., Ann Arbor, Mich.; J. Blumrosen, Ann Arbor, Mich.; P. Dodgshum, Chicago; O. M. Xelaad, Ithaca, N. Y. Miss Rebeccah Oakes, 1411 Chicago avenue, left,for the east last week to attend the marriage of her nephew, Murray Sargent, son of Mr. and Mrs. H, ft Sargent and Miss Mary Hale Cunningham of New York City. The wedding took place Saturday after- noon, Jan. 18, at 4 o'clock in St Thomas' church. New York. The associated clubs of Northwest- ern Universfty settlement will hold a court carnival and dance at Schoen- hofen's large hall, Ashland and Mil- waukee avenues, Friday evening, Jan. 24, for the benefit of the settlement building fund. The king and queen of I rerels will be enthroned and in their honor a series" of national dances to costume will be presented. The tJnited Order of Foresters hem its annual Installation of officers last | Thursday at I.O.O. F. hall. Mr. Gee. | Campbell of Chicago, installing depu- | ty of the northern district conducted f the installation. The oalcera installed were: qhief ranger, Jno. Flahin*; vice ranger, James Peck; past chief ran- gar, Jno. F. Boyer; treasurer, Mama Boyer; eecretary, Julia Witt; chief Archer, Chas. Boice; chaplain,Merga- |f|piisi Clark; Inner woodward, Was, Witt; f y% jowter â-  woodward, James Berry.- It fHH wae an open installation after which «n elegant feast was served. Newman Council, Knights of Colam- H§#fs, held ite regular meeting last Tmursday. They enjoyed a smoker, fol- lowed by an entertalnmeiit every num- ber of which waa very pleasing if gfkflonibla Quartette Osseett, Mu J* â- la; wm he Mr. Philip McGuire, Grand] Mary C. of the Merejuette eoandL gave **Tli# Good the fwmtaa^ GaaDoforTbem- The^ Country.* Henry Raconteur, told some fine clMar* stories in the IriaV Scott* aa4 ifsjsft WflL BL siilhoalsotlr In tho history fr&m Mrs. FranltHsthes of Thayer street; has aa her guest her mother of Cin* cinnatL â- _^MPr.-~ Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harris, 986 Ma- ple avenue, leave this week for Miami, Florida, Mr. & 18. Setts, 2219 Central street has returned from a business trip to Des Moines, la. Mr. Bttwaro Stanbery, 1410 Chicago avenue, has returned from a business trip to Des Moines, la. Mrs. O. 8. Bowman, 1786 Ridge ave* nue, haa been entertaining her cousin, Mr. Fred F. Post of Boston. Mr. William S. Lord is spending a couple of days in Riverside, as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Blaney. Mrs. H.' W. Carlisle, 2148 Sherman: avenue, It entertaining her cousin, Mrs. John Dalsell, of Denver, Col. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Whitlock of the Oak apartments have returned from a vacation spent at St. Petersburg, Fla. Mra. A. B. Botsch, 1108 Asbury ave- nue, announces the engagement of her daughter, Angela, to Mr. Louie Arns of Bvanston. Mrs. Afhne snd daughter. Miss Erna of Middleton, Wis., have been the guests of Mis. J. C. Schuett, 1916 As- bury avenue. Mrs.' Harvey G. Edwards,^ 1436 Dempster street and little daughter, left last night for a two weeks' visit in Dayton, O. Mr. Barl Gibson has returned from Warsaw, Ind., to remain with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Gibson,. 2146 Sherman avenue, Miss Laura McNaugbton, 2419 Hart- zell street entertained a number of her friends at aa "old-fashioned party" Saturday evening. Mr. Guy Klbbee of the Bvanston Stock company is residing with Mr. and Mrs. William F. Gardner, 811 Washington street Miss Gertrude Lake, 1708 Ridge ave- nue, left last Thursday for Clearwater, Fla., for the winter. She win stop at Wyoming, Ohio, en route. The real estate and insurance board will hold itp monthly dinner at the Avenne house tonight. An interesting program may be looked for. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Huxtable, 431 Sherman avenne, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Dwaine Sason Albery, at Crystal Lake, 111., for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stone of Rocn enter, N. Y., are spending the winter with their daughter and family, Dean and Mrs. John F. Hayford, 674 Ingle- '^â- MmamP. â-  -, JPVvev6wf> â- >'• ***• Mrs. If. M; Kirkman has issued in- vitations to a tea, to be given Jan. 2S, In honor of her daughters, Mrs Kile G. Kirkman snd Mis. Marshall Jay Kirtonan. - Mr. George T. Ke&ey, 1020 Judson avenue, has resigned as a member of the board of directors of the Bvans- ton Public Library. Mayor Paden has not appol&ted a ancceeaor as yet. Mr. aad Mrs. Hsrvey C. McClary, 1202 Hinman avenue, have issued invl- tatlone to- the marriage of their daugn- tar. Miss Sua Gortrude McClary, to Mr. Horace Lathrop DawSon, son of Mr. and Mrs. & A. Dawson, 1228 Jud- son avesne. The ceraasony will la performed by the Bbv. George Craig Stewan at St Lake's church at 8 o'clocA on the evesdag of «eb. t. A large reception will follow the cere- "mm- ^^i -â- â- T -' »** ~ -*â-  - ** "»- - * • â- -. ----------. . m ^ . _ _ _^-------_ .. gave) its asm asaaasj ianeaeon TaeMay sA th^ gvanston Coaa^ by.. Ala program: A group of (selected), Mrs. Mary Baker by t/jiSa May RelBey. Forfeet Tribate." Miss RefBeyha of tha aehool of esprcealnn at the it ti Ttiatim, !oaaer, J Geary, G. P. Oobbssa J. P. Hartray, . . .^.HiMsa^.^^- KsstfBsy, 'Ml'. M. Katlar, H. at MeDoav aMv Jl F. M^Cass^ It H. ftftOA. j% JL â- aagb, F. J NIDsa, Y. U OTMallsv X P. T»-^ rJrewnell sjasi MQav .-*^ r. oraanss In aisatdaal if Mra RTTMeCatl . Mias Helen Slocsm, 1115 Forest ava- nue, is in New Rochelle, N. Yvoti f-Mtm\ J. li'illSllf^9 U in Terre Haute, tad., for a of weeks. â-  â- â- -^.. ^ :y .';'â- â- Â§ Mr. and Mrs. Romaino Warren Saturday to make their home in ft. A card narty was given M night at Maaon park py the Neighbor hood club. Mrs. Henry! B. Dwight «4I ptt avenue, fa in Danville, 111, for a visit with, her mother. ;•, ... ^ ...,4 W--;M Mr. and Mrs. Newton O. Nelson, formerly of 1207 Montpe street na%e] gone to Wllmette.' I â- . ^:_ t -l'h^4 Mr. and -U^-fi!khk'^H^^% Sherman avenue, returned Sunday from Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. and Miss Simons of New will soon occupy their new horns, 2319 Sherman avenue. ,.. | Mrs. Paul W. Cleveland, 904 tee street, went to Peoria, 111., to visit her mother, Mrs. W. String. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Sheridan, 718 Churcn street, left Tuesday .for a two months' trip in California. Mr. George P. Engelhard, 1521 Hln- man avenue, went to Providence, R. I., last week, to be gone two months. Miss Katherine Smith, 1327 Chicago avenue, left Saturday to spend the rest of the winter in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Washburn have token the house at 1014 Sheridan road, having moved here from Wfnnetka. Mr. D. W. Miller, South Milwaukee, Wis., visited his sister, Mra. John Wil- son, 2114 Maple avenue, last week. Little Genevieve Markles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Markles, 939 Maple avenue, was taken very ill Sun- day with diphtheria. Mrs. Herman MakowskI, 1501 Ash-; land avenue, waa hostess at a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of her hus- band's birthday anniversary* . Mrs. Ella Plther, who has been the guest of Mrs. M. L. C. Funkhouser, 817 Hinman avenue, will leave some time this week tor Jollet, HI. John Wetland, Jr., 1516 Greenwood boulevard, haa just returned from a visit to his grandfather, Mr. Theo- dore Karthelser, at Aurora, 111. Miss Elaine Hunter, 1119 Judson avenue, is entertaining the Misses Margaret Sage of Hartford, Conn., and Catherine Bergan of Nantlcoke, Pa. 0 Ten jolly couples enjoyed a hay-rack ride Saturday night sfter which they were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mra. Swanaon, 2805 Thayer street Miss Focer, who baa been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Matthew J. Mac- Adams, 2021 Harrison street returned Monday to her home at Cape May, N. J. Registered at the Avenue House: H. McG. Clark, Toledo, O.; J. H. Sul- livan, Valparaiso, Ind.; Robert Beaure- gard, Fort Sheridan; John A. James, Austin, Tea. Mies Helen Glenn, 1131 Forest ave- nue, will be one of the bridesmaids at the wedding of Miss Mary McClane on Feb. 1 at Scrantyn. Pa. Miss Glenn left last week. Mrs. Celia Parker Wooley, speaker before the social service department of the Woman's club, wss a luncheon guest Tuesday of Mrs. Harold Icke3, 1415 Elinor place. MJsa -Frances Simpson, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson of the Hotel Monnett baa recently been appointed assistant anperintendent of the Li- brary school at Urbane, Hi alias Tyron and Miss Stratford en- tertained the Girls' Friendly society Monday evening at the Haven Tech- oJcel school Miss Childa, civic teacher at the high scboot addressed mmm Tito Dewey School Neighborhood aa- sodatlon aaaoimces far Friday. Jaav 24, at # p. m^av lectere by Mr. F. W. Niehoia, wpCTtotendent of achoola in District ff, eat "A Bkyde Trip Thteagh Italy * Admission la free to SJHL'"": ' --... , »--â- â- â€¢;'-;â- â- ' P'. Mm a H. Wehrstedt of Mel Sherl- dan road, last Friday night in BHV allneaitid Che inataOatiea of ?S»."2Si.-^ -'^JJ^SiSS'-v!! ?ss-: £^3"^';'"-^^., -m nue, left the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard C. Lake at their home in Clear- water, Fla. Mr. Lisle W. Klncaid, 621 Davia street, furnished plans for two one- story buildings now under construc- tion for Mr. Linster of Mooring * Un- ster, on the southwest corner of Maple avenue'and Foster street The Bvanston W. C. T. U. held the regular monthly meeting Friday with Mrs. Mary 8. Dyche, 1882 Sher- idan road at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. McDon- ald, county president, spoke on *Con- gresaman Hobson's Great Speech and Plan," Mr. Robert E. Whitney, 1248 Aa- bury avenue, who la Inspector of agen- cies of the central department of the New York Life Insurance company, is attending the annual convention of the field workera of the company at Ormond, Fla. Mr. and Mra H. B. Wheelock, 1040 Hinman avenue, gave a box party at the opera house Tuesday night to hear Mme. Tetraxslni In "Rigoletto." Their gueats were Miss Helen Bortoa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln Bart- Mr. H. C. Buchenberger of Ham- burg, Germany, general manager of the Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ineuraace company,, and Assistsnt Secretary George Aachermann of the United States branch of the company, have been the gueeta of Mr. and Mra. H. W. Kelsey, 1046 Ridge avenne. The Men's league of the Second Presbyterian church gave a ladles* was a stereopticoa lecture by Rev. O. F. Jordan on The Alma and Ac- complishments of Oddfellowship. Miss Edna Storms gave readings. Mrs. B. Rageurberg, contralto, sang. The spelling school at Wheadon If. E. church last Friday evesing wss a saccsss In attendaace aa well as Inter- est The young people spelled first, Urn leaders being Mies Locke aad Miss Bachua Mms Petty waa the winner In this contest After the with Mr. Tucker and Mra Chareher Olr. George O. Bsviala property ...........^,;;...., ..... kMr. mtid'1!^' ^ Michlgai#|fr#^ ..,...,_,,,..,_..,._ ja^afciiii?^^ ttirs^-iifti^ man avenue, #ai^bemi^ ^ii;;ln^rv^M*!i:v^*i^ Peoria, i.^iwri** , ; Mfi-Ctella^Pa^ Etouglaa Center, Chicago, spoke before the social service meeUng Tuesday evening In ths Me^^ ;f:Mrs^*3piip^ avenue, whose husband was buried Jan. 6, has gone to Janesvllle, Wis., to remain for a while with relatives. Mr. P. L. Whitehead, T13 Michigan avenue, has gene on a three months' business trip to Philadelphia, Pa.. Washington, D. C, and New Mr. Roger B. McMullen, 10S1 Grove street baa left on a short business trip to New York city. He will Ifc away until the latter part of the monttt . ,. ::: '^l§:$i +„* Miss M«P1ierson Wm^ttVw^l^ Hubbard, 620 Davis street, attended s club party last Thursday afternoon on the south side of Chicago at the home of Mra. McDonald on Madison avenne. The last "at home" of Mrs. O. B. Tennis and Miss Tennis was held Tuesday at their home, 1620 Judson avenue. Mrs. Arthur Cable, the Misses Margaret and Mildred Armour will assist. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Gross and Gleasen'f All S mi- ll •Mm~**L~*n*nmm 0«t_. SOL N. W. « Dpsb «SSf«SS| ljQ*p*»â€"k _______^ llsenf iftate ' -MM p%**C4mtr*l4S1? HBERG | 'i^*~'

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